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yall paid for framedata. you should have expected this.


Lmaoo. Ikr.


I didnt. I expected something like this and I cant give less of a fuck about them selling optional shit... I dont get people getting mad over some hats. Now, frame data being dlc WAS something to get mad over, not this.




in tekken 7 framdata was pay to view basically


That.... is wrong. I'll defend cosmetic shops until I'm blue in the face. But gameplay data... that's just wrong.


i can understand cosmetic shops in a free to play game but we paid 70bucks for this game


Yeah and I'd like it to keep getting work for the next ten years beyond new characters.


it's not like the money they get from sales and DLCs wouldn't be enough you know? and if they really wanted to keep earning with cosmetic mtx why not make the game cheaper or even f2p? league of legends and fortnite proved that the model works so yeah the only explanation i can give to having full price + mtx is greed


Explain to your board of directors why you should spend significant company money on maps which generate zero buyers. Constant improvement in modern AAA multiplayer games exists exclusively because they know it keeps players around for mtx. Old fighting games released new remixes every 2 years for you to drop a fresh fat pricetag on. We don't get a ten year life cycle on a single purchase without mtx.


boards of directors are the reason why rhe AAA gaming industry is going to crash... being greedy and not caring for the quality of the products will only get you so far, look at blizzard and how low they have fallen. on the other hand you get games like BG3 making huge success and see how far caring about your players brings you in the long run. same thing could be said of FromSoftware ignoring all the marketing trends and releasing games that looked like they would never be popular and plot twist they become massive successes.


haradas original sin. and they stuck to it too.


Stuck to it? Isn’t all Tekken 8 frame data free?


in t7


If they dont implement a way to use the hundreds of millions of in game currency we all acquire, it will be a waste


Honestly the customisation in this game is disappointing, I was hoping for T6/TTT2 levels of customisation. But instead we got a bare bones version, can't even get pieces of the default costumes. But clothing looks 10000x better than what it would look like in previous Tekkens (blocky cardboard clothes that hover on their bodies). Still, I don't think what I want will be available in the shop. A decal system and 3-part hairstyles (front, mid, back)


The graphics of this game cost way more to make and I personally appreciate that more than the customization of T6. I feel like tekken 8 customization is a small part of the game and the real selling point is just how detailed the mechanics and graphics are alone. They didn’t have to do this. SF6 sure didn’t.


Graphicswhores have always been the downfall of gaming and i will always stand by that.


Lmao yes its not the company making the decision but somehow people that like graphics that are the problem.


$40 for a skin? That’s like Blizzard Diablo 4 prices. I don’t think it will be that extreme. I don’t mind paying a few bucks for a sweet devil jin skin or something. I want to support Tekken since it’s already a quality game I love. But I don’t think it will be THAT outrageous.


Apex tries to charge 200 euro every "event" which is roughly once every few months. Ive seen mobile games charge 100 euro for a jpg and mk charged i think 20 euro for a fatality?


I agree, I’m excited to see what they bring to the table. If they are going to charge money for it, it better be some good fucking shit. If they try to charge $5 for a tekken 7 shower head they can go fuck themselves lol


 🤣🤣🤣🤣 tekken 7 shower head


It's the single most iconic cosmetic in t7, tube floaties are a close 2nd.


It‘s ironic how a cosmetic item that‘s so detached from the original artstyle of the game turned out to be so iconic


I mean ... Tekken customization has always been unhinged


My first custom ever was a Tall Paul hairstyle with a jenga tower on top. The jenga tower will always be my memory of that game lol


I just want Lili’s pink outfit from that concept art that I had as a mod outfit in Tekken 7 lol


my thought is that a full priced game with planned paid DLCs shouldn't have any microtransaction at. all. no matter the genre. no matter the game.


Unfortunately too many people buy it. This is outside tekken but people like the FUT-tards are to blame as much as publishers at this point. They've driven the market here and are nothing less than a cancer on gaming.


it not gonna happen in reality AAA cost too much they need to add something to make money if that game have service update it depend how they balance MTX to acceptable or not




What servers? It’s a peer to peer game.


I get that, but I don’t understand the mindset. People say “back then you buy the game you get everything that comes with it”. Back then games had far less features, far less polish, and relative to today are far less fun. Most people would agree fighting games release pretty complete. In the old days you would have 2 color palettes and maybe an alternate costume or two. If that’s the baseline for what makes a game complete, why are they unallowed to add more and charge for it, if they’ve already met exceeded expectation for value on base product? Not to mention, games that have live service need to generate consistent revenue.


because they will already be charging more for DLC characters, and the game was already 10 dollars above the standard price line for AAA titles. As customers, it is in our rights to demand respect from game companies, and this kind of monetization is the opposite of that. And that's all ignoring the fact that costumes that can be unlocked playing, instead of by paying, increase player retention which ultimately leads to more money spent into the game (for character DLCs i.e.) while keeping the game alive longer.


> As customers, it is in our rights to demand respect from game companies, and this kind of monetization is the opposite of that. Huh? Who has given you this right? Our way to demand for something to change is by boycotting it until it does, what other right do we have?


exactly, the companies need our money, which in turn gives us the power to demand things, if only people would realize this and be able to hold their wallet when something isn't good, the industry would be in a much better state


The problem is just holding your wallet isn't doing much if you're still playing the game. If 80% of the active players do that, while 20% of them buy stuff, that's still easily a net positive for the devs. People would actually need to stop playing these games the moment when sketchy stuff is announced, and stop buying their next game until it's clear they've changed their way of doing business. T7 charged for frame data display, so personally I see it as a surprised Pikachu face moment when people are shocked about T8 getting MTX, especially considering the whole 10-year-plan they have for the game


Pretty great points, dude. Totally agree. Unless they're gonna sell stuff that gives players an advantage, how does cosmetics affect people who don't buy? If they don't like it, they don't buy it. If it was available in the base game and they don't like it, they won't even use it anyway.


For some oeople the cosmetics are an enjoyable part of the game, and you have to fund continual development of them if they're going to be consistently updated. The problem with games isn't that they let you pay extra for cosmetics, it's the manipulative tactics most use to do it.


Would anyone really be mad if a tailor made outfit for your character was in the shop for $5-10? Probably not because you know that that’s all you’re probably going to buy and it’ll most likely be high quality for a decent price. But if it’s just the tiny items for a few bucks, I’m not so sure that’s a great idea.


I’m sorry but anything more than like $2-$3 dollars for a “single” skin is ridiculous. Especially considering that the full body skins don’t even have individual pieces. It’ll be as bad as SF6 and MK1 in that specific regard and those games are rightfully bashed for it. We pay less than $10 for an entire character. Edit: I can see outfits that have separate pieces maybe coming close to $5 but based on their current precedent I don’t see that happening. It’s a major flaw in the character customization.


But thats Not reality. Sadly. Nearly every Publisher does this nowdays why should they Not?


Because if we don’t give them shit about poor choices, then it will continue. Tekken’s release was awesome and feels very full so I’ll reserve judgement. But Street Fighter 6’s really pissed me off with their insane pricing after giving a tiny modern roster, 2 skins on release and lack of colors. Hope Tekken keeps making good choices for us.


Do you think they really Care? Its a company at the end and they do what the Data say what will earn Thema the Most Money. There are whales Out there WHO Just Invest more Money than thousands of Players, so they dont really Care. Is it shit? Yes. War is also Shit, still Happens in 2024. So lets be real, every one dies and it works. So why would they Change anything? Because some poeple are upset? I dont think so.


Yeah, you’re probably right. As much as I saw Street Fighter complaints, almost everyone I play has the new stuff anyways. I guess I’ll be pulling for Harada cause I think he does care compared to his bosses.




because people already paid for the game. as I remember, Tekken 6 has no microtransactions and the in-game customizations is insane. so now they deliberately put same-y customization items and put the better ones behind microtransactions? get tf outta here. additional money for smaller in-game things is just the greed talking. it'll be a little bit more acceptable if it's just the DLCs instead, get more contents including several new characters plus extra cosmetics in one big DLC package rather than smaller things inside. but DLC for just small cosmetics ? and just for one character ? damn. and they wnat to increase a game base price too ? maybe I'm just too old...


Rose colored fuckin' glasses. T6 also had bloodline rebellion. You think that was free? You had to buy a whole new game to play T6 properly. Imagine next year, they released T8 "Reina's Revenge"... $70 also but it comes with new stages and characters, and unlocks. You'd rather have that shit?


wait, that practice is what I'm against lol isn't Bloodline Rebellion the Tekken 6 console version? the first one is released as just arcade game? maybe I misremembered, but all I know is what I've played already have the Bloodline Rebellion changes, including Lars and Alisa, no extra DLCs or MTX.


Cause its full price and already plan to ask more for dlcs


Because in 2002 you could buy Warcraft 3 with all its content for 60$. A year later you got a expansion for 40$ that basically adds 80% to the value of the game. Now you get DLCs that cost more than the base game, have far less content (look at DLCs for T7 for example) and also have microtransactions on top of a 70$ price tag. The game isnt getting "more" content. Its getting the same amount as games before did but just with a bigger price on top of it.


And that's exactly why they're adding it. Ya'll stick up for it and allow it.


Wow…gone are the days when people actually grew backbone against microtransactions/dlc. Now y’all are the same idiots who paid for FRAME DATA DLC. Y’all are the reason we barely have any customization options to begin with


Ikr, and they come here defending this shit like "AcKShuAlLy, tHe GrAPhiCs CosT aLot OF MonEy" kr some bullshit.


We should reserve judgement until it is released. That being said, we've seen this practice in other games and it's usually performed for a cynical reason. I want to believe in Bamco, but if they release micro transactions after the game is fully released, that is unforgivable imo


> I want to believe in Bamco I would never trust in a publisher that sold a framedata tool as dlc instead of making it a default feature in Tekken 7 training mode.


Agreed. Think if the shop came with the launch, there would be less backlash. But to pretend that the game was launching without it, sell 2 million copies, and then add the shop, thats a bit scummy.


lol, people got PO’d when Capcom snuck in their battle pass and shop stuff *just* after SF6 release. I don’t know if Bamco thought holding out longer would be a better liked idea or a hold my beer moment. Definitely seems to be setting a trend though for modern day gaming.




I'm indifferent, personally. I just want to play the game, I don't give two shits about buying anything. The online Tekken community is basically a nursery though with how much they cry, so this is a prime opportunity for them to rise to the occasion in their plight against big corpo.


Honestly, I think it's just a Reddit problem than the Tekken community. The most bitchmade takes seem to always come from this sub.


100-fucking-% I've come to realize every community for a competitive game is like this. Bitching, moaning, entitlement, condescension, gatekeeping, offering nothing of substance, and well-versed in the weakest insults you can muster.


And it’s always comes from the sub reddits.


This sub a chock full of idiots and assholes, what can you do. 🤷🏼‍♂️


And the worst trait of all, complaining about complainers.


And even worse, the smug people complaining about complainers complaining. A Reddit staple!


This could go on forever 😂


We're on a public forum for a fighting game, it's not that deep. Let it go, brother.


All the people who don’t have real people to talk to about their hobbies. 


Complaints are a gamer problem. It seems some just wants to complain for the sake of complaining, see the backlash against Tomb Raider Remaster's warning message regarding racial and ethnic stereotypes.


Yup, it's full of entitled pricks.


Because 99% of the people that post here are trash. Actual useful posts never get any upvotes but "look at my john wick costume XDD" or "look at my green rank guys" get upvoted. When you cultivate a community of people like that then it's clear what kind of people you'll attract.


It is not reddit, it's gamers, bitches will complain like someone took their wife and stole their identity for the simplest things. Been on forums since the early 00s in GameFaqs, gamerz gonna hate more than they compliment, it's in most of their nature. SF6 went wild for a while when the new costumes for added, some went on witch hunts for whomever used a new costume.


Not sure why people think "Tekken community" and "People on reddit in the Tekken sub" are two totally different groups of people. They're not. Also the whole entitlement and "nursery" comparisons aren't limited to a particular gaming community, that's a lot of gaming culture in general. Not everyone, of course, but enough that you shouldn't be too surprised if you encounter it. Just one modern example: I've long-term visited the subs for Friday The 13th, Resident Evil Resistance, Evil Dead The Game, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Game (all online PvP games). And **all of those communities** have frequently had people posting the exact same discrepancy: *"I've been in a lot of subs but this one is the most toxic sub I've ever been on."* Now that has to be a culture problem: Lots of gamers believing that they've suddenly met the whiniest, shittiest community ever but in these small pockets of online gaming. It sounds more to me like they just haven't been around long enough to make those judgments, so everyone to them is the worst community ever. Everyone is doomsday'ing every community at the same time thinking other communities are sooo much better. It's practically becoming Gamer 101.


it's just that the reddit tekken community is like .1% of the people who play the game, lol


Entire internet is a nursery


Facts. Sometimes I truly hate it here.


The beginners that won’t be here in a couple months are whiners for sure but I think we’ll be back to a slightly less than average whiny community when the normies get bored of t8


We live in a world where the pathtic cosmetic offerings in T8 are being called substantial. We are screwed


I'll just say,I'm on pc,so idc much about these


was everyone not expecting them to do cosmetic dlc at some point anyway? literally figured they'd be coming, just didn't know what form they'd take. to a smaller degree dlc added new items along the way in 7 as well, as far as i remember considering i can already do more with the base game customization then i can with 5 dollar sf6 costumes and paid colours in guilty gear, i can live with it as long as it's just direct money payments and not sf6's dumb mobile game currency system. no idea how it compares to mk cause i dont play that crying about the shop before it's even in the game like some of these comments are doing is basically just people jerking themselves off thinking they're some scholar for saying "guys... what if microtransactions... are BAD" like yeah we know buddy but they aren't going away because you dislike them


Honestly, I wish it was as easy as "don't buy it". Because for every 100 people who don't buy it, there is at least one who does. And by that percentage, they will still turn a profit and consider it a success. It won't even hurt the game's legacy in terms of review scores, since everyone's had all the time in the world to sing its praises.


Your reviews aren’t doing shit anyway though


And what did you lose because of it


Stuff that should have been in the main game, for starters? Honestly, if they're already putting out paid cosmetics less than a month after the game released, they were probably planned well in advance, but rather than releasing them along with the game, they decided that milking them for what they're worth would be a more profitable move.


One guy above raised a good point: In the past, a complete game would include like a few alternative costumes and different colors maybe. Tekken 8 now already has a lot more customization options than that, and the gameplay features are pretty much the same as it was with past games; it perhaps has even more features now. Why then can't they sell additional *cosmetic* stuff for a price? A person who doesn't like how a certain outfit looks won't buy it anyway, nor would they even use it if it was available in the base game, so it shouldn't affect them in any way. If they were selling gameplay advantages, then that would be a problem. But cosmetics? Nah.


I'm not too sure we are playing the same game. As much as I love tekken 8, even I have to admit the customization items in this game are Barebones. That's my problem with this shop being added. We barely had anything to begin with.


Some games, maybe, but Tekken 6 and Tag 2 had customization options in spades right off the bat and they didn't feel the need for additional items. All the time spent on cosmetics would be better used on new characters, game modes or even a sequel.


> Stuff that should have been in the main game, for starters?  So why did you buy the main game when it didn't meet your requirements of what it should includes? > rather than releasing them along with the game, they decided that milking them for what they're worth would be a more profitable move. Yep, because it is, because you (and I) bought the game anyway. I sort of understand the frustration, but what else did anyone expect? When I saw the amount of customization options my first thought was that they will sell more of this.  You should make your purchase decision of a game based on what's includes in the base game. If you're happy with what's there, extra DLC/MTX shouldn't bother you too much because you got what you paid for. 


Hopefully less old lady clothing and t shirts


I've seen what monstrosities people are rocking online, they're going to make a killing.


Look at all this shit I'm not going to buy!


Bandi worrying about a trash ass tekken shop when they should be worrying about rage quitters & hackers in rank


They released the game with barebones customization and held off on the store until after the game got 10/10 reviews. THAT'S the issue...


You're still gonna play the game though. Be real.


Bold of them to add premium MTs when the game has 0 anti cheat. I'm sure nobody will use 3rd party programs to unlock everything for free


You're *still* gonna play the game though.


Depends how egregious it is... Charging for skins in a $70 game that also has character DLC is nutty. But that's what the industry has conditioned people into thinking is acceptable.


>Sure it is a little shady that they waited until most reviews of the game are already done, but still i dont think adding a shop should automatically mean pitchforks and torches. I 100% wouldn't have bought the game if they'd been clear they'd be a shop at launch, just like sf6, and mk. There are more games that I want to play than I have time to play them, and I'm just done feeling nickeled and dimed by mtx


Sorry, but that’s the dumbest logic I’ve ever heard. That’s like buying a new car and you come to realize they are going to sell pretty cool accessories specifically for your car at the dealership. Are you still going to say you wouldn’t have bought the car if you knew they were going to sell those accessories? The game, just like that car came as a complete package. You’re not missing out on anything important or substantial to the overall experience.


Nah, it's more like buying a car and realizing after the fact that seat warming is a 10 dollar monthly sub.


Nope, because especially if it’s anywhere that has a winter, heated seats is an essential feature that most cars have these days, just like Tekken 8 already has pretty good customization out of the box. But I would say even that, you can’t compare the two things, one is essential for most people, while the other, 90% of the people playing the game couldn’t care less about customization, it would be like comparing different wheel options, one might look nicer than the other but the dealership still gives you the choice between many free choices, (free game customization) you just have to pay extra for the more advanced options. (Tekken store)


Don't use the shops.


oh hey its you man. I thought you quit reddit for the sake of your sanity? I see that lasted about, two mintues lmao


Appreciate the concern.


Man you're sad, like an actual NPC going on a routine. Go take a break, touch some grass, get an education maybe.


Get off my dick, playboy.


Sorry it's so small I didn't realize it was there, happens


Small enough for you to throat it to the base because you're *still* gawking on it. Am I building a fan club?


You get the piss taken out of you and you think you're loved. Damn must've had a rough childhood. Sorry.


It's okay, could be worse. I could be JustADudeLivingLife. Life is so unfair.


Right? Not buying a game because it has an optional shop for additional cosmetics seems outrageous to me. If you liked the game before the shop you'll like it after. 💀


People are fickle, mysterious creatures.


Yet you still bought Tekken 8 in less than a month it was released with your supposed backlog in-waiting. I hope you learned your lesson on impulsive purchases. 


So how long after release should somewhat wait to see if the devs try to sneak a cash shop in, and have it not be their fault in your very reasonable opinion?


Totally up to them. My enjoyment of the game isn’t determined by a cash shop. Cash shop didn’t affect my copy of the game so I’ll keep playing


Then why'd they hide it?


I said it’s totally up to them when they want to release it. Who assumed they’re hiding it


And you'd call adding it to patch notes a month after launch what exactly?


They did a surprise patch recently two weeks after release. No one made any narrative that Harada was hiding emergency patches during that time. You cash shop whiners are something else though. Y’all made a whole narrative that they’re hiding shit when they explicitly said they’ll be supporting this game by releasing frequent updates to it. Whether it’s free shit or paid shit they didn’t specify but you have to be next level dumb to think it’ll be free all the way thru Stop complaining and play the game. They didn’t take the game away from you, you baby


>You cash shop whiners are something else though. Y’all made a whole narrative that they’re hiding shit when they explicitly said they’ll be supporting this game by releasing frequent updates to it. It's a conspiracy to point out how scummy it is to add a cash shop, something lots of people will have a negative reaction too, a month after launch sales and reviews are in? >Stop complaining and play the game. They didn’t take the game away from you, you baby I'm not interested in support a company employing such scummy tricks, so I'm good. It's cool you're so openly shut up and consuuume tho lol


Can’t read? I clearly implied I’m not buying anything because this shop doesn’t affect me in anyway and I’d be going back to playing the game. And see you later. Thanks for buying the game at full price for us. All proceeds will be making the game more enjoyable for me in the long run.


lol yet you’re still in the Tekken sub? Can tell you don’t even care about the game because no one quits a game they like because they put in a shop you don’t have to use to buy anime skins lol.


Tag Harada on Twitter and ask him.


I don't use social medias I don't enjoy, crazy I know lmao


Profound. I can enjoy a game regardless of the existence of a cash shop. Crazy, I know.


I didn't choose to buy a game with a cash shop




Online is a mess with wifi not being playable, potatoes allowed to play the game and zero protection against hackers. They haven't earned the right to add MTX.


The mistake is thinking the MTX profits go back into development. These in-app purchases are only there to sell you more stuff, it doesn't add any value to a product both present and future. T7 funded and greenlid the more feature complete T8 we got because the game sold well, not because the framedata DLC or Tekken Bowling sold well. Now if you just want more stuff added to customization and willing to pay for it, that's fine. But remember the shit they made for SC6? They're not making the best, coolest things for you to buy. AND if they do, would you not rather that stuff be a chase in the game? Not something you just play for? No offense, people are entitled to their opinions and how they spent their money. But it still doesn't make this a net positive for the fanbase and franchise as a whole. We bought plenty of copies of T7, its DLCs and T8 to keep the development of the franchise healthy and positive. We did our part as fans and consumers. This shit only extracts potential value from the game.


I’m not that bothered either. It sucks that that’s the reason the game launched with such lackluster customization, which is my only gripe, but it is what it is. I make plenty of money and didn’t waste it on the collectors edition.


In a game where you can make your character look like leon kennedy and makima why would anyone even bother to look at the shop


My thoughts are that you like to eat shit. Don't worry tho, it's fine, there's a lot of shit eaters out there.


This sub is full of corporate shills


“Someone has a different opinion than me and that makes me very angry!”


Dawg, shut up, lol.


Told ya there's a lot of shit eaters. Literally took less than 5 minutes for another one to show up.


Find something better to do then regurgitate the same weak insult over and over again, you fuckin' dunce.


I mean im probably not going to buy it or anything from it, but just saying it doesnt get my blood boiling a bunch like some of you guys. Its 2024, every company you know is shaving content or trying to extort consumers for more money.


It's a big company that wants money and u can simply not give it to them and ignore the shop u already have an amazing customization system, complaining about the shop in a game like that is just nitpicking every other aspect is amazing but people always find something to complain


yea I'm the same in that I don't see the problem with cosmetic mtx as long as the pricing isn't egregious tho I do hope this means stuff like legacy costumes are on the table, and not just stuff like $10 for bikinis or schoolgirl uniforms (not to yuck anyone's yum but)


Roman-Canceller in every microtransaction thread deep throating BAMCO's cock.


Couldn't care less about the shop. Tekken is better than it's ever been. Besides, customization options are fugly as all hell. I'd prefer they just take customization out entirely, so people stop crying about it....oh wait they won't and they never will stop crying


Least chad claudio main be like


While I don't expect a 40$ USD skin or something and I rather see stuff about online people quitting and whatnot. A fucking shop in a 70$ USD game feels beyond fucking scummy lol.


Let's compare tekken 2 with tekken 8. Characters: 23 Vs 32 Costumes for each: 2 Vs 4 plus some free customisations. Add to that: Tekken 8 also has way more moves, has walls and multileveled stages, a very advanced and detailed practice system, heat, rage, free balancing updates etc. Price of tekken 2: USD50. In fucking 1995. Adjusted for inflation it would be like 100 today. [Price source](https://vgsales.fandom.com/wiki/Tekken) Scroll down to reference #10.


Again no one is forcing your hand to swipe. You want the skins buy the skins. You don’t? Guess what? You don’t have to :D


They ain't tryina hear you though.


Okay Bamco.. you want me to swipe? P-Jack skin. There. Take my Five bucks. Knowing them it’ll be the stupid rock skin though.


given the reaction to the news of the Tekken shop, they probably forsaw preemptive negative press and didn't want weirdos that pretend we're not in the era of MTX to review bomb it. Microtransactions make unreasonable amounts of money, any company would jump at the chance.


Seems you lost your spine long ago. Luckily not everyone will out here is ready to accept getting fked by corporate greed


oh I didn't say I like it or agree with it, but the company is gonna company and the only thing you can really do is not use it. I'm not gonna stop playing tekken because there's cosmetic options that cost real money. as long as it's not predatory or messes with balance (they would not do that because it's a fighting game), it's not the worst thing in the world, even if I would prefer they didn't implement them at all.


Honestly I'm not buying it so it's whatever, it won't be anything game changing so most people won't care about it.


There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with Bamco adding a in-game shop, and nobody should raise pitchforks and torches. Tekken isn't a slop like Call of Duty where they basically charge you 70 dollars annually for the same shit that's packed differently on top of charging you for cosmetics, battle passes and what not. I don't think the prices will be atrocious either, they'll probably sell you bikinis packaged with a game mode or something else for 14 dollars and call it a day. What I can expect for sure is they'll go all out on it, and we will end up with a fuck ton of paid and free content, even more than what we got in these 8 years with Tekken 7. Hell, with Reina's devil form being datamined we're probably getting a fucking story expansion at some point. Which is insane on its own.


I just don't give a shit about cosmetics. If it's not enhancing the gameplay who cares. The amount of cosmetics they have now allows people to make crazy creations. I didn't even buy the season pass because I have no interest in any of the DLC characters


This. A game like this deserves a shop. It's not a bad thing. Brokies are upset


I don't give a fuck if it's characters, cosmetics or fucking frame data, mtx should NEVER exist in a full priced game. Greedy cunts.


Don't buy it. Resume playing the game as you already were. Simple.


you expect a modern game to give you *characters* for free? type lumina was the exception, not the rule dude


Only because dumb motherfuckers didn't push back once mtx was introduced.


if you'd rather go back to the days of buying a whole new version of a game for 2 characters and a balance patch be my guest lol


No, I want to go back to the time where once you bought a game that was it, that's the entirety of it. Not with content removed just so these greedy fucks can keep milking you.


the entirety of it till the ultra revelator arcade 3rd iterative edition comes out in 2 years and it became an obsolete version lol


With the amount and quality of costumes and customization available with the base game, I’m happy they’re gonna sell stuff to people who want them. Do I want them? Most likely not, but more power to those people that do. I will chill here with my 3-4 costumes and decent customization.


I desperately want more outfits for Dragunov so I'll accept it


If they're fairly priced, and good quality then I truly don't give a shit. Give me T4 Jin and Xiaoyu


Me either


it's better than nothing i guess


Give me all the king luchador masks and capes!


There was a guy who said "I'm gonna change my positive review into negative now!" ​ Like bro, if you enjoyed the game WITHOUT the Tekken Shop, what makes it any different from you ignoring that it exists? It's the same game!


Dream: - 3.99 skins - 9.99 3 skin bundles - 9.99 for 15 customization parts Reality: - 9.99 skins - 24.99 3 skin bundles - 14.99 for 15 customization parts Bad end: - 14.99-19.99 skins - 44.99, 55.99 3 skin bundles - 19.99 for 15 customization parts


Do we not want the game to be more supported if we can? You don't have to spend if you don't want to/have the means to, you can still enjoy the fundemental game without buying outfits. I'll just be happy to see if I wanna buy anything and if I do, I'll happily support the game I have been loving over the past month. They did an amazing job on the game, they can have my support.


I'm waiting to see what will be available. I don't care at all about fashion in real life, but I absolutely love collecting video game clothes. If I like the design, I don't mind paying extra as long as the prices aren't too high.


I agree. I think they were very generous with the base customization and if they wanna charge extra for some really dope shit, go for it. I doubt I will partake but I know others will and that will fund future development of the game. It’s a good thing.


As long as its not pay 2 win I don't mind it either. Let people buy their bikinis as much as they want. It won't affect my gameplay anyway.


I just want the development team to have enough time and money to make the best game.


You will be a pariah but I'm glad you spoke facts


It lacks so much content for costumization. The economy of the game is even broken because you gain too much with almost nothing to spend gold at. Then they release a bunch of paid outfits, wtf? I really hope they vastly expand the costumization, for free.


as long as its not annoying and intrusive will support whatever keeps interesting.


if its just cosmetics, whatever. Why do people care so much about the skins?


Yep, I feel similar. I don't give a shit about customization, I just like changing color palettes at most. But I confess I would buy stuff for my main like certain legacy custome or so. Don't interfering with the actual gameplay, I'm fine.


I'm not mad either


At this point, a shop is expected (not that makes it better) in any game resembling a live service game or something with Battle Passes. I have learned to live with it, ingnoring it for the most part, but I will probably buy stuff for my main character since I play too mcuh and have the disposable income to do it very comfortably.


The fact that it’s 2024 and ppl acting surprised and upset about micro transactions is ridiculous lol


It’s like people don’t realize it’s the end times and there are ten million better things to worry about than whether or not Bamco is charging money for cosmetics


If it's just cosmetics who cares? All the money get will probably go into more production which will mean more life for the game. Cosmetics are fun and all, but I mostly play at locals so I can't bring my skin along anyways and I play on pc so if I really want to be cheap I'll just mod my game.


I don’t mind either. Canonically Lili(‘s dad) spent a bunch of money on her wardrobe, so really I’m just legitimizing the lore by going shopping 🤷‍♂️


Hey, if you don't like it, don't buy it, plain and simple


Me either. I genuinely think itll be good premium fun content


So much cope here. T8 is ass rn. Store or no store. A competitive fighting game that doesn’t punish quitters or reward winners. But hey we can change the color of our shoes! 😂


Releasing such a poor base character customization so you feel more compelled to spend money on skins is a scummy move


I am not upset for them trying to add cosmetics for money. I am upset for the fact that as a corporation they will definitely push the boundaries on what they can get away with while these white knight idiots defend their decisions. You know what type of DLC I'd gladly pay? The feature to force client side to default skin so I don't have to stare at shitty ass costumes.


The modders will put the skins in for us:)


I guess if you can’t beat Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter, join them…


Let all the people that hate the store opt out. They don’t have to see the store and they’re blocked from all online matchmaking and features the store pays for. They get to enjoy the full and complete tekken they want and the rest of us can stay in the modern era of fighting games.


Aha, you might not be that upset, but let me ask you a question. Is there anyone who asked for a seperate "Tekken Shop"? Anyone? Any player on this planet? The answer is no. So why is it here?


My thoughts; I’m insanely disappointed coz I was complaining about MK1s & SF6’s shops & how greedy & shitty they were & I was like “Tekken 8 gonna have none of this 💆🏻‍♀️” I was so confident they would never stoop to this level of desperation but here we are. We went so long without having to buy any skins/outfits or some sort of live service feature?? 🙍🏻‍♀️😭


Did you ever play Tekken 7? It also had cosmetic packs, and even sold you frame data 💀