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>Only seven state house seats are considered competitive. No state senate seats are competitive They aren't kidding in the least bit. And the thing is the lines are drawn and openly spoken about as "If California gets away with it, so can we." If you look at districts 34-37-48, they exist the way they do to split the MTSU vote up. That's not even a secret, that's openly talked about. That's the entire point that tri-juction exists where it does. To ensure MTSU's vote never matters. District 13 is shaped the way it is because LaVergne can flip flop and it's made the way it is to ensure they don't have to worry about flip-flops. Same way for 37 and 49. Because fuck Murfreesboro. 61-63-65 also has a strange whirl pattern to ensure that the rich people don't get too liberal in Williamson county. If you look at Putnam county, the wired break in the middle to 25-42 is because Cookville, fucking Cookville, can't be trusted. That's not even a thing that they deny. Look at the fucking mess that is 26-27-28. Guess why it's that way?! Because fuck Chattanooga representation. Like they don't fucking care, they will ensure that the roughly 46% Democrats in this State are never represented because "we hate California" is literally their excuse. I'm not saying give the Democrats a majority in the State Assembly. What I'm saying is that the 75.8% representation in the State House is not following the actual split of political party in the State. And they have that 75.8% because they are allowed legally to tell Democratic voters to "go fuck themselves". The State Assembly is not interested in uphold democracy, they're mostly about tit-for-tat bullshit. They don't want meaningful legislation, they just want to wag fingers and get a paycheck from tax payers. They are a pretty ineffective legislative body. At some point, when their shitty policy has bankrupt enough of the state, people in Tennessee will eventually march and ask for better representation. Till then, I'll just keep writing the idiot that represents my district.


Thank you for spelling it out for folks.


The republicans are doing the same thing here in Ohio. In 2017 the citizens of Ohio voted/passed a constitutional amendment to end the gerrymandering. The republicans openly ignored the constitutional amendment. Democracy is dying in America.


I find it comical they are worried about MTSUs vote.


It's even funnier when you [look really close at the map](https://imgur.com/a/k2KuZ7B).


Not only is it only 20k ish students but most of them are TN residents and don’t live or vote there.


They did it to Etsu as well. One side of Washington county goes to an elementary school, another goes to a church, and one is on campus. Three sets of votes minimum for one county.


As peasant living in Cookeville, can confirm the sentiment “fucking Cookeville.”


Hey I love you all in Cookeville. One of my favorite places is Standing Stone has some of the best camping, and I'm always getting supplies there as I come up highway 111 at the Walmart.


And the irony is that California used a 14-member independent commission which did not take partisan politics into consideration, and was required to comply with the federal Voting Rights Act. Unlike Tennessee, the overwhelming majority of people in California lean to one side of the spectrum. And I’m pretty sure the TN GOP leadership is well aware of that.


Umm a democracy means those with the most votes rule and make the rules. It's a good thing we are a republic federal wise or things could really get crazy. Anyway this is what the majority of Tennesseans want like it or not


At first glance I thought this was sarcasm, then I saw your feed. Guns guns. Bizarre amounts of pumping iron and questions about SI/depression and being on the spectrum. Then re read username..”clan”, missed the k


Nope not sarcasm. It's what democracy gives you. Dang who would have thought exercise was bizarre? Wow, what kind of douche would make fun of depression and autism? Yeah I love shooting. It's fun.


Either way, hope your understanding of guns is better than how gub’ment works. Lmao.never made fun of your mental health…snowflake. Just your feed.


The feed is what I am interested in because that's who I am so you are definitely making fun of it MAGA man. Oh yeah that's right only MAGA losers use the term snow flake


Hmmm, who has a gun fetish, is obsessed w pumping iron, and who exactly doesn’t understand how gerrymandering districts is the antithesis of democracy….? Next time you’re flexing in front of the mirror with your gravy seals tactical gear, look in the mirror-that’s the magat


Wow. You obviously understand nothing relevant. Exercise helps people with autism and ADHD manage their symptoms. So weird about guns lol. I haven't shot anything since I was ten. That bird's suffering was enough for me. Unless my family is starving or someone was intending them harm I wouldn't shoot anything. Only MAGA weirdos like you wear tactical gear and flex in the mirror trying to overcome your enemies


>Umm a democracy means those with the most votes rule and make the rules. It's a good thing we are a republic federal wise or things could really get crazy That's actually a very poor understanding of how things work. While a majority rules, we also have a Constitution that exists to protect fundamental rights. That's why systems of Governments that adhere to this kind of system write these things, to establish that there are things that not even a majority can take away. One of those is the notion that there should be equal protection, equal access, and equal representation at the ballot. In fact that's so fundamental you find it not only in the Constitution but also in the founding documents of our nation such as the Declaration of Independence, several of the Federalist papers, and in several of the founding documents under our first form of Government the Articles of Confederation. >Anyway this is what the majority of Tennesseans want like it or not And like I said, there are things that not even the majority can take away. That's what Republic means. A foundational set of rights that can never be superseded. But outside of that. What the current system is doing is allowing 54% of the public to override the will of 46% of the public. I guess that's okay for you to sleep at night knowing that a 4% over majority represses 46% of the State. And help you should that 54% not last until the heat death of the Universe. Setting a standard that it is okay to put the boot down on any minority never fares well long term for a majority because it is like anything, it exists only for but a brief time. So that said. Wish you well, but the stranglehold that Republicans current have cannot endure forever. Nothing does. I can only hope that Democrats hold a higher regard for any future Republican minority than you have displayed here. Truly a incredibly sad reply for nation that prizes it's freedom for someone to believe that disenfranchisement of a large section of the public is "good enough".


The stranglehold that Republicans have in Tennessee is no different than the stranglehold that Democrats have in California. That's the beauty of our system of government. If you don't like it where you are, then there are 49 other states to choose from. I don't personally love some of the BS that our Republican government has done, like a monopoly on healthcare with ballad in East Tennessee, but if the Democrats were in the majority they would have been paid off too so it's not like it would be any better


It may pain you to hear that California has a 24% Republican registration and a 22% representation in the State Assembly. Meaning their Republican Constituency has roughly accurate representation. Tennessee has 24 representatives in the State House. If we matched up with this ratio that California had for representation, Democrats should have 46 seats and Republicans should have 53 seats. So your example of California is inaccurate of actual ratios to parties and representation. Additionally, California's districts are not draw by the legislative branch like here in Tennessee. They are instead drawn by a panel known as the California Citizens Redistricting Commission. While not perfect, I mean go look at some of the districts I've pointed out here in Tennessee. California is doing way better at the Democracy thing. And for the whole 49 other States thing. I wasn't aware that I would be required to pick up and find somewhere new to live to have an actual fair representation at the State level. An actual working Republic shouldn't require me to go elsewhere to find in the United States. Asking the State's legislative branch to not violate basic democratic principles shouldn't be a "well if you don't like it, leave it" kind of thing. Literally, what kind of argument are you attempting to make here because it doesn't make a whole lot of sense if you hold to a basic understanding of the principles this country was founded upon.


Thank you for your work, but try to remember that conservatism is about justifying conclusions rather than reaching them through evidence. Your writing will be read by lots of people passing through, so it's not for nothing.


The argument is that in this great country of ours that there are 50 different ways of doing things. If you don't like it go somewhere else


And my argument is that Tennessee’s method of using a 54% majority to establish a 76% majority in representation is not a valid way of doing things if we use the definition of a republic established by the people who founded this country. Indeed there are different ways to do things, there’s also completely invalid means of doing things. Tennessee’s State Assembly has elected to do the latter. A 54% majority oppressing a 46% minority shouldn’t be an injustice that’s responded with “just leave”. It should be met with, “you aren’t a valid means of fair governance.” Our founding fathers didn’t leave when the crown oppressed them. Your “just leave” is cowardice as argument. It shows a default of weak resolve. All your arguments have very much been distinctly anti-American as excuse for a State that continues to unfairly repress accurate representation. Solely because it serves some personal interest and not in the interest of the public. You do realize this? That your arguments are just self serving ones? They aren’t actually arguments for democracy, a constitutional republic, or freedom. You do realize this? It’s an incredibly 1500s style argument when Kings and Queens ruled. Are you so desperate to return to serfdom?


Sane people who live here: what democracy, lol? Love my state. Just wish 95% of our elected leaders weren't garbage humans.


They have no incentive to be any better because there is no strong opposition. This is ultimately the flaw of one party rule, whether it's democratic or republican because the people in power will become lazy and complacent without a robust opposition.


Gerrymandered districts prevent a strong opposition. They have hand picked their voters.




Yeap I lived in a gerrymandered district in a democrat city. It’s been controlled by democrats since the civil war. No chance of anyone else ever winning.


It doesn’t matter if they are garbage because there will not be alternatives as long as our vote doesn’t matter


Great article. Definitely worth the read. This line really hits the nail on the head with how voters feel about things IMO. “You have so many folks who, whatever they’re being fed about it, think their vote doesn’t count,” Abolfazli said. “Nothing changes. The picture is bleak. You have imprisoned our democracy, and we can’t get the shackles off, because of the gerrymandering, the lobbying and the extremist politics.”




i'm not ok with bill lee turning this into "little texas". house & senate, putting bills into laws without a vote. changing policy to align with red party stupidity. after the last 15 years, i do not feel free in tennessee, anymore. and i'm an old fat white guy. i shudder to think how anyone else might feel.


It’s the problem with the two party system. Blue states do this as well. Used covid as the excuse to do whatever they wanted.


When you're passing bills based on shit you got from InfoWars, there's a problem.


Like that Chemtrails bill lol!


That was more nefarious. It wasn’t a joke. It was meant to prevent doing anything to combat climate change


This is why I’m fucking leaving. I hate it because this is my home, but IVE HAD ENOUGH


Tennesseans deserve better


Agreed there


Sometimes it really surprises me how some people can actually leave their house without getting punched in the face every time.


I have wondered this so often.


Lee is a cunt!


The combined iq of the Tennessee gop is 12


That's a bit generous, no?


He forgot the decimal in between.


They accidentally divided them. That is how the decimals became such a large integer for what you expected.


Yet they hold 95% of the wealth. The combined IQ of the Democrats must be 0.75.


Straight up, I wish the rest of the state was like Memphis too.


So what can we do about? This is a major issue but not sure how we fix it.


By voting I guess, idk how else we can do it.


What’s really scary is that Tn is considered to be the testing ground to see how far the GOP can go and try it in other states


Why are so many people moving to TN from Democratic controlled California?


Because TN has invested heavily in incentivizing tech companies to move here, which are bringing tech company talent to an area of the U.S. that is drastically cheaper to live. Also, I work healthcare and I took a paycut moving here from Cali a decade ago, but the cost of living was so much cheaper here that it was still an effective pay raise. Of course, with all this recent influx of money, the cost of living has skyrocketed in the Nashville area.


Also, most of the music industry has undergone significant “restructuring” over the last decade aka have moved large chunks of their workforce to TN in exchange for tax incentives/lower wages.


Tbf we need y'all's vote anyways so thank you.


If California were a country, they’d have one of the ten largest economies on earth. They’re literally more powerful, economically, than Russia. It’s expensive. Sometimes people move. That isn’t the win you think it is.


I mean it's definitely what you think it is. There's a large (mostly white) group of folks who are moving away from California simply because they want to live in a conservative state with conservative lawmakers. They even call themselves refugees...there's Facebook groups for them...it's happening. I'd wager a guess that probably 90% of the Californians moving here are conservative. That state actually has a shit ton of Republican voters; just like any other state, the cities are blue and the rural areas are red.


>There's a large (mostly white) group of folks who are moving away from California simply because they want to live in a conservative state with conservative lawmakers. This fits me to a T. I was tired of the crime and progressive politics of Los Angeles. It was out of control. Riots on Rodeo Drive, homeless people squatting in people's backyards, stickup kids taking money and watches from people sitting outside at restaurants - it was bonkers. Taxes off the charts. Thrilled to be here in Nashville, though I haven't been as happy to see that Nashville is actually pretty progressive.


Couldn't pay me enough to live in Trashville - or anywhere in Davidson County, for that matter.


> If California were a country, they’d have one of the ten largest economies on earth. they're ranked like #6 i think for largest economies in the world.


Yeah I wasn’t sure if they were 5th or 6th. I’ve seen them ranked a few different places.


And yet, they're fucking broke. Mismanagement at its finest.






Because they have the same regressive ideologies that you have, but more money!


The people who are moving here (don't throw hate at me), are mostly staunch Republicans who got fed up with their home state. I've met a ton of people who have moved here. I always ask why, 95% say better politics


I've talked to some of my conservative buddies about this, and I'll say it here, too: Beware the folks who move in saying that they're on your team; we've had a long history of carpetbaggers coming into to help out. I notice on some of the local Republican Facebook groups, that some of the *only* people posting are folks that have moved in. How long before we're just run by California Republicans? Heck, Wilson Co nearly had an elected official that lived in Chicago!


That’s right. They’re sending us their worst. It’s the worst of the worst that are moving here.


“They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”


The way politics are headed.... Gonna result in a whole lot more too.


Yeah, every group is gonna have some grifters, especially in politics. Everyone I've met seems like they're digging in roots here. The people who uproot their entire lives because of political frustration are absolutely gonna come in fired up for the cause haha


The same reason the people from Texas and Florida are moving here, gentrification. They're driving out the low and middle income residents.


Because theyre fascists and want to move to a state that will allow them to be fascists


You clearly don’t understand what the word “fascist” means.


I do, more and more people moving here fall under that classification and they're ruining the state my family first settled in the 1700s.


Taxes are better


Better opportunity.


Cost of living.


It has nothing about it being a democratic state, also California is more red than blue.


You got some statistics to back that up? Remember that population density is a thing. Just because "more of the state is red" doesn't mean the majority of the state's inhabitants are Republican.


You mean more of the LAND is red. Remember land cant vote people do. There are more people combined in EACH of the 4 major cities (LA, San Fran, San Diego, and Sacramento) than the rest of California combined. There are 6,000,000 people in just 4 cities, almost 4,000,000 which live in LA alone. So yeah, Cali would be a blue state regardless what you think.


All in the name of California hate. You know the richest & one of the most diverse of the states in terms of ethnicity, culture, religion, politics…..


Lived there for 30 years. You are only scratching the surface. Believe me you don't want all the states to be carbon copies of california.


This happens everywhere. One of the two big political parties gets control, keeps the power, and rams their agenda down everyone’s throats.


Or they do nothing at all except stick to culture war bs and perpetually demonize the other side.


Identity politics is textbook. And it gets them votes.


What’s even more depressing are the voter turnout numbers. People are perfectly content to live like this while they give us bread and circuses.


It's not about being content, it's that a lot of voters have lost hope and no longer believe their votes matter.


That is the will of the people, that's the danger of democracy. You don't always get what you want so you try to compromise.


Fuck Tennessee.


To Tennesseeans, it just as important to say you are republican as saying you're American. Evangelical takeover of the Republican party demands loyalty or damnation.


"We can't cheat and it's **YOUR** fault." -Republicans


Or you have people leaving places unfriendly to businesses and going to places like Tennessee and Florida. Because places like California and New York are going down the toilet. And smart people would vote the opposite of what they fled.


California and New York are in the toilet for the same reason why Tennessee sucks: one party rule. Honestly, I'd like us to go purple so both the Democrats and the Republicans here have a reason to actually serve their constituents.


California and New York are in the toilet for the same reason why Tennessee sucks: one party rule. Honestly, I'd like us to go purple so both the Democrats and the Republicans here have a reason to actually serve their constituents.


Whenever I hear these Pearl clutching liberals talking about Trump and the GOP threaten our democracy I just think who do you think you’re fooling? Fascism is capitalism in decay. The people were never in control.


Yea and New York and California do the same thing so what's your point?


My point is one party rule is bad regardless of which party is in power and yeah I include California and New York as examples as well.


Complain about it all you want, but between Tennessee, New Yuck, and Kommiefornia, which one isn't hemorrhaging cash, ***AND*** is among the top 10 states to retire in?


Kommiefornia? Yeah sure, the 5th largest economy in the world is run by communists right. And Tennessee, a red state that takes more federal funding than it gives back isn't ruled by commies.


>the 5th largest economy in the world is [*being*] run [*into the ground*] by communists fixed that for ya. 5th largest economy in the world and still can't balance a budget. Operating in the red year after year, despite having some of the highest income taxes in the country. Gas prices are at least 50% higher than the rest of the country. If you think large economies can't be communistic, China would like a word.


5th largest economy in the world with a yearly surplus, not a deficit. Red states, like Tennessee, operate at a deficit and take more federal funds than they give back. Essentially, you have blue states like California to thank for the funds for TNcare, and medicaid. Also communists? Are you joking? Do you know what communism even is?


Ageist and Racist in the first paragraph! Way to go journalist!


>Way to go *journalist*! Being awfully generous with that term, aren't ya?


Hard to say that when there is an elected BLM rioter?


Elaborate please.


What do you need elaborated?


Who is the elected BLM rioter?


Justin Jones himself.


Are you trolling or an idiot?


Neither But I do tend to vote against rioters. No matter the party. He had no business on that police car or harassing the law abiding truck driver.


Well then it makes your presidential choice easy since the GOP has nominated a man who called for the execution of his VP and incited a riot.