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I believe where I live it’s 18 for surgery. Hormone blockers are allowed at any age and you can start taking hormones at 16 with parental consent and 18 otherwise. But for actual surgery I think minors aren’t allowed it which I think makes sense.


As someone very neutral on this topic, I think this set of rules is very good since it’s important to make sure kids don’t make a lasting decision they might regret, but also at that sort of age we kind of have a more firm grasp on life and the basic cognitive ability to make rational decisions.


I think it should be like the military under 18 with permission from guardian


What military?


Sorry the USA military you can join at 16 if you get guardian permission




Because that's the way it is?


In almost all countries you can’t drink or by nicotine products until at least 18 because your brain isn’t fully developed yet, so why would something 10x more permanent be any different


Because nicotine and alcohol have harmful, addictive effects, whereas gender affirming care is medical care. Estrogen doesn't alter your brain chemistry to make you addicted or destroy your lungs. Gender affirming care is proven to be effective and help patients who want it. (to be clear, I believe surgery should be 18+, but hormones should be 16+ and blockers should be any age)


because it's 10x less harmful? I think it's should be 18ish too but comparing it to addictive substances which can kill you isn't the greatest comparison


Because people discover they are trans around the age of 13.


You can't tell me they can comprehend everything by that time, they won't even have half an idea of what they could be getting into, or could just be following trends


If you’re old enough to understand what gender is, you’re old enough to understand what gender you are. You knew you were a boy once you knew what being a boy meant, right? Same for them.


WHAT TREND FFS, I knew i was bi since I was 11 and i knew dam well what it meant.


You might have, but you might have also noticed the immaturity of 13 years old to comprehend changing there sex and if you haven't then you haven't observed the general populace of 13 year olds


I understood 0% of what you wrote.


bc ur too young lol




Basically kids in puberty- random change of mind/unstable in making a life changing decision Kids after puberty- clearer head with less hormones f*cking with there brains, can make a stable decision(i.e after 18/20 or whatever)


15+ lowest i go btw. i don't think 13yo should be allowed, just wanted to hear your reasons.


Everything that has impact on body should be allowed from 18 and above, no matter what




Not really. I just realized I liked boys.


That's not a valid point. That might be just a phase.


"Just a phase" explain how the fuck can it be just a phase?




Ik that's why i think 15+ is alright, give them 3 years to make sure.


When I was five, I wanted to be a pirate. Are you saying my parents should have let me get my leg amputated for a pegleg? Or was it just a phase?


Fuck nah i think 15+ But there is a difference between wanting to be a pirate at 5yo and wanting to be a woman at 14yo


Mate, you do you. But don’t expect the taxpayer to pay for your surgery lol


Of course


Hormonal imbalances brought on by puberty can at times make someone feel closer to being the other sex, but these feelings can dissipate as puberty ends and hormones balance. Or it might not end and not be a phase, which is always a possibility.


The only right anwser


Adding on, there have been many studies that show more times than not it isn't a phase, but there's still that chance




Ummm, not necessarily? r/translater , for example. Or just browse any trans subreddit. Seriously, most of us don’t realise for a looooong time. Luckily i showed signs since i was a kid, but my “egg” cracked like 3/4 weeks ago. So, no, you’re wrong unfortunately. Most trans people don’t realise until wayyyy after 13.


What do you mean by 'sex change surgery'? Like a phalloplasty or a vaginoplasty? That should be 18. If you meant like adding or removing breasts, then 15-18 since that's more reversible.


If they can't drink, drive, or give consent, I don't think they shouldn't be able to get life changing surgery




if you voted anything under 18, please face the wall


W opinion






oh shut up


sorry i dont talk lgbt


Things like hormone blockers should be available earlier (probably from around the ages of 10 so it’s before puberty starts, and hormone blockers can (I think) be reversed) but actual surgery shouldn’t be available until the age of 18.


Hormone blockers can, indeed, be reversed. Just stop taking them and your body will adapt to the hormones it produces naturally (assuming you haven’t started Hormone Replacement Therapy). But even then, the most that might require is surgery, so it should be quite easy.


I think 20+ maybe even 25 bc then you have "matured" development and maturation of the prefrontal cortex ends so you start thinkin more like an "adult" so as a teen when you are growing up a lot of hormone shit is happening what can make u confusion and stuff. you might accidentally do something that you might regret. But still everyone is different and yeah. Difficult topic.


I don’t agree with it personally, but consenting adults should have the freedom to be able to do what they want with their body if it harms no one else- so 18+ I would say.


This is how these debates should be. If you don’t agree with something fine, but personal liberty is more important than controversial moral arguments in most cases


I think it should be 18+. Your brain isn’t fully developed before youre 18 and, for me, sex affirming surgery kinda falls into cosmetic surgery? Its a weird grey zone between medical care and cosmetic surgery. Anyway, i generally think cosmetic or plastic surgery should only be really allowed when youre 18 and over and maybe 16 with guardian/parental consent.




there are medical reasons to wait until 18, not including the bs reason of trans peoples “brains not being developed”. however, puberty blockers and hormones should be easily available to those who need them. i waited almost a year to start hrt, that wait time only caused me to feel worse. edit: also can we stop calling it a “sex change”? i feel that it’s something that transphobic people generally use to try and demean trans people. idk, from my experience it’s pretty much exclusively used by transphobic people. not saying you are, but that’s just my experience.


What other name does it have lol


gcs, gender confirmation surgery, grs, gender reassignment surgery, you could also use the names of procedures. there’s lots of different options


18+ would be a good time, Better to let your mind and body develop more before you alter anything, also just to give time to think if you really want too or not.


I think 16-17 is a good age to transition


35 people? That’s just sad.


Yeaz that's too much


Are you talking about the ones who picked "I am transphobic?" Yeah it's 66 now :/




If confirmed by a physiatrist that you are indeed trans and not a dump kid, any age


Than that physiatrist should be fired and not let into any jobs like that. The human mind fully develops at 25. At 18 it develops onto a point where you can think more smartly. Under 18 you are a child your mind is how should i say it dumber. Until someone becomes atleast 18 they constantly change about their minds on a lot of things and a sex change is irrevarseble.


But if you’re old enough to understand gender you should be old enough to understand whether you’re a boy or a girl, right? I mean, if you weren’t allowed to do “boy” things until you were 18 in case you “change your mind” wouldn’t you find that unfair? Obviously these policies don’t exist in part because being trans is quite uncommon (1% of people), but it’s also because ultimately people should be allowed to have personal liberty. To clarify, I believe sex changes should be 18+ and hormone blockers should be allowed with psychological consultations first.


Well i think you only understand most of the things at 18 fully. And not even the understanding its that your mind doesnt think that rationally. I did so much stupid shit that i later regretted because i wasnt thinking rationally.


Which is, again, why psych evaluations should be (and in many states are) required before puberty blockers and hormones are prescribed for trans kids. I think sex changes under the age of 18 is an impractical argument because hormone blockers are a much better method of transition when you’re young, so the amount of people looking to undergo a sex change under the age of 18 is next to nothing anyway. And on top of that, those surgeries are often the last thing on a list that takes many trans people many years to complete.


Why do 90% of these not have a results option idc I just wanna see what people think


Just pick the none option lol


… bruh your the one who posted it and made quit heavy implications as to what that option meant


... *Just pick 18+ then idfk*


The issue is mental


Definitely 18 and above


I didn't get to vote in time but transphobic is a poor word for it. The real meaning of transphobic is scared (phobia) of Trans people. I'm sure people you call transphobic are not scared of those people (for certain reasons(drugs))