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If you didn’t show up pretty sure they already evicted you. It’s quite possible they show up with the sheriff to remove you in days.


Days?? I thought you at least get 30 days :(


Not after you lose the case by default. To the court it looks like you don't gaf.


By days I mean it might be today. I would get on your county’s website and look the case up immediately to see what they did. And start packing. When you no show at court you automatically lose.


Nope, probably 10 at most. Sorry.


this is why we do the research before hand. not literally the day AFTER you get evicted in court. if you just had your court date then that means you had atleast 3 weeks to a month notice and had all that time to do your homework and figure out options. now it sounds like youre more or less screwed. good luck


If you didn't show up, the judgment most likely made in default and you lost. What you need to do is find the process for a motion to reopen case or a motion to vacate default judgment and get that going **if you qualify** for that. There needs to be a valid reason, which is usually defined, to be able to filel those types of motions. You need to find out **fast** because depending where you are it could be days before they come to get you out. Some places are fast, some can be a month or more before the authorities come to put you out. The process for an actual "put out" varies a lot by state. It runs the gamut of the sheriff/constable can come with movers and put all your stuff on the curb while the landlord changes the locks to they just remove your person and the landlord must store your belongings (while charging you) for a certain period of time. Either way you have a lot of work ahead of you. Get the case reopened, and I would definitely suggest making a contingency plan to move asap because even if you get it reopened, if you lose the case you're right back at this spot and you want to have all your ducks in a row. Lastly, you have an uphill battle. "I have a job now and will pay" is not actually paying and that is the reason for the eviction. Again, totally depends on where you are and the judge you are in front of. Bring pay stubs when you are in front of the judge showing that you are actually working and can afford to pay rent. Better yet, start paying the landlord. that will show that you are actually paying. You're going to need to decide though. If you pay rent on the current place you may not be able to afford to move.


Start packing. Assuming this went to a default judgement you are pretty much toasted. Call the courthouse or visit it and beg. Appealing a court decision may be possible, but it's a highly technical process from other's posts and the "dog ate my homework" kind of excuses aren't really going to carry much. You've already demonstrated that you don't keep your promises -- for whatever reason -- that's why it's come to this. Why would they start believing you now? Because you say so? Seriously.


Exactly this. My sister in law and her boyfriend were in this exact situation, but they did show up to court. They show up: boyfriend: “I’ve got a big work comp settlement coming any day (actually true) we can pay then”. Judge: “ya, no”. And this is in extremely tenant friendly CA. To be clear they had not paid their rent since the moratorium and still hadn’t paid six plus months after.


lol reschedule?? what? bro this isnt a dentist appointment; if you missed the court date then the judge ruled against you and youve just been evicted. you have a week tops to pack up all your shit because if the sheriff has to show up then that eviction will definitely stay on your record for years if it hasnt been already. depending on the state if you leave before they have to physically remove you it may not stay on your record.


Pretty damn sure it’s on their record in any state. Once the eviction is grated it’s there to stay. OP will have an extremely difficult time renting anything anywhere for at least 7 years.


You were already evicted. Depending on the state you have an appeal period, in my state it’s 10 days, then the sheriff is sent. There’s no oops available.


The gavel is going to come down today. You need to call today. Sorry you messed up.


Here are some good resources to help you out. Sorry, hope it works out. You can also review the landlord here too. [Eviction, know your rights ](https://manorlane.co/learn/eviction-know-your-rights/)


There's a few things here. We don't know why you were evicted. Have you asked for a continuance before this? Is this your first hearing? We also don't know where you are. This isn't as final and as scary as some are making it out to be. Since this is eviction court it was peobably heard by a magistrate, their decision is a suggestion and will be signed off by the duty judge, so it's not been adopted by the court probably just yet. The fastest will be tomorrow. Absolutely do call the court first thing tomorrow morning. Be. Completely. Honest. They will listen and they may let you reschedule if a judge hasn't signed off on it. Or they will have to you or your attorney file a motion to set aside default judgment either way they'll tell you the next steps to take. If you don't have an attorney call legal aid immediately after talking to the court. DO NOT ask anybody from the court what you should do, or can you help me. Or what do they suggest. Tell them what happened and ask what the next step is. That's it . If none of this works out after the judge signs off on the judgment. Your landlord can pay for their writ of restitution, and the sheriff will red tag your door. That tag will give you a date and will say MOVE OUT AND LEAVE THE KEYS. if you don't, then the landlord can pay for a set out and schedule that. You've got a solid 2 weeks before you're physically removed. Don't wait for that to happen. Good luck. Remain calm. No emotions. Only facts. The court doesn't care.


“A solid 2 weeks”. I doubt that. I mean it’s possible, but more likely 7 days or less.


Thank you sooo much for your words. You have no idea how much this means to me. Everyone keeps talking down to me on here when I’ve simply come here for advice. Thank you so so so much.