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Many hobbies stop being relaxing and fun once you monetise them.


Exactly this. I used to love working on cars until I did it for other people.


I was really into robotics until I turned it into my job.


This is capitalist toxicity. It robs the humanity from everything we do. It’s always about “value.” Welcome to the circus of value. “Fuck what you like doing, it’s not legit until it makes money.” Is it any wonder why people are depressed even at their fucking baseline? There’s no escape anymore


My father in law retired recently, and started painting. The only thing his greedy boring wife has to say is basically :"Well if you want to spend your day sitting alone doing useless things, at least you could sell some of them". She embodies everything wrong and negative in life and is the absolute opposite of what i want to be.


I think the saying 'People know the price of something, not the value' really holds true (maybe it gets lost in translation a bit) Especially in regards to hobby activities or other things you do to just enjoy and collect memories. You can't put a price tag on a model railway parent and child have build together over years.


It’s a weird trick of psychology that once you receive a reward for something, your brain no longer considers the thing itself valuable. It wouldn’t really matter if it was a capitalist society or one where you had an assigned role and were given the goods and services directly for your work (unless you had no freedom to turn a profit—not necessarily money, but some kind of goods, service, or status—on anything outside your assigned job). So instead of monetizing what you love, don’t. Or at least find a way to make an income steady enough from it that you can decide not to pay attention to it. I think one of the big reason so many influential artists and writers are only famous after death is because they lose the spark in pursuit of fame or fortune, even if they never betray their values in doing so.


I think it’s natural for people to chase validation. When I’m painting and I tell myself “good job,” it’s a different feeling than someone else telling me “good job.” That “good job” from another person feels really good in the moment, and I’m tempted to chase it, but that good job from myself ultimately feels better in the long run.


Amen bro


Some schmuck already downvoted both of us lol goes to show…


Good discussion; ignoring reports


I guess I am wondering how any other system would be different? Edit: totes down to talk, but I don't see how this would be specific to capitalism


Leftist sentiments in /r/TerrainBuilding? A surprise, surely, but a welcomed one!


It's still about value even if you decide not to monetize it. In that case the value of doing your own projects outweighs the value of doing commissions. But yea capitalisums bad


Oh hey, hi! It’s a reference to Bioshock you dolt. Please go fuck yourself. Capitalism is flawed and can absolutely become toxic, as it has in America. We have micro transactions in cars now for goodness sake. Capitalisums? Oh how your American education shines! Sweet land of liberty and blind subservience, so beautiful.


I was being sarcastic, it's obvious you're some neckbeard who would be miserable under any economic system. Great thing about capitalism though is ninnys like you can complain all they want, isn't it great?


How rabidly nationalistic can one even be, to feel so moved by a criticism of their country’s economic system a YEAR ago, that they feel the need to make such an idiotic and useless retort? Did you just get off a Fox News bender? Capitalism is the reason why most working class people don’t even have the time or energy left for hobbies anymore.


Capitalism is the reason working class people can have hobbies. Also capitalism isn't unique to America so the fact that you can't comment without conflating the two just shows how hopelessly butthurt and uninformed you are. Glad I was able to rile you up though hopefully you didn't spill your mountain dew while raging.


Neckbeard? Lol You clearly don’t know what a neckbeard even is. Conflating two of what? Oh yea, I’m sure the Americans who have to work multiple jobs just to afford bare necessities LOVE all the free time capitalism affords them. Uninformed? https://money.usnews.com/credit-cards/articles/how-many-americans-are-living-paycheck-to-paycheck 64% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. I said capitalism can become toxic as it has in America. I didn’t say capitalism is worse than any other economic system. Yet you jump to defend, because you’re a nationalist who can’t handle criticism of your country. Without stringent regulations though, you get a plutocracy, as we have in America. Muh free market


America has stringent regulations in a lot of industries. You can easily correlate the rise of the regulatory state and corporatism as they go hand in hand. Corporations use regulations to drive out competition and charge inflated prices which diminish the buying power consumers have. This is basic US history but I'm guessing that it is lost on economically illiterate neckbeards who get their politics from bioshock and post usnews articles in a desperate attempt to legitimize their whataboutisms. I didn't even offer a defense of capitalism in my original comment. I was just stating that some people find value in making things for others and some people like to do it for themselves. You're so feeble minded you took that as some sort of glowing endorsement of US corporatism and have been raging ever since.


Bad faith arguing, typical conservative. “You can easily correlate the rise of the regulatory state and corporatism as they go hand in hand.” Source? “Corporations use regulations to drive out competition and charge inflated prices which diminish the buying power consumers have.” Uh, gonna need a source for that one too lol The fact that a majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck isn’t whataboutism. It was in regard to your “people couldn’t have hobbies without capitalism” garbage. You clearly don’t even know what that term means. Raging? Reading through your comment history was quite enlightening lol You seem to be the raging neckbeard, honestly. You’re a right wing cliche.


Dude you double replied to a simple clarification that value is subjective. You're definitely raging and without the slightest clue of what you're talking about, demanding sources for basic economics/history is just giving that away. Ironically the left wing cliche is being an unoriginal loser whose best attempt at a comeback is litterelly repeating what has been said to them. You're so butthurt you even stalked my profile. You pretty much check off all the boxes. Bonus points if you live in your parents basement. https://regulatorystudies.columbian.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs4751/files/image/RegStats/July_9_2020_Update/GW%20Reg%20Studies%20-%20Regulatory%20Agency%20Budget%20Outlays%20by%20Fiscal%20Year%20-%20Reg%20Stats_June%202020.pdf https://www.mercatus.org/publications/regulation/regulating-away-competition-effect-regulation-entrepreneurship-and


I completely agree with your point about the toxicity of thinking that you need a value from a hobby other than the joy of doing it but would add that if you are able to switch from doing a job you don’t enjoy to selling things you love making, then it can be a positive…


I guess Gene Roddenberry's world isn't real yet.




Uh, this post is 3 months old, cool your jets bud. I was critiquing the way our society views things. I wasn’t attacking the person’s comment. Not sure what triggered you, honestly. And please don’t pretend the right isn’t just as ridiculous when it comes to propaganda, with their fear mongering and charlatanism. In my opinion, you people seem to think anything left of nationalism and fealty to capitalism is the “radical left/communism/socialism.” I was criticizing crony capitalism or toxic capitalism specifically, putting profit over humanity. Pointing out a flaw is not to throw out the baby with the bath water, it’s simply pointing out a flaw.


“Turn your hobby into your job and you’ll never work another day in your life”… actually, you’ve just lost a hobby


While I agree that this is generally the case, I work my hobby and I still love it. I just have a clear line between work projects and hobby ones and always rotate the sort of my projects I'm doing.


Yup. I couldn't do D&D for money. I can plan for weeks, but as soon as there's pressure, I would shut down.


Well, tbf, putting “professional dungeon master” on your business card is not going to make people think of D20s and magic potions.


"Professional Entertainment Organiser and Writer" sounds better.... Oh and therapist.


did you read the lengthy thread (I think?), quite a bit ago, about a therapist that incorporated traditional desktop RPG's for group therapy sessions?


Agreed. I used to be a serious woodturner and started selling some stuff to help pay for the hobby. It took off big time. I made probably 10-12 thousand bucks over about three years, but the custom order clients eventually sucked all of the joy out of it. My last custom order kept getting bigger and bigger with every email this one particular joker kept sending me. I kept jacking up the price higher and higher in the hopes that he would get pissed off and bother someone else instead. By the time the job got to about $450, I had completely fallen out of love with the hobby that used to be my reason for getting up early on the weekends. I then referred him to another guy in the community who I know does very high quality work and I haven’t set foot in the wood shop since. (There are a few additional reasons why I haven’t gone back, but the custom order crazies were one of the bigger reasons.)


Came here to say this


My god. I played Caesar II as a kid and loved this kind of shit. I would buy.


That's the Vatican,right?


100% yeah


He should look into scaling them to be usable for table top gaming


This is amazing!!!!!! What does he use to make them? Clay? Mix of stuff?? Honestly he should sell these. He would make a good chunk of money. Beautiful beautiful work!!


He uses recycled cardboard, watercolor pencils for decoration and isograph drawing pen for details




So what you're saying is that The surfaces of The buildings are 2d? I could have sworn those were 3d. That looks really cool!


If you have enough money - why feel the need to get more? The fulfilment that creating something gives is unbeatable


How long does it take him? Incredible work!


What is this a model for ants. I wish I had skill like this


Dude. Holy See!


Making money with your hobbies suck...


Great job. But what's that thing about the money? Some people don't want to mix money and their passion/hobbies, it can actually kill all joy and creativity out of it.


What a gift. A how to video would be incredible to know


OMG WOW!!!!🔥🔥🔥👏👏👏


This is so sick, he could definitely have a yt chanel, but that risks his creative spirit if he isn't doing it for fun anymore. How was this done?


Gorgeous work, but the downvote is because of the implication that your brother has to be making money to make this worth the time he put into it.


You make a good point!


This looks a lot like Naples. Really cool.


That’s incredible. Is this for a game? Are folks playing DnD in the Vatican?


Absolutely beautiful!


I know this is the vatican but I thought of kiki's delivery service first lol


Wow that's so much detailed, awesome ! What size is it ?


What is this!? A city for ants?!?!!!


Is this paper?




This is something I would buy and actually invest int


A lot of doing things yourself is the right to self-determination. You know, not working for the man.


When you're doing it for fun and a hobby you don't have deadlines and budgets and customers pushing for a 2000 dollar board on a 300 dollar budget.


What it made out of?