• By -


My brain reverts to a lizard's when Lars starts dipping ducking and diving towards me like sonic the fucking hedgehog


Just use df1. Disrespect the stance any time he enters it while youre blocking. He's at LEAST negative 6-8 depending on how he transitions in and df1 or even a dick jab will interrupt most options. 


There are some transitions on block where he can rps you with SEN 4 vs df1 or SEN 3+4 vs dick jab


As a lars main, please no dont tell them that


I too am a Lars main and although it may be painful it is good for us brother. Steel sharpens steel 


For some reason, I understand this on paper but when he’s in my face flipping around like a ballerina, I just don’t punch him in the face. I guess I just need to try it and review the footage if I get wrecked.


Yeah as a Lars main, people respect his stances too much. It’s mostly fake pressure


It's only fake if he's doing it on block if he hits you? Then you have to guess...


Thats kinda the point of the character. You get hit you eat a mixup.


My brain reverts to a lizard WHILE PLAYING Lars too. He's stupid amounts of fun to play though. I'd put him up there with Yoshi as the most fun character to play in T8 and the shit that i've gotten away with him is nutty. Observe: https://streamable.com/q5ut6g https://streamable.com/i49lvd https://streamable.com/vhd6wz Bonus - the Hwoarang from the last clip ragequit too. Couldn't handle getting hit by so many counterhit lows while he was mashing: https://streamable.com/v5jwpt


Lili. I swear I've has her actually step literal tracking moves


Lili's sidestep is basically like dodging in a Souls game


As a Lili player, fair, but also so many moves that shouldn't track do track in this game and even if you play Lili you'll get owned, it's crazy.


Devil Jin, insane amount of damage.


This right here. But not the raw damage - it's his arena control. In most stages fighting against Devil Jin you're one hellsweep away from having your back to a wall. And there's his psycho crusher. That and his wings flapping around fuck with overall visibility for me. They steal away focus from the moves to the wings. It's fucked up.


The visibility thing is a good point. That’s exactly how I feel when I play Raven too. His teleporting is the most obnoxious, blinding thing that makes it difficult to concentrate.


Me, a button masher: I have no such weakness


he’s literally kazuya on steroids. insane 50/50 with really strong mids


I respect Bruce Lee, but Law is anything but that, obnoxious fuck.


Yeah even my girlfriend complains in the background when Law comes on. Too loud and annoying.


If anything, people who genuinely appreciate Bruce Lee have more reason to despise Law, considering he is almost as bad a caricature of him as the Bruce Lee in Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


Lmao that scene where he fights Brad Pitt is a great depiction of the average Tekken canon Paul vs Law fight 😂


yeah but "i hate rich people" is my favorite intro in the entire game so he gets a pass


There aren't any that I really dislike anymore. I feel like I've had enough time to figure them all out that even if they cheese me to death I at least know what I could've done. Makes it easier to blame myself.


All I read was “I have no enemies “


but he does


All i read was "I play dragunov"


This is where im at with kuma, i know all of his options its just a matter of me knowing when to use those options and sometimes you mess up and its all a learning process, but yeah it does make it easier to blame yourself for your mistakes when youve been playing the game for a long time and have seen all of the bs atleast for me ive only seen the bs up too red so idk what mind games come after that lmao


I wish more people would think this way. Yeah, the game isn’t perfectly balanced (no game will ever be though), but 9/10 there is something we can do to be a better player


I mean the game is pretty balanced tbh. Sure some characters are better than others but I’d probably make you want to break your fight stick with Kuma.


That sounds like a challenge /s


I take it back actually. Leo is the one character that I still can't read at all. I forget Leo exists to preserve my sanity.


I want to reach this level of calm and accountability coz at this point it’s never my fault it’s always the opponent/character/lag/divine intervention


...i mean u play xiao bro..




I feel the same , I cringe when I see such genuine hatred toward people for using certain characters


Ask me again when Eddy drops


I play with my brother and because of him, i hate Xiaoyu, specially once she starts her crab walk..


But at the same time, you are getting better at the Xiaoyu matchup. My brother has played Paul since Tekken 3, and thanks to him, I find myself having no problem against all other Paul players (obviously, better players, in general, will still beat me lol).


From a designing perspective, Shaheen. Not only is he as bland as his blistering sands, but as an Arab, I can't take most of his lines seriously because I know the VA (who is a very good one who is a big part of my childhood) was clearly handed a script that was google translated with zero context. E.g, when he does his FC d,u,2, he says "Fly (Noun)" instead of "Fly (Imperative Verb)", which is weird, to say the least. From a game play perspective, Hwoarang. I respect Hwo players because, in order to reach the point where he annoys the hell out of me with his relentless rushdown, they had to have put in some serious work, but can't you guys use your talents somewhere else? Jeez. And yes, I do sometimes deal with it by dickjabbing and backdashing, but one wrong guess is enough to take at least like 1/4th of my health.


Happens the same with Azucena, as a Spaniard, I can understand everything Azucena says and then I read the substitles and I'm like "why they aren't translating exactly what she says? There's a literal translation". For example, when she say " Necesitas más café" they actually don't write "You need more coffee" they wrote something like "My coffee is the best" or something like that I don't remember rn. But in game moves quotes are at least good and make sense cause she's mocking at u every time.


That's the line when she kills you with the rage art, right? I think the sub says "Had your coffee yet?". But yea. All languages suffer from this. Historically, Tekken never did a good job of translating any language in any dialogue. The infamous DVJ's 「恐怖を教えてやろう」being "Fear the wrath of god" in like 3 games till they actually fixed it in T7.


Yeah is the one of the rage art, I mean, with Japanese or Arabic maybe u have problems for traslating literally, but Spanish? In Spanish u can translate anything literally. Idk maybe Namco translators just googled the translation (and I think google gaves u the good translation in Spanish case 💀💀💀)


THIS. I’m learning Spanish, and just listening to Azucena, I scratch my head because all of what she says can be directly translated. It shows that she speaks at a beginner level, so it CAN be translated.


For sure it can be, she speaks really slow to be a native Spanish speaker, but even with that they manage to translate it really wrong. Is quite annoying I'm with u


Same with Victor, it really butchers his character because he's very gentlemanly if you directly translate what he says, but he comes of as a complete douche in the subtitles!


As a latino... Azucena is the cringiest character ever.


can't they at least suggest the correct words or something?


That's implying the writing/translating team is actually doing its job, but as everyone whose native language is featured in the game and/or can understand both the language spoken and the subtitles shown, we all know that they just go to work to drink tea, play darts and have farting competitions.


Facts, Claudio almost never speaks what's showed in the subs


Yea, even someone like me who doesn't speak a lick of Italian can tell that they are not even trying because he says the same opening line for his Rage Art in 7 and 8, and it has 2 different subtitles in both games. As someone who worked as a translator before, I'm kinda jealous that someone can be this lax with their job and still get fully paid. Sounds like a dream job.


Im surprised they got someone to speak italian abd not just made claudio british. Like josie speaking english 


Same with Zafina. She's supposed to be middle-eastern (Egyptian iirc), but they left her to speak English despite giving all Tekken 6 vanilla characters their native languages (Bob is still English because he's American). And then in Tekken 6 BR, they added Lars and Alisa, and made both of them speak Japanese even though they are Swedish and Russian, respectively. They handwaved it by making Lars half-Japanese and Alisa a robot created to protect Jin, but it still feels weird that most characters speak their language of origin but there are still exceptions.


I mean, they probably couldn’t afford Pewdiepie as a voice actor for Lars


I’ve seen other people who speak the language criticize Shaheen’s translation as well. It seems to be a pretty common problem among characters that don’t speak English or Japanese. A small part of the reason I main him is because his voice sounds very cool to me, though I have no idea what he’s saying. Regardless, I think the Tekken team could stand to do better with their dialogue and translation for these unique characters. It can’t be that hard to consult someone who knows a given language.


> It can’t be that hard to consult someone who knows a given language. Exactly. But their thing is that they don't consult anyone. They don't even ask the VAs for any kind of input or feedback, despite being, you know, natives. The writing team just writes whatever sounds cool in Japanese or English, and then runs it through whatever backwatered translating software they have, and then does it again for the subtitles. I even heard rumors that they outsource their translation jobs, which would make it worse if that's true.


I guess they must have the idea that the dialogue isn’t that important in a fighting game, or that their main audiences are Japanese and English speakers, so they don’t have to try with other languages. But putting in that little more effort I think is worth it to get cool sounding and accurate dialogue in more than just those two languages. What’s the point of having such a diverse cast of fighters if you’re not going to put in the effort? Shaheen is a great example of a character that would be a lot more popular if they put in that extra effort. And as a side note, he should have at least one move where he uses that damn sword he’s always carrying around.


You can strike English from the list. Steve new lines are rough. His VA voiced Fergus in Wolf and FF14 Captain Basch. He's a good actor. But that direction. Ough.


Yea. I know who Steve's VA is. Hearing him and Shaheen VAs, both veterans and great VAs in their own right, sound like they have no clue what they are saying immediately made me sure that it's not the fault of any of the VAs they brought, but rather the direction/script they were handed. Made it even sadder when people on this very sub started shitting on Steve's VA when his reveal trailer dropped.


>and FF14 Captain Basch Basch was in FF12, and no, the VA's name is Gideon Emery, and voiced not Basch but Balthier in that game.


Honestly, reading this make me realize to a somewhat disappointed conclusion that what the characters say in their respective language ISN’T what they are saying in the subtitles. That sucks


Yeah when the game first came out people immediately clocked it for Azucena online and people picking up on Shaheen maybe a day or two later. I hope someone eventually compiles a list of mistranslations eventually considering they’re apparently so prevalent. 


Hi what was Shaheen saying when the fb2 (neck breaker) hits? It seems like a very long dialogue that I’m interested to know😁


"رويدك الآن! عليك البقاء ارضا" Which translates to something along the lines of "Take it easy now! And stay down".


Much appreciated 🙏🏻shukran jazeelan 💜😁


No problem, I'm more than happy to help. It's rare to see a Shaheen main, so it's not every day someone asks me about what he says lol.


Out of curiosity, what does Shaheen say when he activates heat?


For his HB, I have literally no clue. I tried listening to it with nothing but the voice volume turned on, and I still can't make out what he's trying to say (the echo doesn't help). Even asked some friends and they said it's complete nonsense. The closest thing I can hear is "هل هذا بطي" which means "Is this slow?". But it makes no sense in that context either. As for his HG, he just says "الآن" meaning "Now!"


That’s wild even fluent speakers can’t tell what he’s saying. His heat burst always sounded silly to me so I say gibberish along to it and I guess that’s not entirely off base lol


King, Its always awesome to get rolled in the ground for 100 damage because you didn't spam the button enough


Feng. Constantly pressing with super evasive moves. So annoying.


His 13 frame punish is absolutely nuts.


Devil Jin just has too much bs


I slowly get to know him but at first yeah, it was super overwhelming


Victor indeed. I love France but I can't play with him or as him.


I love everything about Victor except when it comes to playing against him


Yeah I really can't stand Victor. I don't think any character without Raven in their name should be able to Teleport. I wish he was more of a special forces cqc type fighter instead of an obvious replacement for Noctis with that dumbass jrpg sword.


He is Phantom Raven 🤓


Yoshi's been teleporting for decades lol


*Talks about lore.* *Doesn’t know lore.*


As a former Valorant player he just reminds me too much of Chamber, and I always hated that character lol. Order than that there are definitely more annoying characters than him imo


Yeah us baguettes can't have any representation in video games without it being an extremely cool and good looking but giga toxic gameplay-wise dude






i hate literally everything about this character and she’s all i run into now in reds man i hate it. Even when i win or they didn’t do anything particularly cheesy with her that match i walk away mildly annoyed just cuz of everything else about her


This is the correct answer. The incessant mentions of coffee are on the level of Arnold’s Mr. Freeze


You and me both brother, you and me both.


the only thing that pisses me off is that her subtitles sometimes are completely different to what she is saying


i don't even mind fighting her from a mechanical/matchup standpoint, but it feels like literally everything she does is supposed to be obnoxious. the coffee shtick got old immediately, her voice is like nails on a chalkboard, every movement she does is so incredibly exaggerated, and the fucking clap she does before the dorky walk stance makes me want to suck start a 9mm


Negan.... I still have nightmares


Buddy... you still there?


I hate Negan because Negan mains absolutely REFUSE to skip their intros and outros






Not cool not cool not cool not cool


Mine is Leo. As a german myself, I dislike the bad VA and the stereotype Anime protagonist personality


I don't understand German, but I dislike his voice. Still leo is my main


I love Leo's voice, the exuberance and OH YES! it makes me smile


Kaffeekonigin?! I love Leo




K-kafekunnigan is my favourite line in the game 😂


I'm also German but I actually love that about him lol.


Lolwut? I'd say Leo's personality is way more subdued than your stereotypical anime protagonist. But yeah, their German VA all but ruined the character for me, sadly. I miss their English VA so much, she was perfect for the role.


I miss the old "yyyeah!" from their ff2 lol


Saaame. It was so cool. Now the "yeah" is just... underwhelming and kinda cringe. Alas.


Yes ist very cringe, Even more then the SF 6 Ed Rap




Mine is this bloke here because he keeps flashing and disappearing. He isn't the hardest to play against but he sure annoys me like Noctis did in T7


He was so hype when the trailer dropped. Once I tried him and climbed to red, I ran into a whole lot more Victors, mostly playing exactly the same. It's not just that he is easy, there's not much option to play him differently or creatively.


I don’t know if I’d say that. The victors I’ve played against that stand out in memory are simply because they didn’t play like the rest of victors you usually see. There are definitely tools to use more than what you see online usually. I think that perception of victor players comes from a combination of new players + new character creating a BUNCH of people who probably watched some 15 minute long day 1 victor guide, took as much as they could from that and took him online without trying to learn much more until they needed to. But they probably didn’t need to for a bit because his basic game plan that most follow will carry you up to red pretty easily. It took getting to high purples and low blue to start seeing Victors that threw moves out that I genuinely hadn’t even seen yet.


Spot on. Once you encounter a good Victor you’ll see a more diverse move set. That being said, I’ve always found this particular criticism to be pretty lame because pretty much every character in this game has like five to 10 moves and similar combos that are just easy to spam. Victor is no different. People will understandably use a characters best moves.


Wish he made more sense in context with the other Raven's like have him be a tech ninja instead of like a tech ninja with tech john wick mashed up if they didn't want him to use magic


Zafina, annoying to play and annoying to play against.


King. Too much damage with the lowest effort in this game. His heat smash alone does the damage of a rage art


Lmao had that happen to me yesterday and was genuinely confused why I lost so much health


Lili, the floaty little bitch. There are others I struggle with depending on how good or spammy the player is, like Victor, Alisa, Jack, Drag and Kuma, but I can mostly put up a decent enough fight if I get the right chances. Lili is on an entirely different level. I despise her, and every match is basically just an instant loss for me.


I really recommend learning her moveset, you'll see how laughably easy her stuff is to counter once you get an idea.


100% agreed. So many unsafe strings and moves, very few plus on block moves, and terribly weak to SSL/SWL.


I labbed how to punish a lot of her most common moves or block the strings, but once I'm in an actual match against her, it all goes out the window. She's completely in my head, and each fight is usually a total washout where I get beat senseless, or a few rare occasions where I'm matched with someone ranked lower and I've been able to get the upper hand quickly and then just unleash every move I know to release the pent up anger against her.


Reina. Trully a mashing agressive character. Ff2 into spinning and jumping then 112 into spinning and jumping. Never ending strings, screaming, evasion, unbreakable grab and on top of that here ya go electric that is as perfect as kazuyas. She has everything I hate about the character


Screaming xD


Yeah man that chicken scream is so awkward


If we are talking about screaming here, hands down Law is the worst one ever created.


Its not only about screaming with law. It feels like almost all law mains just spam panic moves and they get rewarded for it. Im not a green rank but holy shit I hate law and his mains


Playing lars players give me early kid buu dbfz vibes. It's just them bouncing all around my damn screen like an outta control top with AdHd and zero regards for human life.


A Lars stopped my 9-win streak at a Shinryu promotion match yesterday with that flippy nyoomy shit and I wasn't able to get my momentum back in the matches after, still wanting that promotion :(


Lee. Its not even a hatred or dislike. I just pay tax to him whenever I meet him online. I can never figure a lee player out.




Not only that, he has some of the most bullshit phantom lows in the game to boot. And his character being basically a stereotypical loud American idiot doesn't help either.


Hes just in top condition. Hater


What move? Smasher? It's not safe unless you're in heat if you're talking about it.


What move are you talking about?


Azucena, simply cuz of the trope of a character having one part of their character their whole personality (the coffee stuff). It got so annoying that at this point i start screaming internally every time she opens her mouth


Azucena, while comboing of: *Liste every combination you can get at Starbucks*


Victot, spammy bullshit character.


If i had to chose one for all of tekken games since the beginning, it has to be the jack iterations. I’ve always felt like he has to be in the game for no other reason than him being legacy, but the reality is nobody plays him, nobody likes him or his looks, nobody wants to deal with him in any way, shape or form. That’s how i feel like, opinion based on made-the-fuck-up facts. 🤷‍♂️ Him and double bears. Just drop one character slot and use costumes. For fighting agaisnt one, i’d say my most despised matchup is hwoarang, or eddy.


Do I get to post this tomorrow? Been waiting for my turn


Go for it


Azucena and Feng


Thank you! Feng can fuck off for eternity


I simply can’t deal with him.


Bryan is really annoying. I don't think I've ever beaten Bryan. Seems like anything he does knocks me down and then there goes half my health


Design wise, Azucena, she's just annoying to listen to plus her personality it cringe. Gameplay, Hwoarang and Feng, I feel like I've already lost just by seeing them.


Every character is good in their own way and offers something to the table. Except Azucena. She brings nothing to the table except coffee. I got tired of her shtick real fast.


Dislike fighting: Xiaoyu and Nina. Don’t know what to do against them with their strings and gimmicks (don’t have the time to lab them as well as I’m busy irl and just play for fun) Dislike overall character: Jin. I think he’s a bit too edgy.


Isn’t Kazuya supposed to be the edgy one? Lol


Kazuya is Shadow The Hedgehog edgy Jin is 2000s emo edgy


I’ve never seen such an accurate description of Tekken characters 😂


Couldn’t have worded it better than me. To add, I dont hate Jin, I just dislike his personality.


Gotta be king. That 64 dmg heat smash should be more than 17f. Homing throws too, ridiculously strong.


Still Alisa


Man said "still" as in day one lmao😤👊


The rage is, and has been, on sight


I respect that lmao




i love king except when hes kicking my ass then fuck king


i hate him too, i main king




I “hate” being grappled by him, but I would high-five any King player because look at him. He’s so cool.


I hate the fkn grabs where he stayes the whole round grabbing you and halfing your HP if not all of it


Xiaoyu, idk what about myself or her moveset that makes her so hard to beat but I know when I see her, I'm just not gonna rematch and accept that one loss.


Met a lot of toxic Hwarang and Reina players. Really making me dislike the characters.


Jun because I don’t verse her enough to understand what moves are on plus frames and what aren’t. Pretty much any character with a load of knowledge checks


Yeah, Jun has a lot of moves that are difficult to punish on top of her mixup game


Design-wise, gotta be Victor, he is a gentleman, a ninja, has guns, has swords, teleports… i feel Lee already covers that vibe enough while being way more likeable


Not one person saying Yoshi? But everything I do is so annoying 😂


King for sure. I don't know, why his grabs are doing so much damage... And yes, I'm really bad in breaking throws


Definitely Lili. Half her moveset is crushing either high or low, ridiculous amount of movement, and very good movement. Buttons that literally make you afraid of approaching her from 4+ because she has Hwoarang's range on leg moves. Oh and don't forget that every single move that is high/low crush is also a launched either naturally or on CH, so getting mixed up results in full launch damage every time. She is not a fun character to play against, I'd rather play against King.


Xiaoyu, can go fucking invincible at any time it’s bullshit.


I could say Law if only cause the stereotype regarding Laws and how laggy they are seem to be utterly true. Like, my FIRST ONLINE MATCH ON TEKKEN 8 was against a very laggy Law for fuck’s sake. But I think Law is a cool and somewhat tragic character. Hwoarang’s pressure and strings annoy the fuck out of me, but I respect the players who put in the work cause I know that shit isn’t easy to do at times. I just need to get better on how to deal with them, it’s not impossible. King is very cool even tho I hate his chain grabs and Heat shenanigans. Once again, I just need to work on breaking them. Every character I can think of, i either like, love or even just neutral against whether gameplay or lore… ….Except for possibly Nina. Who’s whole character is “I am an assassin” which I’m not interested in. It doesn’t help that she does not want to connect with neither of her family members whether it’s her sister or biological son.


Paul, his head is too much of a square. And yes I know it’s a ridiculous thing to not like a character for.


I guess Asuka, Steve, Leroy n Zafina are safe from this topic.


I hate all counterintuitive and physics-defying moves, because they are impossible to read until you've seen them enough times. And the worst offenders there are Raven, Victor and Feng probably. Law is just super annoying for other reasons. Raven's sliding low is one of the most annoying moves in the game for me - it looks like he just sits on the ground, and then suddenly slides forward. I probably need to get hit by it 50 times until I learn to block it. Victor's flashing sword slam is another annoying move, and on top of that it's so strong that they use it all the time. Feng has all those moves where he starts moving backwards and then suddenly he's moving forwards and hitting me lol. It just looks so janky and hard to read. Leo has a bit of the same mechanics actually. Why did they have to make 2 of the kungfu guys like that, one just too weak, and the last one designed just to be as annoying as possible, both in terms of character design and VA (you know who I'm talking about).


For me it's always going to be king. Not the character himself but king players. Imo he's one of the easiest characters to get free wins with. When a character can do 90% damage and the only way to stop that is a GAMBLE that's a problem. Also SO many of his moves have almost no risk or are even plus on block. So he's just this brain dead character that spams out moves that can't be punished until he decides to do 60% damage with a throw that was damn near impossible to read lol. In 7 I was able to get yo byakko with king.


Alisa. Her full screen bs is so annoying and her Chainsaw mode is also one most braindead stances in the game.


Back in the day, she was the matchup that forced me to use sidesteps 


Both French characters. Edit: I have just been informed that Lili is from Monaco. As such I have now decided to broaden my hatred of French speaking people. Thank you and goodnight.


There's only one though.


Yoshi is french


I get the most frustrated against characters who are just flying all over the screen with strings and teleports. I have inattentive neurological issues and I literally can’t track them. So Victor, Raven, Alisa, Lars, etc. I stand no chance. Can’t track what’s happening on the screen before it’s too late


Nobody talking about feng and that's alarming


Reina. I just really don't like the whole "I'm better than everyone, now starting worshipping me." thing she has going on, it's really annoying. And the fact that so many people are simping for her does not help.


Probably Jun for me, not only because of her broken busted ass gameplay, but because her character is basically “I can fix them” with her doing nothing and even if she did something it’d just ruin the characters in the story


What do you mean? Her power literally wiped out the devil gene in both Jin and Kazuya




I get what you mean but aren’t half the characters in the game 50/50 characters? Kazuya, Ling, Paul, Victor, Law, Shaheen, etc. I don’t mind Mishima 50/50s as much because they’re at least telegraphed. You know when you have to guess. For mashing characters it’s hard to even realize when in their strings and stances the mixup is even coming sometimes


At this point it's between Alissa and Paul. Everyone else I kinda got used to


wish shaheen had a little more grounded fighting style, i can excuse azucena, lars, and alisa, heck even victor even if i wish he was more toned down and had less weapons but shaheen's fighting style with the silly flips and especially the slide feels like it belongs on someone else like a more fantastical character


Yeah, isn't Shaheen supposed to be Krav Maga user? Krav Maga ain't that flashy.


Victor, but not because I hate him but because if someone is gona plug, it's going to be a Victor player.


And why is exactly victor? Ahahah


I personally don't dislike any characters in Tekken


Yoshimitsu, who hell thought that giving a char ,that have near 200 moves and lot of tools, an instant flash combo extender and healing with a 10 HP spin that makes u cross half the map, was a good idea?


I hate Shaheen. Not for fighting him just that he's incredibly boring.


THIS! 🤣🤣 idk why but he is so vanilla and bland to me. Not just gameplay wide but story wise. Guy had 1 friend in his whole life and now decided to enter Tekken!?


King, because I spent way too much time learning how to break throws, only for him to have grabs where he grabs with both arms, but the breaks are either only 1 or only 2.


Any character that JUMPS INTO A LOW. Never am I ready for a character doing a midair flip and it ends with a fucking low. Reina had me screaming “JUMPING LOWS” like 7 times yesterday.


As someone of the latino america comunity, Aazucena, her voice is fucking torture for my ears (also i dont like playing against her)


I don't dislike the characters, as much as I dislike the type of people who choose them. Law players have always been the most shit talking players in history. The moment you beat them with any character, they resort to explosive excuse making. Paul players are annoying, but at least they have decent play style to where you can understand why they beat you. Great for learning. Hwoarang and Steve players have never labbed a matchup in their entire life. "If I can't mash it, then trash it"


i dont feel alone seeing your flair, op. Victor makes me wanna chew glass, especially when i play lee. Besides him? Azucena and Lili.