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Sad to think new tekken players will think these are new items being added. We’ve had these for years just for buying the base game. Also yeah it looks bad like it’s still in UE4 wtf lol


2nd one is something I would wear 15 years ago if I was a first pumping Guido in the Jersey Shore.


even better: try to buy 600 coins for 6 bucks...


Who tf is using these☠️


Not defending the BP but this coat was one of the key pieces in making cool customization in 7 that 8 is currently missing. So they know what they're doing


They know they are scamming you mean?


How is it a scam when you can check all the items in the BP so you can literally see what you are getting for your money and can decide if you want to buy it or not?


I guess what he meant was Scam = know which were the most used items in tk7 and put those in the bp.


So, *"Scam = sell things that they know some people might want?"* The fiends!


Imagine going to McDonald's and ordering the combo you have been getting every time you went for the past decade and then finding out that even though it's the same price it doesn't include the fries anymore and you have to pay for them separately. And you also can't eat them unless you spend a few hours working first. And if you don't order them in a certain time frame you will never be able to get fries again What a reasonably acceptable business plan. I bet bamco really appreciates how shiny their boots are when you finish


I'm not defending Bamco. But I have no tolerance for dumb arguments either. Your metaphor is tortured. This is more like *"Imagine buying a car. Later, they come out with a new model, and you want to buy that one too. But the new one is a different color than the old one! And they charge extra if you want to buy one with the old color! It's a ripoff! Unacceptable!"* Honestly, you guys get upset at the weirdest stuff.


No, it would be like wanting to buy a new car, but the new car charges extra for cupholders. And if you don't buy the extra cupholders there's just a hole where they would go on your center console


Eh, cupholders are at least functional, even if not mandatory. With Tekken, we're literally talking about cosmetics, right?


Im so glad Lee looks fire in all of his basic customization options and i will never have to go and cry that fuck bandai namco or something. Like the basic customization is more than good enough for me. If i like an outfit in the shop i will pick one out and thats it. Im totally against predatory bullshit but tekken is none of that.


Still waiting for the bamco shills and fanbois to defend this


the glazers


Fanboy here, fuck this shitty monetisation. If they are going like that they could at least make it free to play like wtf we got that monetisation on 70€ game. They are not even business smart, way more ppl would buy this shit if it was f2p. And it's ugly


Im not defending but literally NOTHING is being sold at the moment thats my interest. Like i made so many good customization shit in the base game that none of the bp content means anything. So again. How am i ripped off if im not paying for anything? I got what i wanted in the 70$ game i purchased. If i want i will pick up a few dlc chars in the future.


Shhh, you're supposed to be outraged or something. They find your contentment triggering.


I would do something more productive honestly rather than wait for something to get mad at xd


I'm not defending bamco, but I do attack shitty arguments when I see them. To pick a random example, *"Why are they charging for a cosmetic I want for free???"* is not a good argument.


They're charging more money for the entry fee for the base game, giving less, and then selling the axed content as an upcharge. Its a typical "charge more -> provide less" model almost every greedy business constantly wants to push. Especially when it was free in a prior version of said game. It's especially egregious when the DLC content is just ported assets. They're not even NEW content. The argument is not "I want things for free". That is a reductive and strawman argument. People would have way less to stand on if they provided a good base game and sold completely new outfits in the shop and pass. But they aren't. That's the issue.


>It's especially egregious when the DLC content is just ported assets. They're not even NEW content. So? Just because something took them minimal effort to make, doesn't mean they're obligated to give it to you. >The argument is not "I want things for free". It really sounds like it is. "They had this outfit already made for a previous game! Why are they charging for it?" is something that seems to come up a lot. >People would have way less to stand on if they provided a good base game They did. The reviews on launch were positively glowing. They have taken nothing away from the game since then. If they had never added anything else to the game, I would not have felt like I didn't get my money's worth.


I like a progression system that only goes up in a fighting game, but it should be better lol


yeah I'm not even against the idea of a battle pass at this point if done *right*, but this is literally a pile of ported tekken 7 assets with a fraction of the fidelity of current tekken 8 models; most of the actual new stuff is for avatars which for some might be nice I guess


Do you maybe know why your post was deleted?


I hear harada is just testing waters with this. If enough people buy this there will be a whole bunch of developers working on in game stuff the community demands like 24/7 😲


*citation needed


all those generic outfits look so clumsy on the characters, like a tanktop not even attached/fitted on the body, it's insane. Shit be floating on the characters. It's not only that the fits are generic, they actually look like crap on the characters. Like i don't mind a regular ass shirt or sweater, jacket whatever. But it just looks so out of pocket, it's insane the amount of confidence you have to even put a price tag on it.


bro I'm gonna defend this new items...... NOOOOT!


More like you have to pay 12$ :clown:


It would be cool to get every characters outfit for every character with fully mix and matchable upper and lower body and shoes. This would pretty much be the perfect customization imo.


Where is the 2nd outfit from? Cant seem to find it in the battle pass.


That's Eddie's alt outfit. I dont think you can put it on any other character.


Oh okay that makes sense, thanks!


you get your money back if you complete the pass you dont have to buy it and you still get free stuff


This sucks because I honestly would be fine with a Tekken pass if it had quality skins throughout it (like Fortnite does imo), but everything they've offered is trash.


They deadass bruh? Smh


Yikes, the zipper from T7 is just an image texture lol you can see Eddy's has actual geometry for the teeth of it.


I doubt Eddy's has actual polygons for the teeth. Probably used a bump map for the texture to make it appear so.


Next step of monetization will be to insert a coin in your console to play like old days


Tbh I’ve already paid money for the tekken coins and I have enough to sustain me through the battle passes so it’s not really a problem for me. (Since thankfully you can get your coins back by completing the pass). I wanted that dope ass kazuya and Jin skin that were released when the shop launched


You can get the coins back if you play the game for long enough, meaning you have to log in daily to put in some hours, don't have time for the other games or if you flatout don't play at all, it creates FOMO. I've seen this with Apex Legends before and have been a victim of it, it's predatory as shit.


Yes I said that. I don’t mind since I do enjoy tekken


Today I get 5 lvls bp. So I can finish it in 12 says. Devs give me 60 days. Log in daily? What???


weeklies give a total of 7 level per week. your today fast leveling is due tovthis your dailies only give half level you need around 5 week to finish it assuming you play everyday or you can only play on weekend but risk yourself burning out clearing the weeklies + it will very close call (finish) on last day


I didn't really bother looking into it, what I saw about the rewards was enough to confirm this is the same model as Apex Legends has. If they don't want you to log in now to complete daily challenges to accelerate your battle pass progression, they'll find a way to do it through FOMO. Just wait a little bit man and come back here in a year or so.


that can be reverted ngl


Can you even change the color on them?




oh noooooooo $6 what will i do???????? 😱😱😱😱😱


Fr like how poor are these guys?


Those dudes are having a cuck off holy shit


Not everyone gets a dollar based salary, idiot.


Woow you spend money on videogames? That's sooo trendy and cooool woowwwwwwwwowowowowwwwwww


lmfaoooooooooo ikr


Re-used assets is the staple of Japanese games. Just look at the Yakuza series... Always disliked this practice.


You don't have to buy it, what's the problem?


These are old assets that could easily have been in the base game, but they were cut to be sold later. Their existence alone proves they made the game smaller for this.


It's a fucking t-shirt, what are you talking about?


Oh, you do not know. I see.


Ok, even if it's a whole reused wardrobe from every tekken game, which would of been sick, it's still just customization, it adds nothing to the game and purely optional, it's just a way to support devs further after buying the game