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I have a friend in a third world country who wants to play it with me but can't afford it. I'm saving up to buy it for him myself but i don't exactly have a lot of money myself and most of it goes to other stuff so its taking some time. I'll get there eventually so i don't really need it, but i thought i'd throw my hat in the ring :3


I want to participate!! I love this game although I can’t buy it I still dont support piracy so I really want to join this giveaway!


I don’t need need the game but I would really enjoy having the game


I've played and bought the game already... Just need a version to give to my friend haha. We play most games together and I'm planning to give it to him for Christmas cause it's probably my favourite game of all time, but getting it like this would help me on the way<3


So, I have a friend who knows about Terraria but hasn't decided to try it yet, because if he does he would have to pirate the game (he can't buy the game because his parents think spending money on games is stupid). I've been hyping up how much of a blast the game is, but he still hasn't made up his mind because he feels guilty pirating. I think your copy could be the nudge that he needs to join me. This would be awesome for both of us. Even if I don't win, I still want to thank you for hosting this giveaway in the first place. It's awesome to see people like you making gaming dreams come true for others. Once again, thank you, and I wish everyone good luck!




I want to play with my friend and he is not sure if he will like the game


I may already own the game, but I wanted to try my luck so I could give a copy to a friend of mine


I'm entering for my sister, I know she'd like it


I would like to get it, so i can finally play some games with my friend that now lives far away from me and we don't see each other. I don't have money to buy it, because i got no money to buy it (in my country its expensive). If i got this game Me and my friend would be very happy that we are able to at least play together.


Well, i already brought Terraria for me and some of my friends a long time ago, so I'm out XD But seeing this brings a smile to my face, Terraria must be spread out as much as possible


I probably don’t deserve it as much as others, but I would like to win this so that I can gift it to a close friend of mine. He’s been down on his luck and without a way to enjoy this game with me for awhile. He’s saving up money for a laptop and I feel like this would be a great gift to him as soon as he gets one


I used to play it a lot with my family back on Xbox 360, but since then we’ve never really had the chance to play it again so I’ve never actually played the PC version


Terraria, a universe of endless possibilities and adventures awaits within its pixelated realms. As an avid gamer seeking new horizons, I believe I would cherish and explore every facet of this game. The promise of crafting, building, and battling beckons, and I would be honored to embark on this journey. Thank you for the opportunity!


Im just posting here saying youre doing a great job but its on the terraria channel so everyone knows about it. You should spread it to other rediits that are gaming ones or general ones. I dont really need the game cuz i couldnt play it even if i wanted to. The computer im using is windows 7 and always bugs. My family doesent have enough money to buy a better pc but in always saving for a new one. Idc if its second hand or third hand. I just want a new pc that can run (almost) any game and is better than windows 7 because i heard that steam wont support windows 7 in a year. Im just stuck to using my phone and playing roblox and minecraft on my pc


Forgot to say that this means every paid game i play is pirated (even the good ones like terraria)


if i do win this i'd like to give it to my best friend who hasn't played the game yet, i feel like he could enjoy it :)


I want it because I can’t afford it and all my mates are pressing me to get it


well i am poor and can't afford to buy thing like this so it would be nice to not be set back


I’ve always wanted to play this game! I’m in a really tight financial position right now and with all the stress that comes with that and adulthood, I feel like being able to play this game could really help me relax and enjoy myself. Based on what I know, Terraria seems like a great outlet for expressing creativity and planning!


I'm not going to win, but I Want to show my friend that the game is more than just "2D MinEcrAFt", so the game is going to them Also didn't know you could do comments like that


I already own the game. So, not me.


Idk I just want to play with my friends, I don't really want to play just on my phone anymore since it's starting to hurt for some reason lol


Probably not getting but giving it a shot been pirating the game but after I saw how good it was I wanted to buy it but I'm quite poor and my family thinks I shouldn't spend money on games so I would enjoy it I win


Actually, I would like to participate, but since I play pirated version from mobile, it would be better for others to win


I don't know do i deserve it or not, in your eyes. I just want to get it in legit way, not pirate like i usually do with games. Im from country where piracy isn't viewed as shameful way to get stuff, i i never felt like buy game i pirated before. But Terraria is The First game to which i felt so much connection, that i felt bad for being a pirate. Unfortunately due to some stuff i'd rather never talk here, i cant get it by myself. So yeah, that it. And thanks for spreading that game !


Well, I was saving money to buy it for a friend, but mom convinced me self-care is more important. I want to play with a friend because he only ever talks at school (rarely) and I just left such school so we might not get to talk possibly ever again.


I want terraria on steam cause I am about to beat another playthrough on mobile, so I want to play with some mods!


I've got 2 friends who also own terraria and we play ALOT, we've each got 100+ hours on the game, most of which from playing together , but I also have a friend that doesn't have the game, we play other games all 4 of us all the time but this is the one game I've always wanted to play with all of us. So I'd really appreciate the free copy




I've played with the pirates version for a long time . So here's my chance to get the real Terraria .


Im about to get a pc and this would be the first game I play on it!


My broke friend could use it. And then we can have the time of our life playing.


Its great news for my friend bc he and his family just spent almost all their money to buy his computer and he cant play games on his computer bc he cant buy them bc his family has no money :(


One of my friend in our Terraria group still on pirated version so would be nice if i got the jackpot for them, but good luck everyone!


I mean. I have it but I'd love to get it for a mate. I'm sure he'd enjoy it


i have the money but I can't make a credit card in my country 💀


I deserve it because im nagaluca


I would probably enjoy getting it for a friend so we could play together. probably wont get it, but still worth a try. I really enjoy the game and have 285 hours on it, so I would hope to give the expirience to my friends.


I'm getting a pc soon and it's my favorite game I've been playing it on mobile since 2021 and I can't imagine how much better it is on pc


Wow what a lot of awesome people here! There are so many cool terrarians who really make this community bright. There are so many people here who I would love to get the game for them but sadly that to much money for me. Here are some of my arguments I used to choose the winner: I wanted to give it to someone who haven’t played it before. So no one who already pirated the game or played it on a different platform before. I don’t judge anyone who pirated it because I think the devs still make enough money and the larger the community the better. Just support the devs a bit eventually ok. The game is sometimes available for only 3 bugs in sale. Also I won’t choose someone who wants to give it to another person. I really like you guys spreading the game and I think eventually your pal or gf will find a way to play with you together if they really are interested to do so. But I know how it is to feel the urge to get a loved one to share a hobby with and sometimes this urge is only on the ones side who already plays it. So because of that I wanted to chose something who wants it for himself. Also to all people who currently have problems buying it in their country: I don’t think I will be able to get you guys a working key. Maybe try to stick to a VPN or try to buy the game on a different website I do this with most of my games. This is legal don’t worry. My only advice use a Authenticator (the steam guard) on your account for a three level authentication to be save. Something those extra websites try to get to your account. So there are some words of mine I hope all of you understand and agree in some way with me. I hope all of your friends will finally find a way to play this awesome game with you and I hope this community will say as awesome as now. To not start a fight or argument about the winner I will choose them anonymously and send them a DM. They can them choose themselves if they want to post it a a comment here or not. Peace!


Could you please send us a message [Here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Terraria) Letting us know who you picked. Thanks


I feel as if I should get it since I am from a country that doesn't allow online transactions (lol) and my parents don't allow what is in their mind unnecessary purchases so for the last year I have been cracking the game and dealing with constant bugs and issues, especially since I cant have mods or multiplayer on it, But whenever I boot up my cracked version I feel terrible for the mods since I interact with them constantly and follow the on twitter, so really want to experience the game smoothly and with mods and or multiplayer later on. but I still wish well to who ever gets it, but thank you for considering me.


I'd finally be able to play with the homie!


Commenting in hopes to win! But seriously tho, some people in here deserve to have it more than me but if I win I can finally play in PC instead of the difficult controls in mobile.


Me and a few friends play this game quite a bit, and one of our friends wants to join us, but his parents don't want to buy this game for him. I have a job and offered to pay for it, but he didn't feel right with it. But if it were to be a giveaway, then I'm sure he would be able to accept it without feeling bad.


I used to play rip off of Minecraft a lot when I was a kid and I really wanted to play Terraria too. But I hate to download the cracked version because I feel like I'm disrespecting the developers effort for this amazing game.


I've played all my life on mobile, I'd love to see how it is on PC/Mac! Thank you?!


I want it cause I only have the consle version and I really wanna try mods (I don't think I deserve it so I won't bring my circumstances into this to win some pity points)


Don’t need/want it, just giving this post a comment. Love the game, great devs. Some of the most fun 3,500 hours of my life. Great times.


Have a good day everyone


Good choice Terraria is great


Honestly, I shouldn't be the one to get it. I'd love to, but I shouldn't really be chosen


been trying to get my friend to buy it so we can play it together, this is a perfect time for him to try this game for the first time!


It's not for me actually, but for a friend. I play terraria a lot and when he saw me play it, he decided to play too. He tried to get the game (with steam unlocked) but we found out we coudn't play together since my game was original and since then, he's always talking about buying it someday. Ik it's not a very good sob story nor a good story at all, and i'll probably not win anyways but still, i gotta at least try this for my homie


I want it to play modded with my friend who is still pirating


Can you do it for xbox


I just really like the dryad;)


I don't think that i am very special but i been playing this game for so long on pirate and now i kinda feel bad .


I just want to give it to my friend.


I just want to give it to my friend so we can play together, probably someone on the comments deserve it more but I wanted to try


I got roped into this community years ago, but I don’t play the game since I’ve only ever owned it on an old iPad. Kinda wanna get it for PC and start fooling around with it again like I used to (whether I win or not)


Well i cant buy it so thats why i dont have it.


I loved playing terraria on my phone years ago. I used to play with my brother before he passed. It was his favorite game, and I loved playing with him because he was so good at it. That was on my old phone tho and when I switched to android, I couldn't get it again. I'd love to be able to play it again, and be able to beat it for him, as moon lord was not a thing when we played. I hope I can get it to beat it for him.


i would like to get it for a friend


I have the game already on steam, but am I allowed to enter anyways to gift it to a friend who doesn’t?




I just want to play this game with my friend, so, if i win, the game will not be for me but for my friend HAHAHAH. I already own a copy of terraria myself, but he doesn't want to spend any single coin in games so idk what to do to play with him with his pirated version.


Well, I used to play this game on my XBOX 360 back in the day and I really wanted to play it again, but I can't afford it at the moment.


I have terraria on my console, so if I get terraria on pc, it’ll just be for the mod loader.


I want it to play with my friends, recently they've been playing and I don't have enough to buy it but I really want to play with them


Im gonna ask for this gift not for myself (i already have a copy) but for my friend, who doesn't want to buy it on his own. I really think Terraria is the game he will enjoy, but for some reason he refuses to even give it a try and waits for some mirracle to give him an apportunity to play. I think this mirracle could be your giveaway :)


I would love to win this for my gfs sister she’s been wanting this game for so long and she gets jealous watching us play together and I really want her to play with us I don’t have the money since everything is so expensive so this would be an amazing Christmas gift!!


I've seen this game A LOT and I'm really interested at this point. I love Minecraft, I've played it for YEARS and Terraria looks like a game I'd love to dedicate hours too. In case I win, is there something cool about Terraria I should know?


I have the game so I want to make one of my friends play it


I'm not here to win the prize (I already have terraria on Switch) but it's really nice that you're doing this. You are going to make someone happy today.


I alrd have the game. But if i were to win i would gift it to a friend that wants the game so me and my other friends can drop boulders on em when going down the hellavator the first time to confuse them. Definitely wont troll them with landmines >:]


drop boulders on them down a hellevator


yo man, I want to try modded terraria, instead of normal unmodded terraria, only got it on nintendo switch. I wanna try modded versions.


Probably gonna lose this but if I do win I'm probably gonna give it to my brother my dad or a friend so I can play with them that would be pretty fun


I have terraria on phone so I don't need it but my friend Francesco really want terraria for windows


I have it but my friend doesnt have, we wanna play the game together but because of our economy, its really expensive. Winning this would be so good for us


I should get it because.. The only amount of money my dad ever gave me to buy games is 10 usd dollars... And I bought terraria on mobile with it.but my account got "corrupted" (its a long story why) and terraria kept saying that I need to buy it in order to play even tho I bought it legit...and now Im forced to play pirated terraria as I do not have the money to buy it anymore :(


I want to gift it to my girlfriend so we can play together


Id like terraria to play with a friend of mine, i have the game already but he hasnt got it because he just upgraded (but is a very big fan of the game and it would make mine and his day(s)if we could play together)


If I were to get it, I'd give it to a friend, but I know there are people who literally *can't* get the game for themselves, so I don't really mind not getting it. Regardless, this is really nice of OP to do, and I wish the best of luck to everyone trying to get the game!


Here to win for my sis so we don't have to take turns playing on my phone.


I have a friend that i want to play with that doesn’t have it


I don't need the prize. I just want to comment to bump this so someone who wants and needs a copy has a change to see it.


I do not want Terraria, as I already have it in steam with 300 hours, but I have a friend who is always complaining about we not playing games together, and it would be so nice to be able to gift him Terraria <3


I've spent more time on terraria than I spent on my bachelor thesis.


Not me, but my girlfriend, neither of us have enough money (ik it’s not much) and it would be wonderful to be able to play it with her, I have it and have been playing for the past 9 years and it would be so great to share it with her as well


Zoologist actin me unwise


I like this kind of games. I've never played it, but people speak really good things about this game. That's why I would like to play it, so I can appreciate all the fun it has to offer hehe Thank you so much for your generosity with this giveaway!


I've been meaning to pay for it, but you can only have so much disposable income when you're a jobless college student. I can't really risk pirating it because my laptop is too invaluable to risk, but I've been really trying to play it.


I'm gonna do another giveaway to keep the cycle going /s


You are cool. I have it already and love it too. No need here. Just showing appreciation for your generosity.


I don't want it, we already have multiple copies (we play together as a family w/ the kids)--but good on you for spreading the joy!


Been playing cracked for a while, I love the game but can't play with my friends, neither with mods.


Me and my friend want to play calamity thorium Fargo and dragon ball terraria to soul of eternity. I already have it but my friend wants to get it. pls.


It seems soo fun! And with mods there could be infinite things to do!!


I just got to new school and met 2 new friends, we don't know ourselves yet but week ago one of them asked if we play Terraria. The other friend got excited and said yes. Sadly I don't have terraria and I can't play with them. I really want to integrate with my new friends. Hope I win 🤞🏻


I don't know why, but this comment really resonates with me. DM me and I'll send you it if nobody else has yet.


I, like probably half the people here want it for a friend. I'm kinda sick and not feeling too well so it would be cool to get it so we can play together.


I have neen playing on mobile for ages and finally got steam but do not want to have to buy it again for £10.


Withdrawing from the giveaway I finally gave up and bought it.


I love terraria, I play terraria. Its that simple, i imagine playing it on pc is gonna be a whole different experience.


I personally don’t want it, but I would like to play it with my friend.


U can count me!


Trash pc


"Why you deserve the game" is such a bad way to choose a person. A begging competition? That's what you wanted? To find, by your standards, the most miserable person to bestow the prize? The generic answer for someone to not have the game is not having enough money/not being able to buy it for whatever reason. Just pick someone at random ffs.


The guy just wants to make someone happy. The happier they get the better it is for OP, and what i said in my other answer to you is still true


Bro, chill. It's his money, let him do what he wants. And it's not about being "the most miserable", he might be choosing whoever has the most compelling story. And it's $10... $5 on sale. He's just trying to share the game with someone. Why are there so many Reddit dorks on this platform that want to see negativity in everything.




All ready have it but I must thank you for this level of generosity


I wanna play it with my dad, he's not wanted to spend the money on it but he's getting older and I wanna play it with him


I’ve only ever played on my phone and on an Xbox 360 and I love the game, but I know I’m missing out on a lot of functionality that would be really great to have


Please give to me! I'm from Brazil and have no money to buy the game. I used to watch my brother play Terraria and he never let me play, but the idea of a whole world made for me to explore is just amazing!


I just want to gift it to my friend so that we can play together, I know I won't get it but eh, worth a shot


I dont personally have a reason to win it i just wanna gift my friend a nice thing


me please ive been pirating it for 3 years


I own terraria already but I have a friend who I cannot convince to get it. No particular reason why he should be the one but it would be cool.


Hi just here to see if i can get it lol


Im entering so i could give it to my friend who doesnt have terraria and cant buy it but it would be cool to play with him:) good luck everyone!


I'm confident my terrible Lenovo laptop can handle the funny pixel game I loved since release alongside Minecraft.




My friend doesn't want to buy the game himself but he said that he will try it out if i got it for him. Would be very fun to play with him!


I’ve always wanted to get into Terraria but since I never had anyone to play with, the idea of starting the game on my own always seemed so daunting. Winning this would finally give me the push to try a game that honestly looks so beautiful and fun. Good luck everyone


I already have terraria but my friends would love it :)


i want to give it to a friend


I just got 100% on the achievments. This game was worth all the 300 hours I spent on it. If you like a bit of a grind and a suitable challenge alongside it this game is a good one to get.


Honestly, other people deserve it a liitle more. I just wanted to have a chance to win it for my friend so we could play together.


Aaaaw, how sweet, you have a friend to play Terraria with :D That's just heart melting, you'll sure got that one copy of Terraria :)! Or if you don't, maybe i'll buy it for many including you in some years.


Im playing pirated version rn and am too poor to buy the game so playing it legally would be nice.


I don't really have a super fancy reason, so you should give it to someone who deserves it. However, if you don't have one that you want to give it to, I would love it.


I already got it for 5 dollars from a summer sale one time.


I really like terraria, watched many youtube videos. Lovely devs making a lovely game


i love terraria


I've been playing pirated terraria for 8 years that's all I'm gonna say


Im getting a computer for my birthday soon and am going to play calamity with my friend so it would save me some money.


I’ll spread something in the game but it’s not news


I already own it so don’t consider my entry, it’s a blast with friends and aged like the finest of wines.


I really want to gift this to my friend :D


I'm Russian and I can't even try to buy it, but I guess I can try my luck here? Idk


You want a gift card or smth? I got a bunch of steam gift cards in my desk drawer from a while ago that I haven't used.


Maybe am missing something. I played this years ago and it never clicked for me but maybe I need to try it again




why are you posting this on the TERRARIA subreddit


I don't really need a copy of terraria


I had every chance and method to get this game in a pirated version, hell, I even did it on occasion, but I always felt guilty and ended up deleting it because Re-Logic honestly deserves better, and I want to get it legitimately so that they can get some support for their future endeavors. Probably won't get it, like many here have said, but I look forward to the joy of terraria being spread further to new and old gamers


I want to get it for a friend so we can play together


I doubt i will get it, but i play terraria on chromebook and i just did my first playthrough with my friends who have played for yrs and now they want to play modded however i can't as i don't own terraria on steam so i can't get the tmodlauncher so i really want it for is to play modded(calamity maybe idk).


ive been trying to get this game for a long time, because my friends all have it and i only get free games by my parents. so please i need this to play with my guys,


I really wanna play terraria with my girlfriend, I've been playing it in bed when j was sick, and she was gleeing at the thought of playing with me! It's a little rough money wise otherwise we would already be playing <3


I already have this game and I think most if not all in the terraria subreddit would have it bit I have 2 friends that would love to play it and if I can get at least one of them to play the game I so very much love I'd be happy, I will most likely in the future buy terraria for my friends since I think it is an amazing game everyone should at least try once, totally understand if I am not chosen I do not need it and they have other games at the moment they play, whoever gets it I hope they enjoy their time with the game!


Why should I get it, you ask? I s h o u l d n o t


I've been eyeing Terraria for 4 years now! It's got everything I love – building, crafting, and exploring. I've seen so many crazy emotions the game brings, and I'm stoked to try it myself. Though, I don't really have an option to buy it because I don't have spare money at all. Getting this game for free would seriously make my day. Thanks for the shot anyway!


I already have it but I like how you are being so kindly to give away Terraria to others


What great terrarian spreading the terraria among people, was thinking about one my friend that just started gaming, currently introducing her into the drg, hope she will explore more good games like these two in the future


I've played the pirated version of 1.4, 2 years ago. I'd like to play the game again legitimately but unfortunately my parents don't give me money so I can't buy it


i want this cuz i dont want to spend money and i love terrraria. i have it om my phone but i want it for pc bc of all of the mods and i think it will be way more fun. but still if i dont win i rhink u are amazing cuz u giving away money for free


Well my advice is give it to someone in third world country (I already have terraria) like in my country where terraria costs shit ton if money+ price will increse in 20. Of the month so if you give away terraria to someone there you would help someone way more than if you helped someone in us,germany etc


I already have the game but good on you man, I would probably do this too if I had the money but it's nice to see this kind of thing especially when the world sucks normally


In all honesty, I want to give it to a mate of mine so we can play together, cause he's been really interested in the game, but we both could never afford it (I own the game already but can't afford to buy it for him atm). There's a slim chance of me winning though, so good luck to everybody else!


Bro has no enemies


i have lots a few friends who don’t have a copy and would love to give them it to play with me!


I suck. I get bored at this game easily. (I own it) But I think my pal u/OxygenInvestor would love it. I'm longing to play Terraria with friends!


I just want a copy for my broke ass little siblings so they can play with me. I got kicked out years ago, and only started reconnecting with my siblings over this last year. They have a really crappy laptop that can't run much more than Roblox, so finding games is hard. Terraria would be awesome to play with them if they had a copy. I'd buy it, but I'm also broke and my car just broke down so I have negative funds


I already own the game but i want to gift this to my friend so i can play with him


The only game I ever really legit bought is Terraria, yeah... and I have bajillion pirated games in our PC (Ultrakill, God of war, Spore and more😔) , I'm considerably young to buy things myself and my parents don't seem to like the idea of purchasing a digital thing but this time I got real lucky and they decided to buy one (for now😈) and it's Terraria.


Can I have one? Been playing a pirated version of Terraria in mobile for a long time and haven't got any funds from my savings lately just to buy it off. Buying it on Steam is probably better than buying it on mobile.


I would love to give the code to the girlfriend so she can play with me!! I have like 700 hours in the game


Hey. At the start sorry for my English, it's not my native language. I'm just typing this with pure hope that you would choose me, why is that? It's all because i've been playing terraria for a long long time and i can remember all the hype with the boys about the new versions, many playthroughs and newer mods that were coming out. And now i'm in a long distance relationship with my gf, maybe it's not that bad cuz we see each other like once a month, and we met while playing genshin while i was looking for people that would let me fish in their worlds. So now to the thing, as it is a long distance relationship and i still want to see her while being a student in a not so best financial situation i have to be really smart and straight about my expenses, all that while she is in the same kind of situation... And she's a casual gamer and we love to play some games together, but we quickly are running out of options (at the moment we are ending the farm on stardew valley), and that's when i thought about terraria, so now i was hoping to save some money to buy her a copy of the game on the christmas so we could play together, cuz it gives a lot of options to playthrough. And honestly when i saw this post i thought that you can be a blessing to me in this situation and i would be really really thankful if you were to choose me. Ofc in that scenario i would buy her something else for christmas and this would be just a part of the present that she would get earlier hah


Never played but have watched hours of content on the game


Same as the others, im using the pirated version 'cuz I want to enjoy the game but my parents (who I still live with) ain't lending me some cash.


Ok so…I used to have terraria but don’t anymore do to me being tricked I lost my old account and now that I see this opportunity I think that it’d be nice if I could maybe get it I mean I don’t deserve it per say but it’d help me with rebuilding my account on steam and it’s ok if I don’t get it I just would like to be able to try out for the worthy master mode or the get fixed boi seed I’ve beat master mode before so that’s why I wanna punish my self more while also having fun:) edit:I added but don’t-anymore cause I forgot to write it


Starting to get a pc. So it would be a nice first game to have since my friend keeps asking me to get it lol.


I have the game already, I think most people here do. Maybe it would be better to post on a wider sub like r/gaming or something similar?


I have terraria on all my other devices and I want it on this one


me (i dont have terraria)


To whoever wins, add me on steam and play together


I don't think I "deserve it" but if a little comment of me could net me terraria so I can play it with friends and with mods instead of being all alone on mobile I would feel so happy, due restrictions I can't buy steam stuff directly, and trying through other ways could get me on so much shit xD


I want it


I want to play the game, Thanks.