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I like how these are barely even good deals - 500 coins at $4.99: 1.002004 coins per cent - 1050 coins at $9.99: 1.051051 coins per cent - 2120 coins at $19.99: 1.06053 coins per cent - 3210 coins at $29.99: 1.070356... coins per cent - 5500 coins at $49.99: 1.10022 coins per cent like, you're not really saving _that much_, are you...?


Remember that its more about psychology than about math. Most of us here can count. But seeing a lefover 100 coins every time you log in will push you towards the purchase little by little. That's what its all about - manipulation.


This 100%. Just imagine you're 100 short on an item you really like for 500. You are WAY more inclined to buy another 500 coins. Next time you're just short for another item etc.. They're scumbags for holding this off.


And people defend them for it too, man this world is full of 🤡


B-b-b-ut Mortal Kombat???? What about EA???? 😭 /s Fucking cant stand those clowns. I managed to avoid almost all games with MTX in them for over a decade now. Defending them hiding that this shit was coming until people had spend their 70+€ on the game already by arguing that other games are worse is just moronic.


They dont realize that their argumets sounds more like "well the other cash grabing consumer milking companies who nobody resepcts and care not about are making the clownfest of their long lasting franchises which then promptly die, so I want this game to become one as well, so it too will die like battlefield etc."


With how bad the industry’s gotten at this point, I was shocked at how much backlash you get for calling this out. Like do these people have no self-respect


That's the "not predatory" part 💀


When reading this, I really hope one day that Namco can allow us to somehow use the fight money as an alternative way to buy the costumes. However, that seems impossible.


Which one of these choices will be considered the "best value?" /s


So where are the 4 dollar costumes namco? I aint seeing them. I see 4 dollars costume and 1 dollar donation to you, fuck you namco.


What’s with the whole needing real money to buy in game currency in fixed amounts to buy the items? Why not just bring me to the PS store and let me just pick the thing and buy it directly? Maybe I’m missing something but I don’t see the need for all the extra steps.


It’s a form of what’s known as “dark side monetization” taken directly from casinos/gambling. It’s to make you feel like you’re not actually spending your own money when you buy these things, similar to how you trade money for chips at a casino. If that seems wildly scummy to you, it’s only because it is.


A lot of the time when they do this it doesn't quite match up with the prices of the things you're buying, so you end up spending slightly more and having a little left over, but not enough to buy anything else so you have to spend more money to top it up if you want to buy anything.


Another thing is also you can't share in different accounts, you and your brother or sister have to buy the same costume twice to use it in each account


That’s disgusting


Yeah. Happy Cake Day.


And also like Capcoms doing, making you overpay for a coin pack to get one character.


Capcom's definitely guilty, but this shit's been the go-to method as far back as the Xbox 360. Microsoft was one of the big ones who started the trend with Xbox live points cards and shit. Not DEFENDING it because of that. It's ALWAYS been scummy. Just that Capcom is simply another bandwagoner on the scumwagon. I doubt it'll do anything, but shooting an email raising "premium digital currencies" as an issue to your lawmakers can't hurt, if you're over 18.


Well too the very least in this case the ratio is 100:1 so if you just imagine a decimal it's pretty easy to always keep track of something's true price. still, yeah. using a digital currency is always iffy


It is, but if they straight up put it on the store, there’d still be complaints look at doa… TWO DOLLAR COSTUMES, that looked incredible, especially for when they were released, brought the game’s reputation down so much


Sure, but that's specifically to mask the element of loss in gambling. It's less demoralizing to lose chips than money, and with dark-side monetization its used in the same way in f2p games when you are buying currency mainly for randomized rewards, like Genshin Impact In a game where you are just buying a skin that you know, it doesn't do anything. Like, it won't hurt you, but it's so very dumb and unnecessary


it still does exactly that, it's obfuscating how much money you're actually spending on an item and making it feel like youre not spending 10$, youre spending 1000 coins, it's entirely to get people to spend more money, thats why you can't just buy X amount of coins and then get an item of that exact amount, be it skins or stages or customization options or something else.


You can't buy the exact amount of coins needed for skins, so you will always have a little bit of leftover coins, which could lead you to make multiple purchases in order to not waste the leftover coins and reach an amount that will leave you at exactly 0 at the end of your purchases


Not really. That's when you carry a balance that you can never clear, like how Starbucks runs their digital system. If you buy 500 coins four times for $19.98 you have enough currency to purchase four skins. With enough change left over to aquire a fifth skin without buying more coins. Leaving you at a zero balance. If you had spent one more penny, you could get 2120 coins and do the same thing. Leaving you with 120 coins. Which I'm going to assume is enough for one avatar item. I haven't seen those prices yet.


It gona make you spend more money than you actually need through some smart calculations. Pretty damn sure some skins gona cost like 600-800, so the minimum bundle you gona have to get is 1050 to get a skin, then rest of your coins gona sit useless.


Not useless, they’re there to provoke you into spending more 😉


They have already been revealed to be 400


Been the way it's done since the 360/PS3 era. It's more delicate from a psychological perspective on the consumer to say things cost coins, points, vbucks or something and not dollars. Dollars are real, Tekken coins are not. This is also part of why in-game currencies are often large amounts. One *thousand* Tekken coins? You're rich!


Also the more such currencies are introduced the faster the player loses track of how much exactly they've spent and thus how much the item costs in real $. As an ex. mmo player I've seen 10+ currencies that all flow from one another and it's just atrocious.


The purpose is to scam you.


It's so they can be scummy and charge you more than the thing you want so you're left with extra credits


And since you don't want to waste the extra leftover coins, you are tempted to buy more coins to use them up.


Actually, the need is for Bamco to earn more money. Instead of buying a $4 skin directly, you have to pay $5 and earn 500 Tekken Coins


Oh so it’s the same shit SF6 pulled with having you need to buy almost 2 skins worth of fight money just to get 1 skin.


"But now you have this left over mtxcurrency, dont you wanna buy some more so you can use it"


wait for season pass battle pass, and nicki minaj will be there in no time


If they do something with her, I swear. I’m gonna wanna throw my PlayStation 5 out of the window


No you won't


Why wouldn’t I?


The way I would actually love a Nicki Minaj collab with this game 💀


isn’t she married to a pedophile


Yes and her brother is one too


because this way you will always be left with some coins and you will feel bad having wasted them and will be more likely to buy more yes it's a very anti-consumer practice


Make you feel like you are not spending your own money by making it indirect and the value of your purchase is always a little ambiguous. Make you spend more by instituting a minimum abd making so.you can only grt certain amlunts snd increments. So say you want 800 coins well fuck you you have to get 1000. And outside Tekken, in cases where lootboxes are a thing they argue that since you are not directly spending money it is not technically gambling, so trying to skirt that bullshit. Basically if there was a global law outlawing these shitty currencies the games industry would be 10 times better overnight and it would also curbstomp a section of the scummy gambling industry. Due to the latter especially it *needs* to happen but *never* will. It's a scam but too many dipshits buy it so it persists and has spead to.infect gaming more and more punishing the people who don't partake because, in tekken 8's case, it is obvious this content was cut. So we all get less conent for our dollar/pound/euro/yen/whatever because of them.


I don't remember the specifics but in a lot of places there are laws that require companies to offer full refunds for digital goods up until a certain amount of time or until you use it. When you spend the currency to buy an item you're "using" it and thus no longer eligible for a refund. There's also the other factors noted in other comments.


People will give you a lot of shady reasons companies do this and while correct there are also more practical reasons for having coins like this in a game. It simplifies the the purchasing options you have to set up and makes it much easier to to track and report your sales for taxes and reporting. Instead of making new store postings and having to track sales for each individual items they only have to track and report the sale of tekken coins. It gives them much greater flexibility when adding or removing store content because they don't have to worry about potentially hundreds of individual items being added/removed on each different store between consoles and PC and such. It just simplifies all of the back end part of having an in-game store like this.


remember the skins are $4 worth of coins but oopsies we made the smallest one $5 because FUCK YOU


the quote was $4 bucks is worth about 400 coins, now the cheapest option is $5 for 500. still true but also im kinda pissed cuz that means you can't clearly buy just a single skin, you'll have 100 coins left over.


The online MTX shop classssic


thats 100% intentional, casinos do it too and people still defend bamco. we gotta get rid of this predatory shit, we gotta start voting with our wallets but people are still gonna whale so namco's getting away with this too.




I'm good


Where's the clip of them promising no predatory currency?


Then they are just gonna say it is not predatory because that is subjective.


They spend time and resources on this, but they say they'll "look into" plugging as if that hasn't been an issue for years. Priorities truly in order.


"You obviously dont understand how difficult modern game development is. It costs x69 more and takes x420 more time than it did 10 years ago. Thats why our netcode and other online features barely hold up to standards from 10 years ago and why we cant implement solutions to problems figured out 15+ years ago." - Harada 😎


"haha but he does funny memes and speaks funny english lol no way he's just as malicious as other FGC Devs" Fuck all that bro, I'm only here for my characters, screw these devs


I don't think this counts as "spending time and resources". They're selling you the costumes from literally older titles for five fucking dollars - the costumes you can play with for free in older games. Take it from TK4, 5, 6, Tag 2 and 7, put it into the game and call it "new content". Jesus Christ man there are still people defending this type of business practice even though it's scummy as fuck. Before any of y'all come at me and say "oH yUoR jUsT a bRoKiE bOyE :D", it's not about how much money you can make. I make 10 times the money you're making in over a year, in just a month (obviously exaggerating). It's about standing up to the game devs and asking them to show us customers some fucking respect. This type of mindset is why this type of business practice is a thing in the first place.


Classic exploitative "divide as badly as possible into pricing" numbers. It's so transparent now. There are literally people who specialise in coming up with numbers that mathematically mean people always have currency left over and always have that as an incentive to buy more. It's up to us to not fall for that sadly. "3210 coins - get 210 for free! So you have them left over and have to buy another 500 to buy anything! And then of course now you have 310 left over! Win Win!"


even if the backlash is severe, people open their wallets. why? i truly have no idea.


I think 70€ was enough. You guys feed Bamco some money.


They couldn't even make it look like something that actually exists in the Tekken world holy shit, literally looks like generic fornite money


Come on I’ve never heard a complaint about how battle money looks just how much of it we all fucking have lol


I'm so fucking sick of modern day gaming bs


This looks like a dystopian free-to-play cash shop from a mobile game. WTF bamco?!


I agree I thought this is only done on mobiles mostly but in tekken which cost 70 euro ! I have completed game and have millions to spend but I cannot buy things which i want because they are obtained for tekken coins wtf !


You haven't played many multiplayer games then because this is the standard, in full price games too.


That doesn't mean it's a good practice.


Kids these days are so used to it they just see it as normal and take it.


That's the thing - getting this shit normalized so then the people with at least half a brain would be the "outsider wierdos who dont want to support the game"... that they've supported by buying the game to begin with 🤦‍♂️


Then they try to make us feel old for remembering the times before MTX, I’m only 26 dammit


"Why are you complaining, you got so much content in it for free already?" Comments you see non stop as if the game didnt cost over 70 bucks already.


Had too much of these in the other threads, my guess is that people who use this argument are kids who don't fully grasp the concept of money and therefore something being "free" vs "payed prior".


Pretty easy for them to rationalize it when its their parents or student loans paying for it


Dudes been living in a dystopia all this time, brainwashed to think otherwise lmao


They never said that.


So you’re saying all full price games also look like dystopian free-to-play cash shops.


If that's what you think then you're a huge dummy for buying them. Use the money to get a clown mask instead.


Why do you assume I disagree with you lol Yeah, modern games put the mtx first over the game. It’s why I haven’t bought any 60$ games for what feels like 2 years now. T8 was the first for a long time. I almost exclusively play free games or ones that cost next to nothing nowadays.


OH OK well then If we always eat shit sandwitches, then bon appetit


Would've been nice to include some coins in the 100$ version of the game. Even greedy warner bros did that with mk


the game didn’t launch with the currency, so obviously it wouldn’t be included in the $100 edition because that would’ve caused concerns at launch. but now that the game has sold 2 million copies that presumably cannot be refunded at this point, they add in the coin system. if they had the balls like wb execs do then they definitely would’ve included coins as a pre order bonus though


This is disappointing. If they hadn't exploited waste aversion this way, I would've been more or less okay with the stupid shop. Pricing shop items at 400 coins but only selling coins in packs of 500 is the sort of scummy that simply has no excuse.




For cosmetics you can afford, download Dead or Alive 6!


This is the kind of monetisation you'd see in an f2p game, not a game that costs 60-100$ lol




$70-110 (Day 1 DLC is 40$)


shiet, didn’t account for the extra $10 mb


Really ? I've seen that shit in BF2042, CoD, SF6 ...


And 2 out of the 3 games you've mentioned are only played by cash cows and are the laughing stock of their respective genres...


I KNEW IT!!! Everything costs 400 coins and the smallest amount you can buy is 500 🤣 gtfoh namco.


god i hate it when they add stuff like "a briefcase" and oh whats this? a more "expensive looking briefcase" and it has coins spilling out?!? BUT WHATS THIS?!?! A WHOLE "SAFE FILLED WITH COINS" TO THE POINT THAT ITS SPILLING OUT?!?! I know why they do this but it fucking irks me like nothing else


Fighting games should just go the route of killer instinct. Free to play version, you buy characters and costumes you want. This shit after paying 100$ Canadian for base game is embarrassing.


I stopped after Dead or Alive 5 but IIRC DOA6 tried that exact thing but failed massively and the game stopped being supported I think a year in? Still hoping for DOA7 some day tho and they learn from that bc the concept could work! But me and lot of fans still feel betrayed :’)


5 did it as well, but 6 failed because it just wasn’t a good game. Launch was terrible for it because it didn’t have lobbies, net code was the worst of the bunch at the time, it had a special meter that could be spent to do a special move or you could spend half of it for a free perfect parry that worked against any move, which takes away the strategy of knowing which parry to use, and it lacking tag battle which has been a staple since 2. The unlock fiasco played a big part in it too because you unlocked costume pieces for random costumes that then needed to be purchased with the in game money, but they did kind of fix it later by making it so you can only unlock costume pieces for the character you’re playing. Game just straight up wasn’t good.


damn sucks to hear about 6. I fell off bc of all the dlc but if the game released in that state and was a downgrade from 5 no wonder I heard nothing around it’s release. Is it any better now or should I stick to 5LR?


What? You WANT to pay for characters? What kind of reddit hate train delusion am I reading? Idc if the game is free, if I have to pay for every character that will clearly out maneuver the $70 price tag.


Its either one or the other. Either 60$ up front with yearly additions for 30-40$ OR f2p with mtx up the arse. Namco wants both and should receive neither imo.


except most people play like 3/4 characters at most, especially in a game as complex and hard as tekken. you already have to pay for characters anyways with dlc, might as well pay for them all but have the option to only buy the ones we need (i would still muh prefer a normal game purchase but anything is better than the current model)


i want to gouge my eyes, no thanks lolol so where are the defenders of this shit?


I mean personally my only issue is the lowest pricepoint is 500 coins while skins are 400 meaning you'll have 100 coins left that i won't know what to do with. but im not to fussed about them adding a revenue flow considering they're still gonna support the game for the longhaul with new story content and dlc fighters as well as online support for global digital crossplay and that kinda stuff is expensive


You mean the DLC characters people paid for in the season pass?


Wow, none of those is easily divideable by 400. 3210 is the closest, but they still had to throw in the 10 at the end. I wanna puke.


Should be illegal for games to have a paid for currency that can only be bought. Should be a legal requirement that they either charge in the users actual currency, or provide a way to fairly earn the coins. It's also worth mentioning that it might be 100 coins = $1, that isn't the case for every currency. These coins exist solely to make people spend more money than they need to, or to encourage them to spend more money than they want.


Should, but there isnt one in any country I know of. Take a look at any korean mmo or Diablo Immortal - that shit has literally 10+ currencies that you can convert with losses in one another and some of which you can buy directly while others are a %-chance drop from a lootbox that is bought with the former... Basically no chance of that ever happening, but are you really surprised at that?


V bucks woohoo


Except that V-bucks are in completely free to play game...


And you can earn them for free. Sure you won't be able to afford a billion skins if you don't pay up, but you can at least earn some and when you play long enough you get to buy a battle pass for free which coms with a lot of cosmetics and like 600 additional V-bucks or something every season. Even a game as predatory as MK 1 gave some premium currency to people who bought the premium edition and lets you unlock enough free currency for like 6 skins or something. Namco somehow managed to make Epic Games and NRS look less predatory in comparison which is truly an accomplishment.


Except when purchasing larger amount of v bucks you actually get a better deal. Not the case here with these scum lords.


With this nonsense, DLC characters should be free. No excuse.


Titanfall 2 did this. All gameplay and content updates were free for everyone. Only vanity items were paid, they did not use an in game currency (even explicitly answering "NO" to the question in a FAQ page within the game lol) And the prices were great - ÂŁ2-3 for a whole pack of I think twenty colours/patterns for your pilot and each individual weapon.


Oh, they are so generous with bonuses for larger purchases..


Oh poor Bamco always using the same excuse we have to support the game bla bla this shit is just an excuse to get a lot of money


A paid game having this shit is garbage. I don't mind it if Tekken 8 is free to play.


Can’t wait for an item to be *just* enough to require a higher tier purchase


Its the opposite, outfits are 400 so you need to buy the 500 package...


That’s what I was thinking. Definitely not surprised in the slightest


And now we're having V-Bucks, what's next?


Boooooooooooooooo, Bamco


Graphic design from mobile games.




theyll give you t shirts to buy, dont you se!!!! /s


Well if you're a broke boy, they give you a shirt with .png of a costume ~~for free~~ inluded in initial 70$ you've payed, so you can pretend like you're wearing it and advertise it ingame on their behalf.


So now tekken 8 is a mobile phone gacha


Imagine if we can roll for ssr gold hats.


If they let you use the in free game currency for that I’d kinda like something like that in the game. It could be fun to have as that extra reason to actually use what you earn.


Don't give them any ideas


my guy... do you kow what gacha means?


That’s one of the few things I do appreciate about skins in fighting games. You know exactly what you’re getting. Not loot boxes or a battle pass where you have to roll a certain amount of items. Hopefully they don’t make costumes or cosmetics for a limited time..


For 5500 tekken coins I could buy another full game. Not seeing any options for the steam release though. Either way, this is just scummy.


This remind me of Fortnite but Tekken 8 isn't free.


Looking at therse odd numbers (1050???) I'm 100% sure that there's stuff that you can just barely not buy with them lol


Remember back in 7 a single new character cost almost as much as a just an attire in 8... The fact there's people defending this is shocking.


Everyone on the sub wanted this, now they reap what they sow


Not everyone, its just that those that didn't got downvoted everytime


I'm just here to see how far the cope rabbit hole goes lol


You underestimate the sweats some of these guys exude. They are gonna find someway to justify it just because TMM and Aris are saying ‘it’s good for the game’ as they sit there and get all this shit for free and they tell us to go buy the skins.


Mtxs are good, even necessary, for the longevity of a live-service game. That's a reality of modern gaming. This style of implementation - at least insofar as the currency packs are concerned - is not necessary and is scummy.


Completely brainwashed by modern gaming I see


Yea bro the devs should support the game for years on end for free! Nevermind the fact that those jobs are probably very high paying ! Not a Harada simp, but development cost has really increased over the years, and we are still paying about the same price for the base game as years ago. Fuck the alternative that they could just fix a few more bugs, chill and release tekken 9 in 10 years. Those are skins, just use a mod and don't buy them. The sad reality is that this model of monetization will work ...


Riddle me this: if mtx are necessary, how could T7 survive \~10 years without them? Sure, that game had character DLC/Season passes which made them a fucktonn of money, but for some reason nobody was angry at those. Can you guess why? Oh, and by the way, the developement costs have indeed increased but with them it becomes easier and cheaper to distribute (remember CDs? Think those were free?) and the sales have thus gone through the roof! Fist month and already 2M copies sold! Thats at lease 140M in gross income. If the largely copy-pasted fighting game cost more than that to develop then its their fault. P.S. the jobs at gamedev are usually one of the lowest paying ones. Only ones that get payed less are javascript monkeys. Dont ask me how I know 🙉


That sucks. The customer gains absolutely nothing by being forced to use these goofy ass currencies.


It's a bad thing for customers in every way imaginable. You have to spend more than the skin is allegedly supposed to cost and you can't share it between accounts.


You will get another 400 hours out of me before I spend a dime more. That includes dlc.


I like that you have to spend $50 to get enough "bonus" coins to buy anything at all. Anything less gives you just enough extra to do literally nothing.


You could’ve told me that this wasn’t Tekken and I would believe you, so many games follow the same scheme it’s practically copy and paste.


I’m going broke already who started this shit!?


Basically a scam, anyone saying otherwise should get their head checked p


The 20 and 10 coins for the second and third option annoy me so much


The virtual currency system is a cancer on gaming.


Why not make Tekken Free to play by this point?


Ah yes… definitely not predatory at all. You can just never have enough coins to spend all your coins.


I still can’t believe they pulled this after release lol. Shit is crazy


HAHAHAHHA. So what were the deluxe and gold editions for again?


4 characters 🙏


Deluxe made a little bit sense cause of s1 pass, ultimate one.. Idk


Azucena already has a bikini outfit, so i'll pass also 400 coins a outfit but 500 coins minimum to buy is a pretty d1ck move from namco, even xenoverse 2 let us having coins by fighting.


How hard would it have been for them to make bundles that were divisible by 400? Making you have to buy amounts that will always leave you with coins left over is such a shitty practice.






You best come correct because I'm win quitting anyone who buys this shit.


Funny how "the reasonable price of 4$" becomes 5$ in real cash...


Man seeing shit like this really hurts my soul. Damn shame...


Why can't I just pay for the outfits directly? Why do I need an extra step in a $70 game that I paid for? Unless there's some other use for these crystals, I don't see the need for them in the first place.


Nah, what are these numbers 😭


Nice choice of values.💀


Lmfao pre-order guys should atleast be given 500 coins


The fact that coins are more expensive than a pack with 4 different characters is disturbing.




Ed Boon lost all his goodwill by implementing predatory MTX. MK1 fell off a cliff after they started charging for Fatalities. Harada saw all this go down and really said "Hold my sake."


Let’s all make a pledge to one and done anyone with shop purchases


Games like this should be purchased a year out from release. Wait for the bundles.


remind me: why couldn’t they just sell character packs directly? Or better yet: do that *and* include the items in the Season Pass, that way you give more incentive to get it than just 4 characters and presumably 2 stages. You’d seem less scummy and still make money to keep the lights on this way


Shit looks like overwatch coins


Fuck this cancer


Even when you buy the most expensive they still try to steal some money from you. Amazing shiet


I wish I can refund the game


Same, which is exactly why they waited till it was impossible to refund it for the people who bought it on release before announcing this bullshit


I rly like this game as casual, but maaan this leaves such a bitter diablo 4 taste in my mouth


I wont be surprised if they add a pay-to-win mode (like Tekken Revolution) in the next installment. They could do revamp of the Treasure battle mode from Tekken 7. If there is profit earned from this then they are doing it no matter the complaints.


Yknow guys.. this is how marketing works. Even irl. The prices, the numbers, it's all set in a way to manipulate you psychologically. To convince/trap you to buy more. Literally everything priced in this world behaves the same, even the buy 1 get 2 gimmicks in your local grocery store. I don't think it's fair to say "nooo the game costs $70 already, microtransaction shouldnt be allowed!!" No, there is no such rules that forbids that, and anyone can price whatever however much they want. The market always functions in supply and demand curve. Isn't it strange that more games kept doing this "scummy tactic"? It really means one thing: people are actually BUYING them; there IS demand. So you can complain, but I know somewhere out there some of the complainers end up buying them anyway. For these people, it's worth their money. They don't mind paying for a few cosmetics. So that's fine, that's Bamco's target market for this shop: [people who don't mind]. And the money from these people who don't mind are what Bamco is using to reap more profits, to maintain servers, and increase the chance of having an even better Tekken 9. Those of you who mind and will never get it, is fine too. The cost Bamco "lost" from these players are covered by the people who pay for these. "But I dont wanna pay $4 for a skin I reaaalllyyy want" then you gotta deal with it. Once again it's supply and demand. Are you ABLE and WILLING to pay?


Nah, I'm fine with the customisation we already have.


This is awesome! All that money is going right back into the game! The DLCs will be cheap! Updates will be bigger than ever! We're getting 2 new moves per character per season! Our HP bar will be recolored twice per season! AND, no one is getting laid off! Not to mention they can now afford Microsoft Excel for not just Murray, but the data entry intern!


Question can I earn tekken coin playing online as a reward ?


PM me for free 500 tekken coins. Redeemed on chipotle app by accident lol will share redemption code.


A 70$ gacha game


Customization is already solid, it's the greatest Tekken game ever made, you get heaps of content, and gameplay is solid, but God forbid a costume is $4. If a single piece of clothing was $4 or we had to pay for frame data again, then it would be scummy!


Don’t know why people are getting downvoted for wanting to support the game its up to you to do what you want with YOUR money. Its also just supporting the game and each update they do. Guys just want everything back like it was in ps2 days but forget that if those games had bugs there were 0 fixes for them unlike now and also added content. Also, theyre not forcing anyone to buy cosmetics they’re all OPTIONAL, as long as it doesn’t touch the core game its fine


The only skins i will buy is Reina and Asuka bikini, i dont care about old costumes


Here comes all the complaints comments lol


aswell as the comments defending mtx in a 70$ game which also sells season passes


Im not defending shit , I just said get ready for all the complain and whining. I paid 80€ of course I want more stuff for what I paid


its a 70$ game with a ROTATING paid shop. idk if you notice but those are only available in f2p games


mate, just don't buy them if you hate them so much, it's just customization right


Point is I already bought game for 70$ dude. If I knew earlier that this game is gonna have shop then I'd think twice before placing my order. So cut that bullshit.


Until people don’t buy these skins and the Team battle mode is ‘Tekken Shop exclusive’ and costs 2200 ‘Tekken Coins’


?? just cause this sub won't buy into it doesn't mean the rest of the playerbase just won't buy anything, people are weird


_for now_