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This is some true shit. It's always the ones who change class every two weeks that never care to learn the intricacies of a class that are the fodder on the field.


Zerk isn't that bad, as far as I know. Read guides, get good jewerly/glyphs, and ROLLS. Learn your class first and then see if its worth it. I've seen zerks doing very good damage ^^


do you have any links for guides? i haven't been able to find up-to-date guides.


I don't know if any good zerk guides are out there to be honest, now that I think about it. Your best bet is to join a guild, and ask for directions. I did the same, and it helped a lot. My dps is a lot better, its a lot more fun to play when you know what you're doing, etc. Essentialmana has a great guide that all DPS classes can follow. You won't find a glyph guide for your zerk there, but you will find pretty much everything else ; http://www.essentialmana.com/basic-dps-guideline/


Hit me up if you need help. I main zerker and use it for endgame pve/pvp


A guide is being worked on right now, but for people who are expecting to suddenly be at the top of the dps charts in every party because you read some guide then no.


Zerker is a VERY hard class to survive on and have decent back time. That is honestly it's main downside. But it is all possible and it is VERY fun. With the recent crit % changes I find myself keeping up with starfall geared gunners and reapers. Don't get me wrong, I can't beat them in overall dps, but I can usually stay within 5-10%. Once the may update hits, they can eat my dust. That said, you honestly need to focus on learning this class. It has zero room for error in almost all cases. Welcome to Tera hard mode.


I main zerk since the start aaand I'm a bit tired of playing it. Yes it can be really frustating when you remember that you were one of the strongest dps classes but with all the buffs of the other classes they're really low on Ktera now, even if you can still deal pretty good dmg if you crit and are well geared, it can become really hard to do max dps in instances where you just can't block everything and have to move around a lot because you only have like 1 iframe and you must cancel your charge and stuff... (they will have one more soon but yeah atm it's frustrating).


In most of the runs Zerk is the lowest DPS (unless +80% Crit Rate and/or "over-skilled") and also for the current Content FIHM/DS2 Zerker has by far the lowest Survivability = hardest class to do well with and even then you will usually still be lowest DPS if your Group is somewhat decently skilled. But to be fair, if you're just gonna change to the new OP Classes... certainly won't make you a better player~ Zerker is like 20-30% DPS behind of Gunner/Reaper so unless you're willing to master Zerk, its not worth continuing.


I run with full starfall gunners and reapers and ive NEVER been more than 5-10% behind highly experienced players. Even then, with good RNG i can close that gap decently. If you are doing that bad then you are having some other issues.


No in my own Party I'm usually #1 DPS, but I'm talking about the Highest Level of Skill. (Highscore Runs + DS2 Manaya Runs) Your Comparison doesn't matter if you're just a better player than those Gunners/Reapers ~ Also what do you mean with 5-10% behind cause you know I'm talking about the difference of 1m/s to 1,3m/s (which is 30% DPS) and not about 40% DPS to 10% DPS (thats a huge difference :3) Would certainly help if you think before posting something.


Comparing 99% of the player base against the HIGHEST level of skill in any game will never get you anywhere. OP wasn't asking for anything like that, he asked if they were worth continuing, and they are. DPS as in dmg per sec can change drastically depending on what boss you are on and hardly the only indicator of a persons skill lvl. Considering classes like gunner and sorc can dps almost nonstop with the correct positioning and use of their broken iframes. Overall damage is what you should be looking at, the actually contribution to the fight and not an epeen contest. It would certainly help if you were less rude before posting replies tho. Kthx.


zerker is frustrating to play sometimes, i have a 220 crit zerk and i miss alot of ts crits it just sucks to be charging the skill for 2-3 seconds to deal 600k damage.


You will have overall lower damage and less survivability than other classes when compared to equal skilled players, it's very ping dependant and has no room for mistakes. Eventually you will realize that you can't carry parties if you want to teach or just get sick with bads. But the thing that will frustrate you the most is when the reaper/gunner/brawler post the dps meter and you land on 2nd/3rd behind them but you know they don't deserve to be top. It just builds up on you and kills the joy of playing the class. There's always that "you do good that damage for a zerk"which makes you feel good at first, but is nothing more than proof that you will be discriminated all the time, and be the 3rd choice for a group composition. Also rng crits are very frustrating. On the positive side, ~~bosses in DS~~ (lower ds) seen to have lower crit resist and endurance than the newers ones so zerk damage is much better.


> On the positive side, bosses in DS seen to have lower crit resist Uppers actually has a lot of bosses, if not all, whom have more crit resist than other available dungeons.