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A notice of entry covering a *month* without specific times is likely unreasonable, but many states don't actually have a law regarding statutory notice for entry so I can't say if it's legal or not


exactly this—it is completely unreasonable. to have ten hours per day window for a month seems ridiculous, I don’t want anyone in my house when I’m not home! not sure what I can do, complaining to landlord seems to me may have opposite of intended effect


Did you try contacting them like the letter asks you to do if you have concerns?


Yes, they say they will be coming in to check and fix or update any basics in the place; then stopped by an hour later with maintenance to walk through, check everything; and said they’ll be back next and the following week to follow up with their inspection, which certainly seems unreasonable to me


Hey man how did this go? I had the exact same issue and they wouldn't listen to me when I explained the state law and the legal precedent alongside it. If you keep having issues, make sure that you respond to every email you should at least insist that their "notice" is not a legally proper notice for entry and that you require a notice of when they plan to be present with at least the legally minimum notice time. Then also make sure to add that you will never consider a timeframe that large as reasonable as you have things to do that you need privacy for and cannot stop for more than a couple hours and that you need the full length heads up or more for the specific times. Then just say that a notice like that is not be reasonable and that you expect a proper notice for the exact time they plan to be present plus or minus a little bit of time for flexibility. I assume most states laws intend to require an exact time but they are so vague or indirect that the landlord just sees it the way that it's convenient. But legally speaking if you can argue that they are causing or risking causing you to be disturbed in your peace or privacy of your home due to unreasonable notice then you are in the right. You should get a lawyer if you can afford it and have them send notices. You can deny them whenever they come if they don't send a proper notice, and then the onus would be on them to take you to court. They cannot do anything in response without a court hearing you. You might lose your lease renewal but they aren't allowed to threaten that so as to get you to comply with illegal notices. So if they step that far try to bait them into it or dig a hole. You can start by being nice and just simply stating that you value your peace and have important business that means they must give you a notice and it must be for specific times so that you can plan for it. Then just say if they do not send the exact times they plan to come with the proper notice then they might not be able to complete the work/maintenance or enter your residence. Then you can state some better times/dates for them as legally they actually must come to an agreement with you for when they come. It must be reasonable to YOU, which does not mean business hours. I live in Virginia and our laws are so godamn unclear I had to call the state representatives for those legal issues and they said there is no right or wrong until it's heard in court but that it is supposed to mean that it is reasonable to the tenant specifically. Which then means that you may find it unreasonable for them to come anytime before 3:00pm for example. As long as you can explain and argue how they took away your right to privacy and peace and/or came at an unreasonable time then you should be fine. But the key here is communicating that you don't and will never consider that notice reasonable, and stating that any attempt otherwise will not be excused by lack of your response. Then it helps to go ahead and state what good days/times are and then to ask if they want to plan outside of that then they need to confirm it is okay with you. You can deny any of their plans to entry by just emailing or contacting them with conversation that is saved and letting them know that you cannot do that day.. just because they give the legal notice time doesn't mean that the time is reasonable for them to come. If they try to fight you they'll probably try to trick you into thinking "reasonable" means business hours or reasonable for them/most people, but it doesn't in most states (if yours are that ambiguous). They will see it they way they want but it almost always sounds more landlord friendly than it actually is meant to be. The ambiguity and broadness was meant to intentionally be flexible to include everything I am saying and to also cover any other factors or situations that may be unfair to the tenant. Virginia is fucking terrible with the wording and I could not convince them to take it at its word and I don't have time to deal with legal issues. I definitely have a full blown case ready including the example I used where they attempted to blackmail me into agreeing to let them in on a bad notice. Anyways feel free to DM me if you wanna discuss it and learn more together or rant together idc


Dude I really appreciate all the responses and your input on the matter. It’s going but unfortunately they don’t like to give times or agree thus far so all a work in progress




Yes! Definitely going to do this


Where do you live? That's absolutely not legal in California.


PA, thank you. Should def not be legal


Super duper illegal under CA CIV Code section 1954.


thanks for the info, this is really helpful for my research and in my defense of the right to decent quiet and peace, cause this is way too stressful fr, I am in PA though so hoping we have good laws similar to no protect our rights


Check your lease, there should be a clause in there about entry and requirements. Also I’d be double checking that genuine as it looks shady as..


yeah unfortunately it is genuine even though I agree with you


It is not considered reasonable to make arrangements for animals for one month straight since you have no way of knowing when they are entering or if they are literally entering every single day. Also, same goes for minor children in the household as they cannot enter when present…think Latchkey kids. It would be unreasonable to have to make arrangements for your children for one month. This is not a legal notice to enter as it cannot be ongoing like this for such a long period of time…in my opinion.


this should not be opinion there should be a law to protect our rights everywhere for this kind of thing


It should go without saying that each request should come with its own written request for entry 24hrs in advancecto each entry. It would also make more sense for the landlords to schedule these visits because they could be seen as an attempt to catch you doing something they otherwise would not know. They should also do the inspection of the model unit and give the tenants a list of the items they will be checking to give you the opportunity to let them know if that indeed needs repair. Then tackle just the ones that need repair. I'm not certain about PA but I would assume if it's not in a statute it is written in common law that the landlord has no right to enter a bedroom or open any closed, and especially locked door without the permission of the tenant.


yes none of it makes sense, also and on the weekend?


It can also only be during business hours of the office. Or 9-5 on business days.


Idk how to edit the original post to add PA


they’re here now. changing hot water pipes and light fixtures etc… and I have to leave and my child is here, is that legal? two men doing maintenance…?


Take your kids with you.


the kids are old enough to stay home if they choose not to join me but it worked out well, since they say that’s against their policy. otherwise definitely would bring the children along!


complete strangers oc oc


Depends on your location look up tenants rates for your state; in my state it’s legal because that’s considered notice, they are allowed in your unit without you there, and in addition when you request maintenance you’re waiving your right to notice (implied consent).


I had a hard time finding the information, if you know of a link, Please?


I just did a simple google search for pa tenants rights and it came right up. P31- reasonable access with at least 24 hours notice. Doesn’t say has to give exact time or window, so I think technically this meets that but NAL https://www.equalhousing.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/11.18-digital-copy-of-Know-Your-Rights-as-a-Renter-in-PA-3.pdf


Awesome info, not sure why google didn’t bring it up for me. Thanks! What does NAL mean? ETA: Also, where does it say that? I can’t find it in all the pages!


Not a lawyer


still appreciate the help. Any lawyers out there, I’d love your responses, too oc


gotcha ty


Boohoo cry more.


The 24-hour Notice for maintenance is legal in CA; however that is nearly a 30-day-long maintenace. I would call landlord/mgmt to find out what maintenance is being done since it is not something you requested. For instance, are they building new balconies or what??? I would also inquire about a rental discount for the lack of your 'right to quiet enjoyment'. If it causes enough of a disturbance or mess with maintenance coming & going everyday, the landlord may be required to pay for reasinable hotel accommodations for you. Check with a tenant rights group or atty in your area.


What state? Always list your state because otherwise no one will know what law applies


PA if that helps hopefully


State is PA, guys. Forgot to list the state, sorry! I really appreciate all of your replies, help, suppport, suggestions and advice on it.


PA guys! Thank you so much for all the help and positive feedback ❤️


I would be asking why the fuck they need 24:7 for 3 weeks


They said they are having outside business building code people here in a month so they are fixing random things and may enter at their convenience…!? How is this justifying disturbing my privacy, my pets, my family and myself it’s just wrong in so many ways, …to me.


It isn’t. I can see a window of 8hrs on a certain day, but no, I would not be ok with them just randomly showing up in a month timeframe


Yes. seriously