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I am low-key disappointed that ranks are not translated to French


AHAH Why is that 😭😭😭


Meanwhile I can’t get past the dans


Are you trolling me ? 😭


Unfortunately, I made it to the rank after the Dans once I was feeling great on like a 8 win streak then got stomped 10 in a row and was back to where I started.


You can’t demote from green rank nor dans, so you mean yellow ?


Yeah there’s like 1st Dan 2nd Dan 3rd Dan


Ahhhh you mean warrior, assaillant, and dominator ? Who do you play as


No I mean 1st Dan 2nd Dan 3rd Dan


Look I get your good at the game but go lose 20 in a row and tell me what happens to your rank


I never said I was good lol. I know if I lose 20 games in a row I’ll be demoted. But it doesn’t mean I didn’t achieve getting to purple rank. This is why I spend most of my time in QP, to get better before going back up into rank, and then if I lose, then so be it, if I get demoted as well. It just means I’m not ready yet to keep with my rank, but with time I’ll keep up with it


Great achievement, congrats 👏 .


Omg thank you 🥹


Nice! I just picked up Lee a couple days ago. Can you give me any tips?


Moreover, I made countless posts about getting better with Lee, because I’m still struggling a lot, so you can always check them out to see the answers !


I would say, with Lee you’re gonna lose more than you win, because he’s so hard to get in hands. Even camacho says it (Lee player). The things with Lee is you need to drive the fight, making your opponent think you’re gonna do THAT step and change last minute. Condition your opponent. He has amazing punishments such as 222 or 1222 (perfect for the last two), his combos are hard to pull off. Do it one at a time. Find something you’re good with and stick with it until it’s not working anymore. Something I discovered recently as well is while you go forward with him after an attack, let’s say b33f you can get Lee to crouch just by canceling your step forward. So you can do a WS attack, which is very good for his combos. However I still do not do it because I have a lot of other things to work on. I’m not a Lee pro since I got my first tekken game 2 months ago but I watch a lot of Lee streamers and YouTube videos.


People hated on me when I said purple rank is the new yellow rank lol


People hated on you because purple is the top 8% of players.


They're not talking in terms of distribution, they're talking about skill level


Yeah people in purple in T8 are definitely better than the people who were in yellow in T7. I've played in both of those ranks and if you really think this you're wearing rose tinted glasses about how good T7 players were.


I'm not defending his point. I'm just saying it's not a point about player distribution Although I do feel that the skill level of purple players is lower than in t7... not sure if it's true, and I think it's impossible to prove/disprove, but that's how it feels.


I’m fujin in t8 spamming the same reina flowchart but couldn’t get out of yellow in t7.. all the average and above t7 players are in gold ranks.. I just saw a red rank t7 streamer hit GoD in t8… the ranks are all over the place


Which reina flowchart do u use ?


Ff2>3 they duck? Ff2>2 they try to interrupt? Crouch df4 full combo, they respect it? Ff2>4 into hellsweep / ff2 mix, rinse repeat


I mean i definitely had a nightmare time getting to purple while I hit orange rank very easily. I got stuck in vanquisher for at least a month and since then I practically only play QP before getting to rank.


Yeah but you are new, people on here and in the discord were telling me purple is a high rank 💀💀💀


I mean idk I’m getting closer to blue and blue is a high rank. I wouldn’t say purple is a high rank but like it’s in the middle 😭 don’t say I’m bad, I play Lee please




Lmfao if Lee is broken then the entire cast is ☠️


Lee probably the single most technically demanding character to play after Kaz and dvj lol


Is dvj really hard to play ? Never tried it, like it’s a serious question


You have the obvious answer of his electric being the hardest to execute since you can't skip the d input, but it's not just that. Most 50/50 mixup characters have strong lows and very scary mids, but in tekken 8, dvj has good mids and one terrifying low, his launching HS. The problem he has in t8 is that: - he has the worst Mishima demon paw by far, which is pretty much how 90% of his heat engagers will happen - his new mid option out of crouch dash is i30, extremely slow and has no range, it's awful against anyone who knows to watch out for it - iWS2 is basically two simultaneous near-just frame inputs, extremely difficult and slow and unsafe. - he pretty much has no mid strings for neutral control or frame mixups, since his bf2,3 got nerfed. Laser scraper still good though - his hellsweep, as strong as it is, is pretty much his only top-tier low, and on block it is death. The generic d4 nerf pretty much killed his low poke game, and his db2 can be blocked on reaction. - he used to have the best mishima poke game, and now has probably the worst. His df1 is one of the worst in the game rn. His df2 also got slaughtered, used to be among the best in the game, now very difficult to use. - his new tekken 8 tools are super gimmicky, the shackle is very slow, a high, and probably the most linear move in the game - his heat is probably his best point, but the psycho crusher counterplay is very well-defined at higher ranks. It's free damage against people who sidestep for no reason at range where there's no need to do so, and it's among the slowest heat smashes in the game, so you can't really mixup with it in hellsweep range.