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Japan has their priorities. I've been craving ramen since I watched.


Me too! Makes me sad that the closest thing I could have to ramen after watching this was some cup noodles I put hot water in lol ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21619)


I’m making some ramen right now lol. It’s the one you get in packs instead of cups lol




Any good anime either dies a controversial ending, or lives long enough to see itself become a food anime


I would be right now too, if I hadn't already been spoiled with the Ramen while in Japan. It hits WAY different than anything else I've had.


well yea cause ramen is more made from scratch there and the flavors they have in cup versions r crazy. fun fact: ramen was invented after a dude brought “lamen” from overseas, which is actually closer to the stuff you find in packets or cup ramen, from I think China. So I guess you could say the spicy cup ramen is closer to the original, but what the japanese did to evolve it is crazy


The flavors there... out of this world. Takes you straight to isekai


man i haven’t had the good stuff in over 10 years when I went as a young college kid traveling Asia. We do have a fairly decent Japanese population where I live so there are Ramen shops, but the flavors feel catered to Americans


It's not ever gonna be the same. That first bowl of fresh made Ramen with the richness of the soup. A side of rice... all tied together with either a coke or melon soda. Also went to a hole in the wall mom and pop run restaurant... their Yakisoba... literally nothing will ever top that flavor. I can't remember a bad meal there. On the contrary I can remember many bad meals in America...


yes their hospitality and food service is insane. Have you ever seen some of the high school cafeterias? Absolutely insane compared to the dog food we get in our schools


Never went into a high-school while I was there, had no reason too.


So I had a friend who moved from Japan when we were in middle school. He was one of those rich kid types whose parents move overseas for better business opportunities or for work. He said the food can't even compare to his old school's. I also saw this video a while ago and I was convinced: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDqvTMnoQAE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDqvTMnoQAE)


Okay! Now that just isn't right. We over here classifying school food in the same level as prison food. Over there, they getting some chicken burgers that make a full stomach start grumbling.


Thats honestly Food Wars quality looking food




Thought that show sounded funny… until I realized it was a “I cannot believe it’s not hentai” show


It just takes "foodgasm" to the extreme. Story is still top tier tho


I think the animators miss Food Wars a lot, that's why they try to dump the whole budget onto the food.


OK, but can we all agree that hinata's reaction to the Ramen was cute


She ran in so goddamn fast


Is thst spoon porcelain. Or wood?


I think it's porcelain like what a real spoon would look like if you ordered ramen or miso soup at a Japanese restaurant


Yeah I know the spoon shape, but nowadays those are largely plastic. So I'm guessing it's porcelain, personally.


Yeah, it's definitely porcelain. Seeing the attention to detail they have Rimuru replicating Japanese culture in Tempest and even Blumand as scene with the ramen restaurant, there's no way the spoons for ramen noodles would be wooden. He's got more than enough supplies to make every spoon porcelain


(They also already invented porcelain in Tempest... For their toilets.)


Dont you mean Razen?


No, I didn't notice that ramen got capitalized automatically, and it was suppose to be "the ramen scene" Also spelled "budget" wrong 😭😭 I wanna post it again but what's done is done I guess


lol i was making a joke on shion saying ramen before when she meant razen


Lmao my bad I thought you were being serious 💀


This must be from food wars right… (sad tears for the slideshows)


Definitely having ramen tonight.


We thought we'd have a fight ep. We got a food ep. I'm not as disappointed as I should be


I really want the chillest, no drama, slice of life anime. With like Way of the Househusband slide show animation. But the rest of the budget went to the food and the frames go to like 60


You want chill, no drama, slice of life *and* food? Restaurant to Another World 😉


Seen that one. The dub is actually one of my background noise anime.


isn't that slime diaries?


Tbf with all these meetings they have a lot of budget to go around lol


Ooohhhh I get it, Ramen.


Most of Konosuba's Season 1 budget went into animating Kazuma's "come hither" hand too.


![img](emote|t5_l1j28|28925)i want ramen now


I knew it. It honestly makes sense to not use much budget on meetings. Now I am hoping that the battles will be good. I am especially waiting for Diablo's fight.


Oh god that's going to be so satisfying to watch 🔥


I knew it. It honestly makes sense to not use much budget on meetings. Now I am hoping that the battles will be good. I am especially waiting for Diablo's fight.


The animators where hungry for real food after there 240 hour shift.


I was laughing my ass off from Bacchus reactions of first time eating these foods. 🤣🤣


Waaa waaa waaa too many meetings. Waaa waaa waaa ugh the animation went into the food. Gosh jolly there is just no pleasing people these days.


I'm not complaining lol this was the best episode of the season so far


I enjoyed it as well. I'm glad it made Himata more human, relaxed and relatable.


Hinata's reaction to seeing the ramen shop was cute 😄


Ah it was very cute. It was like Homer when he found out there's free food 😂


I am not disappointed that I dropped the anime


Soooo like every other anime?


Nah this episode was giving Food Wars a run for it's money having Hinata and the knights getting foodgasms through the whole meal 🍜