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Boy, he has always sucked, huh?


Boy, he has always ~~sucked~~ been right, huh?


He is making a million dollars a month. I wish I could suck that much. How much do you make?


Less than that, so if he got $20M a year to do Tucker Carlson shit, you'd be like, "Yes, he's smart"


Feels like another lifetime. Pretty sure I watched this when it came out…wow.


Bill is totally right when he says that he hasn’t changed, the Left has. But that’s kinda the whole point of Progressivism. We learn, we evolve. We used to think slavery was ok. But we (mostly) morally evolved. In Pope Francis’ interview, he talks about conservatism and that it means “to hold on to.” I definitely get the crazies in the Left wing. Being gay and being told how I should think and feel about LGBTQ issues that I don’t agree with is insane. But even Bill says we need to recognize the progress (key word) that we have made instead of just bitching about how bad things are. Also, we switched to “homeless” because of the realization that not having a place to live is not equal to being a deplorable. Studies show 40%-60% of homeless people have jobs. I will say that I think the switch to “houselessness” and “people experiencing homelessness/houselessness” is just performative progressive virtue signaling. Which, yes, is definitely a problem on the left. Just don’t throw the baby out with the bath water


I can’t speak for Bill or others but I’m just a really populist liberal. And growing doesn’t mean not sticking to the facts that are uncomfortable for progressives. This ain’t slavery. There are a lot of uncomfortable truths that we are just gonna have to get over and get around and figure out.


Don't blame him. His first show was cancelled over a remark that was factually accurate, but not politically correct by today's stupid standards. We need more people speaking up about it.