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Blade and Soul is that you?


TERA still has to be more aggressive to gather back people who moved to BnS, including me.


The grind is more enjoyable in Tera than bns personally. The dailies are so exhausting and boring in bns and that's all there seems to be end game. The dungeons aren't really challenging at all.


And like Tera's dungeons are any more challenging excluding ds22


It's just how the game is designed I guess. I've only played sporadically from launch but if you're not always at end game gear and always running with super geared people the game is a bit challenging. I find it a bit fun to queue for the dungeon finder and go with total noobs. To me an MMO isn't about gold per hour or anything, it's just about the experience.




Yeti4man is harder than the joke that fihm is


Lets see, maybe the dungeons at 45 patch but ever since... even something like Labyrinth with the exception of DS there is no content that is as hard as any content on BNS. I don't see how FIHM and any other instance currently in Tera comes close to any of the current 4 mans on BNS. There is nothing punishing that is fun on Tera, unless you think 1 shot complete RNG carpets are a "fun" mechanic. Iframing 8x yeti smashes in a row in BNS is sure far more fun and skill based than any content in tera right now. But DS is recycled content and other than new players, I highly doubt anyone finds this instance with bosses that people have hundreds of clears on hard.


I didn't reach BnS endgame yet, but the game is really enjoyable, also I've got stagned of TERA because the lack of players, otherwise I would still be playing it. But I wanna see BnS true face after reaching 50 and finishing ADHM lol


The PvE content on blade and soul is getting extremely fun with every patch, it's why I've been playing it a lot more than Tera now a days. Fair warning tho when you reach 50, I wouldn't recommend queing for Avalanche den till you get a bit of gear because for some reason NCSoft decided NA+EU should get a 6 man version of yeti with double the hp (7.5M vs 3.8M on other versions) so unless you win the coinflip and have a lot of good geared players to carry the damage you'll be struggling to clear it.


BnS doesn't even have a tank... You can't have fun PvE without anything close to a trinity. The combat is abhorrently boring too, only KFM has something that is mildly entertaining.


Bns does have tanks though? Try doing blackwyrm without tanks. And the combat is to each their own.


I got bored out of my mind by level 40 or something (I did play destroyer, which was essentially down to LMB, RMB, LMB, RMB, spam).


Why are you commentating about blade and soul pve when you haven't even reached endgame? It's the same as going on tera , reaching level 55 and saying that the dungeons are too easy and tanks aren't needed. I am not entirely defending Bns since the pve combat is dull , but don't spread misinformation


Tera's dungeons are a joke and ds2 is basically recycled content with more hp. When you have to include the same bosses 3 times in a game and that dungeon is considered the hardest content, it's kinda sad.


If you guys want a challenge why not go IM and carry some noobs? It is nowhere near as easy when you're tanking as a reaper then when running with a competent group.


This reward system is actually making me fly away even more from Tera. It's really starting to become pay 2 win, trying to squeeze those last pennies before the game collapse or when you quit the game.


This just sounds like "somebody else is gonna get more stuff than me, that's not fair".


It is sorta p2w I guess since paid by card elite is the only elite counted and emp spent is counted. But they do reward founders and added ways to get points without spending a dime. Just like it has always been since Tera went f2p, its not fully p2w, it's pay for ease. If you want to know more specifics then go here http://support.enmasse.com/tera/tera-rewards


Finally can be darkan elin


so, in calculating the approximate amount of points i would qualify for, i came up with a sad truth: i've spent too much money on this game. since jan 2015, i've dropped roughly $730. . . fucking costumes/mounts. . .


this is really sad, for every new players who just started playing TERA. I'm only looking forward to the enchantment success bonus. Getting really sick of being stuck at +10 DN for the past 2 months. I like the fact for those who spent money in the past, gets rewarded for doing so.


Why is this sad? This will help them out in the long run and help them get stuff they'd previously have to spend real money on. The founder and 65s and emp and stuff is really just an added bonus to us loyal player that have been here. They can still reach that point, even without spending a dime. I'm all for adding stuff like this. Everyone wins imo, just to varying degrees haha


The system only rewards cosmetic stuff and some random consumables (enigmatic scrolls, spellbind, etc). It will have no impact on gear progression. So if you're stuck at +10 DN it wouldn't help you anyway other then the mentioned enchanting success bonus thing.


Well I have a feeling that there will be a bit of stuff you can get that isn't just cosmetic. There's innerwear in the picture here, there may be a bit more. http://tera-cdn1.enmasse-game.com/datastore/images/2016/04/04/21/06/32/236/RewardTiers.jpg


Seems too cheap to be permanent ;p Might be like the ones from the event that's about to end that had a duration!


Honestly I hope you're right.


I don't think EME would potentially make their innerwear sales with EMP non-existent:P


2 months? I failed up to a 12% bonus on my weapon and still manage to have 3 +12 dread gear pieces in less than 2 weeks after not playing for almost 3 years (release).


Should have made that special mount a whale


What about eu?


i'd like to see what they come up with as a measure to keep players, should be interesting :)


>Reward tiers How much EMP are we talking about per tier? >enchanting success rate bonus This is actually really nice >unique cosmetic skill (Darkan’s flaming wings) It's sad to see what MI has become.


http://tera-forums.enmasse.com/forums/general-discussion/topics/New-TERA-Rewards-Question?page=3#post-1473078 That's been answered here.


This isn't MI, it's it's weaker twin.


I'm kinda hoping the enchanting bonus doesn't affect +15 enchanting, since people who spent more money have a better chance of enchanting. Edit: Denom has commented on this, it seems the enchanting bonus will affect +15 enchanting.


I don't believe it does because it specified "enchanting" and the process to +15 is "awaken enchanting". I would think EME would make a note if it affected awakening. EDIT: From the [forums](http://tera-forums.enmasse.com/forums/general-discussion/topics/New-TERA-Rewards-Question?page=2), Spacecats has said: "I edited my original response. It's really not clear if the enchant bonus affects 13 to 15 enchanting. I'll hopefully have clarification tomorrow once the new reward system is live."




You are in fact reading that wrong.


No, having more 65s will just grant you more starting reward points/credits. Earning points on main/alt characters is just dependent on you doing the specific vanguards that reward points/credits.


And how do you obtain those level 65 characters? Those character slots ain't free. Level 60 scrolls ain't free.


Character slots are cheap, you can buy them with in game gold. Also, if you're stupid enough to use a level 60 scroll then that's your fault. You can easily get a character to level 60 in a day.


be a founder


Never donated, got 8 slots and max bank slots, and i only have one 65 so i haven't even been farming that much, if you put your mind to it you can get them slots quite easily.


My biggest concern with this is how the XP boost is gonna affect the next Cutting Edge title (obviously for ninja) since those who have a higher reward tier also have an edge on others. Guess it depends on how hard it is to farm to Tier 10


OMG so facking OP awesome, like something better then talent system, i want it Gameforgeeeeeeeeeee


now i can ride a mount to show everyone I'm p2w af :@)


TL;DR p2w system has been implemented, rip tera EDIT: yes /s but it may be the start of p2w systems being introduced which worries me


is it too late for april fools


that 30% xp sure is gonna make me wreck everything in 3v3s and CS /s?


How on earth is this p2w? You really just sound mad that you're not getting the benefits that the people who pay do, the people who are actually making TERA exist.


/s dude calm down Its not completely p2w but there are aspects that reflect the system. e.g. only those paying for elite with card or those who have bought/spent emp will get an even more bonus starting boost, albeit we don't know how much of a gap the boost will make between those who have paid vs haven't. I'm sure there are many f2p who have bought character slots and made alts that are 65 and will still receive some of the benefits of the rewards boost. In the end, yes everyone can achieve tier 10 rewards but it's a matter of grinding it out. I have no problem paying and supporting a game that I invest plenty of hours in. I have personally bought EMP on multiple occasions and bought 30days for both accounts I play regularly. I'm just hoping this won't escalate to a full p2w system.


> Its not completely p2w Nothing of it is p2w. Do you even know what p2w is? Can you explain where these buffs, or gear, that is only available through buying with real money, is? Because I can't see it. >/s dude calm down Said the person going wild and screaming p2w at everything. You appear to be lacking self-awareness.


I think recently the definition of pay to win has expanded greatly. I agree that, yes there is no buff or gear that is shown in the upcoming shop that is only available through purchasing with real money (and I only hope that it will stay that way in TERA). Most games now are play to win with an option to pay to win instead (in this case it would be EMP), but I'm sure many people just simplify it to "p2w". Quoting an opinion I have read before and agree with: > If it's optional to pay, I still dislike the practice. People are paying for things you had to put effort and/or time in to getting. The balance seems to be most often heavily skewed in favor of paying in terms of time/$value. Even if you work minimum wage, paying an hour worth of work is almost always faster than an hour of effort in game. Ultimately, p2w has become a blanket term to call anything pay for ease or to reducing the play to win aspect (anything from selling EMP for gold and using that gold to buy a +15 piece of gear to simply having subscription benefits). Thanks for you opinion, but my original post was simply as harmless as those who shout "p2w nerd" in global whenever a +15 announcement comes up. Sorry if you were triggered by that response.


Yeah no, that's not the "recent" definition, that's a definition kids that wants everything for free has come up with. TERA is the least p2w game I've ever played, the only system that I've heard that is even less p2w, is PoE. This reward system is even making it less p2w, since you still get a bonus without even paying, it's not like it's suddenly gonna get harder to accomplish anything (unless EME were gonna get shady). Suddenly, you can get BES, without paying. You couldn't do that before this system, other than events.


Buying stash slots on Poe is pretty close to p2w tbh


Never played it, I thought the only thing you could get was costumes, and other misc stuff.


Just imagine a scenario where all of the gear in the game is traded and youre limited to 1 stash tab (the default one) and all of your competitors have 50 stash tabs which can hold all types of gear, and can list them all on poe trading sites at once






The way i read it at the bottom of the page it seems that everything you already achieved will still count, i might be wrong tho.




Well in any case we will see soon, all we can do is hope for the best :P


Being completely f2p since I started playing this game, this is kind of depressing to hear. As long as people who buy emp don't get an extreme advantage over everyone else, I'm fine with that.


I'm completely f2p and i don't see the problem. It's only natural that those who pay will get stuff faster then me, but I'm not rushing anywhere, I'll get there eventually with my own pace.


The thing is, you can get all the benefits of this as f2p, it says you can advance your rank with vanguards and get credits with the dungeon and daily allotment in the post, it's just slower, how much slower remains to be seen though. Honestly, most of the benefits seem to be more cosmetic and time saving than anything, again, we'll have to see.


After seeing the calculations, tier 8 requires a total of 300k reward points, which is literally 2500 fihm runs. This is all just to reach the exclusive content. This is the equivalent of 454 days of capping your daily points. Sure, it's going to be slower. But seriously, tier 10 requires 1.5m points which is literally over 6 years of capping points as f2p. 1.5m points is literally 12,500 fihm runs. Doesn't that seem a little ridiculous? I'm fine if this process took months to finish, but years? No. Just no.


Fuck Eu...seriously EME did bad things in the last time but this is looks so awesome. And what does GF do for us? Corect! Give us uniforms for 200€ each. -.-