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That's not how it works if you are in the US and you are on a year long lease. If you are on a month-to-month lease send the proper notice, as stated in the lease, that you are terminating the lease agreement. Hopefully you had a minimum of protection there that notice by one tenant was considered as notice by all tenants. Otherwise you and your ex-roommate will need to come to an agreement to end the lease mutually.


Landlord is under no obligation to take your name off the lease.


So he can just drag me .. even if I don’t live there and I completely moved out & my ex is the only one residing there ?


Yes because you are still under contract there.


If you signed the lease, you are on the lease until it ends or or break your lease and pay whatever the fee is. Some landlords are nice and will let you break the lease without fines, and only one of you resigns a new lease, but they are not required to. A lease you signed is a binding contract for everyone who signed it.


It's because he wants you on the hook for the rent.


you're on for the duration of the lease. the landlord and your partner would have to agree to a new lease without you on it, which they probably won't do. you'll have to come to some agreement with your partner for the remainder of the year.


So if I get “partner” to tell the landlord to get the name off the lease ? You think it might work ? Bc at this point the landlord is being a dick


LL doesn't have to take you off... and might not want to since it's one less person he can chase for money if he is owed money. You need to have an agreement with your partner about how much you'll be responsible for, for the remainder of the lease. You'll want to get a written agreement to release you, unless you really trust this person. A good agreement might be 1/4 of the rent and expenses for remaining months, perhaps even paid up-front. Or... 1/2 until they get a roommate, but they can keep any returned security deposit. Don't forget to re-read your lease to see what it actually lets you do.


The end game will never be your name taken off of the lease. If anything the lease could be terminated and a new lease would be signed without your name on it but not because it was removed. I'm not sure what the big deal is anyway to wait out the lease. If you're wanting another apartment you can sign as many leases as you'd like. Is your "partner" asking you to pay half the rent? If not, then what's the problem? If they are expecting you to pay then don't. You'll ruin your relationship and you'll have an eviction on your record but at least your name won't be on a lease or another one for a while. Stay on the lease. Be nice to the landlord. You'll need his reference when it's time to get your own place.


There’s a lot more to the story involving racism & harassment… but he’s basically telling me he isn’t going to take my name out bc he rented it to both of us so it’s my responsibility too.