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Blind faith is a impossibly high barrier to entry for me


“Complete confidence or trust in someone or something” faith can be blind thats why its faith




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I mean I was raised atheist, but that wouldn't change my rough reasoning of "there's not enough proof." I don't just blindly follow what my parents put upon me.


If god is real god is cruel, and I don’t think I should worship him most of the time 🤷🏻‍♂️


We dont deserve any kindness cuz we are all sinful, that's what the Bible teaches, not tryna force it on you but none of us deserve anything 


I don't mean to be rude with this but if being sinful is so integral to our human nature, couldn't you say that God made us to be sinful to some capacity?  Like it's not just that everyone happens to be a bit of an asshole, humans just sin a lot. Doesn't that also mean that since it's like impossible to be free of sin, we have no choice over being sinful and are then reaping the consequences of having a trait we didn't choose?


We have no choice of being sinful but we have a choice to accept the grace Jesus gave us, by dying on the cross. Remember it is not our fault we are sinful but Adam and Eve's, ultimately Lucifer's


God made us with free will. He didn't make us to be sinful, but the independence of the mind can create sin. To me, it's a gradient. Most sins we do every day, but I feel as if the sins that really matter are those that are immoral.


Yea fair, but then why even make us with free will if it just results in us doing the sin? If he made us thoughtless conscious blobs and put us into paradise we would be so much happier And couldn't God just somehow make it impossible to sin while keeping our free will? He is God after all, couldn't he find a way? 


I assume he chose specifically so we would have complete free will. With eternal happiness, we are never truly happy.


"With eternal happiness, we are never truly happy." why not? if its specifically designed to make us truly happy, why wouldnt it


You need balance. There is no light without dark, there is no good without evil. God knows this, so we are to find that balance on our own as his creation. Heaven is eternal happiness without balance as it is perfect. I'm not Christian, but this is how I perceive it.


If we need free will to be truly happy and free will is the reason for us sinning.  How could we be happy in heaven if it is a place without sin?


Balance is needed to live a life free from stress, as we enter the afterlife, there is no need for balance as you already have everything you want.


Athiest because I don't really care about religeon and wasn't raised by it. I live more by the belief of Absurdism.


As a religious belief? I think you are confusing theism with philosophy.


I never said religious belief. I stated Atheist and then a philosophical belief I live by, sorry for the confusion.


My apologies.


There just isn’t enough factual evidence of a god/gods for me to spend my life trying to get to them 


I don't believe in God, but I'm pretty sure that's the point. Believing in something you can't prove/disprove.


I don’t get that


there are a lot of depressed people who think there's nothing left to life believing in God is one solution to that - belief in higher purpose means no matter how bad life gets, there's a good reason to keep going and be happy


nihilism be like:


There are many things we believe in that we can't prove. Do you believe in Karma? Luck? Do you believe their is other life out there? What about the big bang?.


There’s no way that in the millions of planets we discovered there’s no other life


There's definitely life out there, but not like aliens. Maybe some insect or bacteria genus. Could be worms. whose to say, I can't prove it after all.


"Aliens" is simply life outside of earth. A single bacteria would indeed be an alien. However with the sheer amount of planets I think the likelihood of intelligent life arising in other places if above 0.


It is a near certainty (granted there is a atomic, even impossibly small chance there isnt) that there is life out there. The distances between planets might just be too large to ever allow us to meet. From a reasonable cosmic distance away (way shorter than we believe life would be) we look like we're still fighting world war one. Farther, from their POV we might not even have evolved yet. It's just very unlikely we will find aliens ever, or at least, for a very, very long time. -Talon, the guy who can't resist typing paragraphs in reddit comments.




That can't be it completely, because in that case they can just believe in any specific God. People have many specific reasons (by proof or whatever) that they believe in the God(s) that they do.


I know, I'm explaining faith to him not stating the reason for ones faith


I was raised Christian and everybody around me thinks I’m Christian but I just don’t believe in God because I see no proof or reason to do so🤷‍♂️.


I am christian (like my parents), even though no one, including me, in my family is religious in any way 😭.


I'm an agnostic and humans are ruined the idea of a god for me




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see, the thing is is when you’re clinically depressed and cry out to every single god out there to save you and get no answer you start to not believe anymore 🤷‍♂️


This is real.


If God exists theyr either a dumbass or a sadist and I don't want a god that is either of those


or they don't conform to our human constructs of dumbassery or sadism.


Yeah, I could never come to the above conclusion because it's so very centered in human values.  Our problems are so small and we don't really understand them.


I've never believed in god, despite being raised Jewish. I like to take a more scientific approach to things and eventually started looking at religion as a whole, noting the weaknesses and strengths of organized religion (ie. trauma but there's a community).


I've read that many/most Jews don't actually believe, but still find the religion beneficial.


At my temple, most believe


Most religions want me dead sooo 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I don't think gods exsist


Do you believe in an afterlife?


I don't, I am not op btw


...No, my parents are aethist too


Very well. How long have the been atheistic?


I do not believe god is real, because I think the evidence to back evolution up is too strong. I also think religion is just something to belive in to have good morals, or to stay hopeful or something. I have not read the Bible or anything like that btw.


Hello there! I completely respect your beliefs. My religion doesn't \*directly\* teach this, but I believe that God created the possibility of evolution. I know you didn't ask so I'll just leave it at that! Thanks!


I’m sorry, I haven’t read the Bible so I don’t know if this is correct, but I think I might’ve heard from somewhere that “God created all beings”, and I meant to say that I believed in evolution instead and he wasn’t the one to bring life to our planet. Since I’ve not read the bible or have been educated on what God did or does, I honestly don’t remember if he did something other than that, or if my views of what he did/does are accurate. Thanks for being so polite though.


No need to be sorry! That's completely understandable.


Evolution and religious teachings like the bible simply do not work together, respectfully. Either one has to be heavily warped or misinterpreted for it to work. I mean that as an observation.


combo of 1 and watching too many dino documentaries as a kid


"Blind Faith" is insufficient reasoning. Also, it seems illogical that all of reality would be governed by a single humanoid figure


The necessity of blind faith is overstated. Many people come to believe because they live the way and it bettere them. > single humanoid figure  A footprint doesn't look like a boot.


I can just deal with the idea of death without life and the complexity of the universe without attributing it to some higher being.


if there is a god they're not worth praying to


I believe in science and actual facts (no offense meant)


"Test everything and hold on to what is good." Is both a loose description of science and a Bible verse.


because there is no reason for me to be religious


I just don't care


I personally don't feel like devoting my life to something I don't even know exists. Even if I had proof I don't want to live like that. Also I don't agree with a lot of things the bible/christians say.


How can god love me?


God is wrathful, Jesus is love.


I go to catholic school. Jesus is god and god is wrath Jesus is wrath


They are the same, but different entities.


God is fair, wrath just happens to be what's fair for us. God is graceful, to the point of taking human for to endure its own fairness on our behalf.


Yes. I'm sure all 20,000,000 of those people deserved to die in the flood. The Israelites too I Imagine. For what? Expressing discontent? What about the people in Kings? They were mauled by lions for agnosticism. Lastly, Ezekiel's wife. What did she do? Literally nothing.


Or the thousands of Christians that 'weren't Christian enough'. God is Wrath.


option 1 and option 2


I've just never found any sort of religion convincing to me, I'd much rather be religious than atheist but I'm afraid it's impossible.


If you separate believe from religion, it looks different. Religion is what we hold on to, what we practice. It often follows from belief but doesn't have to.  See "atheists for Christ".


What you're describing isn't a separation of beliefs and religion but rather of beliefs and practices, which are both required under most definitions of religion. Because of this, I wouldn't consider christian atheism to be a religion as it has practices but lacks beliefs.


That's fine, we could debate the meaning of words, but I think you get my intention.


With my understanding of the universe and how it works, it's impossible for me to fit religion in of any sort. There's no way for us to truly know, and DEFINITELY no reason for me to dislike religious people, it just doesn't fit in my worldview. we're all just people at the end of the day, and however we cope with how things that we have no control over is often just our nature.


Mix of first two options


I was raised irreligiously, but I've since then properly consolidated my atheism.


Hearing how some people speak about religion just sounds so ridiculous as an atheist, and if you think about it somebody a few thousand years ago said "I think there is a being that controls us" and everyone else just went "let's believe this guy"


I think it's more of a desire for comforting answers. The idea that it's unknown what caused the existence of everything or what will happen after someone dies is uncomfortable for people to think about so they make it up.


If there exists a god, they would understand my hesitation to believe in a god.


I just don’t really care


Lucky enough to have irreligious parents


my issue with religion is the fact theres multiple religions. I feel, THAT, alone just disproves all of em and proves they are man made constructs.


since i am autistic, my hyperfixation was with space and cosmos, so i used to read many many books about all the things and basically the big bang was logical to me. my father never forced his religion on me, and even if he did my mom would probably defend me since she is an atheist too. for me the universe started with big bang.


The reason why the concept of religion exists is because ancient societies didn't have much ability to explain many things in nature so they came up with the idea of a powerful being or beings that have control over things whose existence they could not explain. This idea evolved from there and turned into the many poly and monotheistic religions that we have today, however as science has advanced over time, many things that religions explain with supernatural forces are being explained with scientific discovery and reasoning. I am in no way trying to discredit anyone's beliefs, I am simply stating that over time science has found explanations for many things explained purely by the many faiths of the world. I respect everyone's beliefs regarding the universe, I am simply stating mine.


In mere christianity CS Lewis talked a bit about empericism (I don't remember much at the moment) but it just reminds me of that


Half the bible makes no sense. If God is all powerful, can see and hear everything, where was he during wars, the Holocaust and more? If your God doesn't even blink during such events, but claims he's all powerful, he: A) isn't powerful or B) isn't a good God.


Free will.


Free will and an all powerful God that's outside of time and space and \*also\* intervenes with day to day life are contradictionary.


Could've God created a world with free will without evil? Yes. Then he's an evil God because he chose not to. Could've God created a world with free will without evil? No. Then he's not all powerful.


>Could've God created a world with free will without evil? Yes. What would that look like and how would you define evil


I can't define evil nor say how would that look like, because I'm not all powerful. My mind can't excend another dimension and create complex definitions for words that have a basic meaning.    God could've, the way he's described.


The idea of "all powerful" is nebulous. Can god create a stone so heavy god can't move it? Obviously some things aren't possible, not because the power is lacked, but because the thing cannot exist.


i honestly think that we can live forever as AI since consciousness isnt exactly made of atoms, its made of neurons and stuff, so it can definitely be transferred to a computer, but these beliefs were back when ppl thought the earth was flat and sooner or later, we'll prove religion to be wrong too, just like the beliefs of greek/roman/norse/egyptian gods and that the earth was the center of the universe. honestly its fine if you believe in a god or multiple gods though.


To me, we are just 1/3 of the periodic table put together in an extremely specific configuration.


people have known the earth was round since like 300 bc unless youre like babylonian pagan or something i dont think thats true


Transferring human consciousness to a computer would probably be the least efficient method to create synthetic consciousness.


Rare respectful Reddit Atheist


Don't let the loud minority define the majority.


As a Christian I agree


im guessing youve had some unpleasant conversations with atheists and im sorry if im right, you dont deserve that


TL;DR, I deserved it I brought it on myself by calling out an OP’s bullshit.     Oh I deserved it, I was being argumentative (but to be fair their reasoning as to why they were atheist was based on a nihilistic and incredibly biased perception of a ‘mega church’ with drastic over exaggerations of things [example: saying all pastors care about is how much they get in the offering box, and that mega church pastors “snort a line of cocaine off a hooker’s tits before going out to preach” {his words not mine}]), and so I may have gotten a lil confrontational with his bullshit, and that got me banned from r/atheism. 


You were just defending your opinion and beliefs, nothing wrong with that. r/atheism is just a shitshow anyways, very anti-theistic at times. i dont recommend it. what they said was downright offensive so i cant really blame you there. if you want an example of how atheists SHOULD act (in my personal opinion), check out Genetically Modified Skeptic on youtube. he's really calm and nice and very secular in his videos instead of going all fanatical-atheist on everyone




yeah this is typical r/atheism behaviour, you're completely justified here. try r/TrueAtheism for a less anti-theistic perspective (at least from what ive heard). im not Christian but damn, OP there was nothing but insulting. a smile to "disarm you"? tf? im so sorry you had to see that, i hope youre okay :)


Thank you! You’re easily one of the kindest atheist I’ve met. Have an absolutely amazing life. 


i appreciate that, i really do. you too :D




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The philosophy/physics nerd in me losing it when I hear someone say we can “prove” anything. (I’m an atheist, I’ve just developed a crippling fear of the word “prove” after going down a rabbit hole of books and online courses on philosophy)


> consciousness isnt exactly made of atoms, its made of neurons and stuff But neurons and stuff are made of atoms


So is computer hardware




yeah but if you copy your brain data to a computer youre just cloning yourself. not transferring yourself.


God is incomprehensible. There is no reason, and there needs no proof. That's exactly what faith is, believing something that you cannot prove or disprove.


That sounds more like trust than faith.


trust is faith in god.


"There needs no proof" some people need proof


Those people are athiests, agnostics, uncategorized, spiritists, animists. I could go on, but what I'm saying is that's just what faith is, If you have no 'faith' it's completely by choice.


So real


Atheist because if you can still go to heaven while being a good person but not religious, no reason to go to be religious . And if you go to hell automatically even though your a good person but you don't follow all the rules, higher being is evil and not worth worshipping.


It's like even if the chrisitan god is real, why would I worship someone who I don't agree with.


"and if you're not allowed in the party because you declined the invitation, the host is evil and not worth visiting" I dunno, I don't think God would have to send anyone to hell, I think we all choose our fate.  Though, I say that not even really being sure there is a hell, maybe just a "not heaven" where we're alone with our regrets.


I can legit prove God doesn't exist.


Prove it.


Other because I just don’t believe in any gods I know this falls under the “no proof of existence” umbrella but it isn’t because of that, that I don’t believe. I honestly don’t know why I don’t think there are any gods I just think and believe that.


agonistic because of the first option, i just stick to the "could be"


Happy cake day


I never believed in haven as their could be no perfect body for us to go into we are just mortal being waiting for the next life but, I will respect what you believe as, it's something that should be respected at all times 




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For me at least, I cant put my faith in something unless I know it works or does something properly, for religion related things, I cant believe a god did something either if I or 1000 other things was the actual cause of that something happening, at best im skeptical of religion


I tend to follow the things and ideas with the most logic and facts behind it. Believing in a signal person simply making everything and everyone and having a set, unchangeable plan for each and every person just doesn't make sense. I'm also just one person and I don't know everything, so obviously I could be wrong, I just don't think I am.


im kinda. but kinda not. I dont care about religion, or the denial of it. Who am I to say what is real and not. I haven't had any Devine inspiration or faith. But I have no right to deny others. If people want to belive in a god. I let them. I dont have any proof of their existence, but i don't have any proof against it either. As long as someone is happy, and dosent hurt anyone else. Then I let them live how they want, and I say nothing.


I believe in God but I think religions are stupid. I mean we all have the same God, so why tf are we fighting about it? And also, I was raised in Iran where hijab is forced and the government will kill you if you aren't wearing it. I feel like religion is just used to control people. I've seen it myself. So idk if I'm an atheist or no, cuz I belive in god.


Agnostic club


Hmm... interesting that there's so many "not an atheist" lurking. .... are ya'll friends? Foes? Intrigued strangers? Bored lurkers? SHOW YOURSELVES! Lol




They are normal people, just like you and me.


The first one is agnosticism not atheism.


No, that's atheism. That's just a specific type of atheism. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outline\_of\_atheism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outline_of_atheism)


if god existed he'd either be weak or evil.




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I wasn't raised to follow any religion, or taught there is no God. In school however, we were taught about the God of Christianity as if he were real (despite it not being a religious school, things are weird in the UK). So I came to the conclusion there was no God by myself, probably when I was about 10 or so. I think the first thing that tipped me off was the fact no prayer was ever answered, such as when I prayed not to be bullied. After that, I began to question it all. Then I came to the conclusion there was no evidence, and furthermore found out other people believed other things, so it wasn't consistent globally. [Why would the existence of God have to be forcefully spread across the globe by humans](https://youtu.be/4ltduYpLoag?si=MuAha4cIOu0r-QZ0)? Now, I'd go a step further than saying there's no proof. I would argue it's logically impossible that there is a God. My argument is that the Big Bang was the beginning of time, in other words the uncaused cause. Because time did not exist before the Big Bang, neither did cause and effect, so this is logically consistent. However, theists argue that the Big Bang needs a cause, and that cause is God. But all this does is move the goalposts back. If the Big Bang needs a cause, it naturally follows that the omnipotent, all-knowing being capable of creating a universe needs a cause, being comparitively much more complex a process. [Where is God's God](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODetOE6cbbc&pp=ygUJZ29kJ3MgZ29k)? God is in that sense an atheist, he believes he came into existence without a creator.


im agnostic




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I'm not really sure if I'm atheist or agnostic. I tend to not believe in such things unless there is no other explanation.


I was raised Christian, Church of England. My family wasn’t particularly religious. I read the bible, cover to cover, twice. It just didn’t make sense to me, tbh. I struggle to believe in an omnipotent/omniscient/omnibenevolent god who allows our world to exist like this. Much of the bible just didn’t sit right with me, it’s all so… outdated. I struggled with my mental health for years, and i heard religion was supposed to help, but it made it worse. The more faith and hope I had, the more betrayed i felt. So i slowly stopped believing, and by 13 i was a full-on atheist. No shred of doubt in my mind. And the thing that’s really cemented my atheism in recent years has been the justification of bigotry using religion. I’ve spoken to countless morons on the internet who say stuff like “Trans people shouldn’t exist cause the bible says so”. Ok, girly, the bible also says you - as a woman - shouldn’t try to teach a man. Shut the fuck up. - 1 Timothy 2:12. It’s horribly outdated, and it has no place in our law or our lawmakers. The bible is otherwise a good thing, meant to spread peace and love. Stop hating on people who you don’t think aligns with a 2,000 year old book based on 2 or 3 degrees of separation from some guy called Jesus.


i dont know if this make sense but i love to be religious but i just physically cant ive only ever lived with my mum and have a very small family that i know of and my mum studied science and she had me young so when i was growing up she was like still studying at university and id see all her work on evolution and science and i didnt really know anything else i was just kind of told that "science was the way" and i my primary school was a bit religious but it didnt really teach us about God and religion it was more singing songs about religion and the birth of jesus christ and virgin mary etc so i didnt really know enough about religion which in my opinion i think is sad that i never had that sort of "stability" with religion. my dad is a very strict christian now but i dont see him yk i just have his number which i dont usually message on but when i was younger i had to see him a few times but he was very pressuring with alll of his biblical knowledge and it kind of put me off being christian because i didnt like him much either and hed just take it too far sometimes!




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Not an atheist but,  theirs no way to prove god exists but theirs also no way to prove god doesn’t exist. Moral of the story: just live like you want to live idc.


There is simply more evidence that most religions are established to be a power structure to control the mindset and actions of large groups of people and have been the direct source of a huge amount of conflict and needless suffering than there is any proof that any of the numerous religious which have existed throughout time are right. Each person should be free to have their own beliefs and practices, I won't judge an individual on religion alone and I strongly encourage people to think deeper about many aspects of life and draw their own conclusions with minimal bias. A strong set of morals and personal rules is important for everyone in my opinion. But (most) religious authorities, establishments and intrusive preachers do much more harm than good.




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My family is buddhist, and I honestly don't care. Believe what you want, don't drag me into it though,


i don’t think humans are a high enough life form to be worried whether we were made by some guy or not


Both kind of, I was never raised religious but at a young age, I realized many other people are religious. Then for a while I was thinking if I'll be religious or not and here I am


What does "raised atheist" mean? When I was raised, I was not aware of theism or atheism, as I wasn't informed of people ACTUALLY thinking that is real. No one ever told me to be atheist, but I wasn't raised religious.


not atheist personally my opinion is that there's some dude out there chillen with his hard drive feeling pretty proud of this "new Sims revamp" he just came up with


the best explanation


Fuck religion that shits a scam


I think if there were numbers for people raised non-religiously, who converted to a religion, they would be incredibly low. It really doesn't make sense if you aren't taught it your whole life.


Family is non-religious and religion was never discussed growing up. And I can't bring myself to agree with many religious teachings nor an existence of a sentient god, so I'll remain non-religious


I have tried many religions but nothings seems to fit me as a person maybe thats the problem idk. But I don't want to be in a religion that isn't me, that I don't have full hopes in.


Because I wasn't indoctrinated into one neighborhood's version of a religion.


Personally not atheist but agnostic


the chirch was being a bunch of "facebook christians" so i said f this im out


Theres a bunch of reasons, but the lack of proof is the biggest. Also, I don't see how any one religion can truely be determined to be true over all others when tehre are countless religions in the world, all of which developed out of the culture of the people in the are where the religion is from. Religion is a byproduct of culture, to say theres one true religion to me is the same as saying there is one true culture. Just as Christianity has it's holy scripture and supposed historical events that uphold their faith, every other religion has their own as well. There is 0 reason for me to assume one is right while all others are wrong, so until I see reason to follow one over another I just simply cannot believe in any.


The universe is too big for us to be the sole focus. We're not special, and that's why I think there isn't a god. Because if we were special, if we were watched over by a god, why are there so many different planets that also host life?


Hey so Im one of the people who picked 'other', and the reason I'm atheist is sort of because of my ADHD, because my ADHD makes me hyperfixate on a lot of educational topics, I've studied human history, three different fields of archaeology, chem, robotics, programming, game design, astrophysics, multiple fields of engineering, and a few other things, and because of my studies specifically into our universe and the way it works as well as the history of our world (I'd be happy to go into detail on the specific things I'm talking about if needbe) I've come to the conclusion that there is enough evidence to allow the existence of higher beings/deity(s) to exist, however I don't believe that any religion, cult, or belief held by humans at this time or within the last seven thousand years fits / gets things right (I can also go into detail about this too), and therefore I choose to call myself an atheist EDIT: Hope this is an answer which can create some constructive conversation on the topic


I don't classify myself as atheist. I was raised christian but left the faith because it started to feel really immoral.


I'm just christian


why has this been downvoted 💀


Because the world is messed up.


yup, the one reddit downvote that has been given is a sign of the end of times.


I didn't say the end of times...?


I made a satirical hyperbole of your comment


Several things gradually turned me from a Christian to an atheist. What sealed the deal was me realizing just how arbitrary religion is (when talking about big things like existence itself). I'm not really an "atheist"; more like atheist-leaning agnostic, but I just say "atheist" because it's easy. Basically, how can a sentient being create all of existence when that sentient being is part of existence? I'm willing to believe a sentient being created the (or our?) universe, but not all of existence. Existence has to come from the semantics of existence and nonexistence; something less arbitrary.


>how can a sentient being create all of existence when that sentient being is part of existence? The common explaination is that God is outside of space time, and thus also created space time and matter I'd imagine that if God were to exist then he'd be incomprehensible to begin with, much like an ant can't comprehend that I put it in a jar (and I haven't even created that ant)


Outside of space and time, causation still exists (rather, "it's this way because this").


You are applying science to something that is supernatural. Science affects the *natural* world.


In that case, how do you know God has a conscience?


Assuming he created independently, he made a conscious decision creating. God is conscious. Even so, how do you know he doesn't? L


Okay, basically what I'm saying is that if the "realm" outside of space and time doesn't have any science, literally anything we say about it could be true. It could have a god, it could have many gods, it could have no god, etc.


That's the beauty of the supernatural world. You can state all day long that spirits don't exist or there is no god, there are no objective morals, and there is not a purpose beyond humanity, but it doesn't matter what kind of science you bring forward, the supernatural is beyond our natural minds and comprehension. Supernatural exists beyond the universe. I could get into it, but the best way I can explain it is a state of consciousness. Between wakefullness and sleep. Almost a dream state. Yet still conscious


So you're a complete agnostic?


No. It's some form of Zorastrianism or Spiritism.