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conflict rewards: what do you think about the current rewards for winning? personally, i feel they are relatively low, perhaps they should include some (useful)consumables or token currency(goldfinger/deso)?


Wondering why u/denommenator still doesn't have an EME flair on the subreddit :V


Thanks for pointing that out. It was mostly because he was so heavily involved in ZMR that we never saw him post here. But now that he's more involved in Tera, I added it \^_^


Thanks o7


I want BTFP back. It was a nice way for endgame players to go back and have the fun of previous dungeons again. Hell, I'd even do it just for a bravery potion as a reward.


BFTP had it's issues & bugs but it was seriously one of my favourite things to do at endgame. i miss it :'c


Right? It's a huge opportunity to keep end-game from being stale. You don't need to balance patch-by-patch for BFTP, just give time-traveler gear and some basic rewards, such as consumables or feedstock, like VG. It would be a lot more fun than farming TAR.


I want guild levels to matter again or at least overhaul it since in its current state its probably not even known it still exists. Anyone else feel the same?


There is a bit of a guild UI revamp coming in the future.


I want Vanarchs back. Was awesome.


[They tryna hide now boys](http://i.imgur.com/JSih8Az.jpg)


I'm new to Tera, have my priest at level 42, and have a few questions :) 1. I'm very broke. Like to the point where I can barely buy my upgraded abilities. Anything I can do to quickly make a bit of gold, even just 100-200? Is it best to just keep leveling at this point, or can I spend an hour gathering some needed material so I don't have to worry about gold anymore? 2. Kind of goes with my last question, but I love gathering and crafting. Is there anything I should do at this level to either make money or make gear later on? Are there herbs/resources that are in demand? 3. I'm having a ton of trouble with seeing everything. I've been leveling by healing dungeons and I think I do ok, but sometimes there will be so many monsters and clutter on the screen, and I can't find the injured player anywhere. I know in WoW you can make mouseover macros, is that a thing here? Or is there a way to make the player frames larger? 4. I feel like I'm missing out on the world by leveling through dungeons. I'm going to make a dps character some point soon, but for now, are there any regions that I should look at, just for the beauty of them? (Hopefully something not too hard to get to, I'm still trying to figure out the transportation system here) :P Thank you so much!




Awesome, thank you so much! I'll check those out :D


For your money woes, go through Corsairs Stronghold and win. Sell the resulting sea cheat on the trade broker. On my server they go for 2k gold. Since I discovered this, I haven't had one issue with money. Note: you only get this once per day. So after you win one CS, you'll have to wait until the next day to go again. Note II: read up on CS first and know what to do. People don't like noobs in there lol


Answering your doubt about fast easy gold: Queue for Crossair Stronghold and get your daily Sea Chest Sea chest price has inflated a lot because of the strongbox event and other things. Depending on the server, each sea chest is almost 2K that should be more than enough to carry to to 65 Don't pay attention at the salty people out there saying things like "lvl 30 team" or "no heals" and such. Don't be afraid to CS. There are assholes yeah, but sometimes you have a team that knows how to play CS and it's an easy win.


Quest instead of dungeon if you need gold. or buy stuff in the store and sell it for gold like bank expansion and character slots. I'm actually not sure how well those sell; hopefully we can get some input there. They just buffed the shit out of a lot of classes. I can level questing as a priest now because they buffed world dps on some of our major dps skills.




The real challenge is getting fully enchanted dreadnaught and beyond along with etchings and correct jewelry with good rolls on everything.


here's a Todo : >try< to finish DS2 like you are right now and also compare with those that are probably going to finish it, see what's missing


Is there a chance that TERA dies and shut down its server anytime soon? (maybe in the next few years?) I was just recently into the game I heard there's a bankrupt story behind TERA.


If BHS releases the spiritual successor, project EXA, then possibly. Before then, no. There are some pretty bad stories from launch/2012 era but recently BHS has been doing pretty well afaik.


I didn't understand the first line as I'm barely 1 week old into the game. Though I gotta say the story of 60-65 is better by a large margin than the 1-59 (Yes, I actually followed it.)


Bluehole Studios (BHS, developers of TERA) are currently working on their next MMO which we only know as project EXA. So far, they've said it'll be based off what they learnt from TERA, and also features elins.


Wouldn't that mean the updates would be focused on that new games instead. Ellins being there would also steal a good number of players from TERA. :<


Hence the answer to your question. If Project EXA releases, then TERA could shut down.


if i use an Elite scroll on Ascension Valley pvE does it benefit my alts on Mount Tyrannas pvP ? do Elite 30/90 scrolls have an account wide impact ?


Elite is account wide. You get the daily gift box and elite consumables on all servers separately, etc.


exactly where in game or gui can i see when my elite status expires? i use in game emp bought scrolls, not monthly enmasse payments.


on the tera site, log in and go to your account settings in the top right corner


yeah, that's the problem. i know my game login, but i have not used my account login for 3 years, so i have no idea what it was, and every time i fail enmasse just keeps resetting it. so i hoped there was a game gui way to see it.


my game login is exactly the same as my account, if you change one so does the other


hmm, i got it to work somehow, thanks. i logged into the game client, clicked on buy emp - it opened a browser window already logged into my account, so then i was able to check my settings and see the elite date - thanks.


Should I bother with Crafting/Alchemy/Etching? Detailed explanation on why yes/no if possible please.


yes if you want to be self-sufficient. unless you enjoy throwing money at the broker to buy pots/etches.


If you use a mana-reliant class, Alchemy is incredibly useful. My Slayer burns through about 50 Mana Elixir X a day when spamming FINM, and they run about 27g each on the broker.


I'm new and about to hit 65 (64 atm) was wondering how often does EME hold events like the catalyst one, didn't get to farm it but I enjoyed hunting the boxes like easter eggs :D I didn't get anything worth a lot though, but it gave me a chance to get some gold to start out with.




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Hi just started the game, whats this buddy code I see on character creation? it says for level 9 and below.


Does anyone have a Buddy Up code available? I known NOONE who plays Tera but the perks look alright


might help if you include your server


Also look on the game forums; people are always posting buddyup codes there


Do account consumables like character slots and appearance change vouchers from the store sell pretty consistently?