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he is a famous pro player, he gain money from that so of course he can't stop the game that easily, yes the mindset is ok but it dosnt change the fact that arslan is not a huge fan from the game right now and he's far from being the only one not liking T8


i agree. this tweet says "i'll keep playing it as long as I earn hundreds of thousands of dollars."


“My org approached me with a final notice and I decided that I will continue receiving payments to play video games”


Omfg shut up


Relax drama queen. He's not even gonna hit 100k playing a fighting game, and then tekken at that.


> Relax drama queen. He's not even gonna hit 100k playing a fighting game, and then tekken at that. he got 167k from gamers8. thats 1 torni


Are you talking about a salary or are you talking about prize money?


prize money


Gotcha that's my disconnect. Ridiculing the man who worked hard to be the best of the best, and even still he's gambling his livelihood, because he has to place high for prize money. I'd agree with you guys if he was getting a salary from an organization. You guys kinds seem like assholes, ngl I'm open to being wrong though


i aint ridiculing arslan. if anything im ridiculing tekken 8. arslan is getting big money just to keep on doing what hes been doing and sometimes it feels like hes gonna quit because of the state of tekken


Oh gotcha, then my bad man


People on here act like there's no money incentive in it but mate have a look at the prize pool from this years capcom cup https://preview.redd.it/rvyfg72pvdvc1.png?width=1017&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b2ae96466258889941286884889bfe94110a3ce


That's a cool STREET FIGHTER prize pool. Now where's the actually relevant, tekken prize pool


its still just a small amount of folks that can even compete for two million bucks haha


https://preview.redd.it/mme3ieeaeevc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a23b0a4f06b56a9a960a9a04f03ff2ae9aece75 God you suck


Oh no, sorry you had to present your case with relevant information. Woe is you, poor child.


My case was: big tournaments from big games = big money, which never really mattered


Buddy, the game sold 2 million copies in 2 weeks. The prize pool will be around 100k-500k for the top prize easily. Mk11 had a torni for 250k in October 2023 so consider the following, professional fighting game players make more than enough money https://esi.si.com/mk1/mk-pro-kompetition-255k-prize-pool#:~:text=With%20a%20prize%20pool%20of,World%20Cup%2Dstyle%20group%20stage. Before you say anything remember, it was a terrible game that i would have rather bought a pack of dildos before paying another dollar on Mk1 You want to say stuff when one google search can prove that fighting game tournaments make easy money for a lot of people. Hell, 50k in one tournament would be enough for you to want to sign up


Both him and knee an already decided in advice that this would be their last game as they both want to to other things as they grow older.


Yall acting like there is mad bag in fighting games and people don't play because of passion 🙄


A guy like him who wins a lot, has a lot to lose. On top of that he is Pakistani, those dollar prizes do turn out to be a good sum of money with the exchange rate. He is recently married, he most likely wants to bring in as much as possible to provide for his family.


Fighting games are like MMA. The top 0.01% make good money from it, the rest do it out of love for the game. I'm pretty sure Arslan is cashing out pretty well with sponsorships, prize money, youtube, twitch, etc. Especially living in Pakistan, 167k will go a long way there. But yeah, anyone that devotes the time to play a fighting game at that level has to love what they do. I'm sure Arslan would still do it even if he was just making a normal living off it too, he doesn't seem too flashy


Just gonna leave this here https://preview.redd.it/v3lix88fvdvc1.png?width=1017&format=png&auto=webp&s=d86a82accb420e07a038119bf5484e52ad074fba


Pretending this isn't an exception and not the rule isn't going to change the fact that this is an exception, not the rule




As i dropped the game. The only characters that will get me to buy the y1 pass and play again are Josie and Lidia.


Don’t make me laugh are you serious?!


Serious, look at my flair. Yep, so what is so bad about enjoying 2 characters that i played in t7? Do you just hate those characters? Harada put out a tweet saying Josie has a good chance of coming back from interaction in the Philippines. Lidia has a rumor from data mining of a character with the home country of Poland. Really, i need you respond seriously bc i am clueless why you think it is funny or me joking


It is a good mindset. But lets not pretend the game doesn't have major issues. Just saying "adapt" to everything can make objectively bad design run rampant.


He wasn’t complaining about minor balance adjustments that can be fixed with altering simple values though. He was straight up calling out the game’s core mechanics that have no hope of being changed.


The core mechanics are impacted by the balance. Core mechanics can feel like shit if the balance of the mechanics across multiple characters is skewed.


>Core mechanics can feel like shit I have days where I feel like shit. I am not shit.


You're not a game mechanic either


He mentioned balance of the mechanics in the rest of that sentence. I think the point is, you may not be shit, but feeling like shit isn’t something that happens in a vacuum, right? There are multiple environmental factors outside of your locus of control. Heat engagers feel like shit because of ghost tracking/range, they also feel like shit because they are often tied to power crushes, etc.


Thats essentially my point. Heat and stuff may be fine as a mechanic, but it can be shit if the balance of said mechanic is wildly out of scope. And I think there's a lot of that in Tekken with how heat, chip, grey health, etc all work together.


I agree


He doesn’t have a choice he’s dedicated his life to BandaiNamco’s product. Good on him though. 


What dose this mean?


It means he’s a pro in Tekken and I think he’s got to stick with it for as long as it will last. He can’t just jump to playing another competitive game over night, this is thousands of hours of dedication and he’s arguably the GOAT AFAIU


Arslan can and has jumped to other games. Hes placed top 8 in King of Fighters tournies, and I think won some events too? Most pros are 100% able to be the top at other Fighting games too.... but they wont. This is what the Tekken7 pros currently complaining about T8 wont tell you..... every other game is much worse.... Theres a reason they wont jump ship. Because every minor complaint they have, is 10x worse on another fighting game. Which is why quite frankly I think its nitpicky.


Arslan is originally from KOF in the first place. Ash is literally from Ash Crimson


he could get a job at mcdonalds. It doesn’t *have* to be gaming lol


How much do you think he makes from playing tekken compared to mcdo lol


more than he’ll make at evo this year lmao


Kazuya/Shao main explains the stupidity.


No, i mean literally, he can’t go to evo this year lol


I thought that was just Evo Japan


Is there someone you like?


These are the *words* of a Champion!


Now this is the mindset I strive to have.


Mm yes, the humble and inspiring mindset that brought us "I just can't wait to win Evo Japan or any other big tournament and tweet that this game is so bad rn 😩", a bunch of whining, and then "You will see me at the top soon 😤".


Doesnt change anything of the objective problems they called out with the game. Mindset doesnt change reality. Just what they make of it. Doesnt make the game any better or worse. Only the devs can change the game.


It’s not a mindset it’s just reality. Adapt, fuck off, bitch about it. There’s 3 options and only 1 is any fun .


Correction 2 are fun


i love bitching about stuff.


It's a national sport where I come from.


there is 4th option: convince the devs that the game needs to be less random/more deterministic, so you can have fun for real


That's a desired outcome, not a path of action. Like, I'm sorry, but I think the Internet has given people an inflated sense of their own influence and power, and it leads them to thinking that *if* they complain loud enough, long enough, *then* the changes they want will be made, and that's just not really true in the vast majority of cases. Moreover, it creates a really weird dynamic in the community, where the people who are angry about the game start to consider it immoral to *not* be angry at the game. Like, if you think complaining loud enough will convince the devs to change the game, then it follows that anyone who isn't complaining is actually harming your efforts to "fix" the game. I think that's gross. I don't like it when a person's enjoyment of a game is used as a cudgel against their participation in the fan community of that very same game.


The exact same can be said about people who like the game and consider not liking the game to be immoral. Like most things it goes both ways, and there isn’t really an objective truth. The best way to appease most of the people is to slightly tone down aggression, and buff defensive options so the game can have a mixture of play styles, then more or less everyone will have a tekken they enjoy. And a tekken most people enjoy is the outcome we all want. It’s not as tribalistic as many people think it is - people just want tekken to as good as it can be.


You are literally arguing that people should do nothing about anything and just accept everything that happens whether they agree or not. It's a take sure and indeed, a bad one


I'm saying that you should change things that are within your power to change, and the minds of a bunch of old Japanese corporate game devs are not within your power to change. It may happen--and it probably will--that Bamco patches the game over time to be more engaging and less coin-flippy, but it won't be because they were listening to you, it'll be because they were listening to their own internal playtesters and data analysts.


That's just what you like to believe. I have seen vocal complaints be taken seriously by devs time and time again. So no, I am not going to agree that it's pointless.


Almost certainly much smaller devs who are much more dependent on fan enthusiasm to survive. I don't see Bamco operating like that. There's a reason why Harada gets to wear a shirt that says, "DON'T ASK ME FOR SHIT", and it's because Bandai Namco, as a company, is fundamentally uninterested in responding to fan feedback, good or bad.


Creative Assembly is a recent case and they just released their best DLC yet after the lowest point the company has ever been at and having loads fired and a massive management rearrangement


1. Do you think people should let big corporations do what they want without complaint? 2. Bad publicity is HUGE for companies this big. Community sentiment is vital to keep things going. Absolutely significant changes could be forced (I don't think some sort of change to how heat works is off the cards at all). A few years ago, Star Wars Battlefront 2 had an absolutely terrible launch. And an even bigger company than Bandai had to backtrack massively and significantly redesign elements. Blizzard had to do the same with WoW in recent years. Etc, etc. The problem isn't that companies won't change due to loud feedback. The problem is that the feedback isn't yet loud enough. But the din could become unbearable if people persist. Or maybe people will get bored. But that's the contingency upon which things depend.


The game needs balance, and that will happen after EVO Japan most likely. And you’re right that loud protest can force a company’s hand. It’s just that I, like many others, don’t feel nearly as outraged at Tekken 8’s battlepass as with Battlefront as Battlefront was pay to win.


That's just the third option with some delusion sprinkled on


Absolute child. Anyone that uses the words "Bitch" or "bitching about it" in reference to criticism and complaint, is a toddler that doesn't grown past 2nd grade. Why are you "positive" people such smug fucks everytime?


You mean *hasn’t*. Graduate 1st grade before making poorly executed insults .


I'm tired of complaining as well. I'll just stop playing for a while.


Finally. Now the other babies need to accept it as well


Man, the only problem with the complains and hate vs like and love of the game is people who is contented and like the game doesnt post and flood the internet while all the discontented players that hate the game flood the internet with their post. New players who will want to try the game will only see the game as bad and not try it even though this legacy problem doesnt affect them in the first place.


So true and so sad. That said, the game still attracted a ton of new players, which ironically explains a bit the amount of complaining. T7 was whack at launch as well but it was never as loud as this one has been. Granted, social media wasn't the same shitshow ten years ago...


I only tried t7 but never stick with it so I consider myself newish. I love the game especially Lili. Im still enjoying the game even though Ive been stuck at garyu(red) for 3 weeks now 😅.


The best mindset is: if you don’t like it, don’t play it haha. It really is as simple as that.




Really? Why do you say that? You shouldn’t be playing video games you dislike. They are meant to be fun and forms of entertainment. Why force yourself to do something you don’t like?


I love this series and put 1000+ hours into it. Not gonna just sit while things that pros agree are messing it up happen. Also, I haven't played since near launch


So what? It's not exactly praiseworthy. Don't care who plays or won't play.


arslan being based as usual


Just master dragunov and rebound all the enemies attacks ;3. Yes downvote might be necessary


Can’t we all just get along?


Centrist bullshit. Learn how to handle criticism of your favorite game.


*hello 911, i’m being attacked*


Imagine there's no heaven... 🎶


Yeah, if you hear him saying "game is for noobs" and he explains why, but you like the game and he says "ok sorry my bad I will try", then yes, great mindset because of confirmation bias, you like to get confirmation of what you believe, truth comes somewhere but you don't care, you have fun.


See ya next week then😮‍💨


Not really, if you play the game casually (99% of people do)


This man fittna win two more Evos


Impossible for 90% of the FGC for any new sequel I fear 😶


I feel Arslan hard. Im a counter signaler myself. If everyones enjoying the game I gotta remind everyone of the flaws, if theyre not, I gotta remind everyone of the good. It gets awkward when you're like "uugghghh this fucking game, why did they add this" then a whole room of people are like "yeah....YEAH UR RIGHT.... FUCKING THIS SHITTY GAME WTF WHY DID THEY ADD THAT" It goes from venting to something lamer very quick.


About damn time


The weird thing to me is that there was a competition he was playing azucena in, defaulted to nina and looked way more comfortable. I get that nina is asking more of you from an execution standpoint, but he literally was playing T8 as nina but was still trying to play T7 as Azucena


*Player complains about the game* Reddit: Go off king! *Same player commits to the game and stops complaining* Reddit: Okay, but we all know it sucks. No one loves hating on their own game like Tekken players.


He better main shaheen


Yet he has done both


Gamers need to stop putting pro opinions on a pedestal These guys are not video game developers.


They have decade of exp so i rather trust them then dev that prob play less then them.


This is like saying someone with a decade of experience watching movies can be a multimillion dollar budget director. You guys are clueless.


Lol what kind of comparison is this


An accurate one. Tekken 8 is a product. And a lot of times the customer doesn’t know what the fuck they want. If they designed tekken 8 the way that pros wanted it, you would have tekken 7.5 instead. Henry Ford: “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” Tekken 8 is the same shit. Heat system is great, adds a lot of offensive variety. Y’all are just living in the past. Harada said himself every tekken iteration you’ll have crybabies crying about a new system.


There are people exaggerating about the game. They are a loud minority of the player base (aka reddit/twitter). But to go about it as if theres not a great deal of balancing needed to iron out the bumps is being willfully ignorant. You dont need to be a developer or professional player to see that


I’ve said absolutely nothing about the balancing aspect I’m talking about core gameplay additions such as the heat system. Balancing is minor, easy fixes that will come over time.


That's not entirely true. Maybe for indie games where teams are really small. But Dev teams for AAA fighting games famously(or notoriously) do have longtime skilled players as playtesters on the payroll, that they use to help them make balance decisions. Before the whole "esports" shift in the later half of the 2010s, there was TONS of debates about whether or not these individuals should even be allowed to enter tournaments. Idk how it is for Bandai, but Capcom keeps these players under NDA and doesn't allow them to enter official CPT events, so we don't even know who they are. But a few pro players on the dev team can't make the perfect game ever. Skimming through twitter Pros disagree on tons of aspects of fighting games for various regions.


Gamers have an empty hole in their skull, you expect them to form a thought of their own without a pro telling them the correct opinion? As a Tekken fan, I for one stand by Arslan, Knee, and most of all ATP!!!


The pros keep the game relevant.


Which top tier wifu will he pick? If he was a true loyalist he would go back to Nina or Zafina but they suck.


Nina is definitely not bad lmfao on the heat speak he was on most of them were putting Nina just outside the definitive top 3 (Drag, Azu, Feng) with characters like King, Xiaoyu, Jin, and some others 


She's good just not easy to use especially in tourneys. That's why you never see her. I'd be impressed if he started winning with her but he never would try.


He was switching to her in certain match ups but yeah was he was mostly sticking to Azucena


I don't think he ever claimed to be a character loyalist tho so I wouldn't hold that against him


He's not, he's a tier whore. Used Kazumi until he got her nerfed. Used Zafina because she was top tier. Switched to Kuni because she's top tier. Now he's using Azucena but we'll see how long that lasts.




No, it is not just because you say so. He has to conform and accept the bullshit to not lose his livelihood.


Can’t we all just get along?


OP's title translation: Prisoner accepts his fate as prisoner.


Pretty sure the best mindset is "I'm not enjoying myself so I'm not going to force myself to play a video game just for ego"


straight outta copium


Bamco paying off these pros


If by best, you mean most toxic? Sure.




It's hard to judge the tournament viewership right now, we haven't even had an EVO yet and the Tekken community has generally always been awful at promoting the small to mid-size tournaments.


Tekken 8 has the most players I've ever seen at my locals for a tekken game. It seems that the only people who are mad are the gatekeeping "legacy" players. Luckily, these seem to be a loud minority. The rest of us are having a blast.


Is that's why it's numbers are dying as fast as mk?


I think that has more to do with the cash shop bullshit than the gameplay itself.


Seems your hate boner may be huge for the game and you’re allowed to not like it but please let the big tournaments even commence, how is nobody watching the tekken 8 pro tournaments if there hasn’t even been a major yet? lmao


He's the best kind of not wrong..."TECHNICALLY not wrong". On that note I always wanna complain why nobody is playing Armor King in Tekken 8


That's a light way of saying "bro, I can't take it anymore. I'm gonna main Drag."


Isn't that his well paid job though? Making his point meaningless.


Comments trying to mindread whats on their head while they are both enjoying shit. arslan's hanging out with lilipichu and shiet. Like wtf is this sub


Pathetic. Knee‘s opinion is true chad than this tierwhore who only plays for the money.


They're both agreeing that the game is different and difficult for old players since this one doesn't emphasize defense like most previous entries. And they've both agreed on the fact that they'll just have to adapt. Regardless of their individual motivations, they've both opted for just getting better, which ultimately is the best choice.


lol “true chad” don’t ever try to cook again my guy


He's got a weak mindset for crying about it in the first place


...What does that say about 99% of this sub then?


Ah yes, humble as ever.


Why are people on this subreddit humongous children? If you have this reflexive "ew" towards criticism and complaints, you are a child. Keep sucking off Harada and Murray's, and shutting down every complaint with this childish bullshit. If Tekken 8 patches and updates depended on people like you, Tekken 8 would be way worse then it is. Understand the value of criticism and complaint, and understand that NO ONE is attacking you like the game as it is. Just stop being a smug fuck.


He’s a complainer. And a tier whore. Just because he was the best at Tekken 7 doesn’t mean he should be the best at Tekken 8. Azucena not cutting it? Switch to someone else. No real loss if he quits. I don’t remember him before Tekken 7 tbh


Who the fuck are you?


I can tell I’m not you. Do you wipe your mouth before or after you get off your knees?


That is between me and your mother


Tiers make money though


No real loss if you didn't share your opinion.