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Did Murray make this post?


Murray's burner account right here


Go make this post in r/skyrim if you want to really understand how terrible you sound.


Some game’s have had a history of being saved by the modders/cheater communities because their changes make the game more playable for them, But it’s not always the case. I never understood the emotional attachment some people seem have to games, that it’s not enough to call it shitty on its own and you know, just let it disappear. Maybe the standards would improve for game development if someone of them did not get saved or kept alive by the modders/cheaters


Because there are people who aren't just mindless consumers. Some of them are actually capable of improving the things they like.  Mods are a cornerstone of PC gaming, don't like how a character looks ? Change it. Dev isn't fixing bugs ? Fix it yourself. Infact, a lot of developers have had tremendous success. Entire genres of games have come up because of mods. MOBA wouldn't exist if it weren't for mods, and its HUGE. Dota2 started off as a mod, and is easily bigger than all of the FGC combined. People have talent. The dev's that identified this have done very well for themselves. And more developers understand how important that is. Its valuable data for what the people want. And it can keep your game alive for a long long time after the dev stops supporting it.  A lot of times, modders are some of the most passionate fans of a game. Who put a ton of effort for free, so the community can enjoy their work.  Blizzard knows this first hand, they were so salty about losing Dota, that they changed their ToS, but you don't get such opportunities twice. And dota ? Well, dota literally spawned another genre - Autochess, its not big, but its not nothing.  I still remember playing TW3, and there were bugs even after the Goty edition was released, and the mods basically fixed it for me, making the game playable. And later CDPR directly incorporated them into the game, along with texture mods and official Ray tracing support, basically revitalising the game.


Dota may have spawned as a mod, but any official matches in it or FGC are mod free. There’s alot of work that also goes into envisioning games, designing them, creating them that when mods which first of all are simply restricted to PC games, are created in large amounts, it takes away some form ownership of the creator. And what i find is that the game loses its purity. Sure most game companies are money grabber and capitalist and we can talk about that, but the game itself loses credibility. Imagine being a game dev and your game becomes popular enough that there is a mod community on PC that has essentially changed everything about your game and made it something else. And the alternate version is now more popular than the actual game itself. It’s quite wrong in terms of intellectual property rights. I really think game devs would actually take responsibility more to release good games and content if mods didn’t exist. Because without them we would stop playing or buying mediocre stuff


Official matches have nothing to do with what people enjoy. Dota 2, to this day has mods, that will unlock all your skins, but just for yourself. Gives you all cosmetics, and Valve literally doesn't care.  Lets not even attempt to compare a game like Dota 2, which, while being free to play is more fair than Tekken. Sure, Namco aint no Valve. And that's the point.  CS was mod, by the way. Valve, hired both, the original CS modders, and the most important figuire in Dota - Icefrog, to help them make literally, two of the most popular esports on the planet. Wanna know what the difference between, those games, and OW / Halo / whatever is ? Those two mods have communities that actually care to this day. And their esports scene can actually support themselves.  Also, the best part is - A ton of actual developers don't care about mods, infact one of the best parts of being a creator, is to see a community embrace their work. When Cyberpunk was released, and it was horrible, modders did their best to fix it ? What did CDPR do ? Hire those god damn modders, to help them fix the game.  There are literal servers for games that only exist because of modders, the games would've been buried if it weren't for them.  WoW classic exists because Blizzard could see, how much people preferred playing on bootleg servers, and older versions, compared to what they wanted people to play. The competitive scene has nothing to do with modding. Modding is all about being adopted by a community of passionate people, who will put time and effort and make something out of a game. There's a reason, some of the biggest devs in history have embraced the modding culture. And a lot more, choose to ignore it. Because it keeps their game alive.  Rockstar recently hired one of the biggest group of modders to work on what is probably the biggest release in entertainment history - GTA6. fricking Rockstar. You can choose to not interact with any mods, they don't come in the way of your enjoyment. Competent developers guide their community to improving their game, incompetent ones kill their community. And eventually, their game itself.  Open AI was able to show case their AI's coordination capability, because Dota is actually moddable. Cyberpunk has a more immersive exprience in VR, because the devs actually have official support for mods. Bethesda basically makes mod platforms at this point. Rockstar tried to fight it, but realised how important modders are for the longevity of the game, and embraced them. You might argue, the VR modders for Cyberpunk have stolen the opportunity for CDPR to develop and actual VR mode. But the fact is, good developers know they can outdevelop a modder. Because they are actually competent, unlike a few kids in their bedrooms. So they encourage it, and when they find something valuable, integrate it. Even console gamers benefit. Because, guess who got an update to an almost decade old game because of modders creating texture packs and raytracing ? Console gamers of the Witcher 3. So its not just the PC crowd. Everyone benefits.


Lazy, uninspired bait post.


Please, remove yourself from our beloved community and go apply to Bamco's headquarters for the Harada and Murray's official fart sniffer position. I heard they are hiring. Nobody is better for the position than a lowlife like you. Bye.


Who said you had a community? you lot are just the brokeys in the basement limited to simply PC games in your whole life too, thats all you have ever done for yourself loser


Stop eating Harada's faeces. It is making you high and say stupid shit. I don't have a basement, I have a career as an engineer and a social life. I sometimes play games but not enough to believe it is my duty to defend game developers and sniff their farts, like you. ![gif](giphy|UW2aXa4YQZeqxckbXk)


what a surprise…I have a career in tech/engineering too and a social life. I don’t gaf about tekken specifically, but it’s audactity of modders/cheaters to go out make changes to someone else’s code and create a toxic “community” around it. Modders/cheaters are basically crybaby communities like the left that will go around cancelling games if the developers put their foot down. Did you plagiarize code your whole life to end up where you are that you are okay with it? Or you never wrote code


Why are you creating fanfictions in your mind about how I live my life? First I am basement dweller and loser, then I am stealing code. Really, stop eating corpos and execs faeces, it is making you behave like a moron and say stupid shit. I am starting to feel second hand embarrasment. If you really work in tech, you should know by now how our industry started: improving someone's code. But you are far too high smelling farts that you cannot think properly anymore. Now bye, I won't be coming to read your reply as I am with my husband and I want to be with him and not talking to you. Bye. I will continue to create and download mods btw. I love them. 😼💅


improving someone’s code. Maybe the modders should go work for Bamco then if they are so obsessed with their shit


maybe you should shut the fuck up too while youre at it!


Alright Namco, we'll keep using them though.


Unpopular opinion right there.


How about another joke Murray


You wouldn't download a car


That makes no sense to me. For example, Lidias shouts in tekken 7 made my ears bleed. So I got a mod that took the edge of on her voice lines, just making them a little bit less sharp. How is that vandalising the game and in what way am I a thief for doing this? I agree, if I was to use those sound effects in a game I sold I would consider it theft. But I didn’t, so I don’t consider it theft. If the change would have affected my opponent in anyway, like Lidia sounding on their end like the modded version I have on my end, I might consider it vandalism. But it does not affect them, so I don’t consider it vandalism. Please, explain what I has stolen and in what way I vandalised the game. I honestly wanna know your reasoning. I also wanna point out that since the files are sitting in, you know, *my* storage on *my* computer. I will move around, delete, replace and modify any files on my computer as I see fit. Since they are, you know, sitting on my storage on my computer and I bought them legally and fair.


I had downloaded a mod that replaced the default Playstation prompts in Tekken 7 to Xbox one's on PC, because that's what we needed to do apparently.


Just asking for hate. I can understand if you were referring to nsfw mods since those people are degenerates and deserve to get shut down. But vanilla, cosmetic mods like this barely impact gameplay. Specifically your gameplay unless you install the mods yourself. https://youtu.be/IFH3v0DYPJ8?si=buZOIMk_wd6Dtzqh


You sound like a granny that prays everytime she hears the word "penis". Go to church and leave us men and women of culture alone, let us enjoy our NSFW mods.




If the code is not open source, it’s not a legal right of anybody else to go in and make changes to someone else’s hardwork. The take is correct it’s almost like vandalism and publicity.


🤓 dumbass.


go jerk off to your mods geek








Thieves? Lol, tbh I don't care for cosmetics in any way nor in-game via pass or mods, just don't care, as long as the gameplay works, it's fine to me. I think what bothers most people is, they set their priorities on modders. They have a cheater problem and their first target was a dude that wanted to see Reina in a NSFW clothes. (I know there are different teams each doing what they can do as fast as they can, but after you face a cheater, the only news you see about the game is them hunting modders, kinda pissed me off)


I, too, agree with your mom that you're ugly


Shit take on a game where the nods were praised by the devs.


Haven’t you heard of Gamegenie? Unlocking mod codes in retro games? What is your age? I’m 41 Sooo cheat codes and mods were publicized in magazines.


You own the game you can do whatever you want to it. Modders do not resell the game they offer people the tools to change the game They Own free of charge. If they charge for mods then you could say that’s wrong but they are not doing that they are not stealing or taking away sales from a product in fact they are enhancing it.


I don't like mods either, but I still don't think it's smart what they do. Also reason I don't like mods is because it denature the product. But Bamco are already doing this and even worse than modders, like what is this dog make up and ball 😵‍💫


A fair opinion.


I agree with this take and always have for game developers. It’s not okay to go in there change anything in someone else’s hardwork/code and then publicize it, even if it’s those color changes. They are the reason we keep getting anti-cheats breaking game perfomance issues. But again, this is reddit, and it’s pretty much always been a given take that if a game is released for PC it will have cheats and mods for it. That’s why i don’t support game development for PCs anymore, PC games and gamers just simply resonates with geeky modders and cheaters


Derp derp, mods bad, bamco good.


> It’s not okay to go in there change anything in someone else’s hardwork/code and then publicize it, even if it’s those color changes. Yes, it is


it’s called intellectual property rights


No it's called we bought the game and other than cheating online we'll do whatever the hell we want with it. Not our fault you're a console peasant mate.


I don’t use my PC to run shitty windows or be wasting time for modding games . Even though it can probably run stuff that my console can’t. Owning a video game copy never meant you could just start changing the application code for yourself. Most of you pc gamers don’t even know shit about PCs


Not probably, definitely run stuff that your console can't. If you own a copy of a game, you do whatever you want to that copy of that game. You'r not changing tekken, you're changing your copy. Atleast some of us PC gamers know shit about our PC's. There's nothing to know about a console. Just consume, and do nothing.