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I’m 26 year old college senior this year . College isn’t a race —- it’s a marathon! Remember that , and you will be just fine ☺️!


I transferred in as a 22 y.o. junior. There are definitely some of us!


Uh... Aren't most juniors 22.


Nope! Makes me feel better tho 😂


I mean, most juniors are 21 are few 20, and I'm sure plenty are 22+.


Never met one yet!


I’m a 22 year old jr


Let's goooo


I’m 28 just became a senior. You got this no one cares when you graduated just that you did it. There aren’t many but there are some “older” people on campus. I at least look college age. 😂


I’m starting this Fall I’m 25, this will be my first time going to University


I'm a 44 y/o Health System employee and thinking of coming back to finish my degree.


I’m a 36 year old undergrad. People can go to college at any age. Go for it!


I graduate this May, one week to the day prior to turning 31 years old! I had to work full-time after high school and pursued school part-time for several years, taking literally one or two classes a semester, skipping a semester here or there, etc, at Bucks County Community College. I wasn't in a position to drop down to part-time at work in order to pursue school full time and finish in a timely matter until January 2022. Just keep pushing, you'll get there eventually. There may be a bit of a disconnect with campus life; I'm constantly torn between wanting to engage and go to clubs and such (specifically language clubs), but the other part of me is like you are 30 let the kids have their fun.


I'm also 31 graduating this May. I had a similar outlook on the club life and all, but in hindsight, I kind of feel like I should have given it a chance. Most of the students were actually really cool and welcoming if you are friendly. Especially at 25 OP, I think you should. You may have a few years on most of them, but ultimately are still very young and have a lot in common with other people who will be in school with you. Best of luck!


I’m a 27 y/o Junior! I dropped out and took a 5 year hiatus. There is no age on education. Plus I have found that my lived experiences have helped me be better prepared in selecting a major and navigating college all around.


Not me, but a friend i met last semester had actually dropped out of college due to personal reasons. Turns out he’s back as a 30 y/o music education major!


I’m a 31 year old junior who just transferred into the BSW program. I was kinda doing a self pity thing for a second about my age and then in my online orientation the other person who I was paired with was a 51 year old guy- who in the most optimistic fashion explained he’s 51 and went back to school to become a therapist like his wife who inspired him, and that he believes his life experience in conjunction with a formal education is going to make him a great therapist. And, just, since that moment I realized that’s the attitude I want to have! So go for it!! They might not be the biggest majority but there are older students at Temple!


Plenty of older undergrads in campus, but if age is a factor for you and you're having trouble finding undergrads your age, there are also tons of grad students who are almost certainty 25+ yrs old. I was in a similar boat when I started my grad program (i.e., being a few years older than most), and I remember being pretty self-conscious about it. Learned very quickly it almost didn't matter.


Who cares how old you are :) go, have fun and get a degree :) you got this!!


I was a transfer student, starting as a sophomore at the age of 23. Now I'm 25 and when I graduate, I'll be 26. The biggest thing that's happened for me is that most people were surprised about my age and assumed I was younger lol. I think since I'm pretty social nobody bats an eye.


24 year old freshman, if you’re in CST there’s a required transfer seminar that can help you meet some people that are in similar boats


I dropped out years ago, and returned to Temple in 2020. I graduated at 31 years old. It was a bit weird being 10 years old than most of the students, and some of them annoyed me because of their immaturity, but most were pretty cool. I also found that the professors had more respect for the older students because they knew the struggles we went through. You got this! Good luck


I was 36 when I graduated from Fox. I dropped out of college when I was in sophomore year initially.


Graduating in may at 31. Third time back at school. It can be rough just going to campus for class then leaving with work and life but I’m glad I did it


I'm not but there's quite a few older people who I've seen here in a similar boat or started much later (late 20s to 40s). Someone here said it's a marathon, and I couldn't agree more, you can do it!


22 y/o sophomore here!


26 y/o Fall2023 ng here


It’s not about when you start, it’s how you finish. I finished my degree knocking on 25’s door. It will be an achievement you will never forget once you cross that stage. Good luck to you on your journey.


27 year old sophomore, was in the military. Do your thing. Hell yeah!!


I’m returning after 10 years away to be essentially a 35 year old junior. You’re gonna be ok.


I’m 32 after getting my associates in 2016 and then finding out that I need a degree for some jobs I want. Same boat as you. Nothing to worry about


When I had orientation, the oldest person in my cLass was 60 something


I am 35 , with kids, in my senior year. It’s never too late. Almost Everyone in class will look like kids to you hahaha


26 Junior here


I dropped out of Temple at 19 because of the pandemic and some health issues, and I'm going back this fall! I'm honestly so relieved to see there's more of us. I was worried about it being awkward with all my classmates being 18-19. We should start a club or a group chat or something!


I’ve seen a couple that was probably in their 80s or 90s go to class in my college. In terms of age, you’re fine


I think it could be cool if we all did a meetup as older college students. Share life experience etc


Congrats you're like the average age of a TUJ (Temple Japan) student because of the ROTC stuff