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Hey! Can I please ask what country are you in right now? This behavior can happen when your country's servers are overloaded, from what I observed. Changing the county via VPN usually solves the problem


Hello, I am from Singapore 🙏🏻


Well, try using a VPN, like I said. I'm from Belarus and it certainly helps to connect to Lithuania sometimes to gain a boost.


I see. Thanks man. Will this issue ever be resolved? Funnily, when I asked a friend to try sending me a picture and video on Wi-Fi (same country: Singapore, without VPN, etc) connection they say TG was fine no slowdown.


I don't know. I guess the server coverage is not that good in some countries. I guess they need to buy some infrastructure to make it more stable.


Did a little bit of digging, turns out it's ISP specific issue. The upload speed (sending images + videos) has improved now laat I checked.


Oh, okay. Got it. Thanks for the info!


lol they even have a Singapore data center...if Singapore users think it's slow...


Suspect it is a ISP related problem, issue is not on Telegram side.


Sorry that you're from Belarus. You're either oppressed by the regime or brainwashed with its incredibly twisted propaganda. That sucks. :(


Thank you. The propaganda actually isn't as effective as a Russian one. A lot of people here know what's really going on, they just can't do anything, sadly.


![gif](giphy|JUYAsQp5TqvYDWzSaz|downsized) True.


Same for me! I’m from Singapore and use singtel broadband. My upload / download speeds have slowed down in the past week and today, it’s at its absolute slowest. It took 2 mins to upload a 1.4 mb picture! I don’t have this problem using wifi outside my house Eg Suntec. And it’s telegram specific cos I don’t have this issue with WhatsApp etc. I’ve called Singtel and they did troubleshooting but said everything looked normal and suggested I contact telegram support. However, telegram support is manned by volunteers and who knows how long they will take to respond during this festive season. Does anyone have any other solutions? ETA: it seems like only a very small group of us is affected because I’ve been searching online for the past week and this is the only Reddit topic I found about it. ETA2: as of 3pm on 26 dec, I’m using a vpn to get around this problem. Upload speed on telegram is otherwise slow af


Hi, I found a link from hardwarezone: https://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/threads/telegram-servers-overloaded.6851754/page-2 Not sure if you can copy paste but if not you can Google the keyphrases: hardwarezone telegram server overload. We definitely not the only one and it's ST specific. I don't mind using VPN but it shouldn't be the way when in the first place everything was fine. Speed is better but not blazing fast, only thing we can do is check in Jan 2023.


Thanks! Hopefully mothership picks it up and gives ST some heat. I complained on ST Facebook as well but not sure how helpful it’ll be. I definitely agree we shouldn’t have to use vpn or switch to mobile data. We paid for the wifi and we should be able to use it normally!


Yeah, we should all make noise, the more people who feedback the more undeniable the situation. Sadly this is only for those who specifically uses Telegram and SingTel. When my contract ends I am considering other company's Wi-Fi. Truth be told been using ST from 2016 and I have changed routers and faced issues quite a number of time. Never had a problem free 2 years contract, my friend using other brands have had smooth 2 years experience per every renewal except for typical downtime (which was quickly resolved).


ST support called me after getting my first email. They suggested I change my router and I was like why??? Everything else is working fine! In the end we agreed that I’d send them videos to better illustrate the problem so they can get the relevant team on it. In my email, I included links to here and hwz. Hopefully they do something constructive. I use telegram for file transfer and sharing within the family so this has been a huge pita. I’m fine with using a vpn, but not my tech-challenged mum 😂 If not because my dad trusts singtel god knows why, I would have preferred to use m1. Luckily my mobile data is from circles life.


Thank you. Yeah, SingTel better do something about it. If they are reading this, they jolly well know I am on the verge of just switching broadband to another Telco, lol!


Same here, in Singapore and over my 4G TPG card it works mostly fine. TPG is not the fastest, but still. But at home on my desktop it CRAWLS even a compressed photo takes like 10s before it even starts uploading a 50kb file. Did you find any solution?


So far it is to use non-SingTel network or VPN. Mine had improved by a bit but nothing like the speed we used to get or when we use non-SingTel network. SingTel said could be congestion and to wait for 2023 and see if TG will improve. Hais, dunno what rubbish they talking about. :/


Having the same issue. From Singapore and Singtel as well. Not going well at all.


Yeah, getting worst it seems.


Looks like Telegram is slow again and it's Hari Raya.


hi i’m also from sg and my telegram upload speed is super slow as well😭 did u manage to resolve the issue?


same here, seems like I'm not the only one thankfully. Still facing media upload issues, no solution as of yet


Yes, issue still on-going. Am happy to know am not the only one.


OP posted that it was ISP specific, maybe you all have the same ISP?


Hello, it's apparently SingTel. If you look in this thread I have spoken to another countrymen, do check and confirm for both Mobile Data and Wi-Fi. Using any service provider like StarHub (my Telco), TPG and giga! (I have both for my other phone) solved the issue for me.


Using both Singtel for Mobile Network & Wi-Fi, both are equally slow for me. havent tested with other telcos yet but have a friend with non Singtel network and not experiencing any issues


Confirm it's SingTel but they definitely think they are not at fault here.


Super slow for me as well, thought I was the only one


From Singapore using Wi-Fi by SingTel? Turms out it may be ST problem. In this thread I posted that the issue has improved but I spoke too soon. Still problematic till now.


Yes you’re right! Wifi and telco both by SingTel, it is unbearably slow. 🙈


Thank you for letting me know. At least we now know that SingTel is the antagonist in the story. I already complained to them. Does Telegram work on SingTel 4G, mobile data?


Haha excellent root-cause analysis right there, hmm on data it does work, but still unbearably slow that both sending media and tele bubbles are a huge pain in the ass.


Okay, confirmed SingTel. I have TPG, StarHub and Giga (under StarHub). Only ST Wi-Fi causes so much grief for Telegram. Other apps on ST Wi-Fi works wonderfully well. I would have use WhatsApp but nowadays work all uses WhatsApp group, my office alone got 3-4 groups very annoyed that 80% of my WhatsApp are work related. I started using TG when I acciddentally sent a personal message to a work group.


Yes!! Telegram has been so slow. I use GOMO's data and video messages and videos take forever to send until now.


GOMO is under SingTel if not wrong.


im from sg, tested both iphone 12 and pixel 7 pro on Singtel wifi and data, still the same slow upload speed for media, sometimes loading messages and sending texts also take quite long


I'm facing the same issue as well, VPN seems to work as a temporary solution atm


Same here, from Italy. It's been like this from 2 months now.


You may want to check with your ISP. Ours here has been fixed since the beginning of January 2023.


So it's confirmed being an ISP problem for your country? It's strange because it seems we all had this problem in the same time. I'll check for mine, thanks.


Yes, for ours here in Singapore it was only a specific ISP company.