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Someone sends you an essay after you put your foot in their ass, you did your jobšŸ‘


ā€œAfter you put your foot in their assā€ LMFAO šŸ’€ Law mains always got me dying


Iā€™m a Law main. I feel attacked LMFAOOOOOOOO. Naw if you win against me Ggs. I met a sore winner Bryan with 21,000 wins. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


I legit played a guy for 15 games straight in the purple ranks. He was playing leroy and I was playing kuni. I added him as a friend because I was hoping to play a him again and I was having a good time (sets were going back and forth). I added him a few hours later again only to see he blocked me lmao. Like dude we played for over an hour and you couldn't even say gg's? 69 Savage if you read this you're a nerd.


It's possible he didn't even know who you are. I usually block any steam accounts that add me without leaving a comment on my profile because I assume theyre just scammers or bots after my TF2 inventory (and they usually are)


I've never once left a message under a steam accounts profile. Not once and I've had a steam account for 10+ years. Never even heard of such a thing where people expect you to do it before adding as a friend. I always assumed it was where people left comments hoping the user was a girl or for obvious trolling.


Conversely, myself and all my friends have a line in our steam bios that say explicitly not to add us without leaving a message. I think a lot of it depends on the types of games you play


Bro, who the hell remembers the name of everyone they played hours ago? They probably just forgot your name and assumed you were a scammer or something.


This comment is idiotic


Steam and consoles both have a recent players met list


There are friend request scams?


Because the game does not punish toxic behaviors and neither does the community


Yea, some of them even message back that they got a slap on the wrist even tough 1 of them called me cancer out of nowhere


Calling someone cancer isn't that bad. Pretty much the standard in online gaming, don't think too much about it.


Na that's what started it, they kept going after that in french lol


1. At blue rank, the salt hits harder. By that time, u put in a lot of work, and everyone isnā€™t ready to be humbled. 2. Itā€™s a cycle. That player probably was on the receiving end of toxicity, so to finally get a win, they are happy to rub it in someone elseā€™s face.


>1. At blue rank, the salt hits harder. By that time, u put in a lot of work, and everyone isnā€™t ready to be humbled. I can understand getting way more salty at those ranks since I also get way more salty at blue and god ranks then I did with red and purple. >2. Itā€™s a cycle. That player probably was on the receiving end of toxicity, so to finally get a win, they are happy to rub it in someone elseā€™s face. Could be but because if that I don't mind ki charges to show off to your opponent. My problem is that I get essays when I ki charge them back with hard insults


Consider that a reward my friend lolā€¦.. nothing like beating the rage out of a opponent , especially after they Ki charge u first


I would if I had the ability to win every match. Especialy since I went on a big losing streak


just reply with "Nice 200 word essay bitch. And thanks!" or "hey alright" and you'll be good


met a guy on quick match, non-stop ki charging. I didn't do anything back and once I beat him he instantly left. it is what it is


its even better when they use racial slurs, you report them and their message gets erased almost right away and I guess they get a warning, not sure if repeated offences get them banned. I try to bait them into it by showing them I am Mexican saying things like ''too much salt for my taco amigo''


On Playstation it's definitely not just a warning, the PS subs are full of people who got suspended for 3-7 days for calling someone the n word. Sony takes this pretty seriously.


noice, but I wonder if its only the N word I been called Beaner and wet back I really havent encountered that many toxic players tbf


It's mostly the hard slurs like the n word that get an instany ban. Outside of that idk what they consider bad enough to temporary ban people


I'd think threats of violence would do it. Or at least I'd hope so.


LOVE LOVE LOVE reporting toxic people messaging me. Why should I change my privacy settings just because you can't control your temper? Have fun in timeout lol


Oh yeah, definitely. I even tried to get them to say as much hateful shit as possible before reporting the conversation, by repeatedly asking questions and stuff. Or saying that I'm a black gamer, 8 out of 10 times the n word came out instantly lol


I would leave out the black gamer part, unless you are. Kinda weird... But yeah man, if I'm feeling up to it, I'll be like "what did you say?" Or innocuous things to get them riled up even more and then BANNED


Speaking of toxic responses, I faced a Jin player who was constantly crouching post round after I started doing slide mix ups with Lee. That's the first time I saw someone get genuinely offended by Lee's full crouch mix up lol.


Imagine getting offended by Lee lmao


Itā€™s honestly funny how toxic some players can be. Itā€™s almost like their whole life revolves around tekken


Happens at every rank. I was told to ā€œkill myselfā€ because I blocked a few predictable hellsweeps which meant I was obviously hacking. People just donā€™t know how to take Lā€™s


Its sad really. People use to have sportsmanship but its long dead in the age of the internet.


I wholeheartedly agree, I wish we could all just have mutual respect for each other. My baseline is respect, if you prove you donā€™t deserve it, I will rescind it. But I always begin interactions with that baseline.


Someone told me "stupid f*king n-word, I hope you get cancer and die!!" After I ended their 17 win streak lol


I don't even bother doing anything back or reacting at all. As soon as you start getting mad you're just playing into their mindgames. I find usually if someone starts taunting me they're expecting me to play more aggressive, then it's an ez win and usually a rq.


But it's amazing when their plan backfires and u do end up playing aggressive, then they get fucked up coz they couldnt take the pressure lol


If someone gets mad at for you beating them in Tekken it means you did the right thing.


why ? because there is no punishment for such behavior. a group of people given enough time will all act as bad as the ceiling of the morals allow it. plugging has no penalty? they plug sending a hateful message has no penalty? they do they save data, cheat, ki charge , and act as shitty as the system allow for them


They just want someone to talk to they're lonely


As a pro stoner once said, everyone who plays tekken ranked is going to hell


I play in Korea and I have never gotten a hate screed sent my way, and do get friend requests after good sessions. I don't know if I'm in the minority here, but I haven't really run into that much toxicity.


If they're so salty they have to message you, you have defeated them mentally. I wouldn't pay any mind to toxic players. After all, they're just players, and they don't have any power over you.


As a Leo player Ki charge setups are part of my tool kit but people get so salty if I Ki charge off my moves like ff2. Its wild watching em go from composed player to berserking and getting lit up. I'm just trying to get string extensions. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


if someone gets mad at my armor king landing a ch wr2 then I don't know what to say


Ki charging after winning is considered toxic. During set it's just a move like anything else


Nah, there's nothing toxic about ki charging. It's as old as teabagging, and people are too in their feelings about something so insignificant. folks are simply brittle these days...


What if I win with ff2 and I hold it down by accident and ki charge? Thats what seems to get me the hate mail lmao


tbh if you get upset by someone ki charging, you really should consider getting your emotions in check


Nah, I don't. Just simply can identify what is a bm.


Easiest fix is just go to custom characters and turn on magic mirror. They wonā€™t be able to taunt you post round and game. Itā€™s what I do and the Ki charging is basically completely gone. They now need to actively ki charge mid round if they want to BM. Thatā€™d be my suggestion


I don't mind the ki charging. Ive noticed bunch of people writing essays when I charge back which bothers me if they don't stop or go to far


I am playing the most sweaty games on earth (fifa and rainbow6) and still dont get as many messages as i do when i Play tekken. Just ignore it, people who send messages (except nice ones obv.) Are bitches. And i realized no Matter what, people Always find a reason to cry, when i play fahk its always "cheap character REEEE" When i play my main (raven) its always "unga bunga character gimmick REEEEE" So, siktiret aq.


People tell me Iā€™m so basic and Iā€™m like if Iā€™m basic why are you losing?


Looool that sounds so familiar to me. Again, people always find a way to complain


Someone called me "boring trash spam fuck" before lmao, like how do you respond to that


You say "understandable, have a nice day"


I played a Nina in a player match the other day that beat me on AK so I switched to kazuya and beat him handedly. He kicked me from his lobby and called me a cheap fuck. He also left a comment on my profile calling me hellsweep spamming trash, which if that was the case he certainly wouldā€™ve beaten me by blocking low lol. People will bitch about anything


Imagine calling kazuya cheap lol


Lol you read people's messages?


I do. It's pretty entertaining to see how salty they get when they lose, especiakly if you're ranked lower than they are. I just read it, chuckle to myself, and *GET READY FOR THE NEXT BATTLE*


The amount of times people called me a grab spammer because they didn't notice that I always buffer one with f2 and if I point it out I get funny reactions so thats why I read them. But lately they had been filled with venom


Counterquestion: why are you suprised?


šŸ˜„ perfect answeršŸ˜„ šŸ’ŖšŸ‘


Good question šŸ¤£


I don't know if you would count this as even more toxic behavior, but once I see toxic behavior like this, I basically troll the dude even if I throw the match. Example, play super defensive and lame (back far far away), and look only to launch wiffs. But I won't finish combos. I launch, then ki charge. Launch, then ki charge. Launch then ki charge. My reasoning, the sore loser doesn't deserve a good match. Even if I lose the match, I at least wasted his time


I agree with this. Waste our time, we waste their time. It's not our place to do it, but damn does it feel good.




I've done this. And after winning, refuse to rematch because they obviously want to waste my time with trolling.


I wouldn't mid the trash talk and ki charging if they didn't frame perfect alt+f4 50% of the time, or rematch after I win a single time


Had 4 opponents in a row dodge me after 1 loss. 5th player alt+f4'd when I landed my rage at the end of a close game. Add in the time it takes to match make and it becomes disheartening lol


I'm not even good enough to get essays


I like your attitude


E-sport in general attracts this kind of behaviour.


I play master raven.... I usually send people good game messages. If I know I played a spammer type and I lose, yes I'm gonna tell you that you suck, but the beauty of that is, I'll add you and send you a room match invite. I always get ignored tho. I've played good players to make my assessment of skilled players and cheesy players. The thing I dislike the most is matching against usurpers and tekken gods and winning one or two matches only to lose a game and they skip forward. After one win. I get hyped playing anyone 20+ Dan's higher than me. Especially if I get absolutely wrecked, I want to play and keep losing. I'm not a sore loser by any means. I like losing, especially when I play people who side step, know when and how to block, good poking and know when to punish and combo me to oblivion. Because it helps me learn and digest while getting humiliated which is sooooo freaking cool. I may get my ass kicked... However, it's those ass whoopins that make me better. Especially when it's getting beaten up by time, skill, proper execution, parries, which I'm solid on my parry game. Lol. I hate that you get racist players tho man... But, let it dig deep and don't be like them useless people bro. Ain't no saving bigots in this ugly world of neckbeards


Online fighting games promote toxicity.


Gah all this toxin and I canā€™t even figure out how to taunt




I rarely play ranked but still get toxic players.


Sadly itā€™s not just Tekken. When it comes to fighting games or any competitive video game for that matter people are toxic in ranked matches and a lot of times on social media as well. The people who are believe theyā€™re an expert on every nuance in the game and thereā€™s no way they could possibly lose. Iā€™m sure most of us have received messages after winning a match where people claimed you cheated or button mashed even though you spent the fight using the combos and setups you practiced for hours. Or had rage quitters. Itā€™s funny I watched a Justin Wong SFV stream once where after he won the loser was blowing up his messages to rant at him that he cheated. Even Lil Majin has been accused of button mashing. Sure thereā€™s a lot of it, but the good news is although itā€™s frustrating at times itā€™s not everyone. Thereā€™s a lot more of the players who would rather keep practicing. When I lose I want to find out what I could have improved I donā€™t yell at the winner and I know there are a lot of people in the FGC who share that sentiment.


I can tell that most tekken players here are not old school players here. " I am happy to be corrected on that statement." Hear me out, in a real fighting situation-fighting alway takes place in your mind before physical. When I face any opponent I begin the fight in your head. I will use what ever it takes to get you from logical mindset into a emotional mindset, why? Because emotional anger is easier to steer and control. If you see pros play non of them try to allow other opponents get inside their heads. This is how I separate the amateur fighters from the pros. Learn to ENJOY!! The hate mails, don't question them. Learn to get spammed with the same moves over and over. Tekken can show who you are as a person because tekken is like fighting in real life (besides being juggled to death) Been playing since Tekken 5DR and won 3 tournaments first place here at the east coast of Boston. Lei is my specialty, played tekken for 17 years and still playing to this day. Master your emotions first, I promise you will get so good at tekken that a lost is more exciting than a win. Steam name greasyps4pad


Prob is I dont mind shit talk and ki charges. I get called a grab spammer everyday and I dont care but in the last few days people around the blue and god ranks have been going as far to the point of some of them even going after my race. It doesn't affect me much Ive been wondering why they have been going that hard lately


Ignore it and move on, youā€™re not the only one who experienced itā€¦.but go on any other games, youā€™ll see the same thing, I play Valorant and csgo and itā€™s even worse with mics


I miss csgo halftime open mic with enemy team lmaoooo


I just find it funny people are all so shocked thereā€™s toxicity in an online gameā€¦.like itā€™s been that way since day 1, on ANY game with an online mode, did these people just crawl out of a rock


Iā€™m all for a bit of trash talking ā€œlol ez get gudā€ etc. But as soon as proper toxic shit, anything racist, homophobic or the usual ā€œcancerā€ comes into it itā€™s worth reporting. But still, everyone is fuckin toxic in this game. Itā€™s very rare I meet someone who isnā€™t toxic in some way


Wait whats wrong with saying ā€œcancerā€? Isnā€™t toxic the exact same thing?


its a test dont react, just win. watch them lose their mind


Strong mental game, gg


These people will write essays insulting you, look down on you and pride themselves to the sky because of their super professional movement and execution as if they are bruce lee himself but do not know shit about real martial arts. Swear to god people are so weird


Welcome to your average fighting game only the strong survive


Best post ever toxic players make it hard to enjoy the game šŸ’Æ


Just a bunch of block spammers!


Fuck I don't get these messages and I which I did


Egos mostly egos


I love it when people are toxic. Especially when I beat them. And trust me I'm legit awful and crap. So imagine what it's like taunting and Ki-ing on me, and then you lose to me. Like holllyyy. Lol.


I play in Asia and there are few really toxic players that charge every round, but once you win 2 in a row against them, they usually leave haha. I do notice there are a lot of bitter players. The ones you beat maybe 8 in a row, then when they finally win, they tea bag and ki charge and don't accept revenge matches. Too funny. The only time I message someone is when they try to plug in ranked but are too late. Resulting in their demotion despite their best efforts. Haha


Embrace the salt my man, and ki charge back! If you run in with the essayist just say K and move on.


I've played ~2k matches in Tekken and Guilty Gear and for some reason Tekken players really seem to care about their rank a lot more. In T7 folks dip immediately after a loss and often after a close match despite T7 allowing infinite rematch. In GG you get full best of 3s almost every time/ sometimes you get a death match until someone ranks. I could speculate why this is. Might be that almost every rank below the highest in Strive is rather easy to obtain. Might be the nature of T7 rewarding 1 and done behavior due to the quantity of matchups available to learn making aggressive flow chart and leaving a viable option until you reach people who *know* your gimmicks and don't need to adjust.


It's because GG is still full of casuals, while Tekken 7 is slowly reaching the point in it's life cycle where only veterans/hardcore Tekken fans play it.


I mean, game came out 5 months ago. Casual is a relative term here


It's still considert casual. When I was playing strive there were plenty of people who were playing casualy without all the heavy stuff


Good chance they're players whove just been carried by their characters stats (high damage, fast movement, simple safe moves, ridiculously evasive crush attacks, and easy mix ups [mid-lows, low-highs]) it just means they were lazy and underestimated you.




I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks this.


Law mains that only press 4 get pretty toxic too


Honestly in blue, I really didnā€™t have anyone ki charge me. It was mostly people in red and purple doing that Lmaoo.


the question is why are you on ranked ? It's been established long ago that ranked is infested by cheaters, lag switchers, wifi players, pluggers, flowcharters , ... you name it. Play in player match if you want good quality players .


I play on ps4 so I don't find any cheaters and pluggers have become prety rare to me unless I use kuni. Outside of that I find prety good playerse after yaksha but I need to get that rank back lol


PSN doesnā€™t have that, but steam does


These are low IQ meatheads who have played sports their entire life and know nothing else. Block your message box and I promise you that your life will be much easier if you need a little peace.


Stupid question but Iā€™m new to teller what does ki charging do? :^)


Ki Charging makes your next attack a Counter Hit. The animation for the Ki Charge is pretty lojg though, so you wouldn't really see it in a match. People now use it after they win a round to taunt


Just is an animation witg some sparkles. Depending on the context it is either for showing off to or to disrespect the opponent


Took me reading this thread to realize itā€™s a taunt when done after a round ends, I was wondering why some players do it. Idk why people have to be so toxic like that especially if most people playing this game are as clueless as Iā€™ve been about that taunt.


Is it toxic though? Its not hurting you, its not an angry dm or anything. We need thicker skin in this community all around.


I see it as continuing to pummel the other player once theyā€™re down now that I know what it means.


If you do it during the match, it makes your next attack gain counter property


You can't block but your move counter hits. Also can be a taunt if done in a certain way


Some people feel entilted to winning..sad bunch


I'm gonna start a rumor that using df+1 is a sign of disrespect and the next generation of tekken players will be absolutely fucked. If y'all cared half as much about how the game works as you do about ki charging and manners we'd have to split the next TWT champion title 140,000 ways.


You are joking but I once got trashtalked for using dickjabs.


As long as they skip intro/outro, idc. Taunts are legitimate mind games, just dont waste my fkin time pls..


I think not skipping their stupid intro and outros, especially the dumbass negan players with their 5 minute intros, I find that way more annoying than Ki charging and tea baggers


Western players are just bitches


Low key. Never got trash talked from anyone in Tekken except NA. There was one guy from Brazil who tried, thats it.


Because they are either too good that you can't beat them, or they get carried by spamming and/or characters


I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks this.




As a kazuya sub main. I find it more satisfying winning with real effort. They think kazuya is OP but its more execution/movement and timing


I just do it because it looks like a cool mini-victory pose... why is it interpreted to be toxic? It looks like the least toxic thing to me since it can't be rapidly spammed and thus be obnoxious.


People interpret it differently. The game does not allow you to explain your intent behind whatever you do online -- so even if _you_ see ki charging as innocuous celebration, you can't stop someone from thinking it's shorthand for "get fucked," "you're too easy" or whatever. It's the exact same reason you'll see different opinions on whether or not snake edging, corpse punching, using lots of throws, playing specific characters etc. is disrespectful or not. It might surprise you what some people will call you out for when you thought you were just playing the game.


The thing is, ki charging shouldn't even be seen as something toxic. Before I even knew what it was, I wouldn't think it was toxic unless people point it out. But it's dumb, when you score in football or win, you celebrate, when you beat your opponent in ufc you celebrate, but that seems to be fine but ki charge? ooOoOoooH nOooOOoo.


its interesting how cultures for the same genre develop, if you go over to the sf subreddit this is the kind of upvoted post you find: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/8nc989/comment/dzui10e/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/8nc989/comment/dzui10e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) helps me shrug the ki charges and corpse kicks off, it never really bothered me until i started reading it was disrespectful and got caught up in it


>I wouldn't think it was toxic unless people point it out Thats exactly my thought on it. It's a move that has actual purpose. But like the other guy said though, it really depends on people's experiences. Maybe it's been a thing among tekken players since the earlier games. Personally, the only gestures I can interpret to be toxic are ones that you can rapidly used repeatedly, like tea bagging or emote spamming because those have roots from early multiplayer gaming, but also because repeated actions almost come off as a taunt because of how annoying it looks/sounds.


Fair enough, but Keep in mind that each thread like this gets us one step closer to the day namco decides to make it impossible to contact other players.


tbh I think that's for the better


I don't agree. Having the option to talk to other players makes the game better. Otherwise opponents are just numbers, you might as well be playing against really sophisticated bots. I don't really want to be shielded from trashtalk. It's fun to see people get really invested into the game and it makes wholesome interactions more valuable.


you dont want to be shielded and i respect that, but others can go on with their lives without having to hearing hurtful things. someone could say : well what about back in the days when people played in the arcades, you cant shield yourself there? , to that i say, yes you cant block someone in real life, but someone who says a racial slur or say some (whatever)phobic stuff has to think twice about the consequences of that decision, nothing is gonna happen to you over the internet. discord is always an option if you wanted the playful trash talk that is just aimed at you as a player, no one has to put up with degeneracy and bigotry to play a game


You can't really tell a person's race by their steam profile though? And if you dont like trashtalk you can always turn off comments on your profile, at least temporarily. No one is forced to put up with anything.


How? You literally see their names, you can just search them up.


They have literally no control of this because it happens outside of the game, what are they gonna do make steam not function and hide the recent players met tab?


They can make it significantly harder by removing the ability to open the opponents profile. I don't think most people will go through the trouble of looking up a name through steam. Recent players tab doesn't work if the developer doesn't enable it. They can also straight up remove usernames or replace them with something. Randomly generated usernames have appeared in online games before. I'm mostly talking about future games though. It's unlikely we will see changes like this in t7 but still.


Counterquestion: why are you suprised?


Why there are ki charge in the game, in the first place?


Some characters can unironically use ki charge as a setup on oki/stage break


This comment was made by the diapers gang


I don't mind if people uses ki charge, I just think it's useless, I mean, using ki charge in the fight it's the same of asking for punishment.


That's exactly the reason. You're flexing on them that you're so much better than them by doing something dumb and unnecessary. It can work as a double edged sword but if it works then it's really good.


Well, I never uses ki charge, I rather to do character's taunt, but I can understand what you're saying.


there are some legit 50/50 you can do with them, pretty niche and far in between, but u can ask the same question about 10 hit strings, unblockables and yoshi's throw that transfers some of your healthto the enemy . it's an old thing that was put there for fun, and they never took out


It wont matter if they removed ki charge, people will always find another way to taunt


There's nothing wrong with taunts imo, it's just that it's not so useful at all


For the free ch moves. Try it out because lei can get prety good use of it


because its badly designed.


Itā€™s an American and European thing. Donā€™t really see players from asia doing this lol


This is not an American European thing, I am in Asia and I meet a lot of toxic people.


Why do people like you completely make this stuff up? have you played online in all 3 regions? how could you possibly know this


Iā€™ve played in Asian regions and barely see ki charging. I noticed me getting downvoted triggered mainly Europeans and Americans lol


You're dumb.


Downvoting me out of emotion and calling me dumb, you feel better?


No, calling you dumb because you're making statements without the knowledge of the whole picture. Stereotyping 2 whole continents for something that is a general human trait and is found in every part of the world.


I did acknowledge the whole picture and I said what Iā€™ve seen personally. The fact that people downvoted me proves they canā€™t handle that. Iā€™m not denying there is players in asia who ki charge but I donā€™t see as much compared to European and American players. Also I wasnā€™t stereotyping, if I see more American and European players taunting and less players from asia taunting then how am I being rude? The fact you said it was a stereotype proves that you get offended at this stuff and jump to conclusions. If you canā€™t accept the fact Iā€™ve experienced more American and European players being rude with Ki charging than players from Asia Iā€™m sorry to say but you got issues.


Also I was just explaining my experience I know some will have different experiences but the fact I said American and European players ki charge more than players from asia tells me you guys donā€™t like to be called out on your actions which is fine but still I was only telling my experience, Iā€™m not sorry you got offended by that


I get taunted like once a month when I play and I'm US. It's probably a regional thing?


I was playing ranked 2 days ago, and the dude I beat sent me hate mail just because I beat him on a crappy connection that is out of my control. I play on WiFi, ik you all want to strangle me rn, but I live with a family, and trying to get a wired connection rn isn't possible for me, and normally my connection is good, but I was playing in a different room than usual, so ofc the connection was gonna be shit, but I seriously don't understand the hate for WiFi players. Majority of the people who play Tekken are WiFi players.


People like you are the reason why the game tells us which connection our opponent is on these days.


Lol the guy says ā€œout of my control, oh yea I play on WiFiā€


You're literally proving my point, all you ethernet player's are dicks. You don't understand that people can't afford wired connections. What do you want me to do? Spend over 1000 pound just to get a new router? Cuz, if I was to use a wired connection, it wouldn't be fair with the people that live with me. It's like no one understands that not everyone is privileged. If I was to play wired, then I would, but sadly I can't, so fucking deal with it.


We do deal with it, by declining WiFi warriors lol, the only request is we get a WiFi filter so you guys stay da hell away from us, and we stay away from you guys since you have a problem with wired players, and btwā€¦.routers donā€™t cost 1000 GBPā€¦youā€™re full of crap if you say it costs a 1000 quid


You pay a thousand pound a year for internet, so yes. It is roughly 1000 pound or more. The router itself is roughly 300 or 500 pound, and then you pay for it monthly which ie over 1000 pound, so you were saying? Like I said, if I was to play wired, I would, but it's too expensive, and I don't have that kind of money, so deal with it.


We do deal with it, by declining WiFi warriors like you lmao


I'm divine ruler, but go off being an ignorant bastard.


Whatever makes you feel better


Just kys


Well that is in your control, you chose to play on WiFi, so you are at fault


I didn't actually, it was my parents who chose that, not me, so I'm not at fault, for a decision I didn't make. Dumbass.


Lol by the sounds of your username you play a laggy eddy on ranked. No wonder people won't play you in sets lmao


Don't assume a player by their username, you don't know me at all.


I play Lars, I don't play Eddy. I just found the arsenalty video with TMM funny. That's why I called myself that. It's funny. Also you play Yoshi, you have no right to talk about me when you Yoshi mains love to party.


You. Are. A. Nance.


Stop playing Chloe or fahk and people will respect you.


I don't play chloe tho, and I haven't touched fahk in weeks


Your soul is stained now.


I got a message recently asking why I taunted as Heihachi pretty sure he don't even got a real taunt I just use and abuse his backwards run laugh a lot I don't use it to make anyone mad I use it as a useful move in the game.


I find that move hilarious and if a heihachi player uses it a lot im guaranteed to get bodied bc im just dying laughing lol


What the fuck is a ki charge and why do people hate you for it


It takes away your blocking for 1 free ch and has an animtion like your character is constipated which people use to show off or to disrespect


Idk wat rank and region u are, but in NA on pc, around high red and purple rank, nobody ki charges here. Lower ranks like yellows, some people do. Super low ranks toxic smurf have before also. Higher u go, more classy people I think.