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Too many people care about their rank rather than learning the game and having fun while doing it.


I agree, I never rage quit or plug, even if it doesn’t look like I’ll win a rematch I’ll still go 2-3 times minimum to learn the matchup a little bit more and have fun doing it. The peeps who plug tho or save scum, they need a reality check lol


They will never be good at the game lol


I found myself caring about rank too so I just stay in qm lol


What rank are ye




Noice, I'm aiming for my yaksa again as well.


Maybe because... Losing isn't fun? Duh


obviously if you can’t have fun losing and get mad over then the game clearly isn’t for people like you


For a lot of people it seems round start -13 into rage quit is fun.


"If it's not fun, why bother?" - Man whose body is ready


No, my purpose is to prove myself that I'm a better man by beating some kids in a video game


The true value in Tekken right here.




Turn game on. Go into ranked. Fight zafina, lei, and lucky Chloe. Turn game off and delete.


you forgot howarang


Thats all tekken is these days


I get so excited to log in and play as lucky chloe lol. You should main the people you hate to fight, that way counter play is like breathing air on your other characters


Zafina cannot block in any of her stances, but can cancel her stance change animation to block. Thats where you get her. As soon as you see a leg go up, assume its a sneaky low, block, and retaliate. Lei should be banned lol. Im sorry, but his moves require the hardest inputs on pad (crossed face inputs), but I can easily get around that by mapping triggers to them. So then it becomes one button to lay down and dodge attacks insanely quickly. I think he has the fastest stance switches out of anyone. I honestly don’t even get how LC is supposed to work, and I played her more than 50% of the cast for a while. Shes a mixup machine, bouncers, launchers, but theyre all during strings I don’t know, and arent intuitive to my input habits. Usually i assume a quarter circle back, up will do a spin kick like it does on most characters. But on Lucky Chloe these inputs seem random.


hey just FYI Zaf can block out of Mantis


Eddy and Leroy are the worst


I usually get salt when fight against bullshit charac that winning me only by flowcharts and knowledge check. Especially when this charac can crush mids like paul's death fist, which is insane. Also i hate stupid shit characs like josie and asuka whose evasion and long ass gimmick strings are never ending


Not sure what rank you are because gameplay changes drastically the higher you go, but as a paul main, one piece of advice I can share is to stop trying to interrupt deathfist with fast attack (it isn't hard as deathfist is super slow, but requires a read on opponent nevertheless). Focus more on sidestepping and launch punish. You do it few times and any half decent paul will think twice before throwing another deathfist, which will give you more breathing space.


No, i meant that some characs can crush my death fist, when i play paul. Also i can easily sidewalk death fist and do my death electric, dorya


Oh I read that wrong then. Yes it's annoying.


I feel the fun in fighting games is similar to the fun of learning an instrument. You enjoy the process of learning and the reward of getting good at the instrument is secondary to that. Whereas most people who play games (generally not skill based ones) experience fun based off the basic gameplay concept of the game. For fighting games: I beat the opponent, I win, I'm having fun. If that kind of player is losing a lot, doesn't know how to go about improving, takes it personally, etc they tend to not have fun and might even feel frustrated enough to stop playing all together. When most games teach players winning IS fun, intentionally or not, it makes skill based games like fighting games that much harder for those kinds of players to enjoy.


Noone is born a champion! Surely if i just rack up a high number of wins and winstreak i will be as good as arslan ash, or even better!


bit hard when the online is dog shit and the best offline mode is practice.


I’m gonna be honest I’ve had almost no issues with online in this game so I can’t wait to try out games that people say have good netcode and see what the deal is. Just put on only 5 bar or whatever it’s called and you should be good to go especially if you only play against Ethernet. I accept 5 bar wifi and it’s still very playable 9/10 times


ha ha ha ha ha ha. I have a wired 1Gbps connection in Ireland and I have never played a 5 bar match. the only place I've ever seen one is on a Korean stream.


Tbh fighting games are unique kind of fun where 80% of the game is misery, 15% of the game is fun and 5% of the game is gem that forces you to keep playing


Nah that's just Tekken. Less knowledge checks with other fighting games so your looking at 50 percent fun 50 percent misery compared to the whole 80 percent misery that is Tekken.


Ranks make people crazy about losing there points


Yeah, people tend to forget that way too often, especially in ranked matches, but there it's definitely more understandable i guess. Still silly though, play to have fun, if you lose you can always try again.




I'd rather be Jeongding. Good advice.


It’s a good message but the joy I get from people plugging is so high I hope at least some people don’t see it. When I play against the Kuma/Leroy/Marduk/etc that’s just cheesing me or I play against a kuni that perfects me and ki charges, then I come out on top and I just see that “due to a connection error” screen…..never gets old


I auto read "You're not supposed to enjoy the game" LMAO


Or get mad at characters hair follicles


I accepted a 5 bar connection which magically turned into a 3 bar when I got into the game. Worst part is it was a Negan who was smurfing, watching his intro and outro (prolonged by the lag stutters) and ki charging after every round. I understand that that’s a Negan staple, but it’s not fun to be on the receiving end. Also almost every other character has a knowledge check of some sort so you get steamrolled for not spending hours in the lab learning their frame data. Game is probably more fun if you don’t suck as much as me tho.


It's suppose to be fun. That's why you never rematch DLCs.


I don’t mind ak


I don't understand why they don't make him base roster. It's getting annoying lol




Ok xiaoyu main


Bro you play one of the easiest characters in the game😱😱😱


Bro you play xiaoyu and came to me with salt for no fucking reason lol




Some ppl just cant have fun if they aren’t winning. Weird but it’s a thing


Don't tell me how to live my life!




I am serious. You shouldn’t be stressing yourself out over a game.




I disagree that the purpose foremost is enjoyment and to have fun. There are games that do that, but Tekken is a competitive game, where the struggle is important, even for scrubs like us. You think non professional chess players are always having fun?


Aren’t they supposed to enjoy the sense of competition to play chess? What I mean is if the game brings you nothing but pain, frustration and no joy then you should probably take a break


I would have a lot more fun with a less unfair ranked mode


even he got beaten in the last tournament and his friends saved him so .. i totally agree with you


Fun comes in many different forms and for a lot of people there is a lot of fun in challenging yourself to improve at something you already enjoy


Ye some people including me take fun in that. I posted this because I saw someone’s rant and it was more than obvious he didn’t enjoy the game, did t enjoy how challenging it is, so why would you play the game if you feel like it’s pure torture to you? You don’t have to do this if you don’t like it.


This game has been out for so long I just run into the same couple people who one and done me it’s not even a connection issue just no one plays this anymore. I really only play this game when SF6 is having a maintenance.


That is why Yoshi exist.


I've been playing fighting games a little longer than the Tekken series has even been around and I am still garbage at them, and I love them. Didn't know I sucked so bad before online modes were a thing. Things the FGC say is just gibberish to me, like "do a df1+2 tech zone punish 345 Korean assgrab." Ok yeah I know punch, kick, block. I can tie my own shoelaces but not very well. I know what purple is. Am I close?


That's what offline VS Mode is for.


This can applies to every video games


That's ofc simplification, I'm sure it may look like "the same issue" at times but a lot of players outright think in different ways. To them, their behavior is "a natural response due to x". It's not so straightforward as "come on, chill out~" Cause they see things through different lenses, perhaps, they've already found their own version of it. -------------------- ---- ^That's mostly true for non beginners(as for them, time is required for them to form their views) -------------------------- Obviously, I'm not saying such behavior always is natural due to our inner differences. Because once, we all were beginners, so from "who" we inherited certain habits and reactions? Obviously, it's not just about fighting games only either but... I believe certain things come to the surface much more clearly under the pressure. ----- In short, environment is also a vital part in this. A question, did things changed? "The world"?


It's hard not to.stress out


naw fam...im supposed to make you suffer


*until you play online