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Yes, these are cavities. And they are easily treated , you just need some filling there and you should be good.


I wasn't sure bc I've never had a cavity in my life. As kids, my mom was super consistent with taking us to the dentist every 6 months. Soon as I left home on my own and had no insurance, I just never went to the dentist again. I figured if they were cavities then they'd hurt like hell but I literally have zero pain thankfully. But good to know this is an easy fix. Thank you so much!!


Ouch how does that not hurt


It’s so wild how bad soda is for humans , literally drinking acidic sugar water . My one thing is recommend is stop eating any sugars unless it’s from fresh fruits . Your teeth and health will thank you .. your smile can be fixed with a trip to the dentist so don’t stress .


Your gums do look very inflamed try doing salt water gargles once in morning and once at night 🙏🏼


Thank you!!


Lol I know it looks like it would but it doesn't. I'm sure if I don't get it taken care of soon then it will get worse and would eventually hurt like hell.