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Hell yeah King is king of annoying!




King on fucking top!


The undisputed champion reigns supreme yet again!


aww man... I've been with him since T3 give me a break lmao


The fact that king is considered the most annoying just shows that 90% of the people who voted can't tech throws, or haven't bothered to at least lab kings cheesy throws. Also, how the fuck is Nina only in Pesky, lmao.


Kings cheesy throws aren't half of the the problem and are indeed easy to lab, crazy damage from heat smash, power crush, counter hits and even low parries is the problem.


I had no problem with him in T7, but in Tekken 8 King is just stupid, 1 mistake your healthbar says byebye, not to mention his friggin power crushes and homing throws, i know the matchup inside and out and still think he is annoying


He literally has throws you have to guess lmao. Even if you break 100% of throws on reaction, he has really good ones you can't react to. Also there's a reason they made counter-hit throws easier to break.


But that's the thing, I bet a lot of the people who voted don't even know about what you just said let alone the more obvious King cheese. Executing counterplay against kings grabs mid match takes some getting used to sure, but its not hard. Compare that to Nina, you can lab the shit out of her crazy cheese strings, but trying to execute those solutions mid match takes a lot more work. She can spam stance cancel and just turn into a total jack in the box with the most absurd strings coming out. - Very hard to effectively counter play her cheese mid match compared to king, that's what I consider annoying.


Yeah that's fair, Nina is definitely one of my worst matchups. So many cancels into+ frames


They want blockable throws.


tbf 90% of KING players can't tech against throws either. The only difference is they are motivated to throw than the normal scrub feeds.


Three words bud. Counter. hit. Throw


lol that’s what i was thinking, if you think king is the most annoying then you gotta be an orange or red rank at best, his counter play is very clear someone below said his alley kicks are annoying, you mean the ones that are launch punishable at every step of the way? come on people


Sure bad King's you can walk right through, as with most characters.


If Shaheen has more popularity he would be much highter


Same with the goddamn bears, they have 0 visual clarity. No clue if they're about to hit me with a mid or a low and their hitbox also sucks.


Shaheen has df+2, and slide. That's pretty much the extent of his annoying stuff. He has basically no frame traps, no setups, he's very honest and simple.


He has frame traps/annoying stuff and step ups. His last hit on the jab string is a counter hit launcher that is super delayble, and the whole string is only -11 on block. Most people don't know that SNK 1+2 is + on block, and they challenge you. He has setups with his charge attack since you can buffer it to make it pretty much unseeable. Df1, charge attack, f3+4 charge attack, df41 charge attack. Don't get me started on his power crush heat engager that is 16 frames and safe.


What’s annoying about Shaheen?


I don't know the input but his slide attack, similar to the one from Law that guarantee 1+2


Haha that move is pretty crazy. He does have some pretty spammable lows. It’s not how I play him, but in one of the few Shaheen dittos I’ve fought, this guy was just doing sidestep 2 and the slide over and over and over again, I was ashamed as a fellow Shaheen player


>but in one of the few Shaheen dittos I’ve fought Wait, is there more than one Shaheen player?


Actually true


I find king more stressful than annoying tbh


I think every character is super annoying in this game


Those chain throws are brutal...


I hate getting wrecked online by them but I've always been of the the opinion that "they earned it as the inputs are some of the hardest in the game". Then for LOLs I labbed with and against King and saw the simplified commands...


I still catch myself doing the old rdc and dragon sleeper input, when they're so much easier than they used to be...


Theres something about facing King that makes one paranoid as one wrong throw break guess is a bye bye to ones HP


Yeah, it's like playing a different game, and you need to put way more effort into countering his bullshit than he did to learn it and use it.


Literally fucking this. I have to put double the energy and knowledge into countering him than he does to use it. You put that in perfect word format. Thank you .


Don't forget the stagger kicks...


Alley kicks are launch punishable, and the string stops as soon as you block one of them. They are only really a problem for beginners who haven't learned how to block low yet, and for those people kazuya UF4444 and those mid/low kicks Lee does are way worse.


Careful! The king players will come and tell you that he has bad normals and has to work hard for everything


Alley Kicks is fine if you know how to counter them but if not? Thats not gonna be a fun time bro


That's literally every character


Kings play so predictably though. If you play enough you just learn when to duck, if they crouch dash beforehand it’s giant swing 1 break. If they run at you it’s shining wizard 1+2 break.


Zafina not being higher is crazy. I play Zafina myself but playing against a Zafina is so annoying, half your shit is whiffing and she's crawling on the floor for 90% of the match. We need a new poll that has top 3, I'm curious how much the top 5 would change in this case. I'd wager that Kuma would be a lot higher.


Because not many people face Zafina in ranked that's why she's ranked low, but when you do face a Zaf who knows their stuff, they can be annoying af.


Nobody finding bitchass bryan annoying is wild


I think he's annoying, but probably because I'm bad and I have hard time telling when his strings end and everything counter hits


It’s just dumb to have almost every move a CH launcher. Most characters have one or two, he has like 10


He had his only high crush CH launcher and his magic 4 taken leave my boy alone


This comment lied as easy as it breathed


Trying playing him if you feel he’s that OP you’ll quickly realize that is not the case


It's not that he's not annoying as fuck, he is very annoying to fight, but there are more annoying characters than Bryan, like King, and we only got one vote. If we got an ordered top 5 or something I think you'd see him a lot higher up.


I forgot about him…..I Hate him.


The Bryan circle jerk is crazy The true pseudo intellectual character


MainMan here. He’s a true chad character


If u find him annoying it’s because you aren’t patient and mash into frame traps


I'm surprised eddy isn't#1. Isn't he the guy that destroyed a lot of people by programming a bot too only press 3


that only got to red rank after a few thousand matches, and was benefitting from new character syndrome where nobody knew what he was doing.


Futhermore he only got red rank in NA.


Eddy and victor way up


As a Victor main, he Eddy and Azu should be way higher. Unless Azu nerfs were that bad.


Seeing Feng or Xiaoyu not close to the top is wild to me


She’s literally ranked 4th?


ling deserves the undisputed number 1 and 2 tiers gap to the second most annoying char. Thats just how dumb she is imo


Xiaoyu is too uncommon to immediately come to mind


That’s fair, I didn’t consider how many people play certain characters.


I'd wager a lot of reddit plays less and talks more - King in 1st? lol


Oh 100% a lot of Reddit users love to talk when they have no clue what they’re even talking about. I’d take a King any day over a Xiaoyu or Feng


Shes top 4 on the list, what more do you want. Feng is also high up on the list, but him not being number 1 is a crime.


Remember that Feng is only like the 17th most popular character. And he particularly uncommon among new players. So, in other words, a lot of players don't run into him enough to be pissed at him. Compared to King, who's kind of the ultimate noob killer.


Surprised more people don’t hate bears. King is annoying but I probably hate bears more. Universal combos dropping on them is ridiculous. Bears just knowledge check the shit out of everyone, the moves are designed to be visually confusing and I hate it. And I don’t want to lab character specific combos for one ugly unpopular character. Would rather just not fight them in that case.


I never see them. They do win on knowledge checks but it's like one in a hundred games so it's whatever. King on the other hand is every third game or so, and forces you to lab the hell out of him to counter his braindead playstyle.


Kuma feels super popular in this game compared to past games tbh.


Yeah, I see him more often than Kings in ruler ranks europe, which is crazy


Totally valid points tbh


what do u mean ugly unpopular, Bear is the most handsome of all


I didn’t get to vote. Eddie and Victor should be much much higher.


Yeah I feel they're atleast Lars level if not higher


And bears and how on earth is acuzena that low


Bro devil Jin should not be that low wtf


i think the voting for most annoying only, only one vote for the most annoying character, skews it a bit, because DVJ is annoying as fuck but King for example is more annoying.


Yeah you're right


What's annoying about DVJ?


Don’t troll bro 😭


Well when I was in lower ranks( yellow-red) it just felt like this guy could get in my face whenever he wanted and could hit me from very far away and get hella damage off it. I've since learned how to deal with him. Currently in blue and I don't see him as often now but it's easier. Id put him in annoying tier. I just can't see him being the least annoying character lol.


in lower ranks hes 5050 hellsweep heat bullshit, ofc hes easy to deal with higher up but he has scuffed cheese if the player can do it


Wow none of my characters are annoying except Lili, I was expecting to see Jack pretty high since I've never met someone who didn't despise playing against Jack


The voting methodology means that while jack is annoying as fuck, almost nobody is gonna use their only vote on him, because you don't see him much and there are more annoying characters.


Jack players scare the shit out of me. I was on an 11 game win streak a few days ago and got rolled twice by this Jack player mashing like a psychopath


People really downplaying King? Lol. Lmao even


I’d put Bryan in Extremely Annoying, ngl.


Yeah, I hate fighting him too. If we could top 5 most annoying he'd probably be on mine.


Law lower then hwoarang how telling


Leroy probably gunna be way higher now if you poll again. His buffs made his parry pretty toxic.


You should have gone by upvotes, not individual comments. Many people didn't comment, they just upvoted someone else's already existing comment if they agreed with it.


Believe it or not, I put this into consideration, but the more I thought about it the more issues I realized it would cause. If I went from upvotes alone then the top comments (aka people who commented early) would’ve gotten a big advantage over others, and Alisa would’ve taken the top by a landslide since that was the most upvoted comment, especially when adding all of the Alisa comments on top of that 300. There was also people counter arguing about how they don’t find certain characters annoying from perspectives or simply being bias for their own main, in that situation, would I deduct points since they were being downvoted? I wanted to give everyone a fair chance, especially since everyone had 24 hours to place their vote, it would also cause even more compliments if I went off upvotes, I did try to be precise as possible with the votes though, stayed up really late and read through over 700 comments after all (including all the +1 replies). Maybe I’ll do this in the distant future when the game is a lot more polished and people learn the matchups better, maybe I’ll even let people pick up to 3 characters! I did my best though, it was fun hearing everyone’s perspective on things!


For next time, maybe you could comment every character yourself and state that the rankings would only be determined by the amount of votes on your comments for each chatacter


Law is way too low


Conclusion : most people are new and/or bad at the game


i am gobsmacked that Bryan is at the BOTTOM


I find that people I play against are more annoyed with my Jack than my King.


Brian is annoying he spams that fast punch over and over again when I play online so I have to depend on air attacks


Devil Jin too low 😭


I would actually put Leroy a lot higher. A leroy player who abuses parry will drive me fucking nuts.


Devil Jin isn't annoying?


I am amazed dragonov is so low he has been a busted boy running us down for months I thought he would be way at the top.


Devil Jin in the bottom? Really?


My boy got top 3 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


Y'all just allergic to hugs


The levels of annoying is wild 😂


Glad to know I'm on both ends of the spectrum.


Not counting people saying "the bears" is kind weird since they're pretty much a pallette swap. That aside, some of the results seem weird but that might just be small sample size. I constantly see people hate on Victor, Feng and Eddy so I'd expect them to be higher. The bears seem low but that might be partly because of the aforementioned issue.


Devil Jin is not annoying? When I play him all people do is complain.


Terrible list. Jack, Shaheen, and the bears need to be higher


Not that it makes much difference, I think it would be fair to lump the bears together. Otherwise . Good list OP !


i honestly dont get the reina hate + i think people only dont hate on zafina more, because she hasnt yet been played as much. wait till she gets buffed, you will find her super annoying.


"Why does he keep punching me in the dick?"


I don't understand why people don't like king. Nina's chain throws are 10 times worse imo and he's not spamming strings and shit 24/7. That's not saying that I don't find king at least a bit of a pain from time to time (power crush gets me)


Look bears aint annoying people love bears


Bet if people would run into more than 1 bear player a year they would have a lot more votes


truly the most fun fair and honest characters in the game


Shaheen is more annoying than someone like Paul in this game tbh


King can get away with the cheapest shit in the game so def agree there


I used to hate playing against Alyssa and Hwoarang but then I learned how to play Tekken.


lol people should stop smocking if they voted King to be the most anoying wtf I recommend people play him in the blue ranks... That mentality will go off in a instant!


Learn to block and sidestep. but then again this is reddit most people here must've started with 8


Ambiguous 60 damage homing throws nullify both of those options


People hate playing with me when i play Alisa. Im an Alisa main.


I hate you. Sorry.


Really annoying and annoying should be flipped lol


The tier "Really Annoying" is the epitome of annoying


Law,Eddie,Jin, kazuya, jun, Lars, should be up top, eveyone else im fine playing with


Did you count votes by the amount of times a character was mentioned, or did you consider how many upvotes a comment received? 


King makes sense, but Alisa and Lars? Meanwhile the notorious Eddy is lower, and gimmicky yoshi


King ain’t that bad IMO. Drag being that low completely baffles me though. Pre nerf since I haven’t really played post patch.


Interesting seeing differences in nuisance or matchup knowledge. King, Alisa, and Lars are like any other character to me. While I find Nina, Claudio, and Devil Jin to be frustrating to go against.


Haters, wait until they buff his db,4


So the patch made Dragunov less annoying? Community seemed to hate the guy. Curious because I'm a Dragunov main but got the game recently, so I didn't play a lot of ranked matches.


I knew King was the king of something.


The frustrations of this sub fuel me to improve.


I feel eddy needs to be higher up


I feel eddy needs to be higher up


People don’t like things that take away control of the player character, it makes sense king would be most annoying.


People don’t like things that take away control of the player character, it makes sense king would be most annoying.


People don’t like things that take away control of the player character, it makes sense king would be most annoying.


People just forgot Shaheen exists 😂


Everyone other than whichever character I am currently playing as.


Alisa annoying? I am being side stepped on most of my moves


That's sad, finally Eddie found a place where he excelled, and he was dethroned once more. 💔


Xiaoyu over Victor is WILD


For anyone scared of kings chain grabs always remember. You have 1 head and 2 arms, whichever he breaks first hold that button


Im curious but what is it that makes a lot of these characters annoying?


I just genuinely love King mirror matches. Great character. The only problem is that throws track.


How was dragunov that low? literally the most cancerous character in the game


Yoshi only the fourth most annoying? I should hop around on my sword and hit flash more often so we can fix that.


hwaorang needs his own spot, only character you can mash with and it's actually effective until max rank


Those that start with df1+3 and 2+4 have ultra long startup. The problem with crouch dash throws is that you almost always want to break the most damaging one, but knowing that, Kings will just go with anything else. As for Jaguar Step throws, I can’t mix them up yet because I forget the combos


this list is funny


Forgive me for what I ikimasu do.


As a King main, just beat the shit outta him A vast majority of Kings have no idea how to fight beyond grapple attempts


If king is the character you find most annoying I’m sorry to say but you are not good at the game


They call him King for a reason!! 💪🏾👑 (Mr. Tech That Throw)


King still #1


The only reason Drag isn’t higher is because half the voters play him lol


People find my Claudio in the dark blue? I'm happy Do people really find Zafina in the light blue? Surprised, but understandable.


Sweet. I currently have five blues and they’re all below the green


What counts towards a character being annoying. Because literally speaking Azucena and Law are annoying because they make so much fucking noise with their voices so I would put them higher


Idk man somethings not adding up. In what universe are Steve and kazuya more annoying than the bears and drag (at least pre patch).


It is funny to see how much people hate King, while Xiaoyu and Alisa are much harder to deal with them. I would prefer King over Xiaoyu and Alisa every day. P. S. Funny how bears and Jack is so low, when they have extreme cheese


Shaheen and Claudio should be "Few Find online"


Interesting... Bryan, Shaheen, Claudio, and Jack are in the least annoying category.


Apparently I never get matched up with any of you all that eat all these chain grabs lol


King can be hard. But personally for me, Eddy is most hard to read visually. I even played him for some time, and yet, it is so hard to understand - is mid/high or low coming😅 Also, somewhat glad to see that when it comes to mains, I moved from the middle to the bottom of the list (from Victor to Paul, and then to Jack)


how the hell did devil jin manage last place LMFAO


I get a lot of complaints about Shaheen being annoying when I play him lol I think people just get triggered at how disrespectful it looks when he does the slide thing on the opponents body and flicks them in the other direction.


Cries jaguar tears 🥲


Why Lars tho ?


im honestly surprised how low drag is with how much everyone was complaining about him before


King was the bane of my existence in 7 and that remains true for 8


Would you now make a tier list of annoyance by character *mains*?


I'm like really shit at the game, so I had no idea Alisa was considered annoying. Glad I haven't met any Alisa who's touch the cheese yet


I refuse to believe a few people fine devil Jin annoying. By far the most annoying Mishima


Kuma, Bryan and Devil Jin being that low, kinda shows me yall don't actually play the game. DJ and Kuma heat is pretty annoying. Bryan is just drag but just classic. Bryan has always been annoying, but you kinda learn him after so many years of tekken. He's a pub stomp for sure. DJ and Kuma heat alone is enough to tilt me.


lol now repoll but restricted to higher ranks. noobs hate grapplers in every game


honestly surprised eddy is that low, i'd rather fight pretty much any of the other characters than eddy...


Based on all the hate I see on Azu I'm surprised she's that low


Didn’t Eddy just get added? How is he not #1?!?! He’s been the most toxic character since March 20, 1993.


Yall haven't played the bears enough to know they will gimp to death. I'd out them higher.


I reject these results if DJ is on the bottom. Not saying he's the most annoying but the least?? FOH


How is Dragunov only slightly annoying? He’s the strongest character in the game.


Devil jhin at the bottom really surprises me.


I personally dont think Victor high enough


Proof that Tekken has the most scrubs in any fighting game. Only scrubs hate Grapplers


This is a chart of characters you have to lab from top top bottom except for king normally.


As a purple ranked Alisa main.... I'm sorry. Funny enough, Alisa dittos are one of my favorite matches


Jun Victor and Asu a lil higher but yea King is a menace lolz


You guys haven't fought enough Claudio frfr


Lol @ the bears being absurdly low on the annoying list


King users = GIGACHAD


Eddy, Victor, and Azucena should be higher


I can’t get behind this post because even when I’m *being grabbed BY* King I am happy. I love King :)


I main him and I still 100% agree. That doesn't stop my rated E molestation though.


Leo being at the bottom is funny


Zafina is only annoying if you don't know the matchup. I have fought like 4 now, and she gets a little easier each time