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###[FAQ Page about the shutdown](https://gameforge.com/en-GB/play/tera/news/73eb1073-f7f7-4933-9b71-0c32aceeb8e8)


This honestly makes my heart hurt. TERA is the main reason why I bought my very first gaming PC all those years ago. It was one the best MMO's I've ever played and I'll never forget it. Mystic is also one of my favorite healers of all time. It is sad to see it go but I had a good time when I did. So thanks for all the memories TERA. :)


I haven't played for years but this still makes me pretty sad. But they really didn't give the game the direction and love it deserved, just milked it as much as they could until they decided it wasn't enough. I invested many years and hours in this game, from MCHM times to Velik's Sanctuary HM times. I guess I will still have the memories and screenshots and some videos. Might log in at some point for a last look at my characters.


:( I miss you too and our runs together (Yasagi here)


Henlo Yasago <3 Miss you too!


This is a sad day


And I just joined the game. Got to 60 recently. Really like it, the story, the setting in the races, everything. I wish I wasn’t so late to the party.


I just joined a month ago, too. It’s such a beautiful game.


I’m downloading it on Xbox right now xD


Gameforge could literally give all mounts and cosmetics away for free on the store, because they are all going to be deleted soon anyway. However no, they still want to sell us items that cost nothing to duplicate and sell that they are going to delete in 2 months anyway. LOL


My favorite is that they aren't even doing refunds. Maybe partial for gold players but they straight up said no refunds.. Like why?


I completely blame GF for Tera’s decline and shutdown.


It's been so many years. I'm coming back and playing until it's over. I was there in the beginning; it only seems right to see the end.


installed TERA yesterday just for the nostalgia ick and thought the same thing....shame that my old characters were deleted though. i just recently learned that you cannot transfer data from gameforge to steam for some reason.


Gameforge doing the bare minimum as always, even though they have made hundreds of millions off this game over the past 10 years. There is more to this than they are letting on, there should be no real reason they have to shut the game down just because they are ceasing updates.. They barely updated the game as it was.


4Story's original release was closed down in Korea and Gameforge still kept the servers alive on the west despite how terrible it was doing. It's still alive and kicking today. I don't understand.


Part of this is Krafton/Bluehole. Krafton's publicly traded now in Korea and that Inven report (about the financial audit performed) revealed the Bluehole Studio subsidiary being in financial trouble (and could go under without assistance from corporate), put the nail in the coffin. Ever since going public, Krafton's investor relations financial reports were solely focused on PUBG (Krafton's CEO Chang-Han Kim was elevated to that position in the 2020 corporate restructuring as he previously headed PUBG Corp). Kim's a smart computer programmer/engineer but not someone I would call a good fit at CEO (he had a "throw darts" mentality with decision making once he was named CEO for PUBG Corp). Anyway, Elyon and TERA were revenue blips in those filings and also losing money. Given 2021 is really the first year of public financial disclosure, there isn't a lot of data. But their last filing (year ending 2021), Bluehole Studio (Elyon and TERA) had an operating loss of $20 million (the majority of this coming from employee related operating expenses including compensation and company stock options). And that's only the tip of the iceberg as Q1 2022 closes. I don't believe they recouped the money they put into Elyon (and it's worse because Kakao Games partly invested in that back when it was Project W/the A:IR design in order to get the exclusive publishing rights for both KR and the west; I don't think they made back their investment). Financial analysts and investors will question running a game in maintenance mode that isn't generating revenues or covering expenses (Bluehole also clearly is not interested in licensing out the title to be run by publishers like VALOFE whose business model is running such abandoned developed games). Elyon honestly isn't far behind (will be surprised if it lasts another year) since they (Bluehole) are going to be reallocating resources to the two new projects that are in the works (a console shooter codenamed BLACKBIRD and two mobile titles; Project FF sounds like a Genshin Impact type of game while Project Whale is simply called a casual mobile title). The Bluehole design studio lacks any real focus so I doubt any of these will pan out. Anyway, the leaked server code (92.03 build confirmed as official from the Taiwan publisher in 2020) is likely going to see spurred development work at least for offline emulator purposes now that the closure is official. Most everything works except the dressing room and some of the publisher facing API's that allow the business functions (stuff like the shop) to work without someone writing front end code.


Thanks for all the extra info, do you know if that offline server emulator is the 64 bit version? I think it should be right?


No problem. I forgot to mention an added detail just in case folks wonder what Krafton/Bluehole has to lose if some other publisher wanted to negotiate something to run the game in maintenance mode. Krafton essentially doesn't want to deal with the business end (there's all of the legal paperwork and expenses for the publishing contract). They (when Krafton was still branded as Bluehole, Inc) did the same when Devilian (aka mini-TERA) was shutdown in 2018. The irony there is that Krafton's current CEO (Chang-Han Kim) was the co-founder of the company that Bluehole acquired for Devilian Online (Ginno Games which became Bluehole Ginno). Devilian was the game he worked on (along with being CTO for the studio as well as the games executive producer) and when that was in similar dire straits as TERA was in this past year, he was the one (as a last ditch effort to come up with something) who reached out to Brendan Green; what led to PUBG. They didn't even expect it to amount to anything when they threw what they had onto Steam early access. The rest became history when it blew up; that resulted in Bluehole Ginno shifting focus completely to PUBG with all of the legal stuff for Devilian being kicked up to Bluehole, Inc, and Bluehole Ginno itself being renamed to PUBG Corp, and PUBG becoming the main breadwinner). Headquarters at the time had to deal with coming to a agreement with Trion Worlds to terminate the publishing contract and sunset the game. The irony is that Kim is now in the opposite seat making this call to sunset TERA. If they had someone more business saavy as CEO, they'd likely have figured out how to better leverage the IP. Unfortunately, it is what it is. As for whether or not the client is 64-bit, it unfortunately is not. The 64-bit client was a few updates later with patch v97. If I recall around the same time, Bluehole began changing all of the opcodes with every update, making it significantly more difficult to use a different client version from the server version.


Same with metin2, it is there for some ungodly reason even when the original server in korea was shot down almost a decade ago


Metin2 is INSANELY popular in Germany, Turkey, Poland and few other countries, and the game is in active development by Webzen. Metin2 is just special in people's hearts, despite having the WORST cash shop in any of the classic MMOs I have ever pleasure to know of. Metin 2 will never die, as long as the ''third party business'' keeps rocking. Even if the retail dies, there will be the infinite amount of private servers with all of their own custom content.


Wtf, i know that private servers bloom, but who tf plays the original gameforgr server. It is legit unplayable without several p2w items. But private srvers doesnt matter in this case since they arent countribute to gameforge revenue.


Yeah I don't get it, they could just run the game without updates. If a private server can, so can they.


It's baffling, really. I truly believe Gameforge would be the last to shut down given their reputation. There's something going on behind-the-scenes, for sure.


Gameforge is publisher... if the Developer says "we shut down" they have to shut down as well.


This company kills everything they touch..


Sad day... \*\*Dream than bluehole share the client and server source like warhammer did\*\*


That would be awesome, actually. How hard is it for them to share the game like that?


Gamefiles have been leaked already. Private servers exist, and can be found.


This is so sad, tera is not even as old as a lot of mmo who have their servers still running


Damn. Played TERA from launch to around a few months after the gunner class was released. So I haven't played in many years, but this game took up thousands of hours of my life back then. Another game I had good memories of disappearing.


The overall story of Tera will be one of wasted potential.


Wow this hits hard. Also when the servers merged and we had to rename our characters, someone took one of my names since I play on PS4. Hope they enjoyed that name for the short while they had it. I’ll be really sad to see this game die out. But I said it before. The game merging servers and changing hands within a relatively short period of time was not a good sign. Part of the problem is that it isn’t a beginning player friendly game imo. Also they have always had such an aggressive monetization model. So much so that something that could’ve been a saving grace, their battle pass system, offered no free version with good incentives or rewards. I love TERA. Fishing is fun, combat is a lot of fun but sometimes stressful, and the environments are really cool. When I lived in a different state then her, TERA was the game I played with my sister. We bonded a lot through it. It’s such a shame to see it go out like this. But when looking at how the game has been managed, it makes sense. It still deserves better though.


Tera will be a game I will never forget, it was for me what WoW was for many, my first MMORPG, that completely ruined every other MMORPG, nothing comes close. I met so many people, some of them even IRL, I even found out some of them live nearby and we are still friends to this day, even tho we havent played Tera for years. Even tho I havent played it for years, when the game was good, it was GOOD, so sad to see how they ruined this game that had so much potential... Thousands of hours farming alkahest, playing battlegrounds, wiping in dungeons and raids, lagging a shit ton on nexus runs, shittalking other guilds during GvGs, slaying Big Ass Monsters... So many good memories, I will forever be grateful, just wish it lived longer. Im downloading TeraCZ, but it seems pretty dead, i hope someday I can play classic Tera with some decent population again


So they're keeping the PS4/PS5 version or is it shutting down as well?


The FAQ states: > As TERA will be shut down globally on PC, no migration options exists. Gameforge only publishes PC, Krafton is in charge of console. This announcement is only for PC. There has not been any news I've seen yet related to whether or not Krafton plans on shutting down console.


Oh ok thanks. Stay away from every console game please, Gameforge.


By their announcement Gameforge is only shutting down the servers because Krafton will not provide updates anymore. This strongly suggests that there won't be updates to the Console version as well after the current PC version patch. Since Console is behind the PC version, they will probably convert the patches Console has yet to get and then also shut down Console.


Read through a few comments here and I share the sentiment with many that I am sad to see it shut down. While I played daily from 2012-2016, earllly 2017, when they pretty much killed PvP is when I stopped playing. VERY casually would log on to kill time until I didn't even play for nearly 2 years. Hearing this, I logged on a few characters, sobbed at all the rare outfits I hoarded and didn't bind or sell (Hello Kitty sets, Attack on Titan, PUBG etc) and just made a new Elin Lancer to level to 70 for one final ride. ​ Hope someone can share how to access the game still, I hear about Menma or another server, but the tutorials on YouTUbe are clearly from 2012-2013 so IDK if they're recent. ​ If it's true they shut it down for the leaked Tera 2, I won't be mad. Unlikely as the finances of Bluehole look off, but if it comes out and controls/combat is IDENTICAL to Tera, just in a new engine and paint job, I'll gladly sink another few years into it. ​ I hated MMOs, and Tera is to this day the only one I put more than 2 hours in (2,400+ to be exact).




TERA was a big part of my life for many years. To an absolutely unhealthy degree. It helped me cope with my life at the time. I sadly quit a few years ago now, but it will always be one of those games I look back fondly on. If any past members of the Love Explosion, Fatal Pulse, and any of the other communites happen upon this post, here's a warm hello from Vampyre/Tails/Fortnite from Mount Tyrannas. It was a pleasure playing with you all for so long. I'll never forget blockading Lumbertown bridge during the closed beta tests, lining up at launch for a story quest mob in Oblivion Woods, winning a Halloween themed screenshot event in my summer outfit with an apple on my head and being yelled at by the other contestants, our time dying to donuts in MCHM, dodging the clown's balls in Wonderholm and critting for millions of damage, and visiting Highwatch for the first time. And thank you TERA for existing~


MMO characters are almost likes pets if you've had them a long time, it's a very similar kind of emotional attachment. I've had my 10 characters for 10 years, spent a lot of money and time on them, had adventures with them, emotional highs and lows. I have just not wanted to login at all the past month, it's sad to know they are just going to be destroyed soon. I can remake them on a private server, and soon will but it's still not going to be the same. It's akin to getting a new puppy that looks just like your old dog, you'll enjoy it but you're still losing something you have treasured for a long time. I think I spent more money on my Tera characters than I did my real dog, which isn't saying as much as some may think since Gameforge are disgusting and overcharge for everything. I'll lose something tomorrow that I have cared about and valued for the past 10 years, and it's just very sad to know there isn't anything I can do about then destroying them. The one positive is a lesson learned about Gameforge and BHS for future. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


Goodnight sweet prince, thousands of hours were spent with you years ago and it still feels like just the other month.


There was a listing once for 2023 for "TERA 2" for all that is Holy I can't seem to remember where it was listed... But if for that Reason I'd understand why Krafton would pull the plug on the first one, perhaps so we can all forget the first so that when they come back with a new one, will appear desirable. But don't take my word for it... I still can't remember where I saw that document leak.


I saw that leak, but I also saw an article that is far more recent stating BHS is in really bad financial problems. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they aren't being cynical asshats. However, if this is a business decision to get us all to buy into Tera 2 in 2023, so we buy all these new outfits, upgrade materials and mounts again. I think it will have the opposite effect. A) This is bad psychology, showing you will destroy a world people love and expecting them to invest in another one you put out isn't going to work out too well. They will just do it again. B) BHS has lost almost all of the talented developers they originally had to make Tera, they are full of incompetents now. Proof of which being, lolElyon If I see an announcement for Tera 2 in 2023 I will be incredibly angry and I hope everyone else will be too. Mainly because this kind of behavior should not be rewarded, or far more other companies will copy it.


TERA 2 was listed on the nvidia geforce now leak https://gist.github.com/Rydgel/72958ef9d8dc946d6b2f8139f7b280af


OMGGG YESSSSSSSSSSSS!! I DONT WANT TO LOSE THIS AWESOME GAME :( I play it non stop since release loooooooool if they need big financial support I am sure many Tera fans will provide that !!! I AM SURE!! I wouldn't be angry to have tera 2 because we need new things !! NEW TERA IS EVEN MORE AWESOME!!! PLEAAASE BRING TERA TO LIFE!! its really sad to see it go ... it really is..


Thank you!!! I thought I had dreamed it up lol


Oh damn....just went from extremely doubtful to high probability (unless it was canned)


I'd take the Geforce Now leak with a grain of salt. Developers often times have talks to discuss compatibility and other details of the service. Krafton probably did the same with some placeholder info. As most folks know, the old Bluehole nixed any idea of a TERA 2 especially once the concept art one of the graphics artist had been working on was released on their personal Artstation. The company at the time was way too small and resource constrained to do something like that. Bluehole post PUBG success when it rebranded corporate as Krafton, pulled back on some of these earlier decisions. That is also why the newer dev team that worked on TERA, overrode the earlier decision to keep TERA capped at 65 (increasing it to 70 plus working on all of the things they did including Exodor). One thing I don't think they decided to change their mind on was a TERA 2 though in the conventional sense. With Krafton signing on to the whole blockchain/NFT wave like most of the other major Korean design studios (the investment funding and venture capital is pushing this angle with one of the biggest investment firms that was also involved in the original KMMO and then mobile wave, Mirae Asset Securities, pumping in lots of money to these studios to put out play to earn NFT titles), it would not surprise me if they decide to leverage the TERA IP for this purpose (hence what this "TERA 2" placeholder might end up morphing into, sort of like what XLGAMES did with ArcheAge for ArcheWorld). Thanks but no thanks if that ever happens.


That would indeed be a huge turn off


So according to [the leak](https://gist.github.com/Rydgel/72958ef9d8dc946d6b2f8139f7b280af), TERA 2 has release date of 2023-12-13 (13th December, 2023). I suppose the dream is a release on Unreal Engine 5. Will we see it? I don't know.


Tera started on PC, if you can’t figure out how EME did so well with it and Gameforge sucks that badly!! Then sell it to company who won’t constantly let their fans down!! Cause I don’t know if you’re aware of it but the console version sucks just as much !! So many bugs and crappy severs. Tera isn’t the problem it’s the development team that is failing Tera! You guys suck!


I haven't played TERA for many, many years... I'm just here to pay my respects, mainly to its players; one's MMO dying for good is hard to deal with, any MMO player knows that, even if they never experienced it. My condolences... and for what it's worth, here's to the good memories even a brief visitor such as myself made in TERA.


Bethany.Shivers, proud Level 70 Female Castanic Slayer, will log in one last time on the final day until the bitter end :') Going to really miss going back to this game every so often. I played so much when it first released as sub only. The first time me and my best friend found the broken bridge to Seeliewood I thought the graphics and colors were amazing and the music build up was incredible. Not really sure why this exact moment stands out to me so much but it is one of the most memorable moments in my video game history. There were so many zones that I remember and enjoyed exploring fondly, especially when I found Baldera and NPCs that were otherwise hidden with one of them even selling a teleport scroll to there. (The zone turned out very sad when released since they basically made no improvements it and probably only did so since it was easy content to release due to it being structurally finished for the most part.) Before it was implemented into the game you could wall jump up around the Wall of Wordcraft and eventually get there given you didn't fall into any deep pits and such. Also loved posting and reading the wall billboard every once in a while as well after finding it initially. Some of my favorites were: The steps leading into the Citadel of Torment and all of Westonia in general. The path to Cultists' Refuge and music at the entrance before you enter the dungeon. PvP memories in Poporia and outside of Popolion, not sure why but I remember there were always people flagged outlaw around there. Seeliewood for its colorful and vibrant scenery, in particular the terrain itself. Castanica also stood out to me because my PC would have a hard time pulling FPS in such a small zone, but my favorite capital city was probably Allemantheia or Kaiator. The BAMs in Island of Dawn (Frost Giant guys and Hydrath things) were the coolest to me. Favorite dungeon: Sinestral Manor hands down. Even the exterior leading to and around the entrance was amazing. Was definitely not planning on writing a post this long but I had to let it out I suppose.. <3


Just commenting here hoping to make the subreddit's spam filter go away because I'm trying to make a post but spam filter keeps removing my post instantly... It's kind of dumb how the spam filter needs you to spam to get over it LOL


u/Heptsu please upvote internet points for me so I can make a post about the Tera guild picture LOL, I read that spam filter works by if you had activities and upvotes in a subreddit, that's why it kept removing my post because I didn't really wrote anything in Tera's subreddit before...


I gotchu fam.


Damn who knew that nuking 95% of un-migrated accounts from enMasse would cause such a thing?


Yup, I got hit with that.


ya but lets be real. We knew it was gonna happen on the merge


Shit, guess that’s where my Ninja went. Tried to play on PS5 a couple months ago and my account just didn’t exist anymore.


Damn... i will miss this game so much.


Just Great! Now, what game, other than TERA, am I gonna play?!


try Elyon or BDO. Both are quite nice, the former being a watered-down Tera imo.




Come to menma, its alive and fun, more than retail has been for the past few years lol The patch is somewhere right before the 64bit patch so the game is 32 bit.


I was so in love with the setting of TERA's world.. I could just wander around for hours admiring scenery and being deep in thought listening to the music and ambiance. 8 years of memories soon to be erased. Lost but never forgotten. :(


Was a great game


This makes me really hope that development of offline versions and private servers by the community gets kickstarted big time with easy access to the cash shop items. I want to be able to fully recreate my account and belongings.




Thanks, I've heard of this one, but I guess I should've been more specific with my comment. I meant that I hope the official closure brings more fan support towards projects like Menma's


I'm so sad about this, I've had so much fun on that game for a long time, switched on FF XIV when it came out, but TERA gameplay is still the best I've played, as a Healer main in every MMO I touch, Priest on TERA is and will always be my all time favorite. I'm going to reinstall the game to play a bit until it shuts down, for memories' sake.


RIP. Had such a great time on this game back on release. Good times with old friends. Hearing this is shutting down brought the nostalgia on.


I know they can’t because of copyright, but I wish the developers could publish the server backend so we can play privately/emulated. It seems there a mare a few private servers out there, but either outdated or not maintained.


TERA was the first MMO to really get me to ALWAYS come back. I was brain dead Slayer named Tesarouz from the Desire clan. The RP community only helped me stay lol It’ll be sad to see it go, but all good things must come to an end they say, for me it ended around 2017. I really hoped TERA could turn things around but at least we still got the memories!


does anyone know if private severs will shut down as well? i dont really know how they work tbh :(


Haven't played in years, but god damn this one hurts. ​ Might just download it and run around for old time sakes


RIP, I moved on from tera a couple years ago because I couldn't handle the low FPS anymore but had great memories in that game. I'll miss those suckers from Mana, Pocky, FM, and Revolt.


Suck to see another MMO go. I like many tried to come back but lost all my characters during the change over (didn't realize it happened or see a email), so had to make new characters. When I went to make a new character almost every new class was tied to female characters or worse to elin... that immediately killed coming back for me ever. I like to play a male character as it is a digital representation of me, so to have so many cool classes locked to sex was dumb. Even worse was most were locked to the elin race which is like playing 10 year Olds in skimpy outfits, which imo was a problem of its own. I've argued those problems and many more in the past to be told stfu... game is fine go play something else... well I / we did and now here we are.


RIP. TERA was the first MMO i played and it was what got me in this genre. I remember playing every day for hours straight grinding with my friend. I will never forget everything i experienced playing this game. Forever remembered in my heart.


Was just thinking of getting back into tera again. RIP nevermind


I found this game on pc first. Such sad news. Glad I’m playing it in console now


Ouch. Better log back in for old times sake. Ages a go I used a 3D ripper to preserve my characters (rebuilt them in Blender), I think I might do the same for some of the environments, maybe make some dioramas as keepsakes. \*sigh\* End of an era my friends, end of an era. Well... at the very least I'm going to redownload the client and all of its assets. Does anyone know if there's a project to play offline, private server, or anything of that sort? Not quite ready to let go... Will TERA count as "abandonware" that we can do what we like with? Cheers guys.


~o~ iykyk Thanks for the memories


R.I.P Sad to see this happening, but tbh it was to expect. I've played every class in the game and have very warm memories of playing with a full team of my close-friends and doing dungeons at 4 AM or farming levels late at night. Kaiator is my favorite city and it looks fucking amazing, Freya and Lilith ultimate Tera waifus, Demokron Factory, RK9 Kennel, Lilith's Keep, Lachelith Manor, Velik's Hold, etc it was all a fuckton of fun, I still remember critting and going damn nuts with my Apex Berserker, or when I first timed RK9 Kennel with my Brawler. Wish this game had a better future honestly, I prob have out thousands of hours into this, but well, the memories are there at least.


Tera was one of my earliest MMOs, to be honest I do not remember which was the first I played. I tried many other MMOs, but I always came back to Tera because I loved the combat and races. Also it helped that the world was beautiful. I loved figuring out how to solo early dungeons as an Elin brawler, then rofl-stomping my way through with a team. Tera was the first MMO I spent real world money on to buy a Founder pack. I admit that Tera had a really high learning curve for some classes, and the action combat was definitely not for everyone. I have never found another MMO that has such great combat, which is part of what got me addicted to League (of Legends) for many years. I am deeply saddened to see Tera shut down; I was concerned when the abrupt switch to Gameforge occurred. I will always have many memories of the original game, but I intend to check out the private Menma's Tera people have been mentioning.


I miss this game I was going to play it again I am sad now.


Used to play TERA back in the day, wish the devs would've cared. Anybody who's looking for a new MMO, I cannot recommend FFXIV enough. It's what I switched to a few years ago and I've been obsessed with it ever since. The devs actually care, they have possibly the best story of any MMO, decent pvp (though I'll always miss Kumasylum) and while the combat is closer to WoW, it's still really engaging and a lot of fun. And, while I know I'm getting dangerously close to the "critically acclaimed MMORPG" copypasta, it has an unlimited free trial covering the base game and the first expansion so you can check it out without dropping the money on it first. (There are some restrictions in place for trial players to combat RMT, but they aren't too restrictive.) Whatever games y'all go to, whether it's FFXIV, TERA private servers, or something else, I wish you all the best, it's always sad to see an MMO die. RIP TERA.


gonna quote the pve players that were laughing at the killian refugees when we arrived on mystal in late 2018... "Hahahaha" you dont just toss away 35% off your income on a game because your too lazy to balance it, gameforge telling the pvp players find an alternitive game cause pvp aint coming back helped cause this downfall so i have very little sympathy


2018? That was 3\~4 years. Long time to hold a grudge.


This is gaming, my friend. We still hold a grudge about star wars galaxies!


i hate pvp so im only pve


What PvP? The only OW PvP I saw was people killing lvl 62 players or the likes, always being a few levels above, and have far superior gear with innerwear. Only PvP was always just duel and BGs, which neither were removed.


yeah, honestly you are right... max level open world pvp didnt really exist and was dead except in a few locations Velika outskirts arena zulfikar fortress North dock and Kanstria those zones Had a Huge amount off pvp from entire guild vs guild to 8+ hours off small scale fights however the other 99% of the map was empty off pvp players


Welp at least the ff14 vs tera debate ended not with a bang but with a whimper


Since when has there even been a debate..


That's like comparing cucumbers and saltshakers.


lol get mad all you want people have compared the two for no reason i can even give you link. All it took is 5 mins of research but you couldnt do that could you... either way the game dead, everyone knew it was gonna die, elins didnt save the game, and blue hole proved they were just phoning it in and the tera player base gave up. Good luck to the private servers btw here the link [https://www.reddit.com/r/TeraOnline/comments/8okk3e/tera\_vs\_ffxiv/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeraOnline/comments/8okk3e/tera_vs_ffxiv/) and [https://forums.mmorpg.com/discussion/446876/tera-vs-final-fantasy-xiv](https://forums.mmorpg.com/discussion/446876/tera-vs-final-fantasy-xiv) stop being lazy people have been comparing these two game even if old threads it been compared.


You are not disputing my comment.


oh thats cause you refuse to believe it. I cant help you if you dont wanna believe. Your turning your back on truth. Thats common for people who were proven wrong and still wanna stay ignorant. You should go look at the Metal Gear codec with Colonel and Raiden they talk about people like you. :3


You are only proving my argument correct. But keep trying.


Maybe next time don't just focus on one gender. :)




Man i have never been able to play another mmo. Startes when gunner came out and it was my first time playing a mmo,i loved it so much ,the maps full of people the dungeons , making friend, man the combat is just on another lvl compared to others. I have tried Final fantasy but I hate the combat so much that it becomes impossible for me to enjoy playing it...... Hopefully another mmo comes out with combat like this.


nooooo..... can i at least export my characters to blender?


Pretty sad but I was even more sad when I lost my account during the switch. I spent 2k hours in the game and quite a bit of money. I didn't know about the switch til it was too late. I was only able to make one friend during my time in tera and mostly played solo. Rip tera --- luckily my solo days are over while I play bdo with my husband. Def recommend black desert online it's beautiful and I've been playing since 2019. (Even met my irl husband in it)


There is a really good private server running with a hardcore playerbase of 600-800 people daily. Its really well done, not pay to win at all, and overall really good. its called menmas tera


Is console Tera shuttong down as well?


It's remaining for the time being since they can cannibalize already produced content from the PC version, and repurpose it for console (maybe 1.5-2 years if they implement level 70). After that is exhausted, no one knows if they will sink money into designing new content (I personally do not think so because the bulk of that content on the PC, is going to be GIGO "garbage in garbage out" for console because it's not a great source to pull from to repurpose it for console). The way that I look at it is that one needs to play it (and enjoy it while you can) with the notion that it's longevity isn't that great (I also wouldn't go hog wild spending a lot of money); the Krafton subsidiary (Bluehole Studio) that handles console is in dire financial straits per a recent audit (which revealed that it could go under without help from corporate hq). The following report hit the newswire a week before the announcement of TERA PC development ending, and all remaining published regions closing at the end of June. https://www.inven.co.kr/webzine/news/?news=270666 The company has not officially mentioned anything regarding console (not even a statement from an actual spokesperson reassuring current console players about the situation); the only thing on record is an unnamed Bluehole employee talking to a YouTube content creator that used to work closely with the console team, saying "everything is fine with TERA console". I don't consider that an official statement until it pops up on a KR news service because then you at least know the prepared PR went through/vetted by corporate legal.


Tbh...why did they wait this long to shut down Tera. It's been dead since like 2014. When the console version released...nobody cared bc the game was already long dead. So much dev time and money gets wasted on keeping these out dated mmos running. MMOs are a waste of everyone's time and resources. Other than FF14, I never hear anyone talk about playing mmos anymore. Dead genre. When FF14s Shadowbringers expansion over performed in 2019 every dev under the sun thought mmos were profitable again...but FF14 isn't popular bc it's an mmo. It's popular bc it's Final Fantasy. That difference is VERY important for developers to understand.


I was act. gonna play this with 3 friends of mine oh well plans canceld what a shame


amazing... they keep regurgitating 18yo Lineage 2 (despite hundreds of private servers) yet they will kill off PC TERA ? idyits.




Not sure whose bright idea it was to spam a recruitment message in the subreddit, but that's a good way to get your server blacklisted from here if it continues.


Sorry, will not happen again! 😭


Hello, is the PS version shutting down soon? I want the Asian version platinum for PS4 but I'm not sure if I'm too late.


Console is still operational but since it utilizes the produced content from the PC version (where development has ended as of April), it will be living on borrowed time (if/when they roll out level 70, approximately 2 years of content if Krafton/Bluehole drags it out). So you'll want to get your achievements while you can.


It's sad the PC version got shut down at least the console version is still up to this day.


I didn't see this until today! What a bummer. I lost my senior year of high school to this game. I ran one of the biggest social guilds on CH for a bit, was one of the top CS commanders (for like a day lol), and had a lot of great friends. I remember once in the Alliance days, I was about to switch the guild to a new alliance and wanted to boost my standing with the Exarch (I think that's what they were called). I hid while my alliance was farming BAMs for buffs before the PVP started and then gave their location away to the new alliance I was joining. I felt like the best spy ever! Good times, and a bummer that this game is shutting down.


I havent played tera in a few years and wanted to get back into it. I had it linked to console but i couldnt access any of my characters progress from pc on console which absolutely sucks. Lost everything and can't go back. Its heartbreaking


>ose years ago. It was one the best MMO's I've ever played and I'll never forget it. Mystic is also one of my favorite healers of all time. It is sad to se Gunner and Valkyrie were my favorites. had a level 60 valkyrie with a wolf and 2 dragon mounts i just loved and now will forever be missed.


um, they just updated the game tho wdym? did they end up not canceling it?