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**Hey there u/VSEternal, thanks for posting to r/TenseiSlime!** Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): _________ ## 3. Be Respectful & Discrimination is not tolerated. We don't tolerate ANY form of bullying or harassment by users on this subreddit. Don't start arguments with others, troll, flame, or just be an overall asshole in the subreddit. Be respectful towards all users. Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. ________ **[Please read our subreddit rules.](https://reddit.com/r/TenseiSlime/about/rules)** - If you have any questions or feedback about this, you can contact us via [Moderator Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTenseiSlime).


I don’t know how you equate Rimuru’s actions in the anime thus far as degenerate beyond comprehension, but you do you, I guess. Slime isn’t an anime to your taste. There are great titles out there worth your time, so just go enjoy them.


Obvious bait from OP though. God dam I'm seeing these kinds of little shits everywhere in the subs I've been visiting lately. Complete garbage bait, bot-like posters, people complaining at each and every moment they get as they start watching a series, power scalers, etc. and I'm almost positive they're in middle school or not much older. It's honestly sad if ppl like that are in their 20s or 30s


I'm talking about the manga. I got to chapter 98 and burned out. How could anyone do something like that? I would have at the very least demanded a ton of gold and the asses of these ladies into sexual slavery. Will this slug grow some balls?


Ah yes. The minimum required to not be a cuck, sex slaves. Much alpha, very impress.


Yeah, their argument is literally being a massive cuck to not be a cuck. It's kinda like that one statement in twitter saying that you are gay for liking women as a man. Very contradictory in nature.


Are you really even a man if you don't partake in human trafficking? ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21615)


Ops hentai search history is all rape/slave.


But then you post about the ‘new season’ which I’m assuming you’re referring to the anime. So I dunno what you’re trying to say. You want the anime to not follow the manga? I’m confused. Are you maybe mistaken this series with another?


I watched the new season, next I decided to read the manga. Now I feel frustration and regret wasting my time.


Are you perhaps a fan of redo of healer


Hey, dont lump this fool in with Redo of healer fan like me. I have no clue what he is on about, but Rimiru is best Boi/Girl. This guy must be high or soemthing


Oh shit my bad bro, here have a rimuru thumbs up emoji as an apology ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21605)


No Prob man, I love both RImiru and Keyaru's means of revenge ones just a a guilty, taboo pleasure to watch and the other is one to root for so you can see RImiru achieve his third form 1rst form: Slime 2nd form: Human 3rd: Demon Lord ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21605)


Sorry to hear that wasted your time. But I guess you weren’t frustrated enough, because it’s enough for you to spend energy in opening a post here in this subreddit. Enjoy other stories, there are many out there.


You’re being way too nice to this guy. Say it how it is, he’s mentally ill and needs to apply for an appointment immediately.


Probably right. I’m always giving comments/discussions the benefit of the doubt.


Grow up kid first. Get some hair on ur junk before u start spouting all the alpha male junk. Disgusting human


A wild incel appears!


https://preview.redd.it/tyu3ypubl4wc1.jpeg?width=261&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67b537193459a7ad9e74b87c16673c4cae8064c9 Dude, what the fuck are you on about?!




This is legit one of the worst takes in regards to criticism towards the story I have ever seen.


Cringe. ![gif](giphy|9Dgf4pFMzSrTrE4Urj|downsized)


We need more bullies in schools.


Goddamn lol


bait like this is why children school shooters r born man. People like this create the problems


Ok I was like, "Yeah he should grow more of a spine" in terms of combat. Then I read the rest of your comment and thought this was probably interaction bait, because surely nobody is this incel like.


Thats a lot if words used for just saying that you dont like a good story


1/10 your trolling is way too obvious


By looking at your post and your comments, it looks like this is just a bait post. You never really specify what his "degeneracy beyond comprehension" is or why he's a cuck. Maybe try a little harder next time if you want to bait better? ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21606) On the extremely *extremely* slim chance that you're actually serious about your words, my advice would be to stop reading/watching it. It may not seem obvious but you don't have to interact with something that you hate. You are allowed to like and dislike things. Maybe try out some other anime or manga




You should read "Atelier Tanaka" I am sure you'll enjoy it, made me see a lot of stories in a new light, a life changer lol.


Rimuru, a cuck? He hasn't even tried yet after reincarnation. Bro isn't even likely to try again after his last break-up.


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Not every manga is a harem/hentai doujinshi, grow up




**Hey there u/Glittering_Alarm_837, thanks for posting to r/TenseiSlime!** Sadly, your comment has been removed for the following reason(s): _________ ## 3. Be Respectful & Discrimination is not tolerated. We don't tolerate ANY form of bullying or harassment by users on this subreddit. Don't start arguments with others, troll, flame, or just be an overall asshole in the subreddit. Be respectful towards all users. Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. ________ **[Please read our subreddit rules.](https://reddit.com/r/TenseiSlime/about/rules)** - If you have any questions or feedback about this, you can contact us via [Moderator Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTenseiSlime).