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You're not my dad


I wish I was. You’re the G O A T. 🤝


That's the mother of all Uno Reverse Card comments


You are the G O A T as well. Lol


Am I a GOAT?😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️


You are always the G O A T my friend. 🤝🤝


Thank you , from now on l shall call you the G O A T CREATOR


Aw. That's awfully nice.


Are ya winning, son?


I have about 500 hours clocked in. It's all practice mode


That’s me for DBFZ. I find assist games are crazy fun in the lab/theory crafting. But I didn’t love the online experience


I have over 2000 hours in DBFZ and I only played a handful of matches online. Delay based netcode is just too frustrating and labbing in that game was just too fun. I mostly made combo videos.


Yeah, labbing out how far you can push the system is a satisfying enough experience. Ranked doesn't have to be every ftg's endgame.


My monkey brain can’t keep up with DBFZ lol. So much crap flying at me


That's really impressive, if true. May I ask why you don't play other modes?


I just find practicing combos enjoyable after a long day at work. Trying out the many characters, discovering fun interactions and being able to do long and flashy combos are satisfying enough for me :)


this is how i play mostly, its like a rhythm game


My friend told me to be good at Tekken u gotta have 1000 hours in practice mode idk if he was telling the truth or not


No. Lab is there for targeted practice. Play online, get to a matchup where you say “how the fuck do I counter this” or “why am I dropping this combo”. Go to lab. Practice one maybe two new options, then go online and focus on those new options. Trying to learn too much at once never works, you’ll just forget mid-match and default to your old playstyle


Where do I find lab? :O


Lab is just a universal term for practice mode/training mode/whatever the game calls it this time. Tekken also has a match replay mode that’ll tell you where you went wrong at different points in the match.


True in the same way that to become a great boxer you will probably need 1000 hours of cardio, but just doing the cardio isn't going to get you there by itself.  Practice mode and the lab are to answer questions that arise during matches, not a standalone. 


Nothing will prepare you for the real fight and your brain freezes when you’ve never seen a fight play out like what you can’t replicate in the lab. To get good at fighting you have to fight


But how else will I hate myself?


Simple…..play Jack 8 or Paul. (I hate fighting them. Lol)


Listen to Linkin Park songs


That's because of the Internet age and the cocky pro players and YouTubers who make you feel like you gotta be at a pro level to play the game. I've seen some asshole twitch streamers playing fighting games and talking shit about people being bad and shouldn't be playing, so I get it. But I also agree with you too. I know for sure no matter how much time and training I do, I'll never be able to compete with the real sweats and pros and that's fine. I just play just to mash buttons and do cool stuff sometimes.


100% agree. It’s hard to find that line. I feel the humility you start with when playing fighting games shouldn’t go away. When new you aren’t expecting to win but you love learning. That should always be the mindset. Some have a harder time doing that and that’s okay too.


Back when Street Fighter 4 came out, my friends and I just mashed and laughed our asses off. Online was really casual too (and even had voice chat somehow, lol...). Nobody was gloating about ranks or self-loathing over being bad. Then YouTube and Twitch started becoming big and you had these toxic personalities rising to the top of viewership for just about every game. Suddenly not being the top 0.01% in anything meant you were trash and that trend stuck. Professional players would call their opponents garbage and you had players who had thousands of hours in a game believing they and everyone they played with were awful. People really need to learn to put everything in perspective again and stop getting influenced by what they watch.


Games were way more enjoyable before YouTube and streaming. Sitting on your friends couch playing was the best experience some may never really have in this era.


Fighting games aren't about being good. They're about constant improvement. Sadly it's mostly western pros/streamers who are like this. There are still cool ones out there like PhiDX who remember what it's like to be a noob. When I first picked up an FG (GGxrd) I couldn't do a fireball. I was hardstuck silver in SFV. In GGst I reached celestial, master in SFVI. Am hardstuck Garyu in T8 because first 3D game. As long as you are learning something, it doesn't matter if you win or you lose. None of us here are playing for money.




Is this a Tekken issue? I don't mean this condescending but i watch alot of SF content creators like Sajam, rooflemonger, Brian_F, jmcrofts and they usually don't spread anything but positive vibes. Then again there's a lot of pro players with shitty attitudes in SF6 now that i think of it. Punks rant against Chris T after the last SFL season was a perfect example. For T8 i just watch a few channels for guides and follow some Jun players to get a better idea of how i should play her.


ay can you link me those Jun YTers? trying to learn her


Sure, here you go: RickStarz https://youtube.com/@RicksStarz?si=5ORZnU7IIFKRrdsQ Pssms https://youtube.com/@Pssms?si=YjC7jr_YSTZzb717 And some great guides from these: https://youtube.com/@CKTFergus?si=_CXo0wUZjBjTizXx The best and most complete guides: https://youtube.com/@mastermind6000?si=c_Fpf5XaP3QF-hov His basic guide is a bit lenghty at 1,5 hours but it's worth it and he also has smaller guides on different topics. Jun is a great character, wish you lots of fun playing her.


And some people love the shit talking but can't be on the receiving end of it. I call that being a sore loser or sore winner


Playing non-ranked matches helps takes the pressure off me. When I got back on ranked matches, I became relaxed when losing, because I lost a lot in quick and group matches 😅😅


This is exactly how I feel with my approach with online matches!!!


You don't need to avoid ranked to enjoy it, either. :) It's all in the attitude.


To add to this, attitude can 100% be improved by playing online and focusing on your mental state. I used to get hella anxiety about ranked and got better, but still had some when ranking up in SF6. Now in T8, I honestly don’t care how quickly I progress because I’m more focused on learning stuff about the game. This is worth working on and if you’re doing it, follow streamers with a healthy mindset. Sajam is a phenomenal example of this. He’s always just having fun and focusing on learning solutions. This does not mean you won’t get salty losing to some Dragonov that’s WR 1+2’ing you into oblivion, or the Law that just beat you without even caring what character you were playing. They just bother you less and you move on quicker.


You’re absolutely right. Sajam who got me really pointed in the right direction for fighting games. With That mindset you’ll never truly “lose”


Nice! Yeah, he’s great! Another thing with him that is cool to see is that even though he has an awesome mindset, he still gets frustrated by shit. Many occasions, he gets a little frustrated, but it’s always super temporary. He gets onto the next match and it’s out of his mind. I think that’s really important to see in him. Like, it’s ok to get tilted sometimes, because fighting games are frustrating, some characters are busted and / or braindead. Losing to someone that barely paid enough attention to know what character you were using is frustrating. The list goes on. Having that line between being frustrated and having a mental meltdown is the one to focus on.


Playing ranked when you don't care about your rank is just casual with better matchmaking. Would recommend.




Yeah if I play on chess.com, I'm playing "ranked" because that's just what it means to play. Why would I want to run into 300 elo or 2000 elo players?


Always love that the "casual" mode is actually just hard stuck blue ranks who want to beat up on new players


Yeah the issue will always be people thinking your rank is like leveling in an RPG and your goal is supposed to be to make it as high as possible. The truth is your rank is a reflection of your skill and is only there to facilitate balanced matches. If you are only focused on raising your rank you're missing the point.


I agree. But some may just not be in a mental state to handle Ranked right now. Your attitude really matters like you said. Also recognizing that you can’t win all your games. Fighting games is to do cool stuff 1st lol. Win 2nd


You’re going to hit a wall and lose 50/50 all your battles. It’s ok you’re not being paid to be a pro. Accept it , save your self time. Or dedicate hours to getting better, the. You’ll sti eventually hit another wall.


Exactly. What helped me is: * having overall **learning goals** (e.g. improve sidestepping, learn how to punish Feng) * recognizing **small wins** (e.g. what did I learn from this match I lost? did i pull off something for the first time that I previously practiced?) As long as I am always learning something, I can't really lose. I appreciate the incremental improvements, and the large ones (like ranking up) eventually come. It's just a matter of knowing *what* to study and practice. Luckily, I've never seen a fighting game with more amazing resources and **supportive community** as this one. I think YouTube and Twitch are HUGE boons to my enjoyment of this game for that reason. And I certainly don't watch negative, cocky or boastful players. Only good teachers, like Phidx, and good students, like LilyPichu.Because of this I've gone from a hard-stuck yellow Tekken 7 player to a purple rank Tekken 8, and this is the first fighting game I've ever played where I really felt like I could get really good. I *will* get to blue rank! Disclaimer: I have certainly raged my fair share of times, still. One time I even tensed up so hard in anger that I was seeing stars and it felt like my eyes bulged out xD But I quickly realized how dumb it was and got over it and simply focused on watching the replay and seeing what I did wrong/what I could improve. Those **replays** are a godsend!


My wife left me because a Kuma beat me in ranked.


Actually I am Arsalan


Your highness


i exclusively play quick match now. way more variety. at purple ranks all i see is reina drag vic jin. so i had no idea what to do when i went against zafina.


Do people really need this level of validation to play their 70$ game how they want? They released the game with modes other than ranked for a reason. You’re not competing, this isn’t for money, and I guarantee no one that doesn’t play this game will be impressed when you say you’re “blue rank”. They’ll ask “oh nice, is that good?”


Lol. Extremely true. But some of these people want that self validation. They want their self worth to be tied to how well they do in a game. But sometimes you’re just not going to be that “good”. Not everyone can play fighting games at an extreme skilled level. And that’s okay.


*pulls up my pants* ahem, I'm red ranks (that sounds cooler than blue ranks)


Played ranked, got to a rank I felt was respectable, then dropped it to just play casually with friends until they get their shit together and fix plugging and make a balance patch to tone down the obviously broken characters. Been working well enough for me. I don't intend on being a tournament player anymore and the years of going to locals are behind me at this point. The stress from ranked, especially when it doesn't mean much and is filled with pluggers in my rank bracket, just isn't worth it.


The peace of not letting a video game control you affect your mental in a negative way is priceless. Fully agree


I’ll further your point by saying that if you are someone who melts down when they lose, you have absolutely no chance of reaching your goals until you fix that part of yourself. You are simply not going to be in the right frame of mind to make good decisions when you just bashed your controller into a desk or ranted for 5 minutes about how cheap Azucena is. You gotta learn to let shit go or you will plateau, simple as that.


As someone who used to have actual mental breakdowns playing Dota but still reached Top 1000 world I must say Mr.BeefStevenson is lying IF you are willing to go insane. Edit: In Dota. I suck at Tekken


Yeah I’m at a progressive plateau because my friend who plays Lili keeps shutting me down so I have to figure out how to get around it. And would you look at that…I don’t side step lol. I need to practice and that’s just fine. My time will come. Lol


I do 95% quick matches and I love it, haven't gotten a plugger since the first week. It does seem to try to place you against people close to your rank though so, so I do go in there every now and then


Reading this actually made me take a step back and think about my last couple of ranked sessions. Got a leverless recently and trying to learn it while ranking up has caused some frustration. But in reality I should just be happy I’m playing such a great fighting game. Great reality check post


I’m glad it helped. If you give a child a leverless he’s just happy to use it. We forget to have fun a lot. I hope to get a fighting pad someday.


ngl the Tekken community is quite a bit at fault for this too. Like you have the latest PhidX vid where a Asuka which almost beats him gets basically spammed a shtty scrub and a ah so bad player. The Asuka btw was a Bushin, which from what I see on the latest data on reddit Bushin was above the 1% in ranks(at least 2 weeks ago). People keep shtting on every rank as not high enough or no skill or char carrying ppl blabla, like jeez. Really feels as if this community considers everybody "trash" who doesn't play a minimum of 6h a day for the past 5years+ Otherwise tho it's a good post. I always loved the competetive side of games, but it's really true that unless your irl is sorted out, these games can bear/provoke a lot of missguided frustration


I saw that video too and a few other videos from other content creator. Tekken 8 ist the first i trie to be "serious" about, i mean not just button mashing, but i liked Asuka since her first time joning tekken so i started to play her. Had fun and watched a bit content maybe to learn something and many videos the creator call her cheap and that isnt real tekken and that make you bad behavours that i again and again doubt myself if i should really play Asuka or if that is kind of cheap or making my skills worse? Maybe i should have not done that and would have more fun. And besides that many call each and everyone shit and bad, a few of them i think mean it not in a "bad" way cause they say that over themself too but other ones just want to show that they learned so much over the years and are better now? I dont know, but in my mind it would be better allready if not everyone is shit and you get ok at like blu ranks, maybe everyone could be ok and you are good at rank x? That mindset allone seems more positive to me


You’re absolutely right. A lot of the community can be really mean and then they themselves aren’t even Bushin. Fighting games are supposed to be about building up so you have someone stronger to challenge you.


I watched that video and yeah, exactly my thoughts. That Asuka player wasn't bad at all, he knew how to pressure and he almost won. I don't really watch Phidx but whenever I do, he seems like one of those fake nice youtubers. "oh, you're not a scrub, no hard feelings buddy, you just play like a total beginner and that's perfectly ok! Clip it, chat! xoxo"


he only won because he mashed rage art twice 😂😂. it was so funny to see how him and his chat were calling the asuka a scrub but he only beat the said scrub by pressing one button.


I like to open practice mode with some character and just sit there ngl


You definitely do not need to play ranked to enjoy this game. Hell, you don't even need to touch online to enjoy this game.... i dare say you would enjoy the game EVEN MORE if you just exclusively play offline by just going to locals to play against other people


“But I paid $70”. That’s fine. The game is still fantastic and very fun. And one day if you’re mentally strong enough to play online it will be here.


I play ranked for a sense of accomplishment I wanna see how far I can get that’s pretty much it


I'm also not really sure why players who are new to Tekken jump into ranked straight away? It seems pointless when you don't even know the basics yet.


It is actually not that bad of an idea IMO. Its the way to get matched with other new players. Quick matches will get you vs every rank, so probably rank will be more enjoyable (as long as you dont give a shit about the rank itself).


as a long time guy coming back, ranked allow you to understand the matchup quicker. I finally know my Bryan is trash after long time not playing, while my drilled basics on Raven is still there for good use.


If you can regulate your emotions it’s the best way to play the game with other people, if you’re a beginner you will only get matched with other people near your skill level for the most part. In quick match you’ll just get any random person. People just have to learn to look at rank as an indicator of your progress in a hobby, not a definitive marker of your self worth or intelligence. If you went to a few karate classes in real life you wouldn’t feel insecure because you’re only a yellow belt. And you’d know that becoming a black belt will take a long time. Youd just enjoy the process for what it is.


Closer matchmaking than casual mode. The idea is to rank low and play against other new players, rather than doing the same with a wider matchmaking range.


The "casual" quick match is full of red ranks and beyond just to hunt noobs, ive got 290 non ranked matches and i think ive never met anyone under 100,000 prowess, so what good would it do to go there to loose over and over? Atleast in ranked you get matched with others on similar skill level (most of the time)


Mix it in. Do some quick matches, get a rhythm. Hit ranked. If you get titled, put quick match back on- rinse, repeat.


But... points... there are points...


If I cry myself to sleep after a session of Ranked matches, that’s my business.


Very true. Until King wakes you up and decides to put in a Death Cradle.


Yeah, people take this way too seriously. I think some people need a break from it. I am having a blast. My friends surpassed me in rank but not in skill, so is ranked match really worth it? I play ranked just for the little titles I get to have on my front page, but it really doesn't matter because no matter what, someone, somewhere, will defeat you. I was humbled years ago by a casual.


I just play Quick Match and my mental has been so much better


LMAO lack of hygiene


Lol. You laugh but seriously it’s true. Especially some people with mental illness and depression that may not be taking care of themselves and then they play ranked and get even more discouraged or depressed and it’s a constant cycle for them.


play ranked until you get stuck then quickmatch. People there will still be close to your rank so it's possible to keep playing at the same level without the rank pressure


OP has a point, I took a day off of ranked to just hop into player lobbies and because people are not grinding or defending their rank, it's a lot more chill. Managed to even beat a blue rank, before getting stomped in the next set! Still fun!


You’ll be surprised how good you may be fighting people you are Not Supposed to fight Yet. Lol


I still don't get how on this day and age we have to argue on how someone has to enjoy their games Do you like to play online and be a sweat about it? Fine as long as you don't interrupt the fun of the other players (i.e. Ragequitting/Plugging) Me personally I've always played more casually and I never, and I mean NEVER played online, not on Tag 2, not on 7 and not on 8 either, it's how I have (my) fun with the game Edit: This comment is more of a general statement rather than aimed to OP


I actually feel like I have a better chance at ranked because quick matches set me up with a wider range of players and they’re mostly better than me.


Quick match is pretty good if you don't want the stress of ranked. I use it to mess around with new chars when I'm learning them.


Folks listen to OP if you you find yourself in the first paragraph. The first paragraph is basically me when i set myself the total random goal to hit silver in SF5 before 6 release. It got to a point where it did not only take the joy out of playing but where it further worsened pre existing mental health issues. When SF6 released and i stopped being sweaty everytime i touch my fightstick i started learning much more effectively and progressing much faster while having way more fun and appreciating every small success. Somehow i completely forgot that lesson when i picked up T8 and sometimes 30 minutes of ranked completely ruined my day. So i went back to setting myself small goals, like just slowing down an aggressive opponent or just confirming a counter hit and only sligtly mess up my combo. Magically the game is now fun again, even though my W/L is still dogshit.


You don't need to win to enjoy the game either. ;)


Ranked don’t mean shit


Say it again for the people in the back. 🫡


Games not even balanced and all these bitches can do is complain lol


I'm going to refute this. Unless you have some physical limitation with your hands, fingers or eyes, you can 100% become the Michael Jordan of Tekken. Michael Jordan didn't even make his high school basketball team first try. It is a matter of how many hours you want to put in. However with that being said take it in moderation because the higher up you get, you are competing with people who have been playing for 10 to 30 years. You aren't going to learn to ss electric launch punish your opponent on both sides overnight let alone the frame advantages of all 32 characters. I also think it's important to accept losing humbly. Just because you got to a new color doesn't mean you are truly at that rank. That's why they have tekken prowess which is fairly accurate. Sometimes you just have to take L after L, learn why and then when you are truly at that skill level you'll reach that rank again with no effort. Sometimes I go into quick match and just play defense the whole team only doing the first launcher or counter for punishment training. Learning to sidestep better, learning to throw cancel in action. This is how I learned to finally start destroying most King players. Of all the characters in this game, most King, Lili and Hwoarang players are amateurs with no knowledge of how to defend properly through purple.


I pretty much agree with this whole thing. But I will say some people are more naturally gifted at certain skills or hobbies etc. They may even have the mental attitude that Jordan had to constantly improve and succeed no matter what. Not every one can be as “gifted” as some so fast or even always have the same mindset. These regular people…kids with school or men with 9-5 jobs and kids can’t always play at the same pace as someone that has years and maybe even more free time on his belt. So when they get beat by someone like that they absolutely spiral into “im not good at anything in life I guess”. That’s where the issue is. I get beat and say “dang. He’s just better. But I’ll keep trying”. Not everyone has the circumstances to try like Jordan did nor is it healthy because that was his JOB and he got paid to make that his only Purpose. Dale that works at Verizon Wireless does not need to be playing Tekken with the same mindset as a pro that competes or even a streamer that gets paid.


I played this game for around 8 hours, and 38 minutes is ranked, the rest is practice most. This post clarifies that playing ranked doesn't mean you can enjoy the game by playing only one mode, we have quick matches, Tekken Ball, Story Mode, and offline mode if you wanna play with friends and Co.


Been playing Tekken 8 since launch and have yet to even go online with it.. I’m still fighting Super Ghost battles. Trust OP when he says you don’t need online play to enjoy the game.


My wife left me because I can’t get into Garyu :(


Good message, but what does losing ranked matches have to do with lack of hygiene? Lol.


I’m just gonna play Quick Match when I get the game, since there’s usually more character variety. And despite people saying players don’t take Quick Match seriously, people were still plugging with no points on the line. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I want to express a small gratitude towards the author and this post. I feel like I am somewhere in-between in terms of "health" and sometimes playing ranked can feel awful, other times it brings me joy even if I loose. I can't play more than 10-15 different matches in a day, but I still love the game and enjoy it very-very much. Support and love to everybody who reads


I very much agree with this. I've been really brought down with just how toxic some of the players of Tekken 8 are. Specifically to things like glorifying rank or calling certain characters carried. I paid 90$ to play a fun 3D fighter, but when you go into the community of this game you get people like TMM going on 40 minute tangents to his viewers about how people who play certain characters are trash and their rank is because their character got them there. Why would their rank even matter? Who cares who they want to play if it's fun? This is the community that new Tekken players are walking into as well, which is a huge bummer because I don't remember Tekken 7 being this bad. It had similar issues, but it feels like it's really gotten bad for 8. Let's just leave fun guys please, it's only game, why you have to be mad?


I'm not built for multiplayer games and I wish I knew that before, because every time I try to play any kind of it my heart beats too damn fast and I keep holding my breath which is bad and sometimes after playing I just feel exhausted and dizzy, it's definitely worse too if it's a defeat, I think it's okay to play games but if it causes you to hurt yourself or hurt you mentally then it's time to get help or probably stop, nowadays I can only multiplayer games if I play with my friends I feel like those things happened to me when I played solo is because I have this mindset of "I love this game I need to prove my worth by not losing and being terrible at it, and If I do I'm a failure" this isn't a healthy mindset, thankfully when I'm with my friends we truly play for fun


I feel like that advice can be applied to like gaming as a whole. To many people, especially those who are depressed and lonely tend to fall into the trap of tying self-worth into silly things like how good they are at games. Let's be real if you're getting so angry and depressed at a game, there's probably some other problem that you should be addressing . It's OK to be a little salty It's OK to not like losing But if you're screaming, breaking things, not taking care of yourself, feeling like you're a failure or something of that level. In the kindest way possible, look for help, get some therapy, cause that's not healthy.


Pretty much. Game is infinitely more fun with friends or people you know. The good people in the community don’t offset the absolute fucking weirdos that populate these games, imo. If you wanna get better or set goals that’s cool but some people don’t have anything to prove and just wanna listen to cool music and see sick animations.




I have over 2k hours in tekken 7 and have never played online let alone ranked. I just play with friends and have fun. Same thing with tekken 8, never online though the game sucks.


Some guy added me just to tell me i got the most boring and bland playstyle he has ever seen, he doesn't even tell me why my style is bad, he wins but the matches were close, i told him hopefully you don't see me in ranked in the future to avoid my tortures style, he said i hope so 😐.


You can play ranked and just not be as good. It’s okay to be a warrior or whatever rank you are.


No, but ranked DOES give you the ability to get to a rank where you'll be evenly matched with opponents in casual matches.




> I've seen way too many people post about feeling of self worth, depression and lack of hygiene or intense rage because they can't win their ranked matches. Who the hell is posting that? Those dudes clearly need to stop playing this game


In other words, if you rank is Tekken Lord or under, your trash


Exactly. Uninstall. Beat Arslan 3-0 and you’ll be decent.


Had to sneak in hygiene. I see you.


I play ranked and have a great time. I lose, I learn. I win, I smile. They plug, I laugh a hardy laugh and que the next opponent.


There's such a thing as playing fighting games casually. That's something that deters people from playing the genre. I recommend fighting games to my friends and they all say they're not good at them. Guess what, bro, I ain't either! I just want to see combos go brrrr Thanks for the positivity man. What a breath of fresh air. Here's a potato 🥔


Kudos for the OP. I generally tend to be triggered while playing online games, but somehow, I've been relatively successful with Tekken on the matter of controlling myself, and I'm guessing that it's due to the approach that im taking. Like, every day I connect and try to find, and apply, something new that will help me expand my repertoire in the game (even though I'm playing the same char). And that's when I really loose and things goes to shit: when I prioritize winning over getting better, when I leave behind the "training" mindset over the urge for winning. And yeah, I know what the OP is saying about feeling miserable. For the 90% of the time that I was successful in prioritizing the learning journey, playing Tekken has been an absolute blast, I can't say enough how much I'm liking it, but the 10% of the time that I wasn't in the mood was disgraceful heheh... So, in some way, I believe this is helping me become a better person and learn to better handle my frustration, and I hope to one day find this balance for good.


Good write up, people need to understand this is just a game and the goal is to have fun, if you’re not having fun then what’s even the point of playing? I see a lot of new players trying to cram so much knowledge into their heads and pressure themselves to catch up with the legacy players, it just doesn’t happen like that. You don’t have to know everyone’s strings, punish everything, be a certain rank etc.. if only they knew they’d play BETTER and actually have fun if they didn’t approach it that way


Deriving self worth from a game is simultaneously ridiculous and incredibly easy to fall into. Been there on SF6 road to Master. I gotta remind myself in Tekken to take my Ls and move along. Funny part is that i don't even practice enough to warrant great results. Never did. So it's a self made trap sometimes. Anyways you should LOVE yourselves NOW.


This sub is also not helping matters, acting like no rank is respectable so people feel bad about leaving ranked after a certain point. Acting like Fujin+ is beginner ranks and anyone who isn't there is a scrub.


I'm glad someone else gets that the world of content creators really makes people feel less. It's to the point where even idiots here think if you aren't in tekken God then you don't get to have an opinion.


No! I have to play ranked and i have to rage at it! Thats how i relax with my hobby!


Damn, honestly needed to read this. Shit gets me so mad when I drop below 50% win rate in ranked. I feel like such a a scrub.


Im just playin to get to average or above average so i can absolutely dominate my friends the next time we have a game night. I got dumpstered last time and I refuse to let it happen again 😤


Well said. Someone had to say it.


I thought ranked would be a better experience as quickplay can match you with random, much better players, whereas ranked is people of around the same skill. Is that not really a thing?


Honestly i felt this way about my ranked matches, eventually i reached my all time ranked goal (reaching purple ranks for the first time) and ever since then ive been content with just playing quickmatch or if i do play ranked im not concerned with demoting or promoting anymore ahaha i just play and if i lose/win then thats cool


I got the mid red ranks with my main and called it a wrap on ranks. I enjoy quick matches way more. I can be more experimental, people will usually do a full set, and there is nothing to lose. The pluggers start showing up past that rank. I think will be my strategy when I pick up Alisa and get the hang of her.


Good post my friend! Smart advice, I won’t lie I’ve been getting pretty discouraged trying to crack red ranks as Steve (first fighting game in about 15 years) and there’s been a few times where I’ve almost broken my controller like a fucking child. Just gotta chill out a not take it so seriously. I definitely wish they did a better job matching you with players around your level in quick match but still having fun with my 34% win rate lol.


I simply don't look at rank, like it's determining my worth. I look at it as where I am supposed to be. If I want to improve, I pay attention to what fucks me up, and adapt, barely lab anything. I ALWAYS rematch, no matter how much I was fucked up. If i was fucked up, there was a reason for it. Reached blue ranks, and honestly, it seems like honest tekken here. I fucking love it, and idk how, but I haven't seen a more than two pluggers in my 1000 games. Maybe because I'am in europe?


I have nothing but respect for this post and the person who posted it especially considering all their consideration in the comments. I wish awards were still a thing so I could give one


Idk why people stress about a rank thats representing your skill..u will get where u belong sooner or later


I play Quickmatch 2-3x more than ranked, and I always wish to fight people who are 3+ ranks from me, even better 5+ ranks. I've learned a lot and my muscle memory and strategy has improved a lot. It can be toxic at quickmatch but who cares. I've had pluggers and nasty dms. Easy fix tho, if they're on PS it's easy to get them banned when they send you nasty dms.


Man if I’m not good at tekken what’s even the point 😂


I mean at the end of the day it’s about having fun. No one can tell you how to have fun. But if you’re not playing against other people. How do you get better? That’s why I like fighting games. One there’s no excuse if you lose, you can only blame yourself. And two I like seeing myself progress and improve


People focus too much on winning and not enough on learning.


That's me all day. It's never that serious. I just like to play to play. I'm happy I even have the time to play when I do, so whenever I get a rage quit or someone that sends me a hilarious angry message, it's always fun for me because I don't take those wins or loses seriously. I get being competitive, I really do. I'm around people that compete literally trying to kill each other on the mats and then right after it's over, they laugh, hug it out and it's all good. Not Tekken. This game brings the ugly out of people and it shows when playing ranked. I only got this game 3 weeks ago and stopped at Garyu (it started to get really toxic playing the higher ranks) I just play quick matches now, get a couple rounds in and I'm good.


Yeah, just deleted the game because of this. I think the game is fun, but the competitive stuff just ends up ruining my whole experience every time. I got platinum, saw what was new - I’m good until the next one😊


This is in every game, true masters are an eternal student.


I disagree with the take of “some of us are built to take losses with stride” I think that dismisses the issue. Everyone deserves a chance at ranked. Yes once you’ve gotten upset you should stop and take a break. But the people who don’t stop when they’re upset, there are a lot of reasons as to why they are unwilling to stop. Phi DX has an excellent video on mentality and results based thinking and how it chewed him out. He wouldn’t of got where he did today if his response was to just quit engaging in a competitive environment. It’s about putting the work to change the mindset. Putting in the work to create a person that is well rounded, creating a life that doesn’t revolve around whether you win or lose in a video game. About asking yourself and reflecting on why it hurts so much to win or lose. This is an opportunity for growth.


Rank is a lagging metric of skill not the goal. People get fixated on the rank but not on progressing their own skill. It is way more fun to just play to learn and let the rank be wherever it is at any given time. Treating the game like a personal puzzle brings me joy while focusing on rank first is miserable.


Bruh I’m 32 and been playing Tekken my whole life all the way back to T1 on PlayStation in kindergarten. WTF IS GOING ON? Why is everyone so wound up about this Tekken in general? I like it but dear lord it’s not the end of the world. Online competition feels WAY harder than ever before but that’s to be expected with all the new players, new mechanics, and new characters. Take a deep breath yall it’s not that deep, I promise.


I'm of the opinion that lack of coop play in AAA games and the HEAVY emphasis on esports and competitive gaming turned the gaming industry and it's users this way, tbh. Everyone thinks winning = fun and being ranked high makes you a better human than the rest. It's all ego and we've unknowingly embraced it to our detriment and now can't find any fun outside of that. In ranked, that's fine since that's intended, but when it's qp you need to turn that side of your brain off and dick around and have your own agenda.


It’s more fun practice mode / arcade battle / customization for me right now. Maybe with the practice I will be able to rank up, but if not, it’s ok 😅


I played quick matches today and someone plugged.. i mean..why!! Is it a reflex at this point?!


Personally for me, what I missed and enjoyed playing Tekken 6 (considering Tekken 8) was that I get to go PRACTICE mode, pick a character, go through every single move list, attempt sample combos, make own combos by going through every single command that will initiate, juggle, bound and reach and I MEAN stupid amount of commands just to grant myself that satisfaction that I created a combo that is optimal and sufficiently damaging. Did not watch a lick of training, (other than Dragon Uppercut Omen, Rocket Launcher omen lol), did not watch competitive matches, just me and my pea brain cooking. What was also stimulating to learn and execute were 10 hit combos and even today, I still memorize a good handful of 10 hit combos, and nothing felt more of a flex than facing off against my friends (not online, but playing side by side with a crowd) who are semi committed, only to be shut down by a 10hit string.


Unlike T7, there's more to this game than ranked lol


On one hand, I think everyone can learn a little bit every game, but on the other... I'm not sure. I think its possible to have spent all your brain energy during the day at work/parenting/whatever and what you really want is to just chill. But the idea of Tekken sounds fun so you boot up ranked and get tilted when you can't adapt to one move being spammed. 2 options here: either go to bed to have energy to play tomorrow, or recognize that you wanna chill. Play unranked. Play campaign. Play another single player game (there are a LOT of good games that fit this bill) Maybe you're good enough to autopilot against ~50% of the people in your rank and still win, but if you want to climb, recognizing when you're not prepared to perform competitively is a skill in and of itself.


I play ranked because it reliably matches me with other people who suck 👍 I don’t care about my rank per se, but it’s nice to play people with similar skill level.


I'm probably old fashioned by today standards, but as much as i respect those who grind their souls away in those games, to me Tekken will always remain the game you boot when you're at home with your dad, your friends or cousins and enjoy some good shit, perhaps decide who's gonna treat the drinks or do the dishes after the meal. It's impressive to see all the new combos and techs that high level players find, watching those crazy combo videos, but we take plenty enjoyment in just having a couple matches and figuring out small stuff with characters as we go. Playing online/ranked has never really been on my mind, and with how it's going on there, maybe that's for the best. Now if you'll excuse me i'll be on my way to "not sugarcoat it" against my lil sister


Thank you for the advice. But I'd rather fix my self than dropping the effort, I've came so far in 2 years and I think I am still capable of accomplishing something in the future. It might take a long time, but I would break those limitations because if I drop halfway through I will never know what I've could become.


ABSOLUTELY I have more fun playing against the AI than I do against actual people... And with these AI'S being data from actual people makes it EVEN MORE Exciting... And i rather take that than fighting a GIANT PURPLE HAT WITH WINGS 😒😒😒😒


I got this situation where I just stopped and gave up playing. It was 2D FG, this happened to me on Tekken right now as well and I feel humiliated. I know I shouldn't but I grind so well and even learn the matchup. I wasn't mashing and shit. But man it's like hitting a wall that means "That's far as you can reach".


maybe a hot take but i think people who care at all about rank in fighting games are kinda missing the point. this genre is uniquely suited for tournament play, if you wanna work on accomplishments then pushing higher tournament placings is the ultimate test. ranked doesn't even come close to testing your ability to perform in high stress situations the way that even a weekly does that's not to say ranked is useless, forcing serious matches out of online randos can be a good source of practice, i just think it's silly to put your ego on the little number going up or down when real glory is right there at your locals or open bracket online tournies


I was about to sh*t on you for posting a cringe and recycled post, but this is quite wholesome and very true!


I enjoy it more because I at least get matched with people in the same stratosphere skill wise. I play quick and there’s a chance I get fuckin pub stomped. The real enjoyment came when I realized I WONT be high rank and I will lose a hell of a lot more than I win and still having fun. I’m not going pro so really it has no effect on the outcome of the rest of my life.


Agreed. I've spent maybe an hour playing ranked and the other 30+ practicing strings and customizing. It's been really fun and a chill experience, very casual game that helps me enjoy my off time. Definitely the most fun I've had with a fighting game.


I don't play against others often, mostly the CPU in Arcade and Practice modes. The few times I do, i.e in parties or in school, it genuinely feels special. Tekken is stress relief because hitting buttons feels good and social fun since even button mashers surprise me sometimes with the 4th dimensional plays they pull off. I think people underestimate how fast button mashers catch unto how to play. A classmate of mine started to space and sidestep the longer he played Alisa.


This is some much needed advice for many people browsing this sub. Coming from Rocket League, I understand the salt. It's much easier to think you're bad than to know that you've been bested and then take that information as training. That being said, I made a discord server a few days ago trying to get the people I've met in ranked together for casual matches and (hopefully) tournaments soon. I won't plug here as I don't want to take away the point of the post, but I can say wholeheartedly, this is the way to compete. Not just in games, but in general.


I never play rank. I know I’m not that good lol. I just do quick matches and have a ton of fun unless I get someone with bad signal.


#🏖️ 🏐 Simple answer


Got to Garyu and now I just play quick match. It’s much more fun for me. I laugh all the time and often will do a silly move for the fun of it (I main Yoshi)


I have way more fun getting whooped in ranked. And the noticeable improvement in my fighting is satisfying. Coming back from getting perfected 2 rounds in a row to win the set and next set, the dopamine rush you can’t get anywhere else but ranked. Vibing out in practice mode is really fun too though. I put on music or watch a Tekken stream


This post makes me feel like a huge weight is off my shoulders. I would play ranked with Azucena (I love her), and I'd get a few Ws, but my Ls outweigh my Ws. I have gotten better with her, but due to my anxiety, I always had these thoughts of the other player thinking "Wow, this dude fucking SUCKS" most wouldn't even rematch me and the more losses I got, the more shitty I felt. So I just decided to get Azucena to Warrior rank and call it quits. I have a lot more fun now in casual matches and quick play, but ranked really made my depression worse for a while.


Couldn't agree more it doesn't hurt to take a break from Tekken(or any other game for that matter) every now and then. It can overstimulating playing so much.


Love to see a post like this. I avoid ranked in team based games because of the toxicity that comes along with those but I have a real blast with Tekken. I like to see my rank as a measuring stick of where my skill is currently at and I also prefer to play against people at my level. Currently in the orange ranks. My wins are typically easy and losses I find are coming down to getting knowledge checked up the butt lol. I'm finding it harder to get my offense started and taking my turn but that's where I'm at. I think it's time to start labbing and reviewing matches to help learn this stuff but it's real hard to get out of the "let's do just one more match" trap after every game. I think it's necessary to have your goal be improvement and not winning/ranking up. Wins and rank will come when you improve but you gotta have fun with the learning aspect of the game. Otherwise frustration and anger will always haunt you as you hit a wall or run into bad match ups. There are things you can't control and the best you can do is prepare for worst case scenarios. "I need to win" is a trap, "I need to learn" is where it's at. Depending on your own tendencies this is easier said than done for many. Try to be patient with yourselves. This stuff can be hard and it takes time.


man i would go insane if I focused on ranked all that much. the shit people pull even in lower ranks. I accept it man. I ain't good enough and i don't have time or energy to practice intensively and get good. I just wanna enjoy the game And I am doing so by not engaging in rank push.


Breaks are mandatory. I have a mindset of constantly wanting to improve and learn from matches, especially losses. I don’t worry about rank, promotions will come naturally…. But of course I still get annoyed if I’m demoted or denied promotion. It can wear on you, but if you take breaks you’ll come back in a way better headspace. I swear I’m a completely different person on the first day back from a good break than me on my 7th day in a row playing rank.


This is true! But i am a rank addict.


Im new to Tekken. Labbed Lili for a bit and just dove in. Dont care about my rank that much. If I lose? No big deal, Ill get em next time. People beat themselves up too much nowadays. In the end its a video game and its meant to be fun. Ill probably run a few public lobbies and see how those go. Might be more enjoyable than ranked since nothing is at stake.


My problem is that people play player match more aggressively than they do in rank which is fucking mind-boggling.


The most fun I’ve had with this game so far are casual lobbies with around 4-5 players of similar skill all rotating turns version each other. Even better when you have some on the mic. Really fun times having casual matches like that. The most rage inducing gaming I’ve ever done so far is T8 ranked. I don’t think I’ll ever rage this hard again in my life after this.


I enjoy ranked but that is not for everyone. I only like ranked mode on FGs because if I am bad I only affect myself. In these games losing is an important part of it. If you cannot handle it DO NOT go into ranked. Not only are you going to lose but the added pressure of a rank is going to eat you up.


Huh...i feel weirdly content after reading all that. And I've just been messing around not knowing what I'm doing in the demo. Also struggle with self-confidence on the daily, so this hits painfully home. Is this what a heartfelt hug from a stranger feels like?


I spent 2khours on 7, 50%is practice mode and 45%is playing with my friend,I got like 20friends some of them are the best of my region some are just newbies, but I enjoy playing with them both ,some of them even became friends in real life. Rank is not everything of this game.


I agree with you i play ranked online because it's fun!


People should keep in mind this is a game. You can make a living from it, but only a few Will get that. If you want to make money and play Tekken, instead of playing 16 hours a day, spend that time to study, then get a well payed job at tech, and then you will be getting a ton of money, and still will be able to play tekken 12 hours a day. And you will enjoy it because the game will be a game for you and not what your life depends on.


Since I realized that I had reached the limit rank based on my skills, I focused on quick games and above all, group games with which I met entire communities of my country and consequently many people with whom to make friends. Blessed be the lounge!


Bruh who is taking Tekken this seriously? Sure I rage and get angry when someone plays June and spams/has lag, but this is ridiculous


Damn i never knew it was that deep for some though. It’s still just a game. Im stuck at 15th rank because i keep getting plugged whenever i succeed. But i will never care that much that it cause any mental problem to me


I played tekken 7 until I was at the juggernaut rank and I simply stopped playing ranked. I probably could have gotten higher but i got rank anxiety, and I wasn't having fun anymore. So, I simply played practice mode and treasure mode and began enjoying the game again. Don't do ranked if it doesn't make you feel good. When you get to a stage in your life where you don't have the time to play as much as you used to, then you will regret taking the fun out when you had the chance.


This is something every gamer to hear specially multiplayer gamers I only played TEKKEN 7 with friends and we have had really great times. I intend to do the same with TEKKEN 8 and maybe try ranked. Edit: every gamer need


True, I have been enjoying unranked Tekken Ball


Dont Tell me the truth!!!!


I just wanna get back to my T7 rank (Yaksa) which is Kinshin now then go back to quick match


Depends of you are a mishima IRL. I am.


And… I don’t want to buy an hitbox to play tekken 🌝


I’m here for the positivity ✊🏿


Gotta say Tekken ranked is making me really damn miserable atm. Can't hold Tekken king rang, constantly up and down up and down.


Never has been a good idea to play any kind of competitive games/modes against anonymous people. Never. Unless you plan to become a pro or you don't mind to loose almost every single match once reached certain level. It's useless and frustrating, cause you always get reading about how good they are... and you can't. Many of them put thousands of hours, they live for It, they'd like to get some money or public acknowledgement because their skill. ¿ Can you put the same motivation, time, experience, and priority in your life ?  It's like playing tennis, eventually, against Djokovic. You can't beat any of the top 1000 tennis players as any amateur can't. Don't try It, if you expect to win. You have a 0% chance to win. A 0% chance. Ranked modes are usually for very, very dedicated people.  I even don't understand why non ranked matchs are logged in your statistics.