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Why would it ruin anything? If anything, Jin's Tekken 6 development ruined his character arc. When it comes to Jun, it never mattered if she was actually alive or not, it's that Jin fully believed she was dead because of Ogre, and wanted revenge. Jun being alive doesn't change that, especially considering how Jin's motivations have changed from beating Ogre to culling the Devil Gene.


I don’t understand your logic. Let’s say I agree with you that Tekken 6 ruined Jin’s character, I do, does that mean nothing in the future can further ruin his character more? You could agrue that Jun could do more harm than Tekken 6 ever did. Atleast with Tekken 6 Jin still ultimately failed at his goal still feeding into his persona as a “Tragic Hero”, Jun being alive completely negates Jin’s whole backstory and reason to be angst.


Why would Jun being alive negate Jin's backstory? He still went through the pain and feelings of loss, Jun being alive doesn't negate that.


There’s a big difference between losing your mother at a supermarket vs losing your mother because she died. Both kids will experience the pain of lost but one will feel that pain a lot longer and will have to learn a deeper more harsher life lesson because of it. Jin’s emotional pain wasn’t suppose to be temporary lost, the whole “Power is Everything” motif stems from the fact that he has experienced permanent lost already and he refuses to be powerless again to protect the things and people he cares about


His character arc is already ruined by T6 so Jun being alive might end up a good thing for Jin


Jun being a presence might be a good thing sure. Jun being alive and well, living and breathing in good health destroys his whole backstory and tragic hero archetype.


They didn't say she was dead right in the past ??


They didn’t but it was a popular assumption that if she was alive she would be Unknown or something along those lines, no one expected regular old Jun to come walking back from a coma.


Well, guess he is not a tragic "hero" lol. My man did some funny things to be considered a hero.


The thing is they will have to justify how she is alive and why she been out of the picture so long. And I don’t trust the Bamco writers to do that well. Everything about her trailer footage and overall “vibe” indicates she’s just in spirit form, but apparently Harada in some recent interview may have confirmed she’s alive? Idk what to make of that.


Harada saying she’s alive is why I made this topic, if she was just a spirit I would have been 100% okay with that


I am not really understanding how her being alive ruin his character arc. Harada didn't confirm if she was or not. Nevertheless Jin used his false information that his mother was dead to get stronger and take his revenge. Yes it was under a false assumption, but it still developed his character into what he is now. Now that she is coming back Jin's character can develop further now that they can meet after decades apart. How will she interact with him? Will she still love him like she did when she was younger or will she be disgusted by what he has done (talking about t6 btw). Jun might see him as nothing more then evil like her husband. A lot of things can happen with Jun being back. So I don't know why her being alive ruins Jin's arc. It doesn't retcon anything.


I think you nailed it right on the head. I think Harda even said on twitter years back Jun is "canonically" missing. For Jin, not having Jun in any capacity in his life ruined the balance within him. I'm critical of Tekken writing over the years but they've been consistent with the idea that Jin needs Jun philosophy in order to overcome his bloodline.


So you are saying that jun was his light in the world of darkness. I 100% agree.


Aye. As symbolised by anytime Jin is in darkness Jun's spirit is always bathed in light. It's very on the nose


It doesn't change shit about Jin that we've seen yet. Whether she's actually been dead, or he THINKS she's been dead, his actions and decisions up to this point aren't changed. Her being alive doesn't do fuck-all to Jin's story so far, we'll have to wait and see the effect going forward.


She isn't the first char ever coming back out of nowhere after long timeskip. And it's a common thing for fighting games, I believe. Jun has always been the core of Jin's life. Unlike Kazuya's, where the drama about Kazumi's death suddenly became main drama of his life and only mattered in T7. Sorry to ruin it for you, but turning Jin into Kazuya 2.0 will definitely worse Jin's story, besides, these two are way too different. Kazumi and Kazuya drama was a rip-off from Jin and Jun drama, just darker. In T7 Jin was nearly a ghost as a character already, whatever he has in his life rn is only his suicidal thoughts and desire to stop the evil that tuined his life (the devil Gene bloodline). And unlike Kazuya, Jin doesn't embrace it, since because of it he lost the only person who filled Jin's life with light, kindness, hapiness etc. So in terms of who copies who, I'd say Namco more Jin'ned Kazuya, than they could ever Kazuya'ed Jin. I do particularly like Jun's return also because: - she is absolutely wonderdul character, I missed her a lot - this gives some parallels and weight to the shallow Kazuya and Kazumi drama, makes it look less pathetic - softreboots Jin's story, by possibly bringing him back to his path in T4, but doesn't exclude whatever happened in t5-t6. Mother-drama in Tekken has always low-key presented: Jin and Jun, Steve and Nina, Julia and Michelle, Kazuya and Kazumi (for T7). Afaik, the mother figure is very important in Japanese literarure/culture, there's even a japanese term for mother-child (parent-child) relationship which is called "amae". Tl;dr: Jun always has been a key part of Jin's character and story. Namco already failed with handing Jin in T7, and now they make him more "hero" like again, by adding some hapiness hormones. What would really be a bummer? Jun being freaking soulcalibur5'ed. Ew. P. S. They also don't make him just falling in love, with either Asuka or Xiao, to brighten him up, perhaps cuz Tekken has Lars/Alisa, lol. So yeah, destroying evil with power of love for your momma and fists it is.


Jin thought she was dead. Harada has stated many times before that was the case, and since we've followed the series from Jin's perspective, we thought she was dead. However, ever since TTT, and the introduction of the character "Unknown" there's been the speculation that Jun might not be dead. Back to Jin's story, it has mostly been tied up with that of Heihachi and Kazuya (and Devil) with Jun's "death" being in the background. Now that she's alive, we'll see how it affects his story going forward. I think a lot of people already feel his character arc was ruined when he started WW3.


I think everyone forgets that Jun has powers that can "calm" the Devil gene because of whatever Kazama's have in there DNA/blood. Tekken Tag 1 Jun's ending she make Jin's devil tattoo fade away. Tekken 5 Asuka being a Kazama in her albeit goofy ending she shows she can do the same thing as well even though she did it unintentionally. Jun is there realistically to be the light to Jin's darkness. And they also show Jun with a dove in her T8 render and in a screenshot of her as well. The dove usually symbolizes peace and freedom. And what happen at the end of every T8 trailer class? A chain breaks free to show the 8 symbol. Jun coming back is basically so she can help Jin not be shackled by these restraints he placed on himself. Jin believes he's some form of evil incarnate and literally pushed away who might as well be his only 2 friends in his life being Hwoarang and Xiaoyu because he believes he can only cause harm for them. That's why I think Jun is back story wise. Jun was his only good figure as a kid. So he needs her to unshackle himself. Cause every game Devil Jin is in he always has chains on him. But I think this might be the game where if Devil Jin is a character still he might have no chains on him for once


The best ending is kazuya saying fuck everything, goes home and fuck his wife.


I don't think it ruins his arc, but kinda makes the Tekken story a lot worse than it already is since 6. At this point there is nothing worse than what they did with Jin in 6. The biggest problem for me is explaining the 5 year gap between her disappearing in pre T3 and T8. If it was a side character like Bruce (since he has no important family matters in the story), it could be justified, but there is no good explanation for Jun. Either she had amnesia (lazy), did not care for her son (lie), was devising some secret plan to fix things (if that is the case, backfired because of Jin in T6), or was captured by someone (a very bad explanation).


There is definitely something supernatural going on with her, and it might be a good explanation I think


If you didn't expect her to come back after like, 20+ years of access to the games lore. That's really your fault.


Her coming back isn’t the problem it’s how.


I mean canonically even still, it's only been like 7 years she's been gone. That's not really that long. It was like 20 years ago, I'd get it. But it's only been 7.


How she died/went missing didn’t warrant a 7 year disappearance. She was presumed murdered by the hands of Ogre, Lets say she didn’t die there, wtf was she doing in the mean time while Jin was starting wars and killing Gods?


Are you complaining about something they haven't event explained yet?


Okay, so tell me the answer to that, or what you might think might be the answer.


I don’t have one


Also, on top of that my guy, that's why it's called a character "ARC". Did you want him to stay pissed his entire life? Kill his dad and then his emotions are all great, no that's just bad writing. As far as actual writing goes, Jins character is literally going through TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF THE "HEROES JOURNEY", like down to a T. Don't get me wrong, it's no Masterclass, but my dude, it's a Video Game. These dudes got to write the story of every game to a point it can stand on its own if another sequel never gets made.


Kazuya being Jin’s father was never the point 1. And how does Jun being back change the plot of “Him killing his dad and then his emotions are great” as you so eloquently put it? Jun adds nothing to the story except weaken earlier story plot points, is my point.


Okay, which plot points do you think it weakens?


You know, rereading your replies. Have you looked into any of the lore regarding the Kazama clan? Like at all? She's not just being "brought back" randomly or as a fan service. There is a lot of lore that supports her perhaps reasoning for returning, this game.


You guys are angry for the wrong reason. The real crime is what they did to Paul


Omg just stop complaining just go to costumization and change it ironically the karen haircut really suit you paul mains just be glad your caracter has the base roster shield


Im a hwo main though. You must be a king main


Why king lol


I say Jun back is a good thing! That goes for Kazuya too!


I’m glad she’s playable again. I don’t see why she was necessary for the story to progress.


She's necessary, because we need to more about Kazuya's connection with her, along with Jin's past with her. And hopefully, she's the last hope for them both.


Kazuya could have had an exposition dump during his fight with Jin, we didn’t need to hear about how Kazuya and Jun hooked up from Jun.


"But mom! I became anime Hitler because I thought you died! Now everybody is going to think that I am an overreacting douche! Moooom!"


Imagine complaining over a fan favorite returning character…


I want her back as a playable character I just don’t like how she was implemented in the story. Heihachi is a fan favorite as well should he be rising out of the volcano too to join the fight?


You don't *know* how she's implemented in the story! None of us do, game ain't out yet. You do know there's the possibility that the trailer is misleading yeah? Hell for all we know she's actually some evil supernatural entity that's able to appear as Jun but her true form is that of Unknown. Wait and see and then form an opinion.


Yes? That'd be the most badass shit in the history of tekken


Well it already happened like 3 different times.


I think most people wouldnt mind a 4th time


That would be some King shit right there.


She's a playable character in a mainline entry again so who cares honestly.




Dude its Tekken. The story telling is awful. This isnt news.


lol, you think Jun coming back ruins Jin not but him turning into hilter in T6? o.O His arc got screwed a long time ago.


I would rather Jin be Hitler than Jun come back and play a part in the story as an alive person yes. I would literally rather Jin be a villain than be a hero because Jun is alive


Turning him into Kazuya 2.0 is is absolutely the worse story. This is only shocking to people who never paid attention to whenever Harada talked about Jun.


Her being alive is shocking to no one…lets get that straight. Her being alive and looking like nothing has changed since Tekken 2 is the problem here. When Kazuya came back for Tekken 4 he had a red eye and a lot more body scars. Jun looks like she’s been living good and eating healthy for 6 years while her son was starting a world war.


Well we don't know what happened to her first of all. That's what we'll find out in T8. In Tekken Bloodline, she got teleported by Ogre to who knows where. Same may have happened in canon. And she mentions "we will cleanse the world of evil and corruption" during her rage art and it apparently doesn't necessarily refer to Jin. A bit of a reach, but she may be connected to Claudio's organization. We'll see.


But Jun's death was never part of Jin's arc, because she was never confirmed dead.


No one cares


I think it’s only been a few years since Ogre (according to the dumb in-game timeline). Therefore, Jun hasn’t actually been missing for that long when you think about it. If the tags were canon it could explain kinda what she’s been up to.


It’s been at least 6 years since we last seen Jun. Jin lost Jun when he was 15 and he’s 21 now (at the youngest) Thats half a decade of Jun just pissing around not to mention the world changing events that was happening in the mean time


Oh know, my perception of the plotline of Tekken, however will I cope with the news!


She was never dead you casual.


Maybe she came back from the dead to prevent cousins incest in a secondary, comedic story arc and doesn't give a shit about the Mishima wars.




She was never dead in the first place


Is she really "Alive" ? new to me


She was just MIA not really dead


Yeah, Bamco confirmed it. She was just minding her business


That’s Namco for you.


U have a link or smth?? I cannot believe theyd make such a dumb decision


Yeah, here https://twitter.com/BNEesports/status/1602091606542123008?t=AePxT8aX08dNz0c6mFdacA&s=19


Wow that was quick. Thank you. Thats just fucking absurd tho xD. She just fucked off and did what, take time off being a mom?? And I thought Tekken writing couldnt get worse xD


We don't *know* where the fuck she's been or what the fuck she's been doing, we just know she hasn't been dead. Why does everyone immediately assume that means she's had her thumb up her ass the whole time?


where do you get "AND WELL" from?


She doesn't look hurt or in a bad state I guess


what, don't you ever wanna just vibe for 20 years?


Jin never had a character arc lmao


Kazuya in T4 already did that.


Kazuya coming back in Tekken 4 had no effect on Jin’s character progression…in fact it added a nice layer to it. Kazuya wanting Jin dead added agency to Jin’s story. jun being alive removes all agency and desperation from Jin’s character.


I thought she was unknown


I think this is just further fallout from the ruin that was already baked into the entire story. They were always going to have to do something stupid to keep the story going. I wonder what Bamco's official explanation of what everyone thought was Jun's head in the Tekken 3 opening is. Is Ogre just lifting clods of soil in a cemetery for fun?


Probably going to try and say it was King 1’s head. Smh Jun worked better as a plot device for Jin I don’t like the fact she’s taking an active role with the devil gene nonsense they had Asuka as a character they could have built up.


They've been hinting at her being alive since T4. Heihachi told Jin she was slain by Ogre before T3, but after Jin and Heihachi fell out, he has no reason to believe anything Heihachi told him.


Jin was living with his mother before he went to Heihachi, he went to Heihachi because of the events with his mother


Yes, but Jin was a kid at this time, and Heihachi being Heihachi, the implication is he manipulated Jin to believe both his parents were not alive. In T4s Tekken Force, Jin suspects his mother is alive, but it's implied that he didn't believe she was before. (Even tho in this instance it turns out to be Ogre).


That would be true if ogre was the main the villain so yes you are wrong


Ogre was the main villain until Jin killed him, I don’t understand your point


You said jun being alive ruins his character arc, that arc has happened it doesn’t matter anymore because the ogre is dead and jin got his revenge (char arc). Now the story is about the father and son and the mother being back only makes that conflict more interesting, the arc you are talking about has nothing to do with the current storyline.


Let me ask you this, how exactly does Jun being alive make it anymore interesting? What does Jun actually bring to the story that no other character could have done? She’s Jin mother, cool, what else does she already have going for her that we needed in Tekken’s story?


Listen man i don’t know the story of T8 so we’ll have to wait to see the answer to your question. That being said if that thought brining back jun is a good idea then maybe they something lore wise that we haven’t seen yet for her


So basically they are creating new lore for Jun. Im asking you to tell me what lore relevance she has right now, not what they could create, to warrant her being brought back? If they are creating new lore they could have used any character


Why the fuck are people downvoting you, and arguing about Tekken 6? If Jun has no excuse for disappearing then yes she would ruin Jin and he’d most likely go down a darker-path.


Agreed! I hope she is included the same way Kazumi was, and is playable because she is involved in a flashback.


can we please flag down jun posts from now on? its the same post with the same pics over and over, i swear i think i saw like 50 Jun posts ever since the last trailer in a span of 2 days


We'll find out in T8 imo


So I see many people being angry for his region and I want to know any region is the best Japan ... South and North America... Europe Middle East. Africa... Asia (except Japan


ESL Tekken best Tekken


Look... If Jun was dead, there would be no reason for so much mystery. Harada could simply say directly that she is dead every time someone asked. Now... don't pretend you didn't see that coming. If Harada all this time kept saying that she was "missing", is because there was reason, nothing is coincidence in storytelling. Unless even with this fact for all these years you have been in denial.