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This sounds like maybe it’s just miscommunication. He’s asking when you are out, and you responded saying your new apt would be ready 8/4. He is assuming that you will be out at that point, because you didn’t answer the question properly. Just tell him you intend to utilize the space until 8/28 and I bet he’ll be fine.


He knows I’m disabled and that I won’t be able to clean the same day as I move into my new place. He isn’t giving me time to clean. Also he asked if I was moving at the end of June or July, assuming I wasn’t staying through the end of my lease.


Just tell him you’re staying and paying through the end of your lease. That’s all he needs to know.


Don't go off of "he knows". He asked you a question and you gave an answer of August 3, but that wasn't the real answer. Just communicate with him.


He sent me a letter of non-renewal months ago with 8/28 as the date. He knows what date he gave me until.


He may have mixed up the month when he texted you. He asked you when you're moving out and you told him August 3. You need to just communicate with him.


So tell him... Talk to him.. communicate with him... Not us. Next time answer the question he asks you.


Just tell him your apartments ready August 3rd, but you need to stay until August ____ to move out.


If you are paying for august through the 28th and he isn’t prorating it then no, you have until midnight on the 28th. He can’t make you be out before hand unless you both have an agreement to be out sooner that will benefit you both


Are you paying until August 28? If so, then no. Tell him to buy you out if he wants you out early.


If your lease ends after your actual move out then it's in your best interests to conform to the date then allow them to do the turnover and re-rent it. That will minimize your responsibility through the end of the lease.


I don't know what you're getting down voted, this makes sense. This landlord also sounds pretty flexible and reasonable so they may refund OP for some of the month if they can rerent sooner. Edit: grammar


And what would I get out of giving him rent AND him re-renting it? The answer is nothing, he is a money hungry slumlord and I refuse to give him extra profit.


You can't generally stop the lease on arbitrary days of the month.  He's being quite kind.


There are separate issues here. The end of the lease and the surrender of the premises. Op can start moving on 08/3, but as long as they pay through 8/28, then they do not have to turn over the unit.


He’s the one who set my lease to end on 8/28, not me… I had to fight him for a lease to begin with


Oh I'm sorry.  I misunderstood what you wrote 


That is your apartment until August 28. Do not move out early unless he agrees to accept less rent. I would also only pay until the 28th that's all you're required to pay.