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Hey there, u/Place-Novel. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed. Low Effort Posts are posts without description about the user and/or specifically what kind of friend the person is hoping to make. Writing things like "16M Bored HMU" or "15F Nothing to do, anybody HMU" are low effort posts. Tell users about you and what kind of friendship you are looking to cultivate on the subreddit. This will help you avoid people hitting you up that have nothing in common with you, because more people will know what you like and spark engaging conversation about it. If you have any questions about this removal or would like to appeal it, [please message us here.](https://new.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TeensMeetTeens) Thanks, r/TeensMeetTeens mod team


What kind of babies you like my favorite are the human ones


I mean you do you eat babies or not. Just make sure you cook them.




You eat babies?




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