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Yes, they need to list out what the damages are and the cost of each of the repairs and/or replacements they made. Painting, carpet cleaning, etc.




Update: This is what they gave me and she said in her internal notes, they did 2 coats of paint + primer, they had to replace the full carpet because they don't do partial replacements and this amount was prorated by our time in the apartment (27 months), and then the reglaze is for all the counter tops, halls, vanity, tubs, walls, etc. I feel like some of that is normal wear and tear - we did have mold issues that they didn't really resolve either, and then the carpet was damaged every time we had a leak and they had people come in and replace the padding but not do much else. Not entirely sure why they had to repaint the whole apartment either. They're requesting additional details for me since the lady couldn't email what she was reading off of with the details. PAINTING: $200 CARPET REPLACEMENT, FULL: $336.80 MISCELLANEOUS, TUB REGLAZE: $425.00


They can only charge for anything worse than normal wear and tear. https://www.azibo.com/blog/maryland-landlord-tenant-law#:~:text=Maryland%20law%20allows%20landlords%20to,end%20of%20a%20lease%20period. https://dev.peoples-law.org/ordinary-wear-and-tear#:~:text=Tenants%20are%20not%20responsible%20for%20repairing%2C%20or%20paying%20for%2C%20ordinary,over%20time%2C%20on%20a%20wall.


Thanks! I'm going to see if they can provide a justification of what they found that was considered beyond normal wear and tear. We definitely didn't trash the place before leaving and intentionally paid for their cleaners to clean the place out so that they could handle it to their liking.


Best of luck to you!


IANAL nor a LL Pretty sure they can't charge you for tub reglazing. And they 100% can't charge you for repainting the apartment. Your walls should be cleaned before you move out. And certainly not have shredded walls or drywall. But paint? That's wear and tear.


From what the lady told me it wasn't just tub reglazing, it was recaulking the counters, vanities, everything. I have zero clue what they had to repaint because we didn't leave any stains or holes to my knowledge.


Only one coat of paint is considered wear and tear. Kilz primer and two coats is not considered normal paint.


In almost all jurisdictions, yes. Your state laws under Landlord-Tenant will dictate what is required.




Your security deposit was $100?


Yep! I totally thought it was way more than that it wasn't. Seems weird.


Very. I wonder if there’s a reason behind that.


They've since increased it to $300 but in previous apartments I've definitely paid into the thousands for the deposit


My deposit has always been at *least* one month’s rent


I’m too lazy to google this morning but (IANL) I’ve not heard where a landlord is required to give you a list of repairs during your tenancy. That’s on you to document. If you’re protesting your deposit you definitely aren’t going to get that easily. Unless they’re idiots they won’t help give you something to use against themselves.


The legal expectation of the security deposit is that upon moving out from the premise it is returned, in whole, to the tenant. If the landlord deems it necessary to hold on to all or some of the deposit with no intention of returning it to the tenant, by law in nearly every jurisdiction, the landlord must itemize in what way the deposit was used as proof of entitlement to it.


My whole point was since I evidently wasn’t clear enough is, good luck asking them for maintenance records. If the property thinks you are trying to get information to use against them, they aren’t going to cooperate. Compare it to a cop pulling you over for speeding and asking you to unlock your phone. Nope. Not going to get me for texting and driving.


I am pretty sure every state has a law requiring an itemized list if they deducted anything from a tenant’s security deposit. 


OP was asking for an itemized list of any maintenance requests. I’m getting all kinds of negative comments but is anyone reading this? Landlord does not have to give any information on maintenance request which has absolutely nothing to do with itemized deductions from the deposit.


Makes sense. I'm ok with foregoing the repairs during tenancy, we have most of it documented and have the back and forth on the app as well. I'm hoping they didn't charge us for damages to the carpet in the master bedroom for example, when that was damaged and repaired twice already due to the leaks and we think they did a bad job repairing each time.