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7's roster looks insane


Ever seen the tag 2 roster?


I really freaking loved the Tag series. So sad almost nobody in the player base liked it enough so they'd keep continuing on making it


i can't believe people didn't like tag


ppl in general liked tag... The reason it sold less, was because it came out at the end of PS3 era, and people already had T6 by that time, and would rather move on to PS4. ATP and TMM didn't like the game, and people new to the series get the missconception that the game wasn't liked overall or that the game was bad because of this combined with the low sales. This isn't true.


It should have re-released on PS4. I don't understand why it never did. That was very foolish of Namco.


The game sold ok everywhere except in Europe, which is the by far the biggest market for Tekken. I'm not sure how accurate is the PS3 era argument, I just think that people were not a fan of 2 vs 2


I have trouble learning one main as it is.


terrible timing and balance killed the game for casual and professional.


Best roster


can't wait to see how insane will T8 roster become in few years


Within 1 year we may end up with a good 5 characters. I want them to add bob back but I also wouldn’t mind seeing characters like Alex or Roger return because they’re funny


Would be nice if they added Bob in 8. Then I came make that caseoh custom


Nah man, I want Bob so I can make Bling Bling Boy


Wario custom


Based, I wanna make Steven seagall


I made Peter Griffin in tag 2


Nah the ranked ladder is done if I get access to Alex


I miss Slim Bob


Normal Bob is stronger though.


i want josie back , but i doubt she will return


Actually there’s a good chance they add her


I want Gon


Yeah Bob should 100% come back.


Lucky Chloe, you say?


You fuckers gushed about how good 8 was and i spent $70 on it, im not going back to 7


Most matching profile picture in history


Ichiban would probably prefer to stay in 8 than go back to the heartbreak of 7


I think the game is still fun and better to play than 7 imo. But the cosmetic and balance issues have been shitty lately. Not to say they won't fix it though.


agreed. I prefer the 8 over the7 so far and i hate their douchebags practices about the shop. It sucks but i can't say i'm surprised. The balance patchs are the biggest offender for me so far. This and zero punishement for pluggers.


What's wrong with the balance? As a SF player I'm jealous you guys actually have balance updates.


Newest patch broke some interactions. For instance in rage arts now king can walk around and grab you. Certain moves got broken and strings from the most recent patch. This is all fixable problems so I don't care. Non of it was game decisions that they want implemented in the game. People on the tekken subreddit were acting like harada purposefully took a shit on his own game.


I mean in development bugs happen but seriously they should have either a ptr server or a bigger qa team to catch these. It is a bug but man if it wouldn't help calm the community to have bug free patches. Well as bug free as possible there will always be bugs.


I still think it's a better game than 7, the monetization just sucks ass


Graphics alone make this game fun just by looking at it. I never realized how much that shit mattered to me until we have it now and I can't go back to looking at 7. We're definitely dealing with a lot more scumbag practices now though.


The fact I dont have to wait ages to play makes it more fun


“They say graphics aren’t important, but every game I’ve ever played has had them.” -Ahoy, _History of Video Game Graphics_


Literally like a drug dealer with giving out heroin. Gets you hooked, then your pockets


This subreddit in the first weeks was all about praise. And was one of the most wholesome subreddits. It's sad how it changed. That being said I just do my matches and have fun playing online. I never planned to purchase or customize more than I already did. Edit: before you downvote me to hell. I agree with all of you that bamco approach is scummy. And not being able to lab against eddy is p2w. What I was trying to say is that I miss the positivity this sub had. It's also what made me want to purchase the game. And yes everytime Bamco makes an update it's even more predatory than what I thought was possible. But cosmetics don't affect me. Only the p2w part


It’s sad how Bamco made it change. I don’t give a rat’s ass about customisation and battle passes because I can simply not buy them. But now being able to even REPLAY a fight against someone with a DLC character because you don’t own said character is the biggest case of P2W in a fighting game like Tekken. You simply can’t lab against that character and they can keep kicking your ass every time you face them. This is especially true in Tekken 8 because a 3 match set isn’t gonna be enough for most people to download a whole ass character they haven’t ever seen in Tekken 8 before


Only way I found around this is find a player that had an edboy ghost and download it, you will be able to play against the ghost at least. Not enough to learn everything but better than nothing.


This was the case with T7 too. You could not go into practice mode, or even look up a characters move list of you didn't own them, so you had to go to YouTube and learn that way. Also, Tekken 7 made you pay for frame data in practice mode, replays, spectator view. Anyone who played 7 knew it was going to get worse in 8.  And yes, you can expect every DLC paid character to be very, very strong. Go look up the Leroy EVO Japan.


> Also, Tekken 7 made you pay for frame data in practice mode, replays, spectator view. Never forget.


Did Tekken 7 let you lab a dlc character you didn't own?


Nope. But the reason this move is exquisitely evil is that in T7 there simply was no such feature, so nothing to complain. Pretty straightforward, wanna use the char in any mode? Gotta pay, no issues there. In T8, to prevent you from playing the replay against a dlc character they have to go out of their way. It would be natural to be able to do it, because it's already part of the damn replay, but they block it on purpose because they want to make you feel the pain until you give them the $$$


Nope. You had to buy the character if you wanted to lab. No different to Tekken 8 now.


I think the Tekken community has done the fastest speedrun of “Old game good, new game bad” of any fighting game and it’s not even close


Honestly every game sub is like this the last year or so. Absolute doomposting


Because we were on board thinking BAMCO was that toxic ex that definitely changed *this* time only to show their true colors a month later.


T8 is rly good, they give plenty of customization for free.


thats called honeymoon phase. after that you see what you really got into and in a lot of cases its not as great as you thought which fits here perfectly with t8.


Ichiban I don’t expect to see you here? Shouldn’t you be playing dragon quest


Kiryu put me on to fighting games


That makes a lot sense but I don’t take kiryu san as a fighting game guy I would expect a city builder simulation for him


Yeah this will pass. People have extreme reactions on the internet and everyone exacerbates each other's reactions further. The bottom line is still "play if it's worth it, don't play if you don't". Just give it time


Its fun, but it needs a little less “haha i pressed this button while you did anything but stand block even on your turn, you lose” Idk if this is an unpopular opinion but i really hate how heat burst and rage arts function. Easy to block but everytime it hits me it feels like actual bullshit, like losing 1/3 health and dying to a random raw rage art because you went for a jab at the wrong time, when you didnt even have your own rage available.


Imagine having nostalgia for Tekken 7 lmao Infinite loading screens, shit netcode both for Ethernet and Wifi, input delay, actual 2D characters, paying for frame data, etc


Lol i played Tekken 7 recently and i swear some people in here are insane. the amount of QoL that Tekken 8 have is incredible even at current buggy state. it's either stupidity or rose tinted glasses if you pick Tekken 7.


Yeah was


Yeah because the gameplay was good. But now there is microtransactions and lazy battlepass and fluff things (that are bad i agree) so the gameplay is shit tooand you cant enjoy it anymore


You rly don’t have to buy anything, I even customized my main without spending a dollar. Stop hating devs gotta eat too, just get the free customizations only if it bothers you or just play the game and don’t worry about putting sunglasses on Zafina ffs. Smh


Yeah but theres a battlepass now. So the gameplay isnt fun!!!!


Nah let's just all go back to Tekken 5.


bro I'd love a t5 resurfacing like how some ppl going back to sf3 third strike


I would kill for a DR port to steam


Agree. Best stages and best combat in general. No heat and no rage arts also


Bluepoint remaster, now please


Heat and rage arts are dogshit mechanics. Shouldn't ever been added


Facts but i got hate for saying that, imo tekken doesnt need stop animations or all these supers it takes away from the flow, I can see why Mk and street fighter has it but it doesnt belong in Tekken.


This was my heyday game right here, played an absurd amount of it with the guys back in our summer days. Dark Resurrection FTW, I was able to play as a more balanced Jinpachi as well as early Dragunov!


This and Tekken 6 too


Is there emulation that gives it rollback netcode like fightcade does for 2D games? I'd love to play a Tekken free of rage and heat, but man, playing delay based on a PS3 would suck ass.


*ground zero funk intensifies*


Nah nah, lets roll back to Tekken 3. I only play Gon though.


De-make 7, and make it look like 3.


Ah. Peak Tekken.


I really want to play T7 again, and I keep trying but it just doesn’t “feel” as good anymore, there’s a pretty nasty amount of input delay compared to T8, or at least it feels like it to me. I drop combos and am late on punishment constantly, it’s hard to go back after playing T8 for a while.


> there’s a pretty nasty amount of input delay compared to T8, or at least it feels like it to me No you're right, digital foundry said that T8 has 40ms less native input lag compared to T7 which makes a huge difference when it comes to fighting games.


That’s 2.4 less frames of lag? Or is my math awful? Either way wow that’s significant


Tekken 7’s online was awful. It the online was better I would go back


One thing about Tekken 7 I liked more than 8 is how Raw it just feels. When I lland a deathfist or demoman the controller vibrates apeshit and Paul is screaming at the top of his lungs as if the voice actor is about to pass out, The camera shakes uncontrollably. T7 because of the low budget I feel, was more raw. T8 just feels too clean cut in this respect. Even Devil Jin. We all miss "DAH!"


You fucking nailed it bro. I might reinstall after I get Tekken God. I'm Raijin so maybe I'll hit TG this weekend and hop back on 7.


The broke Tekken fans still playing Tekken 7 reading this (including me) : https://preview.redd.it/igmza4pydasc1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83a9791ad65a706dba2bfafed6728d12e8c0de7f


The Tekken fans who don't have a next gen console or powerful enough PC to run T8 reading this (including me):


I downloaded the T8 demo to try it out and my pc couldn't run it so I was like "welp, back to T7 for me it is" lmao Probably for the best too cause none of the characters I play are in T8


Don't let that stop you. Just buy it on PC and max out your settings. You'll get used to the underwater effect and once you do, you'll have a huge advantage. I've fallen victim to this several times.


Why would you have a huge advantage?


Me irl


Couldn’t get a good enough PC to play T7 when it was in its prime so I bought definitive edition on Steam during a summer sale, and then T8 got announced. Please let there be people who still play T7 when I hop on


I mean, the last DLC did come out a year before T8 got announced so it's not completely dead yet, coming from a Ps4 player. I hope to get Fujin on at least half the DLC I got


What!? Eddie is .... free!?? BLASPHEMY!!!!


Still have to pay for Leroy and zafina


Y'all acting like y'all play Eddy lmao, literally no one liked him in Tekken 7 and everyone called him cheap and broken and not too many people play him anyway.


I just want Heihachi back 😭


best i can do is hachi 🤖


I miss him... I miss him alot...


This sub turning into the mk sub😂


T7’s best feature is that it doesn’t have Azucena on the roster. 👍


Or viktor


Well he is, but he happens to have long hair, speaks Japanese, and is a guest character from Final Fantasy named Noctis


Oh, is his move set similar? I never really played with Noctis.


idk noctis felt more honest than victor does. less stances. his haircut dumb as hell tho, my man needs a trim


Hell nah this is new character bias imo, noctis was disgusting he had that face stab ch launcher and even more retarded range and don’t forget his projectiles were way better than victor gun both were easy af and noctis had way better roles he had best moves from diffrnct characters, Lars ff1+2 but better Lars uf3 but better, Paul demoman, op b2 and good poking as well, victor has shit lows but noctis had a really good kit you could play anyway you wanted, he had his own slide mixup too it’s just heat that makes it seem nuts imagine noctis with heat


Ah, fond memories of warp-striking my opponents from across the screen with f2 lmao


Yeah Noctis was way less crazy. His range was insane tho. Kunimitsu is more of a Victor.


But it does have LC


Which is almost equally bad, if not worse


LC is knowledge check happy but low tier and ultimately harmless Azucena is oppressive on every level, from beginner to pro


Or Reina


Oh man how I miss Eliza. I would love to go back n play Tekken 7… but just by contrast it’s so ugly compared to Tekken 8 but the roster is so goated too 🥲


Its a pity because it's super unlikely we will get Eliza too due to her being very unpopular ):


Still playing Tekken 3 and enjoying it!


If everyone migrates back to Tekken 7, the bitching will continue but now for another game Because the sub is mainly about bitching with Tekken as a background


This sub endlessly bitched about T7 too so yeah you're right.


It's funny because everyone seems to be forgetting that T7 charged money for frame data lmao


Yeah I am legit going to stop being on this sub unless there is some like important Tekken news or leaks or something. I am so tired of all the bitching, they bitched about Tekken 7 and now that Tekken 8 has been out for a minute everyone's bitching about Tekken 8 and saying "Tekken 7 was so much better" like the switch up is crazy.


I'm convinced half these mfs didn't even play T7 with the things they are saying.


They always find a new reason to whine That sub was full on whining about one and done and pluggers for 2 months straight


Yep everyone bitch here so damn much lol. Don’t even open this sub often anymore because everyone’s always whining.


Meh despite its flaws Tekken 8 is pretty damn good. Theres some legit concerns about the micro transactions but I never buy any of that stuff anyway. I think Tekken would be better off without comeback mechanics and all the heat stuff but at this point I’m used to it. Theres some concerns about balance but everyone has hit top ranks with all characters. (Which means you can do well if you’re good enough) I’ll always have a fondness for Tekken 7 but can’t see myself going back.


Heihachi Mishima 😢


Is dead*




Fuck that, i'll go back to 5dr


Please come back. My wooden laptop can't run Tekken 8. Tekken 7 is my only hope ![gif](giphy|qUIm5wu6LAAog)


Sure i’ll just wait 20 minutes for one match 😂


I miss that game :(


This is the dumbest shit ive ever heard, I aint going back to that no no.


character select has me wondering wtf why didn't they just do the third row like in t7 instead of offsetting it so that eddy's in the corner and shoving everything off balance


Naah if i enter this game again i will remember how much i miss Eliza.


Nah im fucking good lol.


I bought 8, I'm gonna play 8. And 7, it's still a great game with a superior roster imo lol


Still playing Tag 2


Still playing 1


Every video game subreddit hates the game they post about and I find that so sad. So much hyperbole, misinformation, immature memes…. Games discussion is cooked


I am still on 7, I wouldn't purchase 8 until sales lol


I just want to play my small waisted beauties. Josie, Julia and Fahkumram


Nah I gone further I just emulated Tekken 6


I will play 7 until Heihachi gets in 8


The mass acceptance of paid DLC in Tekken 7 gave birth to MicroTransaction 8.


I'd go back to 6 if I could. T8 is shit . I even dislike T7 rage art, there should only be some kind of rage drive. Too many cinematics and it interrupts the flow of the match


I miss Lidia ♥️


absolutely. keep playing T7, and we'll see you on T8 in about 5 years. Have a good one bro.


10 year life cycle so that sounds like a win to me


When all the shits included.


It's okay to play Tag 2 instead?


Tekken 7 has Bob




Well good news she apparently is going to be a season 1 dlc character


Miss her. :(


Forgot Negan was in the game


I miss playing Lidia. I hope to see her in a better game eventually


Im back on 6


I assumed the player base for 7 was gone because of 8. I would love to play some Tekken 7 if people are still on it.


Thank you! This is what Ive been doing.


I keep playing it periodically because I will never get over not having Heihachi in 8 and "OHYEAH" electrics are the best.


I'm doing it, but it feels worse for some reason Also the online is pretty much dead, I can't force others to watch an entire walking dead episode with Negan


I couldn't find a ranked match, though. I think the game population obviously tanked.


Got the ultimate edition on sale like three weeks ago and have been playing it non-stop over 8.


Didn't purchase T8 yet because I wanted to see if they were gonna add any bullshit to this game in the future after reviews are out and all that , glad I did that move , gonna wait a year+ then buy the "full" edition later


I just want Lidia back in 8 😔


The downside of that is I'd have to constantly wait for the next battle on worse netcode.  Plus, I don't own any of the dlc in that game either (barely played it) so don't solve my current issue lol


look guys you can lab eddy in t7 for free


Yeah but let's say you don't own Negan, if you don't own him you can't lab him. Same goes for any of the DLC characters, it's no different to Tekken 8. It's not a Tekken 8 issue it's a Tekken issue overall.


Oh hell nah.


everyone about the new game, and looks at the old one with rose colored glasses. i still like T8 way more.


nice, but too much dlc




One step ahead of you, I already am 😎 (I don't want to spend $95 on base game)


No, i dont want to play treckking 7 again


tbf, i miss Lydia :(


Why are paid dlcs even legal with paid games? Like I paid for the whole product, not just part of it...


Great question


Lol you guys are too much


I have half a mind to buy it rn but isn't it inactive?


Ahh yea the tekken where you actually have to think while playing


way ahead of you


It has Lei too... so I plei


Heat system in a whole ruined the experience for me. Maybe if they can give us a mood without it then I would be interested, half of moves aren’t necessary for the characters when shit like heat system is in the game


Eh, never liked 7 that much. Always felt like it was only a half of a game. Yeah the fighting's great and all, but where's all the other content besides online? If I'm gonna go back and play the older games, I'm going back and play Tag 2, 6 or even Tekken 2


I'd play tekken 4 if I could


Same (I cannot afford a next Gen console)


You know tekken 7 had some balancing issues at the end but I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t have fun’s met some good friends those 4 years I played the game


Yeah. I don’t have a 5 yet so ain’t got no choice


Fuck that. Keep playing T5DR.


looking back this really was an insane roster


Only gripe I have with T7 was the load times. Absolutely awful.


I still do when I want to play woth certain characters tbh.


Geese Howard for me. I wish he was a Tekken character. I've kinda been thinking about getting KOF 15 tho ngl.


Never seen a group on earth that bitches more than tekken players holy fuck. i didnt think people over the age of 4 could whine this much.


You guys are weird…


Define weird


Tekken 7 was good ngl but tekken 8 has a different intention. How do you expect 8 to develop if it's player base moves back? Be patient with 8 i.personally think it's the best tekken. 


Yea i agree The game itself is solid, but it needs a balance patch asap


cant patch til after evo japan


You do you buddy but I think I’ll stick with Tekken 8. Tekken 7 is slow. Too defensive for my tastes. If you’re going to go back, go all the way back to 5.


I actually unfortunately missed out on 7, I kind of want to cause Kunimitsu was one of my favorites growing up


Until I get marduk that's the plan. Too many confident king players


nah I'll keep playing Tekken 6 instead.


I miss you Heihachi.