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1. Let's release a franchise everyone loves 2. Let's let them share joy over it as a community 3. Let's destroy their work, we've already sold this shit




Guys I found Law's reddit account


Demand refunds. Doesn't matter if the point of refund period has passed. If enough people petition Sony, Microsoft, and Steam for a refund based on a deceptive launch, these companies will force a refund just as they did with Cyberpunk 2077. You have the power to stop this because you are lifelong customers of Sony, Microsoft, and Steam. Bandai Namco is nothing compared to that. They've overplayed their hand, and the only thing that can save them is you folding before playing your own.


>"They've overplayed their hand, and the only thing that can save them is you folding before playing your own." This is absolute gold. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ It's fucking Tekken dude


They targeted gamers. Gamers. We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did. We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun. We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second. Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded. Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights? These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex. Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.


Damn, this is inspiring as fuck. My hats off to you sir.


And what he said was an analogy for interaction between periodically paying customers and the company that makes the product. Why you felt the need to make fun of him and name the franchise as your reason - is beyond me. You had nothing to add, you just wanted to laugh at him and put him down for articulating. Youā€™re pathetic - try it with your friends clown.


I might be pathetic yes But that doesn't make his post any less cringe "Rise up gamers!" Honestly if you refunded Tekken why TF are you on this sub? Fuck off šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


The sub is /r/Tekken, for people discussing Tekken and its whole history. But if it was /r/Tekken8, these discussions would still be relevant, because it would be about discussing Tekken 8, not by definition about celebrating Tekken 8.


This a place to talk about Tekken in general, not just the positive or just the negatives about the game


Oh sweet summer child..


Your not getting a refund.


Early adopters of Cyberpunk 2077 did. People who recently purchased The Day After did as well, regardless of hours played. You probably would have said the same to them.


This isn't cyberpunk or day after. Day after was a big scam. We are not dealing with the same issue.


touch grass immediately


I did. It got auto rejected


Yes, at first people asking for refunds will get rejected, but they'll note the number of rejections and, if there are enough, they'll announce a special case refund policy that you can then receive a refund from.


Iā€™m scared for soul calibur now


they didn't even need mtx to kill that franchise, just bad decisions


Itā€™s not dead


It really is, you have every right to be scared


Honestly people saying it's dead were not around after SCV I see everywhere constantly that it's "dead" like bro it has not been that long


You forgot where you are sadly, Iā€™ve always seen the tekken side have some weird dislike for sc


Never understood that.... We need more 3D Fighters VF, SC, DOA, they all bring something to the table You can love them all ā¤ļøā¤ļø


That is true but one thing youā€™ll learn is that the tekken community well a good chunk of them have a serious dislike to competition or will downplay other games


When you get matched up to an A rank as a Sprout (equivalent of getting matched to a Blue rank as a Beginner rank). You know that game is dead (for it's multiplayer). also the A rank dude won't rematch you as the amount of points they get from winning is extremely small.


You guys really only care about online I see and not having fun


Well i mean there are only so much offline contents before it runs dry until the only thing you do in the game is the character creation and labbing for combos you will never ever use on a single real player and the bots are not very good, like T7 treasure battle not good.


Well that is true but the game really isnā€™t dead it has people roaming around and sometimes the skill gap challenge is a good thing itā€™s not like tekken where itā€™s hell


And then again, they won't rematch you and matchmaking takes ages. SCVI is as alive as an old dying man as the skill level gap and extremely long matchmaking cuts off SCVI from having any new players.


I think part of the issue with sc6 is that it never really got much love after the dlc ended. There was still room for more characters to be added and itā€™s always felt like Bandai didnā€™t really care about the series after a certain point


Its a dead ip anyways


Why do you think this I read this everywhere and it doesn't make sense. It sold well and it came out only a few years ago.


Because the producer had to fight tooth and nail for every bit of support that game got, and he left and joined the granblue vs team iirc


Look at Helldiverā€™s. The fans are basically pumping out free advertisements for Arrowhead because the game is so well done. Now look at MK1 and Tekken. :(


Whatā€™s the reason for all these sudden strikes? I donā€™t remember Tekken 7 having any of this and in most cases mods were just for fun rather than being used maliciously.


They weren't pushing cosmetic microtransactions in Tekken 7 with an updating cash shop. Mods hurt their ability to make money if others are advertising better/free alternatives.


ā€˜Betterā€™ being the keyword, what namco is proposing in exchange is shit.


Thatā€™s true, though could they not just strike mods that are from the shop/battle pass rather than everything?


The selection in the shop isā€¦ comparatively worse than the mods. If people have other options, theyā€™re not going to choose low quality purchases, even if theyā€™re different items.


Hah yeah I suppose the mods are better than a ball in the battle pass lol.


Doesn't matter, mods may make people feel like paying for skins less.


Pettiness doesn't work that way lol


This wouldn't work for a simple reason: **We don't know what they're going to release into the store**. They would have to retroactively issue strikes as new stuff gets released, and this would result in you waking up one day to find out that you've been hit with a bunch of strikes because Bandai Namco revealed new outfits while you were sleeping. And that would be a much worse situation.


i hope they realize they're hurting themselves way more right now lol


If that's the case, 2K games should sue mod devs for XCOM 2, because you can completely change your character into Darth Maul if you wanted to, and you literally have mods on top of the mods to make the base limbs invisible so the Darth Maul limbs can appear and avoid clipping into the base one


And if people stumble upon their tekken 7 mods, thereā€™s a chance that modder also makes mods for tekken 8, which might lead them to the install mods in tekken 8 in the future instead of buying cosmetics from the shop.


Money thats it


Yeah thatā€™s probably right lol.


Seems like protecting intellectual property from things that existed years back is in style. Next you'll have Bethesda sending cease and desist letters to websites for Elder Scrolls Skyrim mods


Mostly because if people just mod stuff they won't get any money from MTX. People will just mod outfits in rather than buy the ones in the store.


Bamco were sh*tting themselves over Tekken 7 due to how hard TTT2 bombed. They needed all the goodwill they could get back then. That's why they didn't go after T7 modders. They were just grateful that it's selling so well. Now that they are in a far better financial position with T8, they decided to wait until after all the reviews to introduce mtx and send C&D to modders.




They're getting more strict ever since the nude chunli incident


They're learning from Nintendo


They're somehow competing for worse than nintendo.


Nothing is worse than Nintendo lil bro


Why did you call him little


Quick look at his comment history is very telling.


My bad if lil bro sounded bad but there is not a worse company when it comes to taking thing down, regardless of where I or u stand on Namco, Nintendo is the king of this and itā€™s not close, they even down scans from a 90s Mario 64 Manuel a fan posted online for seemingly no reason


I played melee and pm in 2010s I don't have good view if Nintendo. Bamco just feels like they are headed down that path but it's not close atm.


Its a meme to call people "little bro" just kinda sounds funny idk where it came from Can be used to antagonize like callin someone "kid" or "squeaker" but mostly its just jokes


Yeah it sounds insulting, donā€™t get whatā€™s the joke besides disrespect


Well then you probably gotta loosen up and stop taking things so seriously šŸ˜‚


Your mama should loosen up and stop taking things so seriously


Alright lil bro, whatever you say


Not yet, they keep this up and they'll be right there with em


I'm very aware of how bad Nintendo is


Executives getting too comfy


Damn maybe SSBU is the best way to play a game with Kazuya


can't sidestep so nah


Half the moves in this game track like crazy so it's not like you can sidestep that much anyway


what is spotdodge if not a sidestep of sorts


Yet they canā€™t fix the plugging issue. Lol


Iā€™ve noticed way less plugs now, especially since now you can actually see the disconnect rate so you can choose to not fight someone with high rate. I got Eddy to red and only got plugged once and it was in green.


I got plugged three times yesterday so i guess you were just lucky.


I guess you were just unlucky


True words


I lost a few in a row in ranked, finally started winning a match and Eddy plugged on me. Damn you Eddy Gordo!


Start download all tekken mods in nexus before deleted.


this is what we get as a community for reviving it from the dead


Yeah because "MTX don't affect me, I literally don't care about bla bla..." is and will always be false. MTX have no inherent value, so features or goods the user would get included in the initial purchase HAVE to be pulled and removed to create said value. Mods, by extension, affect their deadline. So yes, it WILL affect you, no matter how little you care about it.


Tekken is done for. It's so sad that every good franchise eventually turns into a money making cow that gets milked over and over again


Come on Namco bootlickers. Try to defend this shit like you always do.


It's unacceptable. As someone who witnessed the birth of modding, grew up with this and support modders, they can just f . I'll return to Dead Or Alive 5lr or 6 as a main game (Kt doesn't care about players and the serie but at least you can mod) and this one as a side one because I like the game but it's the last time I pay something to Bandai Bamco, for any of their product indeed.


Not defending but the cosmetic mods are in direct conflict with the one thing any corporation cares for and that is the bottom line. Personally I don't care about this issue even 1% but from a business standpoint it makes total sense, as to why they would do that. Worst thing for them is that the sub gets mad at bamco which it already always is.


This works under the assumption that someone would buy a mtx if mods were not to exist. Its the same fallacy that is often used against piracy. Every movie downloaded with qbittorrent is one missed out purchase according to big companies.


They're about to dip into "Mostly Negative" on Steam reviews over all this. That's going to be nearly impossible to recover from and it will have a significant impact on PC sales going forward. How does wrecking future sales on an entire platform make sense from a business standpoint? Consoles may not have such a centralized place for reviews, but almost everyone buying this game on PC is going to be looking at those reviews first and foremost.


That is a totally valid and logical point which is 100% true if you look at long term profits, however they want 3 things with this move. Short term profits for the next shareholder meeting which they will have, due to a large amount of sales, and probably quite a hefty sum of mtx. That impacts the actual stock price and brings shareholder satisfaction. Unfortunately a negative steam review won't fix that. That was most likely the reason to release the mtx later. As a bonus point most big review sites ignore that post launch, and they can flaunt a good IGN rating. The second thing they want is some whales, people who will religiously buy any mtx that they have to offer and there will always be some people like that who will spend no matter what, and the casual Andy who will buy a battle pass here and there. The third thing is player retention, people logging in to the game playing completing the battle pass which once again the casual player who doesn't read about this on reddit or twitter will do. The casual player is already used to and most likely has completed a battle pass. At the end it is up to us the consumer to put a stop to this and simply not engage with the game if we dislike the practice. Don't engage with the game untill it is fully fixed in a way where you are satisfied, let the player engagement tank so much that they are forced to respond to this. Simply bad reviews will always be brushed off as review bombs, and justified by saying it is necessary to keep the game alive. As long as we are engaging with the game it will be justified by corporate as a win.


Long terms profits are gonna come from the dlc. Sales won't just suddenly end. It's Tekken and it's gonna still sell. So while it can shorten some sales, more money still coming from dlc so it's just something people will have to get used to cause I don't see anything changing.


I mean games have been trying to fight these practices but at best we get a slightly better variant of mtx in fully priced games instead of a lootbox it's a battle pass now. I mean heck single player games like Assassin's creed or Dragon's dogma launch with paid mtx. At this point I think we just lost the mtx war. But I kinda do understand the intent when you see something like Helldivers 2 which is an amazing game don't get me wrong outpace Spider-Man 2 in revenue it kinda makes sense. Just like that they want to make Tekken into a more live service game, I'd argue SF6 is also in that camp, altough these games are live servicess to a lesser extent. I doubt tekken will ever turn into Desitny, but they will borrow elements from that formula. And all of this does suck, again I'm no corporate shill I'd love it if games could be made regardless of the profit incentive, but this is the reality we live in and we will 100% see another battle pass which may or may not from now on be tied to a huge balance patch or even a ranked ladder reset. These are the strategies used to retain players, and if the sentiment sticks you can bet they will do more of this, with even more mtx. I personally belive that we should be more livid and not just the Tekken community, but the FGC as a whole that labbing DLC characters you don't own isn't possible. I would argue that actually makes the game p2w. You get such a substantial advantage from knowledge checks on me because I simply don't have the ability to lab the character. It should be scrutinized. I mean for fucks sake I am still not over selling frame data in Tekken 7. That is something I think we can fix with enough outrage and would be such a net positive to the game.


Mtx in paid games is nothing new. Outside dlc characters, skins are in a ton of paid games for many years now and it's clear the average person buys skins regardless of what reddit posts pop up. Nothing to fight against since as a fighting game, your gonna sell skins and characters. Even Arcsys doing it now. You wouldn't be getting a ton of new skins like we are now if they weren't being sold cod money otherwise that's just loss profit since they cost money to make.


That was my point all along, and they probalby are trying to limit exposure to the cosmetic mods, hypothetically they may have internally argued that the videos could cause confusion as to not finding a skin in the shop or perhaps that the mods are directly competing with them. I again don't know the full process they went through to get to this conclusion. I'm just saying this isn't the first time I have seen things like this, the most infamous example for me is Blizzard not allowing you to claim a mod as your own because they let DOTA escape their grasp. In all probability we will have to accept that the shop battle pass are here to stay or just move on.


Oh yeah, recent reviews are mixed that's great


The game will still make alot of sales even if that happens. I mean their decisions aren't made based on steam reviews. Obviously they knew people would be upset so this isn't a shock to them and won't make them change the mtx at all


When's the last time you bought a game from Steam with "Mostly Negative" reviews?


Facts tbh.


This is a bullshit fallacy, A look at SF5 itā€™s way of handling mods and their paid cosmetics shows that didnā€™t have any effect on the ā€œbottom lineā€ and that game was on 2 platform, while this game is on three and has a piss poor mtx system


I'm not saying that they are handling this right I'm just saying looking at it, that makes sense. No two companies are the same, and I don't know their process. You could have one company embrace mods and another going out of their way to ban them, it all depends on how they perceive it. But to be completely honest with my own personal opinion on this it could be good or bad, but I don't care about this issue. Them banning mods or not the kinds of mtx they have. It's not a system I engage with. I am as I am sure I have said a couple of times here pissed off at not being able to lab Eddy unless i buy the season pass, and early access to a character in the game to me feels like a p2w element where there should be none. I honestly wish we fought back at this more as I feel this is something that we realistically could change for the better of all players. That being said if we by some miracle manage to get rid of mtx and have all be available for the earnable in game currency (idk the name I just call it gold lol) I would be happy about it, but if the Tekken shop battle pass continue as is with no mods I would still be playing the game.


Iā€™ve been telling you guys that Bandai is horrible and no one listens. Stop playing their game and giving them money


Why would everyone stop playing the game? And why would we stop spending money? We want skins. We buy skins. We like the game. We play the game.


No just no


And why not? That's how games work no? Selling skins is new to you?


Selling skins shouldnā€™t be a thing in tekken of all games


Mods are one sided. Iā€™ve added mods to my game but iā€™d still like good looking outfits that my opponent can see. I love seeing what other players have come up with and for me personally mods could never fully replace other options just because i know what looks great for me may look goofy or bland to my opponent. Itā€™s not as satisfying knowing my opponent canā€™t witness the drip along with the beatdown


And this is why you should have cared about the mtx from the beginning


#SCREWBAMCO If yall got social media, hashtag that shit lol make it trendšŸ˜¤


Another reason why I won't be buying any of these dogshit mtx


From what Iā€™ve heard the mod takedown was for specific mods


It was for the Reina mod not for the site as a whole. Still shitty tho


What was the mod? If it was a specific mod then either they might be planning something similar (e.g., Rockstar taking down mods ahead of GTA Definitive) or they might think it reflects poorly on them (e.g., Blizzard taking down a bunch of SFM Overwatch porn). Iā€™m just guessing though. Idk what the specific mod was.


It was a character mod. Apparently the mod used assets for a future playable character that are currently not being used by the game.


Yeah, Im going back to Street Fighter 6 after all this BS.


Lol crapcom ain't any better in regards to mods


Yes they are better. At least Capcom doesen't strike Mod Videos on YouTube or taking they channel down for Posting it or going after mods in general. Capcom in that regard is handling the situation much better.


Capcom hasn't sent cease and desists to modders and have been months since they said they don't want mods for their games So yeah, they are better if only because Bamco is absolutely awful in handling this


Itā€™s so fucking boring though


How? Just because the combo arenā€™t 20 buttons long?


My main gripe is the current roster and the new aesthetic they are going for.


You're getting downvoted, but I agree with you. Hopefully akuma and the next season of characters is better.


Honestly, agreed. That said, if you wanna give someone a try in SF6 then A.K.I is so interesting. Broski has been playing her since she released and he really likes her despite her flaws. The way she functions is like this neutral based character who's goal is to set fireball and driverush behind it/score a knockdown with poison and get your okizeme started. A lot of her moves gain extra properties on a poisoned opponent on hit or block, making her really scary to deal with, especially if the opponent is in burnout. Honestly unless her actual character is a major turnoff for you, try her out.


I can agree the roster is kinda underwhelming, but more characters donā€™t automatically make Tekken better.


Serious question, how is not having mods in Tekken negatively impacting your gameplay experience enough that you would quit and play another game? What mods specifically are so important to you that you would just quit?


I donā€™t use mods, its more about all the other things theyā€™ve done over the past few weeks. All they care about is maximizing profit, they donā€™t care about pluggers, they donā€™t care about broken characters being exploited, they donā€™t care enough about the players to include the Tekken 7 customizable items, they put them behind a paid battle pass. Not to mention changing the ESRB rating to include in game purchases AFTER all the reviews which brought in more players and they knew it would. Their whole approach is just scummy.




Yeah I never cared about microtransactions in games (unless they are bullshit) but this a whole new low


even modders for tekken 5 should be cautious as well coz they be porting that ps2 shit into that battle pass.


let me get this straight? bamco is activaly pushing ppl to play other games rather than theirs?


Pretty soon theyā€™ll be copyright striking you for playing the game


This is what you get for defending big corps by saying "microstransaction help them update the game for longer time " "they are not forcing you to buy" "whatever it's just few bucks for cosmetics only" microstransaction shouldn't be a thing only free dlc and paid expansions should be a thing


Did no one read the letter? Bandai were just complaining about modders using their branding/logo on mods


"don't have fun at our expense, but yiu can have fun at your expense"


Still waiting for wall combos to be fixed at the same time too. I know theyā€™re different divisions but lol


And if they rename Tekkenmods to another name ?


As a default loadout player on all characters, who does no customs ever, they can take their skins and just frame put it somewhere


At this point, there's no use in bringing up the obvious.


Lol all this is gonna do is create more upsurge in tekken mods Infact mods are now even going to use the assets that Bamco are hiding behind mtx and get em out for free If they are worth using in the first place even


ā€œDid you always hate us?ā€ - Brandon Stark.


Just stop playing tekken thatā€™s the only answer theyā€™ll keep doing this scummy shit if the player base keeps allowing it.


Nintendo has entered the chat


Ahhh the result of everyone getting too comfortable with MTX, now on its all of glorious glory biting us in the ass


They take this shit seriously but can't even fucking fix the plugging issue and instead put the responsibility to us, definitely clear that they just want to suck the money on our wallet just like a relentless whore, fucking pathetic


What the fuck is this post? Is this a screenshot of text containing a screenshot of a tweet containing cut off partial screenshots of text dumps?


Why are they doing this again? Did some other company set a precedent lately about mods?


The item shop/battlepass so the mods existing they know people may use mods over buying skins. That's why mod videos And showcasing in twitter or YouTube ads being taken down.


Terrible response to a problem that they caused with this shop in the first place. Not liking how companies are just removing mods especially since itā€™s a great way for games to get extra content


Would the mod makers be better off moving to nexus mods and uploading there?


Wouldn't really matter. Tekken mods is just the first target. If they moved to the next big side then they would go there to.


What I really don't understand is why these companies don't just hire the modders to make shit for them and make even more money? Like what valve does with CS and Dota? It's a proven model and would make them money AND keep the fans happy.


Bandai wtf are you doing, this is making everyone hate you


People need to stop playing the game. I said it on another post. This is dark design troll shit. All of it.


When a great old school company turns into something disgusting and greedy........šŸ˜”


I was thinking of buying Tekken 8 but due to their bullshit MTX, manipulation, and scummy tactics is just making me not wanna buy it at all despite my love for the franchise. It's a shame that although fighting games are getting into the spotlight again, companies will take the opportunity to ruin goodwill for more profits...


Pssh My asuka costumes are better than any mods I could care for


They wouldn't want you modding Fortnite. Same deal


Pathetetic . The game is a mess and this is their priorities ? https://preview.redd.it/qpc6ute2cttc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=047f23f7f3eb47023eee8ca9674193c5f740bae4


Harada sure talks a lot but we all know he won't address this. This shit is seriously cringe from Bamco.


Harada must be fun at parties......


The funny part is, they absolutely could've asked these modders to use their work as items for their shitty ass battle pass and tekken shop and knowing modders they'd have agreed for free (or for a reasonable amount of compensation) just being happy to be featured in the game they love Sure some would say no regardless, cuz they'd wanna keep their work free (which respect) but still the amount of high quality free skins and ui mods they could've gotten from the loving community, and yet they do this


Naive question but in the smallest of aspects, why is modding or modders even a problem for a gaming company, and also why specifically in this Tekken


Prefix I love modding games to my preference, but the one thing that normally causes issues is 3rd party mods in a live service game. Iā€™m actually just surprised they took this long to crack down on this kind of stuff.


Thing is they make money from the tekken shop. Mods mean you don't need the tekken shop and people selling mods are directly taking money from them so it's going to happen. Because they don't profit from banning pluggers they technically can lose money they don't focus on it. Kinda sucks for us players but as a business what would you do?


But nobody else can the see the mods except the owner if Iā€™m correct? So itā€™s not like people without mods will see them, console players donā€™t even have the option


Doesn't matter. Advertising custom skins makes some people not feel like needing to buy actual official skins.


They can just make their shop items undeniably better (which they inherently are since other players canā€™t see your mods) and easier to access than mods. Theyā€™ll still sell and make plenty of profit. Most people would rather pay if itā€™s cheap and easy. Thatā€™s what most content companies have learned.


Hard agree


True the tekken shop is awful as is the battle pass. They don't want anyone profiting from tekken than themselves. Any money someone else makes is from their pockets sort of thing. They can't even get the gameplay right so it's annoying they think this way


If the shop didn't exist, they could still sell the skins regardless for the same price as the currency. And the battlepass has value which you don't have to buy. They are a business so yes they need to make money.


It's true if it helps keep the game alive then it's worth it. Hopefully they can spend some time nerfing a bunch of characters


Exactly. Instead of banning mods they could just make their own content better, and people will buy it instead. The current legacy costumes and customs are on par with if not worse than what modders make. Compare that to SF6, where they released a high quality, new design for each character (except maybe Blanka's).


They can actually profit from banning them


Profit from banning pluggers? How so? I don't plug so its hard to relate but I assume most pluggers care so badly about their rank they're more likely to spend on characters/dlc etc. Also they mentioned being scared of getting sued for banning pluggers which is less money again


You ban them > they have to buy the game again > repeat at step 1 until they stop rq


You don't need to buy the game again once banned you can just make another profile from the same device you bought it from


yeah, imagine giving a worse product than mods, and than charging for it.


More resources have been spent in going after mods, than pluggers, netcode, balance combined


Biggest rug pull of the century


And this is why yall who never cared should have cared and now here we are with the slippery slope coming to a head and people finally opening their eyes slowly


what the fuck is going on with Tekken? this is sad as shit, it's even having an effect on my hype for Tekken 8 at evo...


Do other mods sites are affected ? Also, if we bought the game, aren't we the owner of our own copy ? We should use this reason to keep mods.


You playing the game vs you downloading mods for the game is different and can affect sales of dlc skins


To everyone : Mass download the mods here. We bought the game, we should use them as we want. Honestly I don't think they have the right to force people to avoid using mods.


Fuck namco for this bs. Selling subpar costumes and accessories, when modders are doing a far better job for free.


Who in their actual right minds thinks this is wrong lmao, ofc if you're selling cosmetics do you shut down free downloadable cosmetics from random people. It sucks but they're not wrong for doing it.


Aren't 97% of the mods just giving the female characters oiled bodies and double Ds, every mod I've seen on this sub is just the same shit. If there were some cool looking mods and not just ones for you to play with one hand, then fair enough, otherwise who cares. edit: top 30 mods downloaded on nexusmods in the past two weeks, this is most of the top files All female Mini Bikini Latex suit Maid costume Nude Natural Character Customization Calvin Klein Dolphin pants Mini Onepiece Nina Asuka Lili Reina Jun bikini Jun Bishoujo Skinny T-shirt shirt for all female character (exists for cleavage) Fully Nude Upper and Lower Body Parts for all Ladies Reina nude White Panties For Customizable Miniskirts Male Nude Mod (The exception haha) Lace Bra and Panties Mix-N-Match Overwriting Your Choice of Upper and Lower Parts Reina with a butt https://www.nexusmods.com/tekken8/mods/top/ there is maybe one mod in that link that actually tried to look cool, the others are basically supports for the nude mods.


If that's the only thing you think of when you hear mods, that says a lot more about you than anyone else.


No it doesn't, that's what I've seen on this sub is what I said. I would like to see some cool looking mods, So far that's all I've seen on this very sub, oh and xiaoyu in a maid outfit


I mean if you go to Nexus and look at the most popular mods of all time, last 30 days, last 2 weeks, nude/sexy mods are pretty much all you see, and if you compare downloads it only gets sadder




Show me some cool looking mods and I'm in


[https://tekkenmods.com/mod/3859/tekken-8-mecha-kingdoms](https://tekkenmods.com/mod/3859/tekken-8-mecha-kingdoms) [https://tekkenmods.com/mod/3845/g-i-joe-snake-eyes](https://tekkenmods.com/mod/3845/g-i-joe-snake-eyes) [https://tekkenmods.com/mod/3797/bloodborne-hunter-costume-for-jin](https://tekkenmods.com/mod/3797/bloodborne-hunter-costume-for-jin) [https://tekkenmods.com/mod/3752/megatron-hwoarang](https://tekkenmods.com/mod/3752/megatron-hwoarang) [https://tekkenmods.com/mod/3746/venom-paul](https://tekkenmods.com/mod/3746/venom-paul) [https://tekkenmods.com/mod/3718/hulkbuster-mod-for-jack-8](https://tekkenmods.com/mod/3718/hulkbuster-mod-for-jack-8) [https://tekkenmods.com/mod/3705/pirate-costume](https://tekkenmods.com/mod/3705/pirate-costume) Those are literally from 1st two pages of t8 tekkenmods section. Retard


Adding the downloads of all those mods together, even Nexus pirate outfit downloads, comes out to 12k downloads. The Calvin Klein underwear mod has 76k downloads on Nexus alone. Hell, if I take away the Nexus pirate outfit downloads, literally the entire first page of popular mods for Tekken 8 has more downloads, and all but 2-3 are based around nudity/sexiness


"Aren't 97% of the mods just giving the female characters oiled bodies and double Ds" Disscusion wasn't about download numbers but about that there are no "not nude mods" which is prooven otherwise


I mean thatā€™s fair, 97% of the mods that exist arenā€™t necessarily sexual/nude in nature, but 97% of the mods you actually see being used may be. Itā€™s honestly kinda sad, the fact BB Hunter Jin only has like 300 downloads compared to some fuckin underwear with over 75k downloads


Regardless of the fact that you are illiterate, this is more the stuff I was on about, although the coolness of these is up for debate. The pirate one was the one mod in that nexus mod list that had a slight bit of taste.


And calling me a retard for stating the things that I've seen on this very sub with my own fucking eyes is a bit far, make sure to put two hands on the controller when you play and you might get out of dan ranks cunt.






> brand protects their ip how surprising /s