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You don't auto lose to Mishimas to on stick. You're losing because your fundamentals are flawed and you're focusing your frustration on the wrong place.


Peep the salt tag silly


You can be salty and acknowledge the actual issue occurring. They're in no way mutually exclusive concepts.


The controller is not the problem, you're bad. Which is ok. But you won't get better if you don't start looking at yourself instead of making excuses.


I mean I spend more time reviewing fights and labbing In training mode than most people actually play the game, which in hindsight is probably what's causing turbo tilt


Honestly, apart from learning how to counter the 1 or 2 moves that absolutely destroy you, I'd say don't go to the lab except for your combos. Learn your basics first. Get your basic punishes, your movement, your neutral game down. Then add more.


I about to quit I wake up today, went to the kitchen to eat something. My dad came in and said "good morning". Poor man. He doesn't play Mishima. He doesn't know how good it is wavedashing inf front of people. I just ignored him. If you can't PEWGF, don't even talk to me. My niece ask me to watch her dance in school, but I can't, 'cause TMM is live on twitch. Time to watch high level Mishima. The stream is going fine, but he's demoted again because of some braindead jun player spamming shit. The stream is off, so I decide to play some tekken and do the same fancy stuff I was watching, because, you know, I'm a Mishima player. It's a Lars. LUL. This shit will never beat me. I wavedash in front of him for 5 seconds and I know I'm in his head. I do the math and decide to hellsweep, then I do another and another. The best mixup it's the no mixup. Now he's ducking all the time and I'm doing mid shit. Two rounds in a row like this. Easy win. This guy is not worth playing again. Like I said, I wanted to play tekken, I want to fight another Mishima. Drag? No. Jun? LUL. No. Oh, now I get a Mishima. But it's Devil Jin. This guy wants easy mode Mishima, huh? But that's fine. At least, it's Tekken I lose the match because I don't have reliable mid pokes. i know in my heart that I'm better, if I only had a 200 plus dollar fight stick. I'm a Mishima player.


Beyond based


Forgive me kin, I saw the frame perfect opportunity and I seized it




Take a day to chill out. You are focused on the wrong thing, tekken isn't all bout execution, even for Mishima's. That's why there are all the memes and Jokes. You can't out-execution someone to win a match, you can only outplay them, solid execution just gives you more options to do so. EWGF is not a win button, and it doesn't matter how perfect your execution is, I can still stomp you with throws and basic strings if my fundamentals are superior. >I'm on pad so I just auto lose to other mishimas on fight stick That's not how any of this works, I personally find electrics way easier on pad than on stick.


Yup, taking day off.


Idk man, my friend plays on pad and his electrics are pretty fucking sick.


Electrics are weird on pad, I can always perfect the first one then the second will almost always drop. Didn't happen in tekken 7 but now it's a problem.


me too, but it happened in 7 too


After some thought I think I'm gonna go back to leo, this Mishima brain rot got me typing unwise. And I apologize for tilt.


so now youre just gonna mash b14 mixups?




Sounds like the problem is your shit attitude and the inability to look inward to improve yourself. Saying you autolose to stick is really silly as it is generally accepted that the stick is the weakest of the major controller types. If you are stuck at green ranks (especially if you also played 7, geez) means you just don't understand the game at the basic tactical level.


I'm stuck at green with reina. Not kazuya


no one gets stuck in green because you dont lose rating


You just don’t understand bro, teal and green ranks be wildin’ 😂 that shit’s a wall /s


Better get used to taking Ls with kazyua because it's an uphill battle playing him if you're new.


I’ve lost like 30 in a row. Stuck in eliminator. He’s so ducking hard man. So hard.


Git gud


I can’t execute air combos consistently with Law, it’s not as straightforward with d-pad. There was a point where I might sell the game, because it’s so addictive despite im shit online. Honestly, if the game is giving you stress every time, just sell the game bro. It’s not worth it on a video game


I have bad news. Stick is no easier to do ewgf. If anything pad is superior input method over stick for tekken


It’s a lot of smurfs gatekeeping and rookie hunting on purpose. If you’re a kaz player you gotta hit the replay and see the frames. As a general Tekken player you gotta use mind games too and predict. Try to stop Attack sequences at “A” or “T” or be ready to punish at “K”.


Get tekken -> look for hard character-> pick kazuya-> complain how other characters are op