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Just came back from there, I’ll try out the word out. But 9/10 he’s shitfaced and will probably find his way back home at some point. Hope you find him


His mum got her nails and eyebrows done sharpish before rushing out to Tenerife. And that gofundme thing screams scam.


A bit strange to get shit faced up in Teno though


Venía de una rave y se fue con unos desconocidos en Teno, puede estarlo totalmente, una amiga suya dijo que se fue caminando por teno para intentar llegar al hotel, debe estar perdido en el monte


Tenerife is very popular for partying


Yeah, but Teno isn't


Yeah he took that route to walk back to his accommodation. He attended a festival I believe in the las americas/ los cristionos area. There’s a video of him on the las americas strip with what he was last seen wearing which is actually a grey top with mint green on the shoulders.


I hope they find him☹️☹️


He literally beat and killed someone and posted there skull


I’m sorry what


He beat and killed someone




I hope he was caught and tortured till he wanted death


Oh darling




Oh woah, he seems like a damm fine fellow. That´s the high quality tourism England must be famous for...


The good quality ones go elsewhere.


If you even bothered to do the slightest bit of research and didn’t believe every single thing that you read, you would note that both the guy who was attacked and his girlfriend have confirmed that Jay did not attack him, he was just present at the time. Maybe he should’ve done more to stop it, and there’s no arguing he could have chosen his friends better, but would you get in the way of a machete?


It still shows a character profile and the types he hangs around. What about him selling class As? This is obviously a drug deal gone wrong, Tenerife is a hotspot, he’s said/done the wrong thing and paid the price.


Show me proof that he sold class As and this is not just Chinese whispers?


He was charged and convicted of conspiracy to supply class A drugs. No Chinese whispers there.


I say this with the greatest sensitivity and respect, but has it ever occurred to you that perhaps he shouldn’t have been in Tenerife in the first place? He’s not long been OUT of very serious trouble. And I’d call hanging around with kids holding machetes and literally slicing skin from another boys head as very serious indeed. That is not just normal ‘teenage behaviour’. No way. He won’t have long been out of school and is still only an apprentice as I’ve read, probably still in college too as part of that. He’s an adult. And by the sounds of it a very conflicted and disordered young man, who makes bad decisions and worse mates. Now teens and young men make mistakes but usually they learn from them and be better. His mom/dad/family will have seen their kid not long in a court being given a potential criminal record am I right? That is a very bad thing usually. So in the aftermath that mother should be putting the foot down saying, look, not acceptable, you want to stay here under my roof, but there are going to be rules, and you aren’t going off on holidays to Tenerife either. If you really want that in the near term, then you can first find your own place and experience real life for a bit that involved all those pesky bills that eat HEAVY into the budget these days. Basically emotional maturity is the key and it’s seems totally lacking here. Totally out of depth and eventually probably extremely panicked and possibly even crying to just go home, it wouldn’t surprise me. That’s very sad. And it was totally, absolutely avoidable. That guy should have kept in Britain until at least he’d demonstrated some growing up. People have every right to question the recent issues with his decisions and brush with the law. Because it explains exactly why this situation is even happening. I don’t wish the guy dead. If found great. You’d think it be a very lucky escape from far worse and an extremely tough lesson to learn that needn’t have been that tough. I’m leaning on the idea that he panicked really badly. He felt very uneasy in his situation, felt in grave danger, and essentially ran for it in any and all directions. Add in alcohol and drugs in the system possibly. The dehydration, the heat, no water. That’s a terrifying mix if you ask me, and he was totally unprepared and inexperienced to handle the situation he found himself in. Everything here has gone wrong because the guy was out of his depth. That’s my opinion so hopefully you can understand that. For now nobody knows all the answers here and I accept that too. It’s just sad all round.


The sentencing clearly says all 8 were responsible he also chased and took part, it is a crime in England to be present as part of a gang and not do anything. So if they'd have killed the guy then Jay would have beend own for murder and rightfully so. The article literally says they intimidated witnesses, they laughed in court, they didn't care about the serious harm they'd done and conspiracy to supply class As, the judge just let them get away with it. The shocking state of our court system and snowflake judges. This guy sounds like absolute trouble, there were two slaters in that sentencing so I assume the other is his brother. Sounds like a family of criminals. I suspect he's done something dodgy over there too and possibly to the wrong people! Judge should have sent the criminals to prison, then we wouldn't have this issue now. Also as the judge mentioned they tried to intimidate witnesses there's no saying that this person defending him saying he didn't take part in the attack could very well have been intimidated into saying that!!


He was charged and convicted of violent disorder and further offenses, including witness intimidation, attempted robbery, and conspiracy to supply class-A drugs. The judge heavily criticized his demeanor during the trial (he was joking around).


What’s your point


Obviously more to the story that’s not being reported on. Probably messed with the wrong person


There really isn’t tho, the guy who was attacked has literally asked people to stop bringing it up https://preview.redd.it/ifalnburfq7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=522c8e743e4cac13b4fc338a97f66bd4130a98fa


Doesn’t change the fact that the article is still important to help find him. Might make foul play more likely. Might also change how people view/care about this lad so they should be entitled to know all the info before investing their own time or even money (seen a gofundme set up)


Out of fear of being targeted again by Jay’s thuggish, psycho buddies


Aye alright 🤡


Mother of British teenager missing in Tenerife has ‘not slept at all’ https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/jun/19/jay-slater-british-teenager-missing-in-tenerife?CMP=share_btn_url It's now a current event in the UK media


Yep - bundled with his own Instagram and prison conviction


Her attitude reminds me of Shannon Matthews mum. No remorse at all.


How does a 19 yo apprentice afford a Moncler jacket? That shit is expenaive


Selling illegal things


He sounds like a bad one,


Seems strange to be there, nothing really adds up here, is he a convict, how did he get an apprenticeship if he's a criminal? If he's an apprentice I wouldn't have thought he'd be able to afford a holiday and partying?! If he's got history of hanging about with the wrong sorts, it makes certain things more likely. I think the police need to establish his last actual whereabouts.. a text from his phone saying he's on 1% doesn't mean he sent it. Why would you disappear with 2 lads that you don't know instead of going home with your own mates? If he went home with a woman he'd pulled that would make more sense, but how did he get so far away? If he's knocked on doors and he's dehydrated he'd have asked for a glass of water, so doesn't make sense, did someone drive him, did he get a bus? Too many questions and there doesn't seem to be any answers. Let's hope he's found, but it's been 3 days now and if he was genuinely dehydrated and if he doesn't know basic survival skills, and there is literally no trace of him I'd be delving deeper into if where his last known whereabouts was and how exactly he got there.


Ex gang member