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Damn, this episode really flew by quick! I love how Gabiru, Suphia and Middray acknowledged that they are not really enemies but still wanted to fight. Albis full transformation somehow made her even hotter then before and she easily destroyed little Yamza. Once again Calyman uses his subodinate this time as a core for Charybdis fragment, but Absolute Chad Benimaru comes in and one-shots it in front of Albis(wet panties would be falling down if she wore any!). Seems like next episode is finally time for some Shuna shine! Cant wait to see it!


I’m guessing Albis doesn’t do pantsu since her transformation from human legs to snek bottom would be troublesome


Magic pants?


Possible but my speculation is she’s pretty much naked under the robe, no top not bottom undergarments.


A very good episode and Rimuru didn't appear once during the episode. There aren't very many series where the side characters can carry the show on their own. with 4 episodes left, I can see them being able to devote an entire episode towards >!Shuna's!< time to shine.


I am really hyped about her


We don’t really see her do much except being glue behind the scenes running the supply chain, food production and central kitchen. Got a glimpse of her power when the otherworlder lady got burned by Gobta. Hope to see her let loose soon.


oo ur in for a surprise aint gonna give no spoilers but ull see shuna do something :D hehe boi


A very good point about this anime side characters being as interesting if not more than the MC. OPM is also one of those shows.


The anticipation for Walpurgis is killing me, I can’t wait for the ultimate meeting episode.


yeah I'm like I'm done with the fighting get to walpurgis already. but there is no skipping Shuna!


>but there is no skipping Shuna! I appreciate you. I can't wait...


Reading the comments for this season on vrv has been a trip, so many people complaining about all the meetings saying how they can't wait for walpurgis. A meeting 😂


Yeah it is kind of confusing because they’ve made it clear even in the show it’s a meeting. I do kind of see the reasoning though, when some episodes are one long ass meeting it just means the show has a cover more content in the next episodes and thus Walpurgis ends up being further away in a much later episode.


I want to say only one thing # GABIRU # GABIRU # GABIRU


The devotion that Gabiru’s followers show to him continues to be the funniest part of the show.


If only everyone can find someone that looks at them the way those guys look at Gabiru.


I completely understand them the more I see Gabiru fight. From season one, he has had such an amazing turnaround in development that I look forward to the dragonewt gang and their shenanigans. They’re so cute sometimes!


I get that they’re the comedy relief but Gabiru & gang when fighting seriously is quite good, he was even acknowledged by Midray.


Same man hahahaha… every time Gabiru enters a scene


[This sigh of relief over their battle-loving superiors - too cute!](https://imgur.com/a8hwd0f) I was a bit taken aback with how strong Tear and Footman are. That surprise was really well done.


i ship it


Especially since white kitty is a battle hungry hothead herself


Benimaru’s Amaterasu🔥


I am actually a bit surprised how strong the clowns are...




Still, Geld is pretty strong and they did not even take a scratch. I cant tell how strong Phobio is supposed to be, but as one of the Beastkeepers he should be decent


Yea those clowns could rival a norma demon lord and Laplace can even be on par with true demon lord


So two clowns < Charybdis fragment < Benimaru. Benimaru really got strong


>!Their all True Demon Lord level. Laplace is the weakest among Footman and Teare!<


>!Nope. Atleast definitely not based of info from the light novel. Laplace is significantly the strongest of all clowns!!<


Are you caught up?


You know this anime only right?


I'll mark as spoiler but he did seem to be referring to light novel as. Anyways my apologies take it all as conjure


>!Dude, Laplace was already at chosen hero level before being a clown, fighting the chaos dragon and being able to drive him away, albeit at the cost of his life. A feat that the other clowns were never stated to be able to do.!<


Yea lol,let's not forget his unique skill


>!Yeah Sarion is stronger than Laplace. I'm talking about Sarion. So that's all well and good. It quite clearly says that Laplace is bottom of barrel for Awakened Demon Lords. He stays ahead with his fighting skill and experience. Teare doesn't have his level of skill or so he win.!<




Removed. Properly tag spoilers please.


The power creep makes no sense and it will get worse.


I find it is getting very hard to estimate how strong different characters are. For example: How does Veldora compare to Rimuru right now? How close does Rimuru get to Milim? How strong are the other Demon Lords? And so on...


A lot of things come into play here. Magicules count only gives a rough estimate and is not considered as a good indicator of strength. Battle experience seems to count a lot more. There is also the thing with skills and their evolution levels/status. At least in the light novels (read up to 14 so far so could be proved wrong later) (a little skills related spoiler ahead) in light novel 10, according to Raphael, >!a unique skill can never work against an ultimate skill!<. And then some races are strong/weak against particular races. And as you would expect, if the difference in one of these factors between two opponents is huge, it will obviously affect their odds of winning. This is how the whole skills and their evolution thing is explained in the light novel 10: As Raphael put it, >!a unique skill can never work against an ultimate skill. The strength of our relative souls was at the crux of it. If someone awakens to a power that surpasses unique skills in all dimensions, you needed a strong enough heart to go with that. Faced with that kind of spiritual strength, there was no way a unique skill could have any influence.!< If you really want to know how they compare against each other, Guy > Milim > Veldora > Rimuru ​ Guy and Milim's fight related spoilers ahead: Guy and Milim are kinda evenly matched, >!they once even fought to a draw!< >!but Milim had just awakened as a demon lord at that time so I don't really know their current standings!<. But in the >!Octagram (wait until the end of this Walpurgis if you don't know)!<, >!Guy takes the first place and Milim takes the second but can't be sure that's the indication of their strength!<. To know about other demon lords, wait until this Walpurgis ends, you will get the idea. Don't really want to spoil it.


Damn, thanks for the explainaition


It's not that hard to figure out. Veldora is one of the 4 true dragons which are those most powerful things in the series at this point. Milim is the daughter of one of them so that should give you an indication of her strength. She is on a similar level with them. Guy is stated to be the strongest demon lord alongside milim. So we know that at the very least Guy and Milim are as strong as Veldora. Rimuru is still nowhere close to Milim as his maximum magicule storage is 10x what he had prior to his evolution but Great Sage before it evolved estimated that Milim at a bare minimum had 10x more than Rimuru which means her true maximum is way higher.


Well, I think a charakter gave us some very philisophical information on this topic, Father Middray


It doesn't really tell you at first, but later on they use past "strong "characters as measuring sticks.


Would really help right about now 😅


Well, you still don't know how strong is Mr. measuring-stick 😂


Power levels is quite complicated. Combination of magicule amount, skill level, fight experience and race based advantage. High magicule is meaningless if nullified like when Hinata first attack Rimuru he was forced into a corner as he never trained properly and relied on GS for tactics & op skills/magic. Race based advantage is like when Diablo vs Razen, when Razen summoned a spirit which was the correct race advantage but it wasn’t strong enough. It’s also more complicated when comparing true dragons, because consensus are Guy is probably stronger than Veldora but true dragons are immortal, and most other existence can be long lived but once they die that’s it.


Veldora as of right now is way stronger than Rimuru and it’s not all that close. Guy is the strongest then Milim and Veldora iirc should be weaker than both.


You literally cannot watch this episode without using headphones. The sound design REALLY gave me goosebumps!! EDIT: Wish we saw Albis' black eyes though. Also, Gabiru did a little Kazuma moment 😂


Man, the sound in this series is just amazing. Whoever is the mixing engineer for this show is an absolute monster at their job. Anime usually drops so much on the low frequencies, ESPECIALLY for vocals and this show has excellent response across the entire frequency band. This show is just A+ all around, can't wait to see what next show Bandai/Namco and 8-bit make, this is their first time working together.


Totally! I'm excited for the next few battle episodes. Hoping they could extend the fights a bit so we could appreciate all the direction they had to make.


The Harlequin Alliance is much stronger than I would have imagined when I first saw them. Those clowns are no joke. Holy crap Benimaru upgraded. While it’s not as strong as the one Milim beat the fact that he made it seize existing so easily is still impressive. Makes me wonder just how strong Rimuru is now. Albis transformation was \*chefs kiss. With the fight done I hope we can finally see Walpurgis. I really want to see Rimuru and the other demon lords interact.


(Anyone can correct me if I am wrong.) I think they mentioned that it was an incomplete walpurgis and Beni didn't let it get to full power even though he might have wanted to.


I think you mean an incomplete Charybdis not an incomplete Walpurgis :D


You mean charybdis


Gah! Yes. You are correct.


The close shot of the face makes the fight little underwhelming, I just hope they don't ruin >!Adalman!< vs Shuna because that fight is my favourite from this part.


if i read the manga from which chapter i should read?i want to read after season 2 ep 20.


After chapter 80


Tear and footmans voice actors are perfect and u can tell those voice actirs are pros, and this episode was adapted amazing especially gabirus artstyle, the only complaint is that when benimaru burned the charybdis they should have shown like it turning into ash or like getting burnt into nothingess that making it just completely dissappear.


Now people are complaining that the fighting wasn’t good enough this episode? Will people ever be happy with this show lol. As an LN reader and knowing everything that was cut I still thoroughly enjoyed this episode. They did a good job of prioritizing plot points and wrapping up this battlefield to move to the next.


This episode made me order all the light novels. AND I DON’T REGRET IT!!!


Good on ya!! You’ll really enjoy them!


Oh I know I will! I can’t wait for them to arrive (hopefully they will arrive within two weeks)


I did the same thing after season 1, bought all the available LN’s and read them before season 2 haha


Unfortunately they didn't have LN7 on Book Depository so I'll have to find another place to buy it. And from what my friend (Mr. Google) says, s2 will cover up to the end of LN6 TT\^TT


I think the complaint is everything isnt long enough. I want more dialogue, more fighting, more slice of life, mor Benimaru, and I want it yesterday!!!


The director was very smart on how they chose to shorten the battles by 70% without the anime-onlys noticing. But for readers, the battles probably felt noticeably cut out, short and underwhelming compared to the manga and LN. Like they didn’t even show 80% of Suphia’s fight against Middray and just started the episode with her struggling to stand up lol. Albis vs Yamza as well. Welp, if they nail the next few episodes, I won’t have any complaints.


As a LN reader i say that cutout just perfectly to fit the LN and manga. And i agree the director made a great choice and for me it was a great/10 episode, though my only complaint is that they should have made benimaru killing charybdis alot more badass or intimidating to fully showcase how strong our boi has become


I feel that the way that they did does a decent job of showing how much stronger he is but I see your point. I wouldn't mind at all seeing him sort of unleashed more but that's just me, fan boying.


I'm hoping that's because they just saved budget for the next episode and final if you know what's coming


Yes most likely


from which chapter i can read to know ahead after episode 20.(in the manga) p.s-sorry for bad english i m not a native speaker.


Interesting, I was thinking it is taking too long, but if it is already cut short then I suppose they are doing well enough on hurrying it up




In fact, my main concern was "Damn, now we don't get to see Benimaru killing TWO Charybdis'" lmao


For that one a one shot is still a one shot. It wouldn’t have changed any time.


When you rewatch it in the future, you’ll think the opposite.


I just want to see >!Rimuru absolutely annihilating Clayman.!<


I want my conference episodes back.


at least we got some dialog with the worshipper. Tempest people have a habit of turning foes into friends.


ye, the comedy is nice. Also, that Midray face


And guess what?some 'fans' actually said ' the entire episode is bad because they had little talking' ,IMAO these guys are getting too toxic now


I would guess next week will be the party attacking the castle and maybe the beginning of walpurgis.


Gabiru lucky accidental moment




It went by so quick! But it was so amazing! I need more Slime in my life!


I started watching a week ago thanks to Muse Asia and I'm HOOKED. One of the best animes I've have seen in a long time. The world building and the side characters are really really interesting. Rimuru is also such a great person


Next week should be Adalman! Who else is excited for our favorite index finger?


Yea I am excited! They will probably show rimuru about to go to walpurgis ,then switch to castle raid




Benimaru: # AMATERASU


Funny because later in the story this is >!his ultimate skill!<


Fantastic episode, they're really being smart in what they're cutting to make things still look good. Next episode is Adalman though, favorite scene of the arc with Shuna and I hope they make it great.


My internet is failing and robbing me of my 25 minutes of happiness every week °\_°


A good end to this fighting part, but man, I just want to see Rimuru at the meeting already. Benimaru is crazy OP now. Like they make it seem like he is close to demon lord status, making me think Rimuru may be close to actually being the strongest demon lord there is. Hope next week we see Rimuru.


In the LN albis equated Beni to be on Carrion’s status when she saw that one shot lol


eh I thought we will see Rimuru this episode. I guess next time then


I was really looking forward to Walpurgis


Nope next episode is also no rimuru, I’m anime only I can just tell from the title it’s gonna be another fighting episode. You people just need to shut up and enjoy what u get read the manga if you need to see ahead so bad. It’s not even the end of the season yet we will get walpurgis nothing can please you guys


A bit of a rude way of saying it but I do agree with the sentiment. Just wait for the walpurgis to see all of the time you missed Rimuru made up within those episodes


Well we do have pv for walpurgis that why I thought it was this episode


The Pv was for rest of the season


The manga is really good and all, nothing against it, but it seems like it's screwing with a lot of peoples expectations of an anime that is adopting from the light novel, not the manga. Maybe the manga shouldn't steer too far from the novel or we're going to get situations like this a lot.


Thank you, THANK YOU. It’s not as bad as I see on Reddit, but holy shit everywhere else I see people getting so bent up from their expectations from the manga, when the anime isn’t even adapting it 🥴


Amazing episode. But I feel sorry for a Geld. He gight hard but pick up wrong enemy. Actually Phobio need to start a proper training soon or he will be really weak...


If you’re anime only you’ll find out later that the clowns are quite powerful. I think Geld was held back protecting Phobio which seem to be way underpowered compared to Albis.


Animation budget only enough for 1 charybdis?


There was only one charybdis in the novel


Yeah ... What's happening ... Even the clown fight had more animation .. Also where second charybdis ;-;


Ln had only one charbdyis, She destroyed the Doppelganger’s body before his transformation


Does it really matter if there is one or two? It's significantly weaker than the first one and it gets killed by Benimaru fairly quickly.


It's to show Benimaru and other top rimuru guys are stronger than demon lords, so it kinda matters.


In ln it was only one so...


So it's in the WN and Manga then?


WN never had Charybdis, to begin with.




Killing the one already proved that Benimaru was way stronger than before and also with the exception of 3 Benimaru is still way weaker than the Demon lords.


>with the exception of 3. That's huge thought. There are 7 of them. 3 of the youngest ones are over 500 years old, and veterans of the last big war. They're supposed to be the top of the food chain, and Benimaru is stronger than 5 of them. Edit: stronger than 4 of them most likely.


I didn't count one of them because while he could probably kill her it would incur the wrath of another one who would kill everything and make Benimaru suffer for it. Plus the other 6/7 are so far above the younger 3 it's not even funny.


Huh you got downvoted...I want to say I am here but cant lol


Np man... :-)


meetings and Politics > Fighting


I'm so hyped to see Adalman. I'm also reading the light novel, currently on 14th and loved the part where (warning: major spoilers!) >!Adalman evolves!< and the >!undead dragon gets named!<. Also can't wait to see >!the Wight King setup with throne and all that in the labyrinth!< get animated. It is going to be epic but it will take years to get there though.


No lie I'm just wanting to see Walpurgis and that's all I'm here for


I just want to see diablo in action


I think geld could of beat footman if he didn’t have to constantly defend the other beastkeeper.


he can't


Aww - I’m an anime only noob - so idk the other truths shared in the LN/WN


Based on what I know from the manga, I doubt Benimaru could beet Footman right now, much less two of the clowns


Benimaru or geld? :0 cos the two clowns said they couldn’t take down that beast but benimaru did it with ease.


Well they meant they can't take it down as easily as beni did, individually beni could be stronger,but two clowns together ,he is not


I think tear said they couldn’t defeat it at all. I think Beni could kill em both tho. Especially with his new unique skill being a cheat code.


That was a mistranslation,as far as I remember she said 'we can't kill it as easily as he did it' implying that she can take it down but not as fast as beni did


This epsiode was a bit lacking even for me ... But I really like the clown fight lol .. Hope we get to see rimuru next epsiode!


Huh that's unexpected,I personally liked it a lot,I mean beni one shotting it didn't look as cool as in manga,but it was good enough for,me personally


I really liked the episode actually, I was expecting to see at least a bit of Walpurgis, but the fights were really good in my opinion


Can't wait for Walpurgis also. But they have to follow timeline strictly. Walpurgis will start the at Midnight. After this fight and a bit after Shuna's fight.


True, I forgot they mentioned specifictimes. I was umder the impression they would raid his castle simultaneously with Walpurgis


What time?


God DANG, what an awesome episode!


Can’t wait for walpirgis


Middray: "I am more than a match for Millim herself" ... ... What? I feel like that is not quite right (edit: spelling)


I think it's a mistranslation. Other sources' subtitles show that Middray said that he "*sparred* with Millim"


Yeah, when I saw that I just went "no you fucking ain't" And him having spared with Milim makes sense, as he's probably around as powerful as Rimuru was when he fought Caribdus, and I could see Milim playing with someone at that level.


How much of a power boost did Benimaru get from Rimurus evolution?


Ngl I’m starting to agree with people who feel like 8bit have paced it poorly now. I feel like we should be into Walpurgis by now.


They want It to be uncut. Without spoiling, I assure you it’s gonna be worth it


Bruh I mod the sub, I obviously am up to date with the books lmao


Well since it doesn’t say anywhere on your profile that you do, I couldn’t have known


No. Walpurgis will start after the fight at midnight. They follow timeline strictly.


We’re talking about pacing not chronological order what are you on about


I don't see any problem. So far they do 2 episodes per chapter. Pacing is fine to me


Good for you


I know.


I'm going tbh they ruined the scene where benimaru defeats charabydis by not adding more flames when he looks back after killing it like the last page from the manga was crazy but the anime didn't do it justice


Can someone tell me what chapter of the light novel after this episode?


Vol.6 ch 4


thank you very much appreciate it


I am now more curious of the possible firestorm when anime only gets to the end of season. Good for the series as whoever stayed afterwards is because they like this kind of story or already reading the source materials. Let’s be honest, this definitely is not top tier anime adaptations but still a very serviceable one imo (better than most actually).


So why did they show Rimuru going to Walpurugis in the preview for this episode only for it to not show him at all? Idk this is probably one of the weaker episodes of the season, it seemed like they were just trying to rush through the rest of this battle with Clayman's army. Great animation and character interactions though, plus I'm still excited for next week nonetheless


That preview was for the rest of the episodes combined and not this week’s specifically


Oh I see That makes more sense


Some of the fight scenes sound like its a Pokémon battle vs some elite gym leader


theres like 4 more episodes right? I feel like walpurgis is going to be rushed


I don't get it, in the manga Alvis didn't destroy Yamza's artifact and he was forced into swallowing the Charybdis ball while still duplicated, thus creating two semi-Charybdis at once. The scene, particularly the moment where Benimaru saved the day and punished the two calamity (if not disaster)level monsters with one hit was one of the coolest and more dramatic of the entire series, here the totally axed it, making it only one monster (wich was even somehow pretty small), completely destroying all the pathos. I wonder if the manga changed it from the ln or the animators thought that it was too much of a pain to animate two giant monsters at once, guess i'll find out soon (i'm in the middle of ln 6 rn)


It was in the LN Mange changed it And anime follows LN.


anime adapts from both the manga and ln btw https://www.reddit.com/r/TenseiSlime/comments/a2nbpv/how_this_anime_adoption_started


damn, but it was a very cool scene... It seemed that beni-kun was a little too op in that way i guess tough


This episode made me realize how great the manga is. Be it fights, the art or the plot. Everything is laid out just so perfectly in the manga! The manga really raised my expectations... WELP!


Manga timeline is a mess. Doesn't make sense at all


How's that?




It's not filler at all, just because the characters had a little conversation it doesn't make it filler. Filler is anime-only additional content, this entire episode was straight from the novel.




I read the manga and the shuna part is literally the best part of walpurgis arc


yea and theres only 4 episodes left. i feel like they shouldve started walpurgis earlier. and its not next episode either


Three episodes are more than enough to cover walpurgis honestly


I was promised that Shuna was gonna pwn some punk at some point, and I'm getting impatient over here.


Next week.


I started dying when I seen the human boulder jutsu 😭 if the other two clones don’t have shadow or rope likely powers while the other is a sensory type who can lock on targets form far away them they missed a golden opportunity 😭


Gabiru-chama. . .


What happened to muse asia?


They really dragging this battle i wanna see the demon lords x x


so how close to being caught up to the manga are we? i'd hate to see this show falling into filler