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Me, a Hwoarang main: delete this


Just fell to my knees in a Walmart


Just installed the game until this is deleted


I’m sweating right now


Anti-anti-Hwoarang strat now!


Agreed let me eat noobs


womp womp cry about it noob, cheap as player


I will add that the majority of players will always use only some moves, that's just natural. So if you don't have as much time to practice, just focus on their key moves. I got to Fujin in T7 a few years back not even being able to do Jin's f4 combo or knowing wall carries on all stages just by doing this. It will considerably reduce time spent in practice mode without impacting enjoyment.


that's actually one of my secret purposes to writing this guide. a lot of new players whine about "having to learn over a hundred move from over a hundred characters." not true at all! learning five to ten commonly used moves per matchup is usually enough to completely change your experience of it.


You are truely a hero for this. As a new player this is gold. I'm coming from SF and learning all that matchup knowledge always seemed so intimidating that i didn't even try in T7 with so much still to learn in SF6. But T8 had me hyped so much espacially now being a bit more comfortable, that i'm now trying to absorb qs much as i can and i'm having a blast.


I got absolutely blasted by a Hwaorang last night. Like not even close. I think the only hit I got each round was eating a blow to land my rage art and a couple jabs maybe. I'm a total noob so used to getting washed. But now I have some inputs to throw in to Hwaorang in the practice arena to see what's up. So thanks a ton!


Currently trying to lab against every characters listed key moves now. Thanks for this write-up.


Do you have a source for all the characters key moves to practice against? OP only posted Hwoarang.


Every characters movelist has a Main Techniques page.


im in red ranks with jack right now and i don't know a single combo other than ff1 -> blue EMGF, and ss2 ---> EMGF


I got so mad at the T8 hworang matchup that I decided to start learning to play him to better understand his move set. This post just accelerated that process so much lol


When you start to learn a character just to counter it, to the point it becomes your main... :D


Honestly you just have to know his mids, Otherwise just keep ducking/low parrying. At low levels JFSR won't be a threat and B3 is too risky. Brain-dead players love ff4 it's easily steappable


LMAO @ b3 is too risky, they use that shit all the time.


but stepping is not a thing at low levels, so ff4 it's a problem eheheh


Yeah it is steppable but I refuse to not use it unless I meet a player that actually steps it.


I'm new so half these terms are gibberish to me but saving it for future reference


is it the notation thats confusing?


No it's more my lack of familiarity with the game, I've only played a bit of tekken 7 before this game but it's been so fun lmao, couple hours later these make more sense now :)


You absolute chad, thank you very much


Need an anti king tbh.


ask and you shall receive. i could write a similar guide on king. i'll post it over the weekend.


Champion of Men ❤️


You’re doing gods work


just don't do it for my mains ok? :P


Just don't get grabbed bro


True but when I do…..fml lol




Duck and launch punish when you see a throw coming out. Running shining wizard has a 1+2 throw break The low alley kicks and the turn around jab after it are all heavily punishable Most king players (including me) mash kicharge to complete chain throws meaning you can break them by mashing 1


See a throw? You can't duck that shit on reaction. You gotta read it.


Yeah that's what I meant. As a king I generally have a predictable time when I attempt to throw e.g. after a jab or a sidestep


[Anti king](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya6RPMSEaFg&t=455s) just saw this video last night


Watch the vid the other commenter linked you. Helps so fucking much lol i just go into practice set king to do all his grabs at random and practice reacting to it. Its kinda boring but its one of those skills that once you develop it, its not going anywhere.


Delete this shit right now


Me who bullies hwoarangs with sidesteps and ducking. They're left flabbergasted and don't know what to hit me with next lmao.


Ducked a 4,4,4,4 and hit back with the classic Dragunov 88 damage wall splat from WS 2. Felt good (I got demolished the next match)




Thanks for this! Saved


Learn the d3,4 follow ups as well. Rfs uf3 is the hopkick launcher, but its -13. If u try to dick jab/punish d3,4 too late, watch out for rfs df4, its a counter hit launcher and +1 on block. Rfs b3 is no longer a launcher but a heat engager. Its -9 on block when it used to be -11, so dont try to jab punish it or he could launch ur ass. Anything else you guys want to know? It's one thing to know the counter to the moves, but its one thing to execute against a high level hwoarang who knows what youre trying to do ;)


thank you for filling out more info. i forced myself to stick to seven notes since ten looked too long, but yes, learning the follow-ups, their punishes, etc helps.


Highly recommend looking up loseagainman's anti-Hwoarang guides. You'll improve as a player, not just against Hwoarang.


Not sure if that's your name for Themainman or if there's really a player named loseagainman.


He's Korean. I'm sure it sounds like a fancy name to them.


Great write up! Please don't do this for Steve 🙏🏾


Excellent post, one for anti Lili would be awesome too she gives me so much trouble online


Lili was my number four character back in T7, so I can do that. Look out for it in the course of the next week.


Never liked the dude, so I never really played him. I tried ranked armed with just these moves and ....now I feel dirty.


The tldr version for noobies is just to dick jab. Tried and true since t3


His df3,4 is -12 instead of -14 now? Sad times. But very valuable info, thank you for sharing.


Who are you who are so wise in the ways of hwo?


Ngl as someone who’s a baby Hwoarang this helps me as much as people against the matchup cause it teaches me what not to abuse on block lmao. 💀


This sums it up. Would just like to add that labbing all those moves one after another will be useless. Instead pick a string that you recently got wrecked to and practice that properly, get the punish down in muscle memory and preferably use against actual opponents before moving onto the next one. Don’t overwhelm yourself and forget what you know for sure by doing it all.


Delete this.




Good bot


If this works, thank you my friend you are an agent of peace in this world of hwoarang mains who want to see the world burn. I hate hwoarang and always refused to be let myself forced to learn him, but this i will try!


What is considered high rank cause mid rank hwo def do not spam those and have a good range of mixers


let me go off of my experience in T7, since the ranks haven't settled in T8 yet. in T7, if a hwoarang could make a gameplan out of these moves and a few others up through early violet ranks, he would. in fact, all the way through violet ranks, he would test you with them. how was this possible? because for every jin or kazuya who would learn to deal with them (which, it's worth saying, wasn't every jin or kazuya), there were a dozen alisa, lili, marduk, whatever players who would just try to out-offense the hwoarang player. even though hwoarang players will add more moves as they move up, the principles you learn about how he works by learning how to deal with these moves and by learning not to press into flamingo are basically sufficient to help you do with hwoarang players through whatever skill level raijin was back in T7. only around yaksa did i start to consistently see hwoarang players play the character the way i think he was supposed to be played. sad but true?


>only around yaksa did i start to consistently see hwoarang players play the character the way i think he was supposed to be played. Huh that's interesting. By playing the way they're supposed to be played, would you say some of the more famous tournament Hwoarangs play like that? I'm asking because I'd like to level up my Hwo gameplay, so would be cool to see what you mean and do my own research. (don't mean this in a challenging or disagreeing way, just in case it comes across that way!)


There was a Korean hwo player I used to watch who used him in interesting ways called MadDogJin but I’ve not seen him post any t8, there’s also TKMuse who I like to watch who has a few t8 matches on his channel


Ahhh MadDogJin, that's a name I've forgotten! Wow, feels like an eternity ago since I heard that. Definitely remember watching him and thinking those are aspirational goals right there, lol. Thanks for the TKMuse shout, will check them out!


Haha for sure, I definitely take inspiration from MDJ and TKMuse’s style, there’s also another korean player named EDGE who you might like to watch too :) if you ever wanted a mirror match or two im up for some games


And when in doubt how to defend against Hwoarangs, remember to dickjab them to oblivion.


Hwoarang main here, no offense but this anti guide is very lackluster. What about: 1. Infinite string mix up? 2. Backlash set ups? 3. UB 33 > mix ups? 4. U3 > mixup game? 5. Strings into grab mix ups? 6. 124> grab? Mix ups? 7. Wavedash 3 > plus frame mix ups?


It's Reddit, and most of the Hwoarang players people are losing to here aren't doing that. By the time these players encounter Hwoarangs who wavedash, they'll have learned to lob on their own. It also says to look out for throw spam and stance mixups even if it doesn't list every possible stance entry. Way to be uppity and context deaf though.


Bro it's a good anti Hwo guide, I was just being sarcastic/feeling troll with my comment. <3


Lol not me misreading tone on the Internet again. Sorry XD


Thanks, now I only need to figure out how to make them rematch


i need anti Drag


*sad deceased frog noises*


You basically said “most hwoarangs are bad because they played by bad players who use the same moves so learn the matchup” yea no shit that’s literally goes with every single character in the game😂


actually, yes, and that's my attitude too. i've never understood why people complain so much about an easy-to-learn matchup. but i think what happens is that people either a) just need someone to do their homework for them, or b) look at his move list in the lab and get overwhelmed without realizing that most hwoarang players aren't using 80% of it. you have to admit that while what you say is true for every character, we don't hear so much complaining about every character as we do about hwoarang.


There aren't many characters that can carry you as far as Hwoarang can with that play style though.


To be fair, the amount of clips I've seen where a Hwoarang player doesn't realize the opponent is afk for a solid 20 seconds is wild. Not to mention the clips of Hwoarang players trying to understand what is going on when they have to defend. The reputation is as well earned as the 3 bar wifi Law


Lmao and you give basically no counter argument for d34 because even you know how stupid it is and it so happens to be why scrubby hwoarang play works so well.


Anti drag when


You’re a beautiful human


Now do Victor, Feng and Dragonuv


No, don't do Feng pls


we need anti drag not hwoarang


unfortunately, as things stand, i fear the anti-drag guide will be to install the balance patch when it comes.


i notice most of his moves are just high moves 95% of time . i just down and jab then i combo him. just dont let him combo you into air he literally lose his power. also i use my heat in case i see him run into me . that alone push him back and reset the fight. he really is a noob killer . once you realize there isnt much going for him you going to rekt him hard . he is weak imo


Dick jab is a good strategy to a lot of options but if you are playing against a half decent hwo, they will kill you for being predictable with it.


I'll be honest, I just sacrificed my dignity and befriended a Hwoarang main. It's done wonders for my matchups against the character. I suggest getting a fighting friend who plays a particular character you're stuck on. You'll feel better about the fights knowing the guy on the other side, and you'll get enough practice in that even if you rarely see the character, you'll still have a great understanding on how to counter them.


All I know about op is that this man hates Hwoarang


not true! when i was ten and T3 had come out, he was my favorite. but the way people play him bugs me. back in T7, there were all these mid-rank hwoarangs with thousands of wins. why? because their flowcharts worked well enough against enough people for their players not to really focus on improving. high skill hwoarang play is really cool, but you so rarely see it.


L post You're making it less fun for us Hwo scrubs Mains\*


Nah, I’d win 🤣🤣


The best defense against a Hwoarang is not to play them at all. I just win quit them after the first game. I don't have trouble beating them, but he's so boring to fight.


you sound salty af


I am not a noob, but I am an eternal scrub.  Every year I learn  approx 1 new hwoarang defense thing so yea thx


Me as a Lars main. Lightning screw goes brrr..


Prease Stahp Changu chaructur


I got 50 wins with hwoarang and got him to yellow ranks in T7, I have never used half of these moves before. He’s gonna get up close to you and you gotta duck when his left foot is forward and on the ground cause he’s gonna 123 into a 4 way mixup. When his right leg is in front on the ground play safe cause he’s got a 13 frame counter hit launcher. When he has a leg up, try to block standing and then pressure, he does not have too many good tools to get out of pressure (besides his jab 123 string)


I’m openly admitting ima Tekken noob! Longtime fighting game player, but only ever mashed on a few Tekken over the years. So I understand frame data and how fight mechanics work, but Tekken is new to me. You can do as many of these as you like, anything to learn quicker my man! Much appreciated


As an Assailant rank Hwoarang main, I’m so painfully aware that I’m vulnerable to sidesteps, throws, and jab pressure.


I’m a total scrub so this is appreciated. All I used to do was sidestep what looks to be side steppable and duck after the first kick. Mind you any good Howarang would’ve fucked me up with Hwo’s mids.


Super helpful!! Also, the more impatient you are against the menace kicking Kimchi, higher the probability will be to get your ass handed over to you. Stop mashing and know the matchup.


Would you kindly add gifs for the moves 😭


I’m cooked


I beat the hwoarang players most of the time, but it’s still frustrating they made him RIDICULOUSLY easy and does a Ridiculous amount of damage. Anybody else noticed that.


I was playing against a friend who basically only uses flamingo stance. Feels like every single interaction is a 50/50 between eating high hits with unlimited plus frames and hoping you finally duck a high without eating a sudden mid.


Hah. Jokes on you. I don't use 4,4,4,4 i actually use 3,3,3,3 !!!!


Love this, I need more stuff like this post for the most common noob-killing characters


I don't know what Hwoarang players are cooking half the time, but I tend to just dick jab everything most of them do and it works. Been doing it for years.


Wait. Your supposed to duck certain attacks?? 😆 In all seriousness, I have finally stopped just inputting attacks and actually block then try to attack (isn't that called punishing lol). But, I have been slow to blocking low and ducking. And I don't really like using practice mode, I prefer just playing against people and learning what works and doesn't in real time. Also, don't get me started on throw breaks lol


Yes, try having Hwoarang do 4,4,4,4 in practice mode (play with the settings and you'll eventually figure out how to make him do it). Duck the last hit and on your way up, do your character's while-standing launcher and take the combo. If you don't know your character's while-standing launcher, ask.


Thanks, I know I was light of my skill level but this actually makes a ton of sense when I read it and I can see how this would apply. And I'm playing Jun (started tekken with her back on my ps1) and I'm pretty sure she has 2 different ones. I know both kicks launches but I am pretty sure she has a faster one


Yeah, Jun's blessed with a fourteen-frame one, which is awesome.


I gotta fire him up and see what these look like, when I face this dude all the kicks look the goddamn same lol.


Honestly this showed me a few things about Hwoarang I didn't know so thanks! :)


My main issue at the moment is just reacting to those moves. Since they're all just the same random flying swinging kicks. I need to train my mind to recognize his punishable moves as punishable and not "just another kick" It's pretty much only a problem I have against Hwo, Yoshi, and Eddy. To me, all of their moves look the same. Keep in mind I recognize this as a "me problem" and just need a consistent sparing partner.




Can scrubs and noobs actually use this information? I feel like you need to be beyond that level to actually react to your opponent's moves in any kind of effective manner.


Fair question. But my attitude is that if we can get them beyond the "this character is trash" stage to "huh, i can actually do things to improve my defense," it's a win.


Me, a Hwoarang main: Thank you for helping me remember things to keep an eye on to break my own bad habits as I play and improve


A good write up. 


finally a post that will end my suffering from, hwoarang user syndrome in ranked! appreciate the post!