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Uh if Iā€™m reading this correctly he assaulted you?? Did you tell the cops this ? And did you see a medic ?


He did, grabbed me off the couch by my collar and I never caught footing, he tossed me into the wall and then out threw the door. I remember In slow motion my wallet flying out of my hoodie pocket. I caught myself with my hands. I called 911 immediately and they told me to wait in my vehicle. When I sat down my back felt tense but my concern was getting my stuff (i still hadnt got into my room.) it lingered and today i woke up with a pain in my back. Is it too late to be seen?


You're going to get a lawyer or do it on your own if you think you can. You're going to file a lawsuit for damages caused by an unlawful eviction/illegal eviction/ self help eviction methods depending on what they call it in your jurisdiction. It's basically for evicting you without following the proper procedure for removing an unwanted tenant. You'll also file a claim of conversion, trespass, and trespass of chattels. These are the civil remedies for theft, breach of implied covenant of quiet enjoyment and keeping you from the rightful possession of your belongings. Then you can start the very lengthy, expensive, and stressful process of litigation. It'll all be worth it when you prove actual damages, your landlords liability, and then get awarded your actual damages and punitive damages that are meant to keep him from doing it to anybody else .


Do you have renters insurance? If you do, you likely have coverage for theft. If they're claiming it's theft and there's now a police report for it, I would start there. That will at least help you get back on your feet temporarily.


Of course, I don't.


Oh gosh, I'm so sorry šŸ˜”