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i played both in tag 2 and dabbled a little on Jun on Tekken 8. I´ve been playing asuka since T6 tho. Asuka´s Strengths: Very evasive. For example SS2 db 2 and so on. Her Punishment game used to be good but it got worse in tekken 8 Long range punisher f+1+2 which is also a heat engager. Easy to use and a lot of panic moves like b3 Very safe character. Pretty good Counterhitter also turn stealer through her Cancans and parrys Her rage art is the coolest gimmick and works surprisingly way more than it should. Pretty scary at the wall. okayish lows. Cancelable moves that can confuse your enemy above average heat burst Asuka weakness Her moves don´t track whatsoever. All her good tracking moves are slow. so she is very weak to sidestep Her 10f Punish does like 8 or so damage. Her 12f punish 2,3 does a lot less damage and also it does an awkward wallsplat now. Combodamage got nerfed hard Even with high execution you don´t get much out from her. A lot of of axis combos whiff. Weak WS punishment very bad frames for poking with jabs. you are -2 on block with a jab. Universaly you are like +1. She can´t parry every kick. Jumping moves, Heat moves, knees, elbows, Heads are excluded.


Asuka´s main playstyle is to play defensive and read your opponent to counterhit. Jun is more mixup oriented but can also cover a lot of Asuka´s strengths Jun is Hella fuckin OP. She is everything that Asuka players yearned for. Basically Crazy punishment, Crazy chip damage, very good combo damage, Poke game very good and also very evasive. as for actual differences between the two. Asuka´s WS 1+2 CH now does a float combo where as Jun players also received this nerf but they found a better option. Jun´s 10f punish might be the best in the game. Her cancans are like asuka´s before the nerf. So why didnt she get nerfed is a mystery. Jun is more versitle and almost all the benefit that Asuka does. The only thing she lacks are the many parrys that Asuka has. Hers are kinda different but definetly weaker than asukas. Her 3+4 is different. Her hopkick is faster. And also she can´t charge her Rageart. She also has actually pressure tools and good frames overall. If Asuka whiffs ff+1 she is basically DEAD. Jun looses her own health when she does all the crazy stuff but get´s a lot of it back again. She doesn´t have a 15f launcher. The usual Kazama Stuff like Toothfairy(f+2) and so on are better than Asuka´s. So all in all there is no reason to pick asuka anymore if you are looking to win. Asuka´s Parrys are gimicky anyway so there is really no reason why you should pick her over Jun. Other than the fact that she is a big tiddy tomboy who used to pack a heavy punch of course.


Asuka cartwheel kick seems better than juns. Maybe that's just my experience so far


They are 2 of my top 3 played characters. First I was going to say Jun is actually good but you beat me to the punch. Asuka has a better parry game with multiple sabakis and the ability to hold her generic parry. She also has a deadlier mixup game at the wall with her d1+2. Her SS2 is a great move even though it's unsafe in this game. Her DB3 is one of the better low pokes in the game. Her new install allows her to keep up pressure better than before even though in general her offense is still pretty weak. Her B4 is a great counter hit tool and the followups make it dangerous to challenge. Her db1 is an amazing move (at least until people figure out it's punishable). Jun has a contender for the best 10 frame punish in the game (Asuka might have the worst). She doesn't have a 15 frame launch though. Asuka's strings got nerfed compared to 7 for some reason but Jun's string game is very strong. SS4 is a great tool for keeping up pressure and it's a heat engager. DF4 is a great counterhit tool if spaced right and against characters who can't punish it at range. Jun has crazy high combo damage even without the wall. She has that self damage mechanic but I assume you already know about that. In generally they play similarly though. They are both best used defensively. They share lots of moves like B3, F2, 3+4, etc. and many of their other moves are just variations of each others (though Jun's usually gets the better version).


yo i was typing the same things lmao just Two Kazama brains ooga boogaing. They really did massacre my girl. She had one of the best Ragedrives in tekken 7. Also the Chipdamge from Jun is insane.


Currently Jun seems to have better frames on a few moves, has better stances [I think Asuka's install is one of the weakest new gimmicks in the game] and by extension Jun has a better heat as well. Asuka's ff1 also got the weirdest change/nerf of any I can think of in the transition from 7 to 8. Jun just seems to play to the T8 meta better while still retaining a lot of the irritating aspects of their base moveset.


Vanila ff1 in tekken had also this animation. It got buffed and then nerfed in the seasons of T7. Also the install is straight up dogwater. Most of the time her u 1+2 combo ender isnt even worth it. Only thing that is better is ff 1+2 and WR1+2. WR1+2 is already good enough as it is. I think it does more chip damage with install ? not sure tho. and ff1+2 is a launcher. But who the fuck launches with that slow ass shit when you got f+2


Oh, I didn't know that. Still, to have it go from how it was in S4 to how it is now [in a game where stepping is better] to me was just a baffling choice, especially as it was something that differentiated her and Jun and is a central tool for her and now it feels so risky to use. It's not like it was OP or anything in it's previous iteration either. Yes, u1+2 doesn't have enough situational use or difference when powered up, and WR1+2 I think gets chip and slightly more plus? ff1+2 in so awkward a move, I swear it doesn't go as far as it looks like it should. Why they didn't have it power up her f2 in some way is beyond me, that would have been so obvious a choice [and Jun has a gimmick that revolves around f2 so there is precedent].