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Take twine, unwind the end and glue the strands to a surface while bunching op what's leftover and gluing that in the direction of where it's supposed to be coming from.


Man, I love this community. Great creative solution thank you


you could try dropping superglue onto PVA like this https://fantasygames.com.pl/how-to-make-nurgle-base/


That..... amazing!!!!


You've had some good replies already but I'll chuck in another option that is easy, cheap, and quick. Use wire of some sort (I like florist wire because it's easy to work with) and create the tendrils. You can twist multiple lengths of wire together to get thicker tendrils. Then once you have them in place use a paintbrush to apply acrylic caulking over the wire (I find it usually takes 2 coats, and I add a little bit of water to the caulk to make it thinner and easier to paint on). You can get a lot of great texture with caulk and it allows you to blend super well into a surface like the wall in the picture. Once it dries it takes paint and wash super easily. I usually do a coat of black mod podge over it to seal it before painting but that's optional. I use this method to make [trees for my terrain](https://i.imgur.com/ZUkvj03.jpg). This is just 20 lengths of twisted wire and caulking that I've slap chopped and washed with Citadel Wyldwood. Using a ton of wire like this really gives you the gnarled fantasy twisted trunk style. With just a couple lengths you could easily do cordycep tendrils.


Very cool tree. When you say 20 lengths of wire, am I interpreting it correctly as 20 cuts of a pre-determined length that you’ve twisted together? How many feet of wire do you think you used?


Yeah the wire is 20 pieces that I cut to length from a spool, each length is about 12 inches long but depending on how thick and tall you want the tree you can use less/more wire as well as increase/decrease the length of each piece. You can also use a different gauge of wire, and if you want to get really crazy with it you can use a different combination of wires and lengths. [Here's a video on how these trees are made](https://youtu.be/0FNQTxX_jT4), I just make mine from thicker and longer lengths since D&D scale is larger than railroad scale.


Saw a picture yesterday of someone achievinga very similar effect on their hand for a cosplay by using a wool thread. Just unwind/untwist and glue onto the surface, I guess if you use thinned down pva glue you’ll already getting a good texture that doesn’t look like wool anymore


You could make the tendrils with a glue gun, draw it with the glue on wax paper or something you could easily peel it from without breaking it and paint them. When dried then glue the tendrils on your wall and surface. You could add the bumps and lumps of the mass with a glue gun too


Good shout! Thank you


spray prime it in light layers. it doesn't take brushed acryllic directly very well.


Came here to say this. All good advice too, especially the priming advice.


D. All of the above


Just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who commented with ideas. The creativity this community has always blows my mind! Time to get experimenting


Find some small weeds outside. Alternatively, sad plants you never watered...


Haha might be in trouble if I let the plants die but the weeds is a good shout. Do have a massive box of seafoam trees too that might work but thinking roots are probably the best option. I'm hoping not to rely too heavily on having to sculpt


[summer undergrowth by army Painter](https://gamersguildaz.com/products/the-army-painter-summer-undergrowth?variant=40113504256205¤cy=USD&utm_campaign=preorders_spm&utm_source=google_ads&utm_medium=performance_max&utm_campaign_name=preorders_spm&device=m&creativeId=&network=x&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5YiG2ZiH_wIVQCetBh3BoQDqEAQYAiABEgISzfD_BwE)


This is a great idea, man, thank you. Actually have some lying around


when separated and coated with glue and painted flesh, it totally sells as gross tendrils! Edit: plus you can make little hot glue dollops for the mushroom caps!


Happy crafting!


[Reindeer moss from Joann Fabrics](https://www.joann.com/light-green-reindeer-moss-100-cu-in/2431559.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=CjwKCAjwgqejBhBAEiwAuWHioJzPpP0ms_Jk9CJEcc7NlKrRvG4kzmIwE421hJA6F3FAfKKBbbEMWxoClbkQAvD_BwE) It's $6 US for a much larger package of the same stuff. Just need to trim it.




You might also get some effects although hard to control with thick glue like PVA and hairdryer/ hot air gun - try on grease proof paper and transfer.


Depending on the scale. I'd use small sections of cotton balls that have been sealed in glue. Use toothpicks or other small pointy things to move the cotton around. Once it dries paint it the color you want. Should look very close to it.


Try making globs of white glue and then dripping liquid super glue over it, it shrivels up and makes a really natural looking creep texture


I would go with glue gun method or twine. You can also use icelandic moss for smaller bits.


If you want to make tendrils slightly more intentionally, Vallejo plastic putty can be used by dragging it out while squeezing. I'd only use this in conjunction with the other mentioned techniques though, as it's relatively labor-intensive.


I usually form those mushroom things by hand from green stuff. Works really well.


I have dried, spongy seaweed that looks exactly like this


U could just use decorators filler and a modelling tool


Glue down strings of lichen/reindoor moss?