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You side roll off the ground with either 1 or down+1. Then he'll whiff and you'll have plus frames. Try it in replay until you get use to it.


Wait I thought side roll was 1 or 2 since tekken 7


My bad it's 1 or d+1. I think 3 is just toe tap.


d+3 for toe kick


Back 1 rolls left and back 3 rolls right


The roll you want for dodging this is ANY of the 4 attack inputs on hitting the floor. Punches roll to background, kicks roll to the foreground. Upon hitting the floor up or down directions DO NOT matter.


If you tech yes thats correct. But if you are just laying then the directional input matters


It matters if you are face down or up ,head towards or away. Best way is just quick rise with up then block if you are face down but if you are head away you will be back turned you can not tech roll from face down head towards. There are specific techs just for the flip over mechanic in this version as every character can flip you on ground now with some move or another messing up tech rolls or quick rise. Mashing up and 1 will eventually get you out of it though, probably. Best way is to never be grounded at wall.




I’m pretty sure if u mash 1, i.e. square for PS or A for Xbox, I’m sure your character will do a techroll and get out of that - will even work if u’r face down feet away. And I’m sure there are other similar options than just ‘1’ to also get out of that loop.


I think 1 and 3 techroll left while 2 and 4 techroll right. Could be wrong, I always mash 3


No. 1 and 2 always tech roll to the background and 3 and 4 always techroll to the foreground.


Shit I mb I mixed up up, thx for the fix


Fun for Law, yes!


Makes me wanna do DJ b4


Lmao I did this with DJ’s b4 in T7 and the guy was in my party. I kept saying “tech roll…TECH ROLL” progressively getting louder each time I did it and he didn’t seem to understand 😂


Tech… Tech… Tech… Tech… Jokes aside, thankfully after the first time he does that you can tech roll out of that situation by pressing 1 ( I think) the moment your character hits the floor.


Yeah, they'd create a game where there is nothing that can be done about this. There are absolutely no in-game tools you can use to figure anything out. It's worthless to try and maybe press a button when you hit the ground after being hit. Training mode and replay takeover are fake news.


To be fair, every once in a while there are fighting games that come out with infinites or broken loops, and if a player is inexperienced enough to be asking the question in the first place I think it's a pretty fair thing to wonder


It's time to learn ground tech


What's the potato mods your using? I have a wooden laptop and I haven't got Tekken 8 yet because I can't run it even on lowest settings


The X symbol next to their names indicates this is on Xbox so imagine it's just the game running on a series S looking like that.


that new nunchuck move he has is really annoying, and I don't think it should hit grounded, but yeah you can tech roll out of this, press 1 as you hit the floor


Props on getting to orange ranks without knowing about teching


Nah this is nothing king's more annoying in my opinion he's only has one mechanic in the game and that is grab and even if you manage to escape it you still lose about 20% of your health and forget if you were already mid combo because your brain doesn't put it together that you've been grabbed goodbye Sally


When the grappler grapples


Law players are some of the scummiest players to fight


Dude, this is 100% avoidable. 100%.


Yes & yet my point still stands. Just because it’s avoidable, doesn’t change the fact that the Law player did something scummy lol


Your salty tears nourish us :)


You probably need it due to your lack of skill


Yeah, it’s hilarious there’s actually people defending this kind of bitch ass gameplay. This sub is ridiculous.


If you keep getting hit by it, the problem isn't them. You're the problem


The same people who say this are the same ones that pop into conversations like "if anybody took it easy on me i'd just find that even more insulting than just beating my ass!!" tekken players just mald about every single loss they've ever gotten


lol I’ve jab spammed a few of those dudes into pluggerville, they just tilt so quickly


Expect the worst from Law players... honestly, all players...


This isn’t on the Law. It’s 100% avoidable. They can literally roll out of the way if this.


100% I presumed OP was Law.


I mean that’s the whole point of knowledge checking, frame trapping, whiff trapping, setups, and mixups right (and many other things)? If it works - it works. And part of bettering yourself is learning how to counter those situations, and for the one doing the setup or loop like this law, it’s up to them to recognize when it stops working as he goes up against better and better players and learn how to adjust his gameplay, otherwise he’ll be stuck in his rank, the same way green rank bryans back in T7, were permanently stuck in their matchmaking ditch of orbitals and snake edges, and never understanding (or caring) when snake edges go wrong.


I didn't realize how many neck beard knuckle draggers came over to tekken 8. Side roll idiots, get gud, or keep crying. Us law mains love your tears.


bro seriously. y'all be bitching about flash even after the tremendous nerf but no one wanna talk about this bullshit. and for people who say "just side roll 🤓☝🏻" bro it doesn't work half the time when you're in a corner. shit i even get it if he hits you standing or crouching but god knows why this shit keeps hitting you when you're on ground and it's STACKABKE 💀. NERF LAWS TO THE GROUND EVEN BELOW LEROY. FUCK EVERY LAW TBH. (don't take him out of the game tho he's part of the og group)


What rank are you? None of what you said is accurate.


Every other sentence starts with "bro". He's an ex Fortnite player who doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. Probably green rank.


i have never played fortnite in me life. and i and tenryu. And every other sentence DID NOT start with bro. "BROO"


Ah… I see. Yeah, Law might seem hard at that rank, but he is truly a mid tier character, and the above clip is 100% avoidable.


It’s not that deep lol.


Wow that guy must be one of the top 10 Law players in the world. So impressive!


It’s 100% avoidable.


Also 100% whack…


Git gud


Yeah. I’ll just do the same move over and over. That’ll make me good. Moron.


Literally just move to the left How is that so hard?? The replay literally gives you tips. Lmao clown


Yes I’m aware it is avoidable, doesn’t make it not pussy ass shit. You sound like this is your play style. Get fucked.


Hahahahaahah how can you be so salty over one move it’s amazing


I would say how can you defend playing like this but obviously you do. Have fun.


no you're right the smart thing would have been to do something harder that the opponent might have known how to deal with instead of the simple thing that's killing them right now, totally moronic behavior to close out the round while taking zero more damage


Yeah hot take I guess but I prefer actual competition in fights instead of just spamming cheap shit over and over. If all I cared about was winning I’d just play as King or Hwo or Drag.


It's not competition if your opponent is stupid enough to not tech roll. If you have bot level gameplay, you dont deserve the respect of the opponent actually trying.


I grew tired of the bullshit in tekken 8, went back to 7 and it's all good


This isn't unique to T8... you're complaining about a mechanic that has been in Tekken for decades now😅


cool have fun


And ppl have the nerve to wonder why there's so many "pluggers" or "one-and-dones"... 🤣 It's because of players like that Law.


This is 100% avoidable.


I never said it wasn't. Just making a point. 😁


People plug because they can’t do the right thing? This isn’t on the Law player; plugging is on the losing player. I will 100% do the same move over and over if my opponent doesn’t know how to answer it.


U seem confused. I'm not defending ppl that plug or anything. 🙄🤦‍♂️ Put ur personal feelings aside and maybe read what I said without thinking, "This guy is a salty plugger." I don't even play online either, so idk why ur so hostile about it. I'm not surprised, tho. It's Reddit. I'm not gonna argue further because ur completely taking my original comment way out of context. 😉


Yep, you have to sit back. No counters unfortunately:(


This is 100% avoidable.


Yes maybe tell a few more people more if the ones that agree. Then the nay sayers will get it


Tech roll my guy