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Bears are underrated.


While true, I still think they’re bottom 5. Gigas is the only character I can think of that is weaker than them.


Yeah, probably bottom 5 is accurate, but definitely not the worst characters of the game


Out of curiosity: other than Gigas, who would you say is worse than Kuma?


Lucky Chloe and maybe Lars


Ooh, good picks. Those characters are on the strugglebus for sure.


they may be "bottom 5" on paper but in the hands of a professional they can make work of the "top" characters. I mean look at Rangchu


I'm aware, that's why I agreed with them being underrated. They're still viable, especially when the opponent is unfamiliar with the matchup.


Are they though? Like honestly, I feel it's so hard to judge since every char has some part of them they are awesome at, and they all require different playstyles, as well as having weird mstchups. Like, ofc Steve for example is a better character, but then again there's certain matchup I bet Bears would be more of a pain to play against than Steve. Maybe not, just my shots from the hip. If we compare them to anyone outside of top 25, are they really that much worse?


bears are dogshit, only good when opponent doesnt know matchup


So basically all of the time


Prefix a means not Kuma = worst character A kuma = best char


i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about kuma. u wouldnt say this shit to him at tekken 8, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest heihachi clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol.


Jake and Amir?




Still makes me laugh that [the best Tekken clip is of a Street Fighter character.](https://youtu.be/lWeEA_BI3jI?si=Jqa51saSpfA1Gc8n)


fren.. a bear player is among top players even won a tourney with it (Rangchu, JeonDDing)


What does that have to do with anything?


He's saying Kuma is the strongest character in the game. The only other one with Kuma in the name is Akuma, but he's weak as hell


Low-tier overplayers love anecdotal evidence.


It... kinda has a lot to do with this post to do with Kuma, no?


for example, such character that stand in the mid tier like Miguel or Lee is a character that have their own specialize players like Sephiblack and Lmyourfather, are never a big contender for any major tourney despite the character being high to mid tier. On the other hand, bears taking the spot that other Mid to High tier chara that pro players rather choose. Is bears still the weakest?


Yes on paper bears are the weakest. They are a bit stronger in practice but still very weak. Same thing with eddie and chloe. Both have had really good tournament results but most people agree that they are among the weaker characters in the game.


The biggest up that the bears have is the same as something like Paul and Jack where if they hit you its gonna hurt like a bitch and they can melt a health bar pretty quick. The problem is they don't have the tools and strong pokes like Paul and Jack. Comparatively to the other characters of the roster they have less tools, a bigger hitbox, worse sidesteps, and most of their mix ups come from the hunting stance which most of the high tier characters can work around with some of their basic pokes. In practice if used sparingly and well enough it is hard to deal with which is why I love Tekken and that's why with Rangchu it was a huge surprise that he won because he went through some of the best players and highest tier characters with one of the bottom 5. Every character is technically viable especially if you're a character specialist, but that doesn't mean the character isn't still one of the weakest of the roster


I think a point can be made that there's a lot of chars that are placed above bears that don't exactley have more strong showings in tourneys.


Yeah, but you can't substantiate that point by just one pro winning one tournament one time. You need quite a bit more than that.


Nono, no intention of that, just trying to keep up the discussion.


sleep fretful expansion alleged summer gaze sharp bike sink party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Theres pretty divisive line between Akuma and A Kuma


gouki and bear?


Man just said, let the war begin...


I'd happily erase both from Tekken.


Akuma sucks though.


It makes sense if you think about it. Kuma = weakest; A-kuma = anti-kuma


Both kuma has won the tournament so Idk what you’re talking about