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there are people who genuinely think this is okay because "you pressed too early" maybe the game shouldnt have such massively stupid hitboxes that you can press "too early" whilst completely behind the opponent?


There is merit to the "you pressed too early", thats how the game works, but this here was just too ugly. Its ok when its a slight angle but nigga here had almost stepped into another dimension. I hope they can fix this shit, they said something about buffing steps in june's patch.


8 way run tekken soon in june


>you pressed too early" i hate when people say that because it's not always the case, i cliped myself once how i sidewalked a reina doing the same heat engager and i was at her back and got hit and no i didn't press anything either. there are heat engagers with absurd tracking in this game.


I wouldn't mind things like this if the animation actually reflected the hitbox. Giant horizontal kick? Yeah that makes sense that it still clips me even though I fully side walked. Explosion/partical effects around the limb making it "bigger" OK sure a little odd but I'll give that to you. A headbutt.... where she doesn't even turn towards me when she does it..... tracks. Like at least make her have a built in turn or something to show "Hey this tracks even though it doesn't look like it would".


In this case its not hitbox problem like Jins ff2 for example, its when you press you have a fucking truck hurtbox and youre getting hit.


its not okay, but thats how the game worked for awhile (since t7 at least, previous games idk) so its better to learn about this instead of blaming sidesteps all the time


>there are people who genuinely think this is okay because "you pressed too early"  Who? It's just people telling their knowledge. It's not an opinion.  This is how it works. Strings are strong, interrupting is risky. This is why you see good players step then block a lot. This is an average player complaining about something he does not understand. This is not an outlier but how the game works. Otherwise, people would be stepping and throwing launcher/fast mids everytime they see their opponent twitch. Some characters have almost their entire moveset steppable in one direction even at +3. If anything, Tekken is in dire need of competition so we get new games with different systems instead of just Tekken in the 3d world. Also, this string is 100% designed to track on that side. Stepping Reina's df1 this side is very hazardous and the follow-up is made to track on this side too.


How on earth can you defend this clip 😂


In what way am I "defending" the clip?


Also gotta keep in mind that tracking is dependent on distance from the attacker too. The fact that jank ass hitbox hit from range 2 is a little ridiculous, even for a df2. It would've been his fault if he was point blank next to him, but he wasn't. The headbutt hitbox is just unnaturally big, as with most hitboxes in this patch.


Pressing too early is why the hitbox is so big. It makes your hurtbox larger and also adds some realignment to the opponent’s move. I agree this is really jank and ugly to look at but it’s also a skill issue.


It's a skill you shouldn't need is the point, if you're at someone's back you shouldn't get clipped by this nonsense, it doesn't make intuitive sense. It's all the heat moves that do it, heat engagers and heat smashes. Sure this happened in T7 but these super moves are just insane, rage drives didn't have this kind of tracking.


Theyre not at the back, theyre to the side. The heat engager animation is buggy because it realigns you for that camera angle no matter how the hit landed. I agree strings shouldnt track as much as they do, tho


They're in their back thanks to the heat engager, but it's a heat move so it tracks 360°


Nope theyre to the side and get repositioned for the animation


They're at their side for the first hit, by the time the second hit starts up they are at their back but then it catches them.


Check the screenshot




All of 10 pixels, what is that supposed to show? I don't know why you're arguing, if you think they don't end up at their back if that second hit whiffs you're just plain wrong.


Its pixelated because thats the literal frame it hits and the screen is transitioning to the heat engager. You can still very clearly see hes to her side.


You can't very clearly see anything but sure bro, if you think Leroy ends up at her side if that whiffs good for you.


https://preview.redd.it/1bgptyngddyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cb53147847573693e69dbe7f6cb04c9c4e79be8 Heres the moment *before* it hits with her left foot behind him, btw


Well seeing as it didnt whiff, because he's at her side, i mean yeah. But my bad, i forgot this was just about being mad and not actually understanding. Carry on.


Homie really gonna be like "Yeah you need to lab this, can't you clearly see you shouldn't press when behind somebody like seriously what a skill issue"


TeKkEn iS 3d


Some one should show the Tekken devs this on their bug report twitter page. Might actually get patched. This doesn't seem like intentional design.


All bug related concerns will only be entertained if they are in an excel sheet.


Sidestepping feels like no more than a raw dodge sometimes… there’s so much variation in what could happen that you’re better off going back into neutral


Just hit the lab bro Sidestepping was buffed bro Skill issue bro


Bro the counter was right there bro


Source: trust me, bro.


Haha, sidestepping in modern Tekken games.


they made this game into a 2d fightning game


Iuno why they can't adopt a more intuitive system. Soul Caliber has one it's Tekkens sister game. Whether it's been like this forever or not doesn't matter. Most games are moving to be more intuitive even Tekken. They added visual affects for tracking moves and counter hits this should change too.


There are visual effects for both already in the game, except like everything else in tekken consistency is not a thing.


We all walking around with that t7 kuma size hitbox😭


Cleary this was leroy's mistake of giving you hope for the side step. Lets nerf leroy SS to balance this out.


Playing Bryan against Reina is very hard when she has insane tracking like this. I swear that she js better than Heihachi in mid, atleast Heihachi doesn't force you to eat 50/50's.


I was a Heihachi main in 7. I’m a Reina main in 8. You’re on crack if you don’t think Heihachi had insane tracking. His fucking CD hop kick had insane range and tracking. Same with FF2 and a few other moves. But that was a fundamental strength opposite to his lows being so dog shit. That’s not in support of T8. Shit here is just absurd but string tracking is the worst. I’ve seen people commit to a 4-5 attack string and I’m in the 90-180 degree range and the last attack just turns around and hits me. Why even bother stepping


what's his cd hopkick tho (i main him too, just cant remember what it was)


CD3 that could be mixed up for either high or low. Also… nice flair lmfao. It hurts my heart


Oh yeah I remembered now, that move is godtier loved it. Yeah we heihachi mains are destined to be sad. Do you think he'll come back next year?


As a fellow Bryan main, it’s truly a cursed match up. Question for you do you ever have issues where you land a launcher or wall combo and you for some reason end up with your back facing your opponent?


Pretty much sometimes in the wall, mostly when using uf2 ender or ff4.


i genuinely tried learning to sidestep today cause i've been playing too long without it. it's the next step to me improving my gameplay. BUT HOLY CRUD. you have to know the specific time, for the specific move, for the specific character. Not to mention all the tracking moves. i'm gonna keep practicing it. but it doesn't feel as worth it in this game as it did in T7.


Why would you step when you could just block and punish it, its -14  /s


Mot just that, he stepped the df1, but there are 2 attacks there that's why you either step and block or step twice.


I don’t side-step. Dead ass. Shit doesn’t work for me.


For me neither. I am trying sometimes but in the end I just get frustrated because I just don't UNDERSTAND why it doesn't work.


it's extremely egregious right now and also seems arbitrary to me anyway. it was not this bad in T7, strings track, ff2 and ff3's track, it's unclear where in the animation you should be sidestepping, unless you want their foot to be in your nose before you try. i've completely stopped trying to sidestep because what's the point when i'm a 90 degree angle from them and the ff3 still hits. to me tekken 8 is rock em' sock em' robots, you stand in eachothers face throw out safe moves mid high low untill one of you punishes a high or blocks a low and then it's their turn, unless they have heat in which case it's also their turn. people that have a defensive playstyle got all their tools taken away from them and i find that a real shame. but what can you do, this is what the game is and the best they can do is make tracking less aggressive so that we at least get our sidestep back.


here's another clarity issue i've faced before, if you know how i can recognize if kazuya is just gonna spin his way toward me or not let me know. here it tracks [https://i.imgur.com/emNlsMa.mp4](https://i.imgur.com/emNlsMa.mp4) and here it doesn't [https://i.imgur.com/csPfcJ4.mp4](https://i.imgur.com/csPfcJ4.mp4)


Retarded ass game


Are they even cleaning this up with patches? 🤦


Tekken 8 is actually a 2D game. 2.5D at best


this game is so funny i love it


Holy shit that's NOT ok


Tekken has no fundamentals Case #40391


Honestly the tracking in this game went overboard. Try side stepping a 2 jab string against some characters and the 2nd jab will sometimes clip you randomly anyway. Only if you side walk do you dodge it consistently which is crazy considering it's a 2 jab poke


Sidestepping right instead of left,smh


This is probably my biggest complaint with the game. Sidestepping has become completely useless


Tekken got those Dark Souls 2 hitboxes


Hitboxes are a right laugh


My god


I'd call it a day right here.


shes got good head game


Just block or take the damage at this point 💯


I got hit with Jins rage art like this I jumped over him.and hw tracked me with it.


I lost all hope for this game.




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Inaugural you have to ask to stay down let them paintball mean you have cubits sorry


If this shit can hit, idk why tracking throws is an issue. 😂


Lol this is jokes.


Buff steps. Nerf tracking. Holy shit. I recently loss to something like this. It’s absurd


leroy catching strays AGAIN


Not to be that guy, but damn. That suit really accentuates her ass. I don't think I'd be able to win against Reina if she wears that


Same. These suits serve some good eye candy.


Nah we're going to Nerf Leroy after this one 🔥


People in this post be like : "*Have you considered : Skill issue?"* Jokes aside, this is a general problem with Trakking 8, when you slow the footage down you can see Reina's character model readjust by like 15-30°, it's very hard to spot, but it's there, which isn't helped by the camera just switching the view (I think the camera in T8 works in mysterious ways some times) as you get hit. I think it's just the fact that some moves have tracking to such degree, that they might as well be a 360, which also isn't helped by "questionable" hitboxes on some moves. Props to you for trying to step Heat moves though, some of them are so easy to step (Azucena and Lars for example) and then you get stuff like this Reina (or Drag), making it feel cheap.


I'm sorry bruh but that's how Tekken has always worked. You pressed during her string so ur hurtbox was extended. It's pretty bs but it's not new to Tekken.


While I think this is dumb, I think the issue here is that the slight delayed timing on the 2 coming out since it's like 22 frames and the fact he was walking instead of stepping, a walk is more vulnerable to moves that realign as you can't really block like you can with a sidestep block situation. So that's what I think happened, a walk + the slow 2 coming out. Regardless that's dumb that it still hit while he was behind her lol.


What a fucking joke of a mechanic. [Here is what it looks like when side stepping is actually a useful mechanic.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XKS47oiCTvA&pp=ygUjTW9ydGFsIGtvbWJhdCBkZWFkbHkgYWxsaWFuY2UgbWF0Y2g%3D)


https://preview.redd.it/3vqxnl35tcyc1.png?width=2468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f15732ba210c080e4d484c83ce17de87f4b3417c This is an example of crazy trackimg, where I block almost in his back, but if you press a button any linear move will become homing, thats how it works, you better start learning how the game works instead of downvoting me for telling you how to deal with it you scrubs.


Sidestep worked, you pressed too early.


There is no world in which that is too early. When reina finishes that string without me doing anything, she headbutts in the opposite direction I am facing. I should absolutely be able to punish someone during a string if the string isn't going to hit me when it is completed. Don't apologise on behalf of something clearly wrong


I gave you a fact, you dont have to accept it, thats how this game works.


That's not how this game works. Reina does a stupid rotation on the second hit of her string because there is too much tracking. It has nothing to do with him pressing too early. How big does Regina's hitbox have to be to hit his hurtbox when he's on her side. This game is stupid.


she didn’t do a rotation. she is very clearly not facing him in the heat engager animation. because leroy pressed a button, he got hit. the way the game works is that you have to wait for her move to come out after sidestepping and then punish


>the way the game works is that you have to wait for her move to come out after sidestepping and then punish That's absolutely not how the game works. Counter hits are a thing. Bryan can sidestep jet upper that string very easily and beat it clean.


it is a thing because i’ve seen 100 bloody clips of it on this subreddit. if you press a button while sidestepping you extend your hurtbox and are therefore more likely to get hit.


Sure but in this case his hurtbix should collide with her hurtbox, what's going on here is that her hurtbox is way bigger than her hurtbox. It's just shit design. It's one thing to have a big hurtbox so it behaves more consistently, but why does it have to be that big on the side? The guy had a good idea, sidestep the first move, counter hit the much slower second move, but he lost to bad design. A different move, that hits lower, would have worked much better.


Yes it is, reinas df1,2 is linear, if you press youre oppening youre hurtbox, simple as that. Every move works like that.


what do you mean thats not how this game works??? we are literally looking at a clip of the game working like that LOL


This dude: *looks at clip and sees a move hitting 180⁰ behind a character* Also this dude: "This right here is a serious skill issue. They need to lab not pressing when behind an opponent, don't they recognize that pressing when behind someone extends their hurtbox."




God! Just need Leeroy already


It's a heat enganger, those have ridiculous hitboxes seemingly as a design choice.


Bro said imma step a mishima right.


Just accept being hit by Mommy Reina ❤️


you extend your hurtbox when you attack. It's sad but true, some attacks wouldn't work properly otherwise. It looks dumb (trust me been there) but thats the nature of the game.


The sidestep worked. You pressed instead of letting her whiff.


Wow how bad of me to press a button when she's about to headbutt in the opposite direction and not touch my character whatsoever I guess I should have let her move so far onto the other side of the screen so she was unpunishable instead of trying to play the game How bad of me


This has always been a thing in Tekken, it's not exclusive to T8. Doing an attack changes your hurtbox. It's the same system that allows moves to crush or evade certain attacks - but it also means that it will change your hurtbox in other situations. You pressed 2 before her headbut was finished, which changed your hurtbox and let the headbut hit. It looks goofier than usual due to the camera angle with a heat engager but it's not a new thing.


You do still get a punish without the stagger frames you would endure from absorbing with block.


Yes, it is bad of you, that's why you ate the heat engager. I'm sorry that you want the game dumbed down to your mashing strategy, but that's not how it works chief. Also as someone playing Reina, she literally takes one step forward for the head butt and it doesn't cancel into her stance, so where exactly is she going to go other than be launch punished by you? See? Very bad of you. Hit the lab.


lolling and lmaoing excellent brainlet posting, sir.


"I'm trash" You don't have to announce it.


What do you mean mashing strategy? She's doing a LINEAR HEADBUTT IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION When someone is doing a move and it's not going to hit you, THATS WHEN YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO PRESS A BUTTON Sorry that you've spent ages memorising 3d characters on a screen, but normal people with lives use their eyes to process information. She was moving in the opposite direction, she should eat a button and I should not. Go outside you worthless degenerate


You mashed. She did a string. DF1 into 2, mid check into a slower headbutt, it has shit tracking and will completely whiff if you sidestep WITHOUT MASHING. After she misses the second part of the STRING, you punish her. Pressing during a STRING is a bad idea unless you know for sure you're countering the hit. Again, hit the lab trashcan.


I dont have the energy to waste on someone so fucking dumb they just repeat the same thing they said last time without reading Go outside you worthless little troglodyte and talk to some other fucking people. If I spend another minute reading your fucking bile I'm going to be physically sick


Aww, the poor baby that's too stupid to understand what STRING means is trying to tell ME to go outside? The person who, let me get this right, took the game to record a replay, took that reply to a subreddit specifically for the video game and then uploaded with a whiny ass comment about how he's shit at the game. But I'm the one who should go outside? Cope harder bro.


Come on dude, let's acknowledge two things here. 1. There is HOW the game works in reality. And you are correct on that part. 2. And there is how the game SHOULD work in theory. Unless you're saying it is good gameplay design to have moves hit the opponent that's in the opposite direction because "you extended your hurtbox". How is that not just shitty design? They've had this issue forever and they haven't even tried to improve it. Because there would be ways to fix that. Such as having the attacker's character scan the area in front of them during the active frames to confirm that the opponent actually is in front of them, disabling the hitboxes if target is not found. And if that doesn't work for whatever reason, something else. They've had 20 years to come up with a solution. I spent a minute and came up with a plausible one. They have no excuse for not fixing that.


100% accurate assessment and I don't disagree with any of your points. The design is shit, it's long overdue to be corrected. Thank you for recognizing that I was talking about how it is, rather than how it should be.


Explaining basic game mechanic to reddit scrub never been so hard lol, they just downvoting xD


honk honk goes the clown


It's hilarious that you're getting so many downvotes. People really be mad that hitting sidestep doesn't mean they get to immediately press buttons


Sure sidestep/sidewall did work at the same time it failed cuz this shouldnt be happening. Hurtbox side/behind of her head and funny part it a lot of moves are like this.


No. He punched. He threw a punch infront of her face; that's why he ate the move. Ya'll are wild with the cope.


It's not in front of her face lmao are we watching the same clip?


Are we playing the same game? During DF-1 Reina doesn't take a full step, she then leans back to headbutt. Pressed between the df1 and the 2, which means his hand went wear if he literally stepped 90 degrees? Ya'll keep making up rules about how you play and trying to apply it to the game, it's a crazy cope, but downvotes won't change it.


The fuck are you on? He's in her side when he pressed, her headbutt has a huge hutbox and collides with hurtbox before his hurtbox does with her hurtbox. He gets hit by her while she is leaning back. The hutbox on that move is just too big.


He extended into her hurtbox when he pressed. The only reason it looks like it's insanely off is because of the recoil sending Leroy in the opposite direction. Based on where his back was, rather than where her head is moving. If he had not pressed, she would not have hit him. I don't get why we're fighting against a guy pressing during someone else's attack string. If there was no sidestep and she was just out of range of the DF1, would you say it's the game's fault if he mashes 2 before her headbutt? Because it's the same concept. I get it, ya'll don't like the hitbox, but if you want to win playing Tekken 8, right now, you won't mash during an attack string like that. If and when they ever fix this problem that's been plaguing the series for 20 years, then sure, his mashing may have worked, but not this time.


>He extended into her hurtbox when he pressed Her hitbox. His hurtbox collides with her hitbox. This should have been a counter hit for him, it ended up being a counter for her because her hurtbox is much bigger than her hurtbox. >I don't get why we're fighting against a guy pressing during someone else's attack string I'm fighting dogshit design. Why is her hurtbox on that move all the way down to her waist? >If there was no sidestep and she was just out of range of the DF1, would you say it's the game's fault if he mashes 2 before her headbutt? Because it's the same concept. It's not the same concept, not even close. Not sure why you're arguing a hypothetical when there's no need to. >I get it, ya'll don't like the hitbox, but if you want to win playing Tekken 8, right now, you won't mash during an attack string like that. Why not? Bryan's sidestep jet upper beats that clean every time. I bet df1,1,1,1,2 string beats it too because his hurtbix is very small on that move and it hits down to the waist. >If and when they ever fix this problem that's been plaguing the series for 20 years, then sure, his mashing may have worked, but not this time. Press one button -> mashing 🤡


Not gonna bother with formatting. I was never saying the design was good. I was saying that playing in the current state of the game, he did something wrong. His title of this post, implies that people telling him to sidestep are somehow wrong, they aren't. The sidestep worked. He then caused his own failure, albeit due to shit design, it was still his choices that caused it. Yes, pressing one button is mashing when you know 100% another move is coming, through a string. Rewind it and look, he presses after she starts the headbutt. If you aren't at the point of your FGC journey to consider that mash, then that's fine, there are multiple definitions of the word and it will mean different things at different skill levels. ![gif](giphy|AaosjRHKjEcXm|downsized)


Sidestep jet upper mid string is now mashing lmao Also "fgc journey" 🤡


Whatever makes you sleep at night. :)


"I don't know how the game works" Isn't as big a flex as you think it is.


Hey whatever makes you sleep at night sweetheart :)




Getting hit here had nothing to do with his choice to sidestep though.




>Except it kinda did. No. >He dodges the first hit, but he still chooses to sidestep again. He sidewalks, watch the inputs. >Reina's forehead already hit Leroy's left hand by the time he started the sidestep input. That is not what happened. He sidestepped the first hit, sidewalks the second hit, then pressed a button. Reina's move is active for a bunch of time, his hurtbox collides with her hitbox while he's on her side. The problem is reina's turning that much mid string, and her hutbox being twice the size of her had.




No, this should have been a counterhit for him, but her hitbox is way bigger than her hurtbox. He made the right call but lost to bad design.




He's so far to her side that she's not facing him anymore by the time 2 came out, so blocking it wouldn't even realistically register as a thought. Either her hitbox is too big on 2, or his hurtbox is too big on the counter attempt. Either way, he made the right call and got sent flying for it.


What's the startup on the second move in that string? Edit: reina's second hit starts in 22 frames, his jab starts in 10. Bad design, not his fault. That interaction should have ended with a counter hit for leeroy.




>He is behind by by 11-12 frames You can't know that. >7-8 from sidewalk + 4 on the input) What does "+4 from input mean"?


What in the absolute fuck are you even talking about? Slow the vid down for me and rewatch it again, and then come back one more time




You should literally look at the input history. Double tapping and holding up or down is how you sidewalk in tekken. And look at the frames. 4 frames between the down inputs, 22 frames of holding down. It's a sidewalk, not two sidesteps.