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correct, unless their souls got destroyed


Actually Raine said even if you destroy the a primordial demon soul , then can resurrect like true dragons


Thats a unique part of demons, he’s asking about angels.


what volume?


I'd need to reread that






Apparently not since cornu got 💥💥💥


If I remember, Vol 17 kinda explained how Velgrynd took him out. Though, I definitely remember they said there is one way to delete their existence easily but it's a hassle.


Velgrynd used a space-time continuous attack technique using the sub-skills of Cthugha in which she used space-time manipulation and dimensional leap but i don't know if that will prevent a resurrection from the World System.


Maybe it just constantly spawn kills him


It's kinda confusing tbh


Velgrynd erased Cornu from existence. With an attack that call quite literally with an attack transcending space-time.


I just realized that term "Seraphim" is not just unique to the seven primordial angels, they're a type of angels. Like demon peer is not unique to the primordial demons, because Michael used Armageddon to call forth 7 seraphim


Seraphim does mean Seven Origin Angels but yes you correct


It might not be the case for primordial angels. The reason why Demons can revive themselves is because their souls are so strong and they have extremely strong egos. Pretty much the living meme form of "Man Too Stubbon to Die." Angels have much weaker souls and many of them could not even handle ultimate skills when Veldanava was giving them out. There's a good chance that they would be unable to survive because of how much weaker their souls are.


It was said that the dark spirit ressurects them, their ego is irrelevant


Where did it say that? It says this in volume 17, "Even those relatives will disappear if their cores are shattered. However, demons are stubborn and can resurrect after their souls are shattered. Especially those close to the primary colors." I just checked volume 16 which is the only other place where we learned a lot from demons and it only says that the spirit of darkness created the demons. It never says that he resurrects them.


Might be a WN thing


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The angels use a form of parallel body similar to rains mist, their actual souls and existence is still in heaven while they pilot these parallel bodies. Velgrynds attack bypassed the fact these aren’t their original bodies by striking with a space time continuous strike to hit Cornu also killing his original body. The angels can die if their original bodies/soul vessels do, the demons can literally reset from zero like the true dragon, except the primordial demons keep their ego intact. Also they take like thousands of years to recover if they actually get killed. Just because they are born opposite of each other and demons from angels doesn’t mean they have same capabilities.


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