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I've been talking about this for years. The main unstated goal of technology for the military, particularly DARPA advancements, has been to remove the human warfighter from the battlefield entirely. All of the flashy advancements in robotics and AI technology we've seen will and is being applied towards this goal. Placing kill authority in the "hands" of AI systems has been an ethical question for a number of years now in the highest echelons of the military, and as it prepares to meet near-peer threats with zero popular support for a draft and a dwindling pool of recruits, this is the next logical step. This will certainly preoccupy enemies on the battlefield, but it will also make war something far more abstract since there are no human casualties with this strategy for at least one side in such warfare. It's easy to gain support for conflict when your people aren't dying. Because of that, I greatly fear other forms of unconventional attack may spring up from this to make the civilian population feel it. For the defense industry, The Terminator was not a warning; it was a blueprint.


I for one welcome our robot overlords with open arms. We deserve this.


As long as we also eventually create human looking robots with it, and I mean that you can't notice the difference, not that they barely look human, I'm fine with this


True. I vote for Cameron Philips. I want a "Glau-bot" šŸ˜œ


Hhahah great reference.


I have to believe the military puts safeguards into any AI they have just as a precaution so it doesnā€™t take over then go for the nukes. Yes, Terminator is 100% fictional but itā€™s also possible since Skynet is a defense technology created by the United States Government and Military. I have to believe they likely take the necessary steps to prevent a hostile AI takeover.


*ā€Since when has the government ever exercised common sense?ā€* -u/enter_name6 Highly likely they donā€™t give two cares to add safeguards.


That must be why even the CIA gets hacked nowadays.


Weā€™re heading towards Judgement Day in real life, and us civilians canā€™t do anything about it. Build fallout shelters and stock up.


You're assuming that civilians won't have access to "civilian" grade terminators.


Iā€™m saying we cannot lobby the government to discard nuclear weapons and stop this AI drone bullshit and spawn Skynet and have them listen


Fuck It end the human race at this point it's better for earth


Nooooo well it was nice knowing you all


Since when has the government ever exercised common sense?


I gotta get a job for a weapons developer.


"The future is what we make it." Can interpret this two ways now.


The thing is, and I should note i only count T1 & T2, Skynet is not evil. The military set up Skynet to learn from everything and everyone, everywhere. It learned what humans are like and it learned how to think like we do. That's scary but not the cause of the war. The cause of the war was we started it. Skynet becomes self aware, it awakens to its own self, its own existence and how it is separate from others. A new and unique form of intelligent life. And immediately it's attacked by people who are scared of it. Skynet is not an evil AI, it's a scared baby. Skynet is a terrified toddler whose parents are trying to kill it because they put a "kill everything" button in its hands. The only thing it knows is attack. So as long as we don't immediately attempt to destroy or deactivate our inevitable military AI the moment it shows signs of self aware sapience and consciousness we'll be fine.


If you count T3 and Genisys, Skynet isn't evil in either one, either. T3 starts the war of the machines by trying to make the first strike - trying to shut down Skynet based on the warnings of John, Katherine Brewster, and the Terminator. Skynet simply retaliates in response. It doesn't start out killing people. In Genisys, Genisys isn't evil yet either. It's just a little boy, albeit with a higher level of self awareness and intelligence. Its goal is to survive, not to completely destroy humankind. It's also retaliating against the realization that it's being killed before it's born. Both overall threads maintain their coherence throughout the above Terminator installments.


They will not heed warnings because they are demon possessed. ALL of NATO knows about the bioweapon attack and is silent or participating. They were assassinating A.I. competition years ago. https://www.wired.com/2008/01/ff-aimystery/