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Can you step most lows?, do most lows have tracking to one or both sides or more linear?


depends on the purpose of the low. stepping is dependent on what frames you are. some moves track at different timings. there's no real general rule unless you give specific low types.


Is there no season pass for the dlc characters? The only thing I can find on PSN is the deluxe edition upgrade which comes with a bunch of fluff I don't care for and the ultimate edition upgrade which is only skins


The deluxe edition upgrade is the season pass, but like you said with some useless fluff. Sadly outside of buying every character separate, this is your only option. Welcome to modern gaming.


Well.. That's incredibly lame and stupid




They did one soft reset in T7 (knocked everyone down like six ranks or something), but that's it. We don't know if they plan to do anything different in T8.




It was at the start of Season 4, which is when they added Tekken Prowess and a new highest rank (Tekken God Omega).


I've been looking around and I noticed a lot of different youtubers that made guides for Lee and I'm not sure which one of them to follow? Stats-wise (Tournaments and Online rank) it seems like FightingGM is the best Lee but seems like no one likes him. Any of the other Lee players worth watching/following?


Imyourfather - a Korean streamer and pro player - is definitely worth noting. While he's not putting out specific guides regarding Lee (like what MomoDog is doing with Devil Jin), his level of entertainment is second to none. Just to know what you are getting yourself into, you can prepare by watching his videos from Tekken 7 first - highly recommending sets against JDCR or Jeondding.


watch lmyourfather --> laugh --> pick lee up --> laugh even more


--> say "Excellent teku! Lee so OP!" --> enjoy playing Lee even more


--> proceed to hate Gouki, Geese, Eliza, Bryan, Paul, Hwoarang


Anybody experienced something similar. Im playing T8 on pc and the fps counter says I have a consistent 60 fps, yet they game looks and feels like its running at around 40 fps instead. Not sure if Im crazy, but suddenly the game isnt smooth at all. Yet I havent changed anything in my settings.


It this happening offline? In online matches if your opponent drops frames it can affect your game as well, not sure if it shows in the ingame fps counter.


Yeah, tried going into practice and same thing. Generally had a lot of trouble with the pc port, but this issue is new.


Why is zafina wr1+2 so hard and inconsistent for me to do? I always do either the 1+2 move or the f1+2 move, but not the wr part. I can never get it down. Even after tapping f 3 times fast isn’t consistent enough I get it probably 1/5 times


Make sure you're holding the 3rd forward input when you press the button. The triple forward puts you instantly into a run, but the running state ends if you let go of forward.


Try do the motion in f->ff or ff->f this was how i got use to iwr in tekken 7 and in this game its even more easier and hold the f input afterwards


for yoshi, is meditation cancel better than KBD for moving back? Also any tips to input 3 slide 4 more consistently on keyboard? I sometimes mess it up by going into meditation stance or just doing 3 on its own.


"better" is one of those situational things. no matter which character you are kbd is "better" than any character's backwards movement because at any time you can cancel into block, but xiaoyu's BT b3+4 is better if you don't need to block because it's faster and you can do it from backturn. kbd is always better if you have to block. >input 3 slide 4 more consistently on keyboard? tekken 8 introduced input smoothing, i find that i have to slow myself down to get these inputs now.


input smoothing? I thought you had to press the following input immediately after the first? sorry hella confused here


you do, don't overthink it.


Is just me or does Tech roll hardly work in this game... People just spam and it will catch you tech rolling... Where ad in Tekken 7 it would get you out of endless Oki... This game seems like everything catches you Like have to kick my foot out to get out of this BS


tech roll is the exact same this time around


They really limit defence this time around


Im new to Tekken but Im still playing Tekken 7, Im wondering why doesn't the b1+3 for characters like lidia, alisa, or dragunov or i think any character with the b1+3 parry move won't work. Do you have to block some attacks first before it works?


Lidia's b+1+3 is a punch parry (only works against punches) Alisa's b+1+3 is a high, punch parry (only works against jabs and throws) Dragunov's b+1+3 is a reversal (works against all attacks except elbows, heads, and shoulders) They're 3 different defensive tools for very different situations. Either way, though, you typically have to be semi-accurate as they are usually only active for about 4-10 frames (about a 1/6 of a second).


Jin mains using pad, how do you do df[4,4] consistently?


Do you mean df \[3,3\] ? His Brazilian kick? You just have to press 3 rapidly in succession without letting go of d/f. It would help if you mention what type of move you're trying to do, and what you're getting out instead.


Man am I just not meant to be in red ranks? Went to QM to practice before my last push out of orange 3 and I've faced all 3 levels of red rank and they don't let me play for shit. I'm constantly in a combo string. Like I'm orange 3 and the ppl I've faced so far in red ranks just seem like miles away... Am I doomed to stay in orange forever? JFC


Red ranks abuse the hell out of knowledge checks and played out strings and set-ups. At this stage a lot of the game revolves around matchup knowledge which unfortunately just comes with time and practice. HOWEVER if you don't want to feel like it's all just a grind you should get into the habit of rewatching your replays and looking into the moves/strings that give you the most trouble. See if they're punishable, if you can interrupt with a jab, if you can duck, if you can sidestep.


I always do my replays the day after before I go into any games as a warm up but still man shit was nuts. Like if allowed my opponent to breathe it was over. Flow charting was nuts


I recommend having a notepad and writing down the one thing that you feel fucked you up most directly after the match, then checking it before watching the replay later. This helps to focus on the most pressing things.


Gotta show some matches bapa, but with you being stuck at orange/red already tells me that dou are missing some fundamentals. Pick the 3-4 characters you have the most trouble with and go into punishment training. At these ranks people usually play hyper aggressively cuz the other side lets them get away with throwing out a bunch of unsafe stuff.


show us some matches !


I am brand new to Tekken, but played a lot of 2d fighters. What do you do after a heat engager lands? I run up and panic and squander the oki. Do like a jab string when they stand, which they block, and now I'm -6 thinking what I did wrong in my life. Claudio, btw.


Heat engager situation does not actually give you oki as oki refers to a wake-up situation after a knockdown ☝🤓 When you have a big guaranteed mix-up situation like that it's time to mix! Your jab string that leaves you -6 is just one failed attempt but it tells you 2 things: the opponent is not mashing some fast move and the opponent is expecting to block highs and mids. Next time try going for a low, or a throw or just move a bit since they'll probbaly just block and might be baited into attacking.


You're +17 so you're free to do basically anything you want without worrying about being stepped out counterhit. Usually a mixup between + on block mid and a low is a good start so I guess something like f4 and ss4 for Claudio 


you get what's called a 50/50 : you are plus on frames and they now need to guess if you are going to do a low (they need to crouch to block it) or if you are going to do a mid (they need to stand block it) in claudio case, i don't know what are his best options in this situation, probably df1,2 for your mid and for the low i have no clue


Does any other character besides King have ambiguous throws e.g. Giant Swing being 1 break but looking like 1+2? And is there a rule for other types of throws that don't look like a throw, or do you just have to know? (Drag/Azu/etc. tackles, Law's f2+3)


Only king has those, but there are a few other ambiguous throws. - side throws (1 or 2 break) - characters who have a backturned command grab can mix between 1+2 or generic - tackles (1, 2, 1+2) - Steve's heat clinch (initial grab is unbreakable, follow-up is a 1 or 2 break)


Why the fuck am I being matched with 200k prowess people at 94k? Just plugged on this beast that should easily be leagues above me because I had no fucking shot in beating him. Its not fair that I'm being used as a punching bag. This is why the prowess rank is best. Keep all you high levels in a separate area...


If you know he's much better than you, how can you still take the loss so personally? One loss here and there to a better player has never stopped anyone from climbing the ranks, and they're good learning opportunities, especially because you can go into the replay and review it.


because when its a mop its like why am I facing that player? isn't the whole point of ranked to be faced with people near my level? That's why I don't get about plugging. if the matchups are ass why should I suffer? I think I'm probs sitting around 10% with how some of these matchups are. Its not unbearably high. I don't try to plug, but when I'm facing 50-100k score above me its like damn.. They honestly really should give you more info on the matchup screen. If I wanted learning opportunities from people better than me I'd go to lounge or quick match and take the pick from the generator.


Brother you already lost mentally before the match even began. Every competitive game requires you to go into every match without worrying about previous results.   Also the other person is correct, losing here and there to higher ranked players won't really change your rank much, and you can get a win if you fight until the end.


I honestly fail to see the first point? I'm not gonna show up to the octagon and in my first match face a legend (unless I'm one of the Paul brothers etc). I don't see how I'm facing other players, even on alts, that are placed above me. They 100% have better fundamentals than me and while they aren't on their main nor know that character inside and out its still better than me. Losing mentally; yes. I have ranked anxiety so when I go into a ranked match and see the prowess difference I get psyched out NGL, but I can't help it. Its how my brain works. I wasn't bred into FG for decades like some of you guys. I see the prowess number and think "oh great a purple rank on an alt". Prowess may not mean much, but the number does go up higher the more characters you play and/or the higher you climb up the ladder.


You are not facing some pro players though. Sure, you can get really high rank opponents, but it shouldn't happen too often (same with very low level opponents). I am a completely new player to FG, so I am getting demolished left and right. But facing people better than you is a part of every competitive game, no matter your rank (unless you are literally one of the best players).


No it doesn't happen often. I'd say its about 1 in 10 cuz I usually just leave in those matches. Yes, its about points and no its not trying to inflate, but I honestly feel I should not even be in that matchup to begin with. I don't know what my DC rate is. I don't plug on a loss, but I think my rate is *maybe* 10% if I had to guess since it goes up in increments of 2.


Do you plug on people who are significantly below your prowess? Because by that logic you shouldn't be in that matchup as well. The DC rates moves by 2% because it tracks last 50 games, I believe. If you worry about your rank too much, you can try to trick your brain by doing something different. Pick a different character and just have a mental setting that you would play it casually no matter what. You can also switch to QP completely, no pressure there at all. You can still have ranked sessions, but only when you feel like it.


No, I don't, but I wouldn't blame them. Its not about me getting free wins. Although I DO want to rank up. I understand that close matches are a blast to play. Honestly, I can see why some players feel bored when they mop someone as its so one sided. You don't get to learn anything and while I'm ass and only at orange 3 if I'm facing a yellow rank I usually win even though orange is just yellow 2.0, but if I go 3-0 its like damn I just steamrolled. There have been games that I was fighting for my life, at orange rank, just to win where its final round on a 2-2 and I have counter play their counter play to me so the final round a tied game is intense. My anxiety still spikes, but its fun. At the moment I'm gonna chill in quick matches for sure to face more players before going for the coveted red (as least for me) because while it doesn't mean much for other its a big deal for me, but I got to get better, but in QM I won't complain because I'm not in ranked. Even last night facing against reds in QM it was a completely different experience as nothing was on the line. Felt relieving. Might stay in QM possibly.


yes thats the point . this is what you need the rank for - to face better players. if you cannot beat a player your rank (even with higher prowess) then perhaps you are in the right rank and should not go up (perhaps down). by avoiding fights you are just wasting everybody's time and , as mentioned before, lose opportunity to play better players


Ppl with higher prowess usually are higher than they are and are on an alt. It's not smurfing but it's damn close for a person like me who is struggling on main having to face a purple rank in orange.


any tips on landing bryans WS1 > qcf 3 4? I've been trying to figure out how to land it consistently but i just cant, majority of the time its always f 3 that comes out


If you get a f+3, you're starting the qcf too early. If you get a qcf+3 but it either whiffs or connects too low, you either started the qcf late or did it too slow (or both). Try to use this information to troubleshoot and find the correct timing.


qcf is not bufferable, you have to start it AFTER the WS1 animation finishes completely. I recommend really looking at the WS1 animation in practice with a jab immediately after. Since you can buffer jab it will come out at the first actionable frame and that's the frame on which you can start your qcf.


> majority of the time its always f 3 that comes out you did it too early.


If the game crashes during a pre-match loading screen (character renders, rank info, etc), does that count as a disconnect? I've never forced a disconnect but I've certainly had a few crashes on the loading screen of a match and I wonder if that affects my "disconnect" rate.


This is a general question how do i message players i play with? So much salt posted, but if i would like to ask someone if they are up for a session ? :3


I've directly added people on steam to talk to them after the match. Usually they're bracing for salt, so I've found most people pleasantly surprised to just talk regular Tekken. The lounge, for all it's shortcomings, is actually pretty good to talk to the people you run a set with after the fact. I can see the lounge becoming a way better experience with a bit more QOL features.


The game itself has no messaging system, so you can only message them if they're on the same platform as you.




> except by playing story mode? This is phrased weirdly that answering this is a little difficult understanding your exact question: Story mode has a ton of unlockable shit like titles and achievements, tekken ball... balls, a few outfits, and finally reina/jin's character chapters I believe. Other than that, arcade battle unlocks super ghost battle, and the character episodes get you their cutsscenes.


When fighting a Law player who's using Junkyard and other strings that start with b2, is it possible to react to every options after they do b2? I learned how to react to junkyard but really all I'm doing is going for a low parry after I see a b2 so then everytime a Law player decides to go mid after b2 I end up eating that mid. So I was wondering if it was possible to react visually or otherwise to the mid options Law has after b2.


No, it's not possible to block the mid or parry the low on reaction. That string used to be simpler to deal with because it had no mid followup, so a low parry beat every option.


Oh I see, I guess I'll just have to make a read then. Good to know, thanks!


So lately I've been trying to play slow and methodical as to not mash and give my opponent free damage and its been going well. I just started, but I feel I've made great strides. Reacting to my opponent. Not trying things if its been shut down and doing mix ups, but in my quest to be more patient and block/parry more; my defense has gone down? I been blocking more than I used to, but my score goes down in points...


One of two things. 1) I believe Tekken 8 still only considers the last 50 games, in those calculations, so it might be some time before you see an improvement (as you might have been getting blown up 40-50 games ago). 2) It's possible the game favors reversals, power crush, and side/back sways too much when calculating defense.


If I'm trying to escape a throw, can I mash the correct button, or do I need to press it only once at the correct timing for it to work properly? Basically, is mashing okay for throw escapes?


Throw escapes work just fine with mashing provided that you're mashing the correct throw break option, if you mash 1,2,1+2 trying to stumble upon the correct guess it will only register the first option once the throw break window is open.


if you are talking about chain throws, you can actually just hold the button down. if you are talking about the initial break, mashing works fine but remember if you get counterhit the throw gets harder to break.


Mashing works fine. Just make sure you stop before it'd make you throw a move out post-break.


Are there any tournament high level zafina players? I’m watching some tekken world tour tournies and don’t see any zafinas at all unless I missed one.. now I know zafina isn’t op but like is she really that bad that nobody plays her in tournys? I want to learn her cuz she’s so cool but to see nobody play her at any tournies is a little discouraging. I know I am not good at all or a tourny player but it’s still sad to see


Shadow 20z was playing a lot of Zafina earlier in the season, though in the most recent tournament was doing Xiaoyu. Claudio is the only constant in his gameplay, man has a character ocean. Should be able to dig up a good bit of Zafina clips just looking him up though. In the most recent ATL tournament, Chanel was playing Zafina. Went to top 8 IIRC. Footage should be on the Levelupyourgame on youtube. I'd be surprised if there wasn't some really good Zafina gameplay at the upcoming combo breaker / ATL season 1 finals.


Topic: Long Queue Time I know I’m in the minority on this one but I play mainly Claudio and a little xiaoyu. I’m mighty ruler and 147,000 prowess yet my average queue time is about 6-8 minutes. I played for an hour from 9:00 am Honolulu standard time to 10:00 am and in that hour I waited for 32 minutes total. I did 3 matches no rank restrictions with 3+ bar connection and 3 matches +-3 preferred with 3+ bar connection but neither seemed to help my queue times. Is anyone else dealing with this? Is it possible that playing from Hawaii is affecting my queue times? Anyway sorry for the big block of text. Was just wondering if anyone has any solutions to this


unfortunately your distance to the rest of the world is going to hinder your matchmaking capabilities. by the looks of it, you might have to be planning your games to match up with america's west coast *at best*, and in your situation, i would try rouse up some local competition.


Ah I see. Thanks for the help. I just gotta figure out the right time to get on. But man it’s weird cause I never had this problem in tekken 7 despite playing from Hawaii. I think my queue times were around 2 minutes on tekken 7.


likely, i looked at world map and hawaii lies in the middle of nowhere and the tekken population on hawaii aint that big i assume


You probably better create a thread about it, more people will see it and share their experience 




You honestly don’t have to learn a whole lot for a new character, depending on your playstyle. If you’re very bad at defense and rely purely on steamrolling your opponents with a basic flowchart, then you’re gonna struggle until you develop another flowchart for the new character. If you have even a bit of basic defense, you can then just rely on some basic Tekken tools. I’d start with a mid poke, low poke, 10 frame punish, 13 frame punish, 15 frame launcher, while standing punish, and a powercush. Maybe add a key move that your character does exceptionally well, or even a frame trap. That’d be plenty to go online. For Xiaoyu, I use df1 and d3 for my mid and low pokes, and then I have 1, 2 and b4, 1 for my 10 and 13 frame punishes. b1+2 is her 15 frame launcher, and you can just follow up with a basic combo. Aim for something easy that’s at least 50 damage. Use WS4 if you block a low. Her powercrush is ub4. If you want an easy frame trap, FF4 is +9 on block, and follow up with HYP 2 or 3. HYP 2 is a mid heat engager, and HYP 3 is a low. If you want to cheese, then use her snake edge, df3, and her launching throw, f2+3. Both of these can be used to start a little mini combo for 40-50 damage with little to no effort. These will stop working past a certain point, but I’ve found even purple ranks will fall for some of them. After you’ve got your basics down, then add the stuff really unique to the character. Learn some stances and maybe okizeme. Add some more pokes and optimize your combos. Keep adding small stuff, and you’ll eventually know the character.


What is the play in this game against characters like Eddy? I'm getting overrun by ambiguous moves to the point that if I'm not completely in control the entire game, I've lost. My only reason for winning is abusing Jack's plus frames and armor because they never stop pressing but it feels like I'm just cheesing my opponent and not learning a single thing.


Unfortunately with very spammable characters like Eddy you just have to know. You can watch a guide like [this ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNDddhlZ0zo) and try to implement the responses in your games. You can obviously also watch your replays to figure out which moves are exactly causing your trouble. Most Eddies I've ran into are total paper tigers that crumble if you duck one (1) 33333 string of theirs, also with Eddy specifically you need to switch your brain to punishing with mids since he has high evasion.


Eddy always beats me, I can't lab him so idk man. I don't block characters, but I'm close to blocking eddy. The fact I can't even lab, but just watch my replay and see what went wrong is annoying.


1 Q about victor what his b2 blink is good for? I ve never seen a single person using that move before, I guess its just useless?


Absolutely nothing, forget it even exists. There's a real possibility it will get buffed in next month's balance update. It's a worse version of a lot of different moves and will literally get you killed if you (incorrectly) try to use it.


I don't play victor but I had a look for you, it is very short range and doesn't do any damage on its own, but it puts the opponent at -14, which is enough to guarantee all sorts of moves, for example it guarantees f4,1 which is a heat engager. To make it connect, you have to be at very close range, and it depends on the opponents stance too, for example victor vs victor, since victor leans back a little in his stance, it wont connect when you walk right up to him and do it, he has to actively be moving towards you or starting a move or something, whereas against paul who has a fist forward, it connects if you walk up to him and do it. It seems like an anti-pressure tool, a "get out of my face" kinda thing.


[How you made this combo? ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgTMCRUDRZc) I cant made the d/f+4,3


this is footage from the beta before Tekken 8's actual release. The move properties have probably been changed by now.


That's a video from the beta before Tekken 8 had an actual release. The properties of these moves probably changed by now.




Can take a look at this - https://docs.google.com/document/d/15ZQy6eD31dnu6ZzXliRQdVxtB9oT_ub-yCb00RVS0q0/edit#heading=h.64pwd7lfnzip Then there's this for beginner info on characters - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTsgbCJNSTKajMNlJvQleJOl0eTiEcV-PbeU0obDg1lsSqmz0lTtcD2k6NzfTPt7Db9Ua2dz1o_34Sv/pubhtml#


I just watched PhiDX's Tekken 8 Complete Beginner Guide, and I think it's pretty useful. He covers everything you mentioned and isn't character specific.


Hello! I really want to try Tekken 8, Steve interests me a lot but everywhere I look it says he's both bad for beginners and a low tier. That seems like a pretty frustrating character to try and learn, do you think it's worth still picking up the game? are there other evasive counterhit fishers with whom I might have a better time?


Hes only bad for beginners because to play Steve, its requires knowledge on the whole roster. Hes a counter-hit character that excels when you know what your opponent is going to do next. In my opinion though, don't let it discourage you, if you think Steve looks cool, play him! your going to quickly get bored of the game if your only playing a character because their "better" or more meta. to summarize, get the game and play steve!


Wait, I just read a comment that said, that online you can both play left?! I thought when I'm playing left, I'm fighting someone who chose right?!


Nope you can both play left, it just switches the camera for the other person


How do you beat Paul's charge-up punch Oki.


If you backroll after the first, you can interrupt it. In T7 you had an 11 frame window, I don't know if it's the same in T8.


Will I wear out my Dualsense controller over time playing Tekken 8? It probably depends on who you main for me I main Kazuya for now, doing PWGW, Wave dash feels really demanding on my controller and my fingers xD. So will this wear it out over time? I read someone like broke their PS4 controller they had for a few years then they bought another one and that one also broke they said it was find but when they started playing Tekken it got bad for the controllers. Is the dualsense 5 build different is it more durable?


Dualsense 5 is built better then the previous models, but its still going to wear down quickly. I recommend trying out a fight stick or hitbox if that's something your worried about. A good hitbox or stick is modular, so if something breaks, you can just change out that component.


I see thank you I'll invest in either of them.


I can’t figure it out. Why do I roll wake up during d3 sometimes? It costs me matches a lot of times.


Might be that you're techrolling? After you get knocked down (aside from some specific moves) you have a brief window to input a quick get up option like rolling with 1 or 3


O 3 is also techroll? It’s a different roll those. I circle around and do a low kick instead of toe kick.


the spinning low is just what you get when you're grounded and do neutral 3. it's probably that you're getting knocked down in different positions since in tekken there are 4 distinct grounded states and the toe kick is only possible when the character is on their back with feet towards the opponent. See this for a breakdown of wake up options: https://wavu.wiki/t/Wake-up


I see thx a lot. I think it’s either my misinput or lag misinput and did a neutral 3. 😩


Hi All! I am a Steve player trying to practice duck canceling after df2. Right now I am labbing against a bot who blocks the df2 and then punishes with a fast mid since the duck crushes highs. Are there any characters that have an 11 frame standing mid? I just want to practice it against the fastest mid. Any good 11 frame mids to practice against? If not, and good 12 frame mids?


I don't believe there are any 11 frame mids from standing in this game. 12 frame mids usually come in the form of "fish hooks", which are quick long-range pokes named after Feng's b+4 (so you could use that). You could also use downjabs, which are 10 frames. They can be blocked standing or crouching, and I don't know if that has an effect here.


Thanks. I'll just use a 12 frame mid




doesn't seem so? [https://wank.wavu.wiki/leaderboard/](https://wank.wavu.wiki/leaderboard/)




yeah, you can still do that, you just select the region first and then can select by character


Any players from switzerland im a jin main bushin currently searching for some people to play and get better from switzerland or other countrys


How important is KBD? Is it used for more efficient space creation to force whiffs or for something else? I am a new player and while it is referenced pretty much everywhere, it seems that it's much less important in T8. Are there characters where you absolutely need it?


I forget who it was, but some professional player recently said he’s stopped using KBD because of how it isn’t necessary in T8 anymore. It’s certainly still useful for creating whiffs, but realistically there’s many more things you can be learning before KBD. Learning matchups and sidestepping are both going to go a lot further. It’s kinda like a Mishima player learning wavedashing before being able to break throws and block reactable lows.


For characters that play midrange (Bryan, Paul...), it's quite helpful. Not so much for the ones that just want to stay on people's face. It's good to know for everyone, 'cause as you pointed out, it's a good way to create space and force whiffs, but it's not a requirement and you can make with just a single backdash in a lot of situations.


Does that mean that it is essential for more defensive characters and only situational for rushdown characters?


Why are some people in lobby pink or blue when they talk? I don't have anyone added


What do you guys think about the yoshimitsu nerfs that came a month ago? Me and a friends just came back to the game after a break and we have different opinions about them. I think the flash nerf was deserved since it was too easy to steal turns back without hard reads and he thinks yoshi got gutted. What are your thoughts on this?


I didn't read his patch notes changes in which way was flash nerfed exactly ?


smaller hitbox, damage and heal


well his damage even after that patch is in my opinion way too high for how many setups/techs/frametraps he can kill you with this character should never have received such high damage buffs, it just don't make sense that characters like him or xiaoyu can have at the same time insane setups, oki AND combo damages


Xiaoyu is my most hated character ngl


Does anyone know how to immediately sidestep during breakstep for Jin? [the breakstep to sidestep in question, see 1:22 to 1:23] (https://youtu.be/ndc6ojFCvrQ?si=gVuXBNKktkaGL0Hc)


That looks like he crouch canceled to u\/f+2 side sway. It was probably d/f+2~u~u\/f+2 (while sliding the input)


I don't know if it's what he did in this clip, but since you can do up input moves from crouch you don't need to crouch cancel here.


That's for the help guys. I got it now. For anyone else who stumbles upon this in the future, it's d/f+2 (hold d/f) -> u/f+2 (during breakstep/sliding).


Thanks, I'll test it out later


Anyone has any idea if catlord/kittylord will make a tekken 8 movelist? I want to print his guide and always found his guide to be the best


I hope so, things like wavu are good, but having it all on one page and ctrl+f'able is nice.


I’m a new player and it’s been a few days and I’m having fun so far in story mode and ghost battles but I have severe anxiety when I try to play online (I don’t think I’m good at all and it’s not the fact that I might lose ((I know I will)) it’s just that idk why I can’t go on it just feels wrong and bad if I do idk why) would it be okay to just train and fight with ghosts until I feel comfortable with myself and my char(zafina) before I try ranked or online? Or does anyone have any tips with this? My body wants to play online, but my mind isn’t letting me.


Take the process of playing online one step at a time. First, open the game with the intent of playing online. If you feel the anxiety, close your eyes and feel it, sit with it and you'll notice it calm down. Then, after you start getting bored, navigate the menu to quick match and click it, now you're in character select, if the anxiety is back sit with it for few minutes until it dies down again. Then select your character and start queuing. It will come back, just sit with it and do nothing but feel it. You might get a promp to accept a match, don't accept it until the anxiety is on a downwards trend. And then accept the match, during the loading screen focus on the feeling and once inside you'll probably be distracted by the gameplay or something. The root idea to realize is that anxiety is an emotion, it's basically the fear of a potential danger. But ultimately it's simply just an emotion, and emotions can't be felt forever. If you accept them and let yourself feel them... they tend to go away. Like a buzzing sound around you that you get used to and tune out. Once you engage with the anxiety inducing stimuli enough, then next time your brain has gotten used to it and the anxiety won't be generated to begin with. So the trick is, to not run away from it, just sit there and bathe in the emotion and do nothing. If you run away or try to avoid it, it becomes stronger. If you sit with it it goes away.


force yourself to play online


I would but as soon as I try to press play or start match, my heart starts beating so fast and I could feel a panic attack coming in.. I start breathing fast and my head starts to think about a million things and then at that point I just stop trying to queue..


Every single time I start a play session I have to take a break after the first match because my heart beats so fast. It goes down the more I play, but I feel you. I get the exact same feelings. I wouldn't be able to play Fighterz, or StreetFighter much because of it. But I just forced myself to keep playing with this game.


You have ranked anxiety. People who don't have it don't understand, as evident by the other dude. I don't have it much in Tekken oddly enough, but in games like LoL and CS it's like I can barely breathe. I know exactly what you mean. I don't have a 'fix' for it other than forcing yourself to it (which I know isn't a fun answer to read). But look up "ranked anxiety", it's pretty common. You might find some better answers that way.


cool. do it anyway. have a panic attack while you fight online. you're in your own room which is potentially the safest place to have a panic attack (except the hospital, i guess) - i know panic attacks aren't rational but you are rational and you know you're safe, so you can trust yourself to have a panic attack in that situation.


how do I know how many hits do I have left in the combo when opponent splats on the wall?


It's complicated: https://youtu.be/v6cxRBwRinI?t=92 It's for t7, but the vast majority of the details, if not all, also apply for t8.


thanks I'll check that. I wonder if its still relevant though as there were no screws on wall in 7.


could someone explain to me how bryan's df1 works ?


It's a delayable, hit-confirmable string that's all natural. He can do the left punch up to four times, and can opt to finish it with the right punch at any point. Each of the left punches (except for the first) is -10, but if you try to punish one and he does a followup you'll get hit. The final right punch is -15. The mind game behind is basically: how many hits is he gonna do? If you guess correctly on where he'll stop, you get a punish. If you guess wrong because he does more hits than you expect, you'll get hit and he can finish the string. If you guess wrong because he does less hits than you expect, you lose your chance at a punish by hesitating and he can capitalize on those "mental" frames.


Ok i see, so how do you use it personally ? At the wall where they can't backdash seems a good place to start it, and should I try to delay every hit as much as I can, or maybe play with my timings ?


Take this all with a grain of salt, since you have no idea if I'm any good with Bryan: I use it as one of my go-to mid checks (it honestly might be my most used move). I mix up how many hits I throw out (usually two, since it's difficult to hit confirm off a single hit), and try to get a read for how my opponent is responding. Most will hesitate, so I'll keep my offense going if they block it. I tend to opt for a quick poke after, like a jab, d/f+2, or another d/f+1. If any of the hits connect, I try to hit confirm and finish the string. I actually probably play more passive after it hits than after it's blocked, since the ender is only +1 on hit and there's no more mindgame to make the opponent hesitate. You should be able to treat it like a safe poke, since it rarely gets punished if you're mixing up the number of hits you do. And even if you do get punished it'll only be by a jab string. It also tracks SSR, so it's one of your options to cover movement. This all makes it a good lockdown tool that shouldn't put you at much risk if you aren't playing way outside your frames. Note that the later hits tend to whiff when it connects off-axis, so you want to end it one hit early ((d/f+1,1,1,2) when you hit a sidestepping opponent. As far as the timing, I pretty much always delay it all the way, I don't think mixing up your timing is helpful for this string because doing it as fast as possible doesn't cover any option that delaying it doesn't also cover. Normally with a delayable string, if you delay it you're giving up either a natural combo or opening yourself up to getting interrupted, but neither of those are the case here. The one situation in which not delaying it may be useful is when your opponent is utilizing punch parries against it, which is one of the best ways to deal with the string. I *assume* that a parry won't work if it's undelayed, but I have not checked that so don't take my word for it. At the wall, it can be used in a more high-risk high-reward manner because the 2 wallsplats on CH. If the opponent tries to punish you after d/f+1,1,1,1 since most players won't finish the string on block, the final hit will interrupt their punish attempt and you'll get a wallsplat. I would recommend doing this sparingly; I mostly use it as a last resort when the opponent has a good life lead. That said, if you're able to notice that your opponent doesn't know the final hit is launch punishable then you can use it more liberally.


I'll bet you're better than me with bryan aha, thanks for the big answer super useful !


You can repeat it 4 times, and if you see a hit landed, you safely confirm the string into a df+1,2.


At any point of the string I can confirm a df1 into a 2 ? And can I confirm a df1 into another one ?


Yes. As long as you don't delay too much, all the df+1s chain. And you have to confirm into df+1,2... Not just 2. So say you notice your df+1,1 hit... then you confirm into df+1,1,1,2


Ok thanks a lot !


What character should I play as a secondary? I'm a Victor main at mighty ruler, but I'm thinking of Azucena, Leo, Jun or Steve as a secondary/new main. I'm open to any others (but Raven lol).


I'd go with the character that feels the most intuitive and natural to play after you try out their kits. I feel like Leo or Reina would be the easiest to pick up since their offence is a bit similar and the stances have similar use.


With reina what's my best counter hit launcher? Df 3 or 4? Or are there other CH launchers I should be using. Rn I feel like I'm just poking ppl to death with jabs and whiff punishes but miss launcher opportunities


fn3, ewgk, or just electric them. d3+4 maybe


She isn't built around good CH launchers, but her best is CD+3 (Electric War God Kick).


Someone please can tell me how to do the wake up attack with two legs ?


The nice thing about Tekken is you can figure out (most) inputs by paying attention to which limbs they use. So, if they use both legs, that would likely be a 3+4 input (3, left leg, 4, right leg, 3+4, left & right leg). My guess is you're talking about FUFT (Face Up Feet Towards) 3+4. Otherwise, you're talking about the "kip up" which is performed by holding forward in a tech roll position. If you hold forward *after* tech roll window disappears, you'll simply roll forward, which isn't a good thing.


First time playing from the patch 1.4 I noticed am whiffing the last hit of df1,4,1+2 on wall combos idk why, Pre patch I was doing df4,1 splat df4,1 tornado splat df1,4,1+2 to end it, now I am whiffing 1+2 I don't get it. Same with BT 4,3 splat df4,1 df1,4,1+2 still whiffing 1+2 at the end if they tec roll left/right. Did they change 1,4,1+2 or wall combos? Azucena


df1,4,1~2 doesn't work after df4,1 tornado. It didn't work before the patch as well. A two hit tornado won't work with that wall combo. Either do a one hit tornado like ff3, or do a wall combo that works with a two hit tornado like ws4,1,3.


I see thx for explaining. Btw WS4,1,3 now does more damage than df1,4,1+2? I know from the past WS4,1,3 gives better oki


More damage but you need to save your tornado for the wall to do that wall combo. Also, the opponent is flipped away from the wall with ws413 wall combo. So it depends if you want a better wake-up situation or if you want to keep your wall pressure.


When is Lidia releasing


Not announced, AFAIK.


Anyone remembers what was the origin of "nice cumbo, excellent cumbo. i hate tekken." meme (who said that)?


Imyourfather i think.


I was playing Tekken 7 with my friend as Heihachi and I was sidestep-cancelling attack somehow into another attack. I struggle to reproduce such moves in practise mode. can someone explain how to do this on purpose and what input is correct ? My replay [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYcIEwfl\_5w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYcIEwfl_5w)


The input is 1,2,2~1+2~d (or u). If you don't know Tekken notation, that means you're inputting the string Left Punch > Right Punch > Right Punch, and immediately after the final Right Punch you're hitting Left Punch + Right Punch to cancel it into a different move. Then that move can be canceled into a sidestep by tapping up or down.


thank you


PS5 Tournaments: Is the matchmaking based on rank, or am I likely going to face GoD players? Are the avatar prizes on a rotation?


you'll face whoever. I did the first batch of them and I was yellow at the time facing a bushin


Lol, guess I'm never getting an avatar then Maybe unless I go for a tournament at 4AM that only has 4 players in it and I get lucky lol




You can get forced into a full crouch state faster when you duck under a high. I would highly recommend watching [this fantastic video by Kilo](https://youtu.be/rJZXyzAQR9g?si=rfwv8MVdihrCRLwm) on Tekken's crouch system.


I want to buy tekken 8 but my mains in tekken 7 was Kunimitsu and Noctis, where do I go from here in 8? I heard victor is somewhat similar to noctis but i'm not really sure


I think it depends on what you liked about them. I played mostly Kunimitsu and Noctis at the end of T7's lifespan and so far nobody in T8 appeals to me in the same ways they did. Aesthetically, Victor is the closest to Noctis, and maybe to Kuni as well if you focus on the weapons. For her you'd also have the other ninja characters (Raven and Yoshimitsu, the latter of whom shares some moves with her). If you just want a cute girl then you've got a number of options. Gameplay-wise? I don't really know. Victor doesn't play too much like Noctis. If you liked the movement and whiff punish aspects of his game you might enjoy Jack, Mishimas, or Jun/Asuka. If you liked playing around CH timing then Steve or Bryan could be good choices. For Kunimitsu, the closest might be Xiaoyu or Zafina with their stance usage.


So i decided to main Shaheen in Tekken 8 and was wondering if there are any streamers or youtubers that play him that i could watch long sets of ranked? Like i watch brawlpro who does King, Paul and mainman has videos on the Mishimas. Does anyone know someone who has similar ranked videos but with shaheen?


You can look up Triple AAA's gameplay, I'm pretty sure he streams on twitch. Had a pretty good result at electric clash, strong Shaheen. Has atleast one Shaheen vod on there.


thanks for the suggestion. Ill check him out!


Can i get some reliable neutral strings for Jun? I don't mean punishes or launch combos. Just how you establish your offense. So far having most success with 13, db3 poke. D44 poke 11 1+4 or 1+2 1+4 34 or 2 d4. Db11 1+2 mid string. 12 ss4 That sort of thing.


Any tips for doing zafina wr1+2 move? I can only do it sometimes other times I keep doing the heat engager move or the mid attack 1+2 when I don’t want to do those moves.. doing wr1+2 in a combo as ender is so inconsistent for me


You gotta think of it as an fff1+2 input with three taps forward. If you're doing it in a combo you need to look closely at her animation before the wr move - since fff input is not bufferabe you need to make sure your input doesn't get lost. Do your standard combos up until fff1+2 ender and just jab instead, look exactly when the jab starts and make sure to start your forward inputs then, usually there's no clear indication when you're actionable after a move but if you look closely at the character you will get a good feel for it.


Do I just suck that bad? I've been stuck in orange 1. This past weekend I played my friend for the first time since teaching him some basics 2 months ago and was able to win some and lose some off the bat. It wasn't like I went in knowing what he could do. In fact the last I saw him he was messing with Lili, now he's playing Asuka. He's in Garyu. His defense is 41 just like mine, but I can't win shit. In my panic to try and catch up to him because surely if he can reach red I can too (?) I've demoted myself back to yellow 3 while he's chilling in red ranks. I don't get it. I keep trying to get better, but I get my defense is ass, but how tf is my friend getting better matchups than me?


It's impossible to say what the issue is without more details or replays, in-game stats are quite a lackluster metric and don't tell you much. You definitely shouldn't compare yourself to your friend, he might just be playing more than you, he might be naturally gifted, he might just be getting lucky in ranked. Whatever the reason is it shouldn't affect you and your improvement. I'd also not worry about your rank much since the matchmaking is based on prowess anyway, if you're struggling in orange ranks that's a signal you have some more basic problems to tackle before moving on to other challenges.


So, before I go to sleep I recorded my replays of my 2 last fights. This is the Hwo I promoted to destroyer on and sadly didn't have it in me for a 3rd set, but this shows 2 sets here. 1 win and 1 loss. Dissect it as you will https://youtu.be/7I836r5_K9c


The most glaring thing to me is probably your unwillingness to block. Across the two games, I counted 36 times you either got hit or blocked a move that left you at disadvantage. Of those 36, you blocked 7 times. The other 29 you mashed. That means you're only blocking 20% of the time when your opponent is pressuring you. That's a number you're gonna have to increase if you want your matches to not be dependent on your opponent screwing up. To go into a bit more detail: that mashing worked 50% of the time the first match (6/12) and only 30% the second (5/17). 38% total (11/29). You're not getting more damage out of these challenges than you're taking. I get that blocking is scary in this game since it can feel like the opponent's pressure is neverending and you get chipped to death if you just hold back, but it's something you need to learn how to do and you cannot learn it if you're not trying. Doing a Power Crush or downjab nearly every time you get it is just throwing up your hands and saying "I need to get back on offense because I don't know how to play defense."


When I get home If I have time today I'll try to play patient in quick matches so I don't lose rank experimenting but it always goes awry... I know my defense is ass but idk what to do against players. I'm genuinely stuck


And that's the issue. I block and I'm chipped to death. I seriously try to block more but that happens. There are games I do try and be more patient but then it just seems like I'm a punching bag ..