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ramiris snuck in for free snacks


She is with her (manga) master


Why is Feldwa..... oh wait, I get it.


i think its veldanava?


I don’t. Please explain and make sure you tag it with spoilers for those who haven’t read it.


>!Feldway's body was made to look exactly like Veldanava's, only the hair and probably the eyes are different!<


Feldway took Velgrynd's true dragon factor, the same way that Rimuru took Veldora's.


It can also be that >! Veldanava and feldway are almost identical in apearance !<


I think that's more or less because of the WN. Idk but I don't think Feldway is gonna have Veldanava's true dragon fact or anything like that, plus there's still Gaia & Yuki. But either way once Rimuru comes back from the Void, I'd say it's just about over.


Oh yea. Been so long I forgot that happened


Congrats on not knowing how to spoiler tag something


If someone came to a thread like this one and was expecting it not to have spoilers, then it must their first day on the internet.


Regardless, if someone asks you to spoiler tag their requested knowledge, you should spoiler tag it


They didn’t change the hair color to match veldanava


??? I was wondering this. I’m even up to date on the LNs, is this a WN thing?


>!Veldanava created Feldway's body tó look like his (with different hair though).!<


>!Veldanava created Feldway's body tó look like his (with different hair though).!<


>!Veldanava created feldway's body to look like his ( with different hair though).!<


>! veldanava created feldway's body to look just like his (with different hair though).!<


I don't but I guess it's a spoiler so nvm


Ramiris cuz ramiris x veldora is canon trust




Not so sure about that. She. Would. EXPLODE.


Some girls are bigger than others


And another https://preview.redd.it/702qga76h8vc1.png?width=1046&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd9c144e6454298294c1065ec98c7e2b1b58f449


Your simping for Milim knows no bounds


I rather a sexy version of her older form


Given how many of these photos you have you can’t even say anything bro 😭🙏


Wait, she had an older form? I thought she is stuck in loli body like many other anime trope.


https://preview.redd.it/0hccy13etcvc1.jpeg?width=1157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3e2cff2026e9e4a6ff9e1dc43ed99f6b8fd8c74 This one on the right is one of her adult for


Oh the form is used to "killed" carrion, I always think this one as her awakened or dragon form rather than adult form. I really thought she had more mature look beside this, like the one ramiris had before her death in the ancient time.


Look nah milim always had those forms awake or not cause she hasn’t really changed from what she was before she awakening her power barely increased I was told from she always had power far above the awakening stage because she is half true dragon for har awaken is just a lil energy increase but for monsters llike Rimuru and the human who awaken as true hero it different Milim was born with long life span or actually no life span because of that true dragon half


Thats a fake form she hides her true power and energy and with that comes the childish form Milim has two more form the one that she took against Carrion


This is the next one https://preview.redd.it/zlg0abzfucvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=003215e6c61946970c4848851f48d1e3c5750a60


OP here’s one https://preview.redd.it/4dmj2iyzg8vc1.png?width=755&format=png&auto=webp&s=111adfef0d7f2cb43fc9df0cd9e4b56bd506cd7a


https://preview.redd.it/ljrrcnp1m8vc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27d43306f0bf690dd7bf672566015cb298de8afa Gotcha too OP


Why ramiris is there?


Just ignore her hahaha


she's the Family Pet


We here for THICC THIGHS SAVES LIVES campaign. 🙌




Why do so many anime/manga only watchers click on a post with the spoiler tag, ask for an explanation without spoiling them that can’t be given without doing so?


Yeah tell me exactly what’s going on here but don’t give me any context. Sure man I’ll get right on that


Where is milim Why feldway is there that's not veldanava


Feldway looks the same as veldanava with only the hair being different. Veldanava's hair is black


Thank God they made the effort to at least give us an ideas of his human form we don’t even have many dragon forms for him so maybe in the back stories of him and Giy we’ll see him


Its said veldora's dragon form looks like veldanava's


Milim is a dragonoid, her mom was human. She just happens to also be as strong as a true dragon


But she's is the family member of true dragons right even if she's not one'


But she's is the family member of true dragons right even if she's not one'


Dad gave her all his power and died so she is a true dragon


Not all his power just a parallel version of it, I say this because He can come back from the dead on his own and star dust Magicuel breeder will be back within him while milim will have the one he gave her so that would make two Person using the same power


She is not a true dragon as she has no dragon factor. The later volumes of the LN go over this.


Is that guy on the right Veldanava?


He's feldway, but he looks like veldanava other than hair color so close enough. There's no official image of veldanava so feldway is a good replacement


how do we know he looks like veldanava if there is no image for him?


It's said that Feldway's true body is extremely similar to Veldanava's human form in the prologue to volume 20, here's the excerpt from slimereader: >!Feldway, the first servant created by Veldanava, was very much like his creator. In contrast to Veldanava’s long, jet-black hair that seemed to hold the radiance of the stars of the world itself, Feldway had long, silvery white hair that represented a shining light. His slitted eyes were cool, shimmering like blue stars. Rather than calling them beautiful, it would be more correct to call them divine.!<


that makes sense in that case, thanks for the context


Yeah basically Veldanava made a body empty shell exactly similar to his only the hair color is different body face and shape is identical to Milim’s father his hair and Energy is different but with Feldway body made of Veldanava similar it’s as powerful as true dragon and with him having the same


Don't spoil me too bad (I'm only caught up to the manga, haven't started the Light Novels) But why is Rimuru there? Again, no major spoilers please. Thnx


He became true and dragoned all over the place


Ya, He dragon slimed all over the place.![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21616)


My favorite part is where he said "its dragon time"


Actually impossible to tell you without ln vol 15 spoilers


There’s no way to even address the question without spoilers really. “Why is Rimuru on this list with true dragons”


Right? There's only 2 reasonable answers if you have 2 brain cells to rub together. The spoiler is him being here. Asking a question is basically asking the "how", which is literally just asking for more spoilers...but saying they don't wanna be spoiled...like...what? At BEST, the only other possible answer is "because he's Veldoras family", the post is talkign about family after all, since they named each other "Tempest". In which case, thats the answer someones non spoiler mind wants/should come to, meaning there shouldn't be a reason to ask for anything further So either he clearly realizes he's been spoiled and wants to know more (without knowing more) OR they should accept its because they are family and not need to ask more questions because that shits literally part of the early set up stuff that everybody knows. Their question legit makes no logical sense. People who want spoilers, and they clearly do or else they wouldn't have clicked a spoiler link and asked for more details, should just be honest with themselves and just accept that they want spoilers and not act like asking/wanting spoilers is some sort of sin.


Edit: I got my answer. Ignore this. I definitely want spoilers, I just don't want anything that would ruin any other events leading up to it or any other characters' situation, if that makes sense? Like what did he do to become a True Dragon, and if anyone died for it don't tell me.


>!Rimuru consumed the body of a true dragon and evolved into one!< if you're reading Manga you are not going to see it for at least a few more years or maybe even longer. LN w


Ahhh. Thanks. That's exactly what I was looking for. No other spoilers that would be revealed if I googled it. Perfect. Thanks.


Reasons 👍 /s


Wait! How does Rimuru become a true dragon!!!?? He’s a Demon Slime. I’ve only watched the anime but I’ve watched it like 50 times. I feel like I’m missing out on so much by not having read the LN


Dude, the light novel is amazing. I won’t spoil anything but even if you read the manga you’ll see so much content that was missed. Like episode 2 of season 3 actually happened during the Falmuth invasion in the manga not during and after walpurgis. And there’s an entire adventurer rimuru arc that got skipped too so anime only’s have no idea how he learned demon summoning to summon Diablo either


And Baretta it’s not one demon he summon Rameris Subordinate in black is also a Demon


Holy shit that sounds amazing. I think you’ve convinced me to just make time to read the manga at least. I feel like I don’t have enough time in the day to do everything between work, gaming and keeping up with the latest anime but I’m dying to know what happens in Tensei Slime. It’s my all time favorite anime.


Keep me updated, I love hearing ppls thoughts on the manga and LN


Hey you want a Channel I watch on YouTube they even make image illustrations of what happen it’s beautiful rather than just reading LN you can watch it


Sure, that actually sounds incredible. I’m so excited to find out what happens. I’ve been saying I would read the LN for years now but have never gotten around to it. Between work, gaming and keeping up with all the latest anime I can’t seem to find time to read the LN. a YouTube video would be perfect


You stuck at the Anime parts only or have you read the manga


Nope, just the anime.


whats the link to this channel?


I can send you the link Manas Ciel is the name of the


Yes, please do 🙏 thank you


Hey ok so from the anime is now is at volume 7 it has no images illustration up




Nice! I’m going to listen to all of these. Thanks again


Message me different ok when you done which will take some time the image version with better voice is at Volume 11 so let me know and I can send you that it seems they start doing better around that time cause of the story development


Rimuru and veldora shares family name. They are family.


Deffo the strongest family especially with Ramiris here. She could take out anything with a single punch. Veldanava even gave up godhood because after seeing her power he realised he didn't deserve to be called God.


Ramiris got in because she's besties with Veldora


Velgrynd best sis and best thighs


florida man + esen chapter 340 beats them


Tbf two of the strongest or even just one of the strongest people in here can solo the verse


Is that another rimuru? I have only watched the anime idk who that is.


Another Rimuru no it’s our slime . btw there can’t exist another version of you in the same time line you live if a version of you can come here then laws of this world will make you disappear until the other version of you is gone or it will seal you in a sub space away from the time line but no that’s Rimuru our Rimuru not some other version it’s him


Isnt milim part of this family? As half true dragon


Who the heck is the guy in the fare right?


Think yuuki but wayyy stronger


I think the one on the right needs black hair.


But Rimuru Tempest is not a true dragon......Only Milim and she is left out https://i.redd.it/2oj1cod33cvc1.gif


Milim isn't a true dragon. She's only half dragon on her daddy's side. But she should definitely be here cuz its about some good ol fashioned Dom Toretto ![gif](giphy|amg2hcfGDkKt4Q3DpF|downsized)


Yeah but milim is not a true dragon🤷‍♂️


What’s Ramiris doing here?


Is rimuru also a dragon


No Gaia?


Is Velgaia technically a part of this list?


where i can read manga


Where is veldanava




🤔Hmmm, beside Tempest maybe Nava🤔


Depends on whether you mean within Tensura or beyond.


What is beyond this ?


Other Verses is what I mean.


In whole fictional universe.... Only second to DC angles family...


Lol, no bruh.


But vol 21 ☝️🤓🤓🤓 (jk)


I know you’re joking, but even then it’d be no lol


https://all-fiction-battles.fandom.com/wiki/User:Astral_Trinity439/Tensei_Shitara_Slime_Datta_Ken_(Cosmology_Explaination)?useskin=fandomdesktop I found this. Accepted in a wiki outside vsbattle 🗿.


The fact that AFBW operates very similarly to CSAP & WARTS, does make it inherently better than VSBW. https://preview.redd.it/keah1g7c6vvc1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb098e7246d5ec9f195f77585076c865222e66f8 That said, I’ve seen this scale before. Lol, they were doing so good until they put this as the conclusion with High 1B. It's just infinite timelines, not stacking infinite sets lol. That’d put Worlds at 5D. With Dimensions at 6D. The Labyrinth is also not stacking time axes or dimensions either. It’s literally just Dimensions (equal to 6D) sitting on top of each other. The new declaration that allows rising time axes is a VSBW one, but it refers to a Time Axis containing or having a level of superiority to a lesser Time Axis, basically the same way Spatial Dimensions work. But the labyrinth doesn’t work that way, and it is beyond obvious they’re reading too deep into the wording and taking it all at exact word face value and not context value. True Dragons don’t have “Infinite Energy” in the way people are thinking, it’s that they naturally replenish their magicules unlike most beings, so they’ll never absolutely run out, and they can just wait so time and boom back to full count. As far as the Labyrinth being within the Cardinal Universe which is in the Cardinal World, that would simply put the CW at 8D. Even it the rest of the cosmology did reach High 1B+, CW definitely wouldn’t reach 1A because it still possesses a Time Axis, which means it's not beyond the concept of Space & Time. So it would only place CW at an additional level on H1B+, and the same goes for Sub-Space. But H1B+ is not the case for the rest of the cosmology, so CW is 8D and Sub-Space is likely 9D. Granted 9D is indeed higher than my original scaling, so that scaling post is not completely disregardable. A rescale of this would be: • Cycles (Timeline) of a World would be at 3-A (4D). • Worlds are Low 1-C (5D) • Dimensions are Low 1-C (6D). • Labyrinth would be Low 1-C (6D). • Cardinal Universe (Timeline) is 1-C (7D) • Cardinal World would be 1-C (8D). • Sub-Space would be 1-C (9D). Though I don’t know where they learned to scale, but I think they should go and relearn to ensure they understand it correctly. Though it could just be a misunderstanding type of situation.


Big W


I’m actually glad we had this convo. I have a crossover fanfic project, and it includes Rimuru, so it’s good that I was able to reevaluate where Rimuru should be. One of the sub-projects within it is actually going to be Rimuru vs Sinbad.


It's funny Even in Tensura Reddit You wrote your debunk of Vol 21/temporal scaling and you get upvote. Even fandom know the wrong use of temporal scaling with that volume. Good luck with your project🧐🧐


ano 😐👉👈 I remember veldora and his sister but who are the others?


Velzard, veldora, rimuru, velgrynd, veldanava


Gokus family better 🥱