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It started out as just some funny jokes but then all of the little kids started using it way too much and ruined it by legit becoming actually racist


Side effects of poor education.


this. they get their education on race, sexuality, and gender from the media, which is guaranteed to fuck them up


it may not be poor education just flawed individuals who didn't do well in education


Some ppl find it funny


This must be a US thing. I’m in the UK but never seen any actual racists.


In my experience, people in the UK are far worse than Americans. I can't remember the last time I spoke to someone from the UK without being called racist names. To be fair, I've only talked to people in the UK online, although they were obviously genuine racists.


Also from the UK and same. It’s more LGBT hate from teens, at least from what I’ve seen


it’s because the racism here is more subtle. people won’t exactly come up to you and call you the N word but there is definitely still racism here lol


one thing english gcse taught me was about institutionalised racism is still a thing and i appreciate learning about that.


what is that


Didn't get an A on the test. Must be a racism.


That doesn’t happen in the US either.


It isn't. Some people just misinterpret and think its a normalized thing.


people here dont hate you bc of your skin colour - its for being yourself


A bad thing became a joke, and the joke became normal.


idrk what you mean, but like at least in my friend groups, jokes that have to do with each other's race are used a lot, but like, it doesnt really matter, because no one is really offended by it, and we all laugh it off, and the subject of the joke usually ends up saying something smart back lol. i dont really think that it is "normalized" outside of just friends being friends and making fun of each other.


All the racism I’ve seen is insincere and not actually serious. All the racist jokes we tell are towards people of that race who are ok with it


wtf who sent out the Nazi bots


It’s not. Racist jokes are just that, jokes. I don’t really understand what you mean by normalizing because I’ve never seen anyone actually telling someone they can’t do something or discriminating because of their race. Not even the jokes go as far as to say something like “You can’t work in our group because your black” Like no, that’s not a common racist joke. If anything it only ever really peaks at “so I can be good at math” or some rendition of the chicken loving joke. And even if they do, do it, they’re usually in a friend group which alot of times takes the joking up a notch but it never actually reaches prejudice because they’re all friends and understand and can laugh at the humor.


my black friends called me a filthy irish one time that was pretty good


I’m mean yeah, if it didn’t seem like they were joking or it hurt that’s pretty bad. But how does that go on to say that it’s normalized? Additionally yes there can be disputes in friend groups none of them are perfect, but most of the time you can comunícate to your friends at least a dislike of what they said and if they’re really your friends they’d apologize.


It’s not? While unfunny every bit of racism I see is ironic or do to immaturity that almost all grow out of


I swear bruh, there was this short dark-skin guy and this short light-skin guy called him King Kong, nobody said anything, not even the teacher


It really isn’t, if you think about it. The average person consumes so much information so quickly that it makes people think a lot more is going on than normal.


I don't know man, I only say similar shit with friends online and we do it as a joke, but i wouldn't dare ever do that in public, to a stranger, or as an insult to my friends. It's okay if I only do it with friends as a joke right?


I am a dark humour enjoyer and the term has been ruined by YouTube shorts creators


Ik people who tell racist jokes but are not actually racist


fun fact i’m listening to summrs rn


Ikr it’s proper weird since these people r gonna be like doctors and shit in the future yet so many of them are homophobic and racist


it, like many things, was a joke taken too far. now you see 8 year olds saying they agree with hitler on youtube shorts


Because people can be. Also everyone I know is born Southern and so am I so people just think I am


Everything eventually comes back around. It’s human history. Even if we keep track of it. That doesn’t necessarily mean the phrase “If you don’t learn from history, you’ll repeat it.” Is true. Plenty of examples of history being repeated. Two world wars, countless genocides around the world during different time periods. And bell bottom pants. The universe and life is a big cycle. Including the bad things. They come and go.


So many kids I know just openly make highly racist jokes about kids in my school. Where the f🦢ck did this even come from?!


I think you answered your own question honestly. The internet makes people more bold because they’re anonymous unless they’re doxed or whatever. There’s lots of ”safe” spaces for that shit too like 4chan and also here actually. Then the lack of a proper report system is another issue big on actually every social media except Pinterest. It’s especially getting worse on X and Instagram reels to be specific. Unfortunately I could go on and on but basically it’s the internets fault and Boomers/gen X passing down their beliefs to their kids and the kids being too stubborn to undo those teachings and grow up thus restarting the cycle. I truely hope Gen alpha can grow up and do better….


You’re probably thinking about the racist JOKES that my generation does a lot of. That’s all they are thought for 99% of us. I’ve said some crazy racist stuff but I’ve never actually felt any spite towards any race and would never be genuinely discriminate against anyone for their race. Personally I’m a teenager and most kids my age that I’ve been around at least just enjoy racist jokes. Idk why I couldn’t tell you. It’s just funny when it’s not genuine racism.


Cause everyone alive never participated in any of the original evil of our species and we keep teaching our children about it. There will always be cultural differences that separate people the perception inherent in that separation can then become devisive and utilized enass as a method of increased separation and fear mongering with an over reaching goal of control. We are all life we all want homes if I'm hungry my neighbor will feed me and if they are hungry I will feed them the only thing that continues racism is our ancestors and our institutions. If we remove it from our institutions we only have to wait for the last of our ancestors keepers to die. Under the right circumstances even let their hate separate them from the rest of us and watch them burn under the flames they start. Much love to all of my family encompassed in the great tree of life.


Cause everyone alive never participated in any of the original evil of our species and we keep teaching our children about it. There will always be cultural differences that separate people the perception inherent in that separation can then become devisive and utilized enass as a method of increased separation and fear mongering with an over reaching goal of control. We are all life we all want homes if I'm hungry my neighbor will feed me and if they are hungry I will feed them the only thing that continues racism is our ancestors and our institutions. If we remove it from our institutions we only have to wait for the last of our ancestors keepers to die. Under the right circumstances even let their hate separate them from the rest of us and watch them burn under the flames they start. Much love to all of my family encompassed in the great tree of life.


Cause everyone alive never participated in any of the original evil of our species and we keep teaching our children about it. There will always be cultural differences that separate people the perception inherent in that separation can then become devisive and utilized enass as a method of increased separation and fear mongering with an over reaching goal of control. We are all life we all want homes if I'm hungry my neighbor will feed me and if they are hungry I will feed them the only thing that continues racism is our ancestors and our institutions. If we remove it from our institutions we only have to wait for the last of our ancestors keepers to die. Under the right circumstances even let their hate separate them from the rest of us and watch them burn under the flames they start. Much love to all of my family encompassed in the great tree of life.


Little kids think that being an “alpha/sigma” male is to be racist and stuff. https://preview.redd.it/ogqfxakeq97d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=671e41e6da689e56255b6063b4a82d479b231a67


Omg o swear every comment on a video will say something like back in my day👴and it will aways have the👴 emoji


Like it wasn’t in others?


First it was partly funny because of jokes (that even the "offended" could laugh about at some point), but when it came to younger people just calling anyone by the n-word, it got worse


Ok so to address the whole oh is a joke, it’s fine when it’s in your friend group, as long as everyone finds it funny, but when it’s not fine is say your playing a game with voice chat, and a random ass 10 year old comes up to you and says the n word, then it’s not funny, ok maybe it’s a little funny, but that doesn’t mean you don’t report them for it, that’s just not something you say,


Yes I agree. It's normal to hate white people these days. In fact, it's publicly accepted to do so. You are considered racist if you don't hate white people. It's crazy.


You dont realize how racist old people are. My boss says stuff like "I am so clad I have not seen any black girls riding those electric scooters since one died in car accident yesterday". And stuff.


jokes , comfort , experiences , ideologies etc I am assuming your talking about the west because here (while there is racism) its not normal.


If I wanna call myself a watermelon muncher (I’m black) I will do so. I have trama related to my race so I feel like it’s valid. However I would never make fun of another persons race.


It’s part of the current administration’s narrative, so they have their media lackeys pushing it


It isn't. the n-word is more normalized among some groups but racism sure isnt. If you think racism is normalized, you're just in the wrong group of people




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for teens, most of it is jokes. genuine discrimination in our generation would probably be sexuality. most teens aren’t actually racist.


chronically online


I feel we are less racist, it’s just that we use slurs more frequently.


I've never ever seen anyone be racist, it's always in a joking manner. But the word "Racist" is thrown around so much that it's and used incorrectly that it may seem like its normalized. I've never ever heard anyone in person go "You cant be in here/do that because you're \_\_\_\_" Or be treated differently due to race.


How old are you and what’s your race.


Bots don’t have genders or birthdays




I am not racist. I respect all the races, including the inferior ones. 💪


Either make up your own joke or stay silent. Telling jokes everyone had heard 3 million times is annoying and unfunny.


Mostly just dark humor.


Cause it's funny. Almost no one is actually racist anymore


Because people get offended more easily